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>greatest total war game
>is not even a full total war
>is a dollar store dlc…
>with half the factions
>and a quarter of the units
>and no rome
>and a fraction of the map
I don’t get it, why do people love age of Charlemagne so much?

No matter what I do, I lose.
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There are some times where I find the game fun like starting as Venzeula and creating Gran Colombia. You end up with enough of your resources and the ones you lack you can just wage puppet-annex wars to the South. But broadly the game was boring because AI doesn't upgrade it's armies really and any big conflict you end up getting retarded as countries intervene. I find the economy/politic aspect interesting if esoteric. If you want immigration for example the quickest way to get it is ending up into a shithholes trade union like Austria and you will receive millions of German immigrants if you have the right policy. I also liked going for things like the aristocrats can fund farms as a budget stop gap if you are an unciv with a massive population you need to employ first in primary economic activity like if you start Punjab or the stans.
you're supposed to not play nuparadox games at all
This shit is retarded. that's just a become a liberal democracy for good goy points with bad goy points for not being wholesome mechanic.
I think it makes a lot of sense and certainly way more sense than before, Japan for example became "recognized" irl because they liberalized, if they closed their doors like China did you can imagine why no one would have taken them seriously.
>Also the IU of the game is atrocious, it is so unintuitive holy fucking shit all the information you actually need is hidden behind 3-4 menus and all the fucking map modes are horrible.
That's a plus, actually.
t. Vicky 2 player.

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>title name and colour customisation
>CoA customisation
>custom faiths
>hybrid/divergent cultures
>architecture/fashion mix&match options
>achievements allowed with mods
Why did they never add these things back in CK2? Was player choice not respected back then?
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Get a refund, there's going to be a patch and probably a sale next week (it'll be f2p during that duration, too)

I'd recommend Tours and Tournaments, but the base game has gotten a lot of free updates so it's not that bad on its own
Vikings is just reselling the Old Gods, you can do a meme migration and conquer india within two lifetimes
Royal Court's only good function is cultural divergence/hybridization (the custodian team is apparently put a lot of work in for the update about court events)
Iberia is pretty meh, it's just war declaration modifiers. Get it if you want to play in Spain
Tours and Tournaments adds a good amount, but they're also just moneysinks for the rich. I've gone on 1 (one) whole tour for the achievements because feasts are cheaper. Tournaments are kinda fun if you're stuck in a bored place and want something to do
Legacy of Persia just turns Iran into a battle royale in 867 (nothing for 1066 lol)
LotD adds forgettable legends while the plagues are free (you get burials and black plague events with the dlc)
to /trash/ then, although I do think with the landless stuff ck3 would get eligible for the /vrpg/, although the tick density would need to be increased to have true pre-made singleplayer campaigns with it.
>me when i sell a plot of flat land for the full price of a house
>2/6 points are gameplay related
Why is there no HIP equivalent for this game ?

By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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He actually got laid, so no.
I didn't, in the earliest scenario the alliance hadn't happened yet and I didn't bother to do diplomacy with them because I thought I'd be safe until the alliance event triggered. I was wrong lol. This time around I kept him in my good graces. They're still the strongest clan but I can focus on killing kenshin now. I feel like the Takeda are better suited for the 1560 start. Starting as early as possible requires you to sit on your ass a lot if you want to see all events.
Yeah, the Takeda in 1560 seem REALLY strong. You start off allied with two of your main potenial rivals, can easily ally the oda, and have about 7 years to hyper focus on destroying Kenshin before events break your alliance with the Hojo and Imagawa. Only downside is that Shingen will die earlier, but by the point that becomes a actual problem you should already own most of the map.
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checked and bussy-billed

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Being an aoe3fag truly is suffering
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Welp yes but Prussia is gay
The German Homecity is Berlin, led by Frederick the Great, and you've Prussian Uhlan and Needle Gunners as well as access to the other German states
The game is about playing a colony/expedition of German people, not as the German state
I really don't see why Germany doesn't represent Prussia in AoE3's case.
no musketeer when it's the one fucking thing prussia was known for.
>muh colony
hasn't been true since you could play as native americans.

