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What are some of your favorite campaign missions?
I just beat this game and the final mission where both sides team up against the greater foe was really cool.
That's a fine way to end the campaign. Starcraft and Warcraft 3 had similar final mission. Although story-wise I find the W3 team-up underdeveloped. Like it happens out of nowhere in the short cutscene right before the final mission. Overall Night Elves campaign always felt rushed to me.
However personal one of my favorite mission is the fourth mission of AoE2 Francisco de Almeida campaign. You start basically in the middle of the city and your objective is to wreck shit up. It's one of those mission where you don't build economy, but you can get resources from feitorias and gold from destroying buildings. Also converting enemy elephants with monks is always fun.
Another one is also from AoE2, fourth mission of the Babur campaign. It's your "survive until the timer hits zero" kind of mission, but what I like is that the mission have three phases. First one is preparation where no only you have to build up your economy and prepare defense for the attack, but also can help yourself by destroying enemy outposts or even try converting side-enemies chiefs for an AI ally. The second is your regular defending against waves of enemies and at the end you get a victory lap. Where you go on offense and get to destroy the main enemy base.
I always enjoyed the one mission in Act of War where you're fighting in DC. During the mission you have side objectives to save SWAT officers fighting the terrorists.
The reason I like how Kingdom Under Fire did it is because you play through the good and evil campaigns and then the final mission you get control over both armies as they encircle and form an alliance of desperation to destroy the greater threat.
Not a unique setup but the execution of it in a strategy title scored some points.
btw how is the game? Any interesting gameplay wise?
It switches back and forth between standard rts fare of the time and very barebones Diablo-esque segments where you can find a few pieces of various equipment but you're not allocating stat points or creating builds.
While the final mission where you get to control both sides in one mission is interesting, if I wasn't already familiar with Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders I would not have gone back to play this one over a better title.
This game isn't going to blow your mind in any regard, especially not now. And it never gave itself a chance to grow with another game of this style since they moved to Crusaders after this.
Not a terrible game but I can't recommend it unless you're struggling to find something to play.
I liked in Kohan 1 where you fight several enemy heroes over the couse of the campaign, but in the final level you face all of them together. They all have something to say when you meet them again. It was really memorable to me
Final level of Warcraft 1 when you spam major summoning and watch in awe as an unstoppable force completely crush the enemy. It was an easy mission but a very cathartic way of ending the game
Is it true the free version has build in spyware? That's why it's free.
Human or orc campaign? Or are they both the same?
The same. Orcs summon demons, humans summon water elementals. Nothing can stop them
The one on Steam? I'm not really sure.
None steam version even work on modern systems nowadays???
I really enjoyed a lot of the earlier missions in Ground Control 1, the totally predeployed nature of the campaign means the devs can actually make the player lose in a convincing way since any losses you take can't be replaced. The specific mission that I remember is the one where you have to retreat through a narrow valley while being pounded by AT infantry and ground attack aircraft. It's not particularly engaging from a gameplay perspective since the optimal strategy is just to run through as fast as possible and spam deploy AA turrets, but in the moment it feels like everything's unraveling and that you're totally fucked, even if you probably won't get any of your squads wiped.
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The third mission of the order's campaign in Winter Assault ends up with a really great and intensive defensive section against waves of orcs. Too bad the beginning with Eldars wasn't that interesting. This really stretches over the whole campaign. The Guards parts are fun and feel like a massive battles and the Eldars parts are just whatever to me.
I remember being a little kid and going over to a friend's house. When I walked in he was playing Ground Control and I was blown away that the vehicles left tracks in the terrain.
I didn't get to play many games back then so I have no idea if that was something common at the time or not.

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