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Since there isn't a thread up
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the arch-example of a terrible monopoly is rockerfeller's standard oil, which was forcibly broken up by the us government at the initiative of roosevelt and taft

during SO's vicious monopoly reign, the price of refined oil dropped to an eighth
just assign some ships to defend your flagship and there you go, instant flanking detatchment
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I guess I could lead the flanks myself, also how am I supposed to tell what is going on from the map, why do the icons need to be gigantic?
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>delayed 2 more weeks

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I enjoy the remaster
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Only if you want to play mods. The game itself is still the same old Rome 1 it was 20 years ago.
If you can stomach the ui, it is worth for some mods. Honestly, nowadays I prefer Rome 2 to play with this historical period.
anybody try this one out for the BAI?
it is exactly the same as og Rome TW other than the ui, which is honestly better in some ways (hit tab to see overview map, info on cities/units easier to see at a glance, etc) even if it is worse in others (ui elements scattered around the screen rather than all in a bar across bottom, small text). Oh and it takes up way too much HD space but I've become apathetic to that bullshit at this point

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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
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Why would you want a downgrade?
I needed 6 shades to stop him but damn it worked. blocking them + taking down the blood elves first really helped out
best tavern heroes?
All of them except for Firelord are good, hell, even he has his uses.
Explaining them all would take ages, just watch Grubby's video tier list for Heroes.
TLDR: pick Panda if you need a frontliner, Sylvanas if you need utility, Naga if you need to delete a hero and Beastmaster if you need bodies in the field pronto.
>on hellscreams 15k lumber mission
>wiped out most of the elves and if i go any further the mission will complete
>14k lumber and have access to 3 or 4 goldmines
>start executing some units
>train peons
>start building walls of watchtowers around remaining elf bases
>down to 9k lumber
>not enough
>start building more watchtowers in randomass spots
>5k lumber
>take out the elves
>11k lumber
>more goldmines
>start building even more watchtowers

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Hopes? Fears?
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>Just some guys on a boat doing boat stuff
>He just comes up and kills them
Oh yeah that's right, he was a fucking prick in the campaign.
the real mythology is still worse though, more petulant than Zeus.
Looks like when you use that face app to make someone smile.
Spirit wolves don't belong in AoM. This isn't Warcraft 3.
Subhuman artists are the worst nigger loving anti-white faggots and AI disenfranchising them is a good thing.
Dude that was fucking hand painted, how dare they replace it with AI shit

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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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New community tales just dropped. Banner sisters, we are so back.
Highlights of this iteration include linking to mods that haven't been updated in over a year and one of the links being auto-detected by Steam to be potentially malicious kek.
why don't you share the good part too, anon?
they know bannerlord is shit and are still accepting suggestions.
>We want to reassure you that we're still on this path and working towards future updates. We share your enthusiasm for what lies ahead and although it will take a while longer to finalize the new additions, be confident that they are coming.
>In the meantime, we encourage you to continue sharing your feedback and ideas with us. Your input plays a crucial role in shaping the future of Bannerlord, and we value your ongoing support.
*huffs hopium*
>Oh boy, Mount & Blade Bannerlord announcement from TaleWorlds?!

>Community Tales #9
>We share your enthusiasm
They're as tired of it as everyone else is?
>or how about joining them bretonnian larpers, they organise huge 400+ player battles
Who? Actually sounds like fun

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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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fucking racist bastard
Based Chuck?
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Why does the eu4 wiki look like this for me now?
quit acting so pretentious with your shallow game you eu4 nigger baby
nopeee it's just an overly abstract meme unit, something you can fill your rear row with

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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How does it work?
>But they are born from normal people
So are cripples and the mentally I'll, didn't stop them from being ostracized and mistreated by their fellows.
If people can find any kind of difference between one another, imagined or real, they will discriminate, always have.
With something as impactful as magic in this setting it doesn't take much to foster hate, resentment and persecution.
>Surely you can write a similar story without having to invoke implausible events.
Inplausable by what metric? We only consider most events in history plausible and the baseline because it's our timeline.
History is way more whack than fiction.
Is there a way to play Centaurs without turning into a WC Timer Death machine? (I understand all games turn into WC but I usually stop once I achieve regional supremacy or whatever objective I had)
Just don't form KU, or wait for the new formables. If you absolutely NEED a formable you can flip Jadd and form the Jadd Empire.

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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W's WW3 jumps the shark. Going in on Bashar/Iran/Venezuela/Best Korea worked much better as a final escalation of America's wars. Not to mention the gay post-apocalyptic endings that are right out of TNO (ha ha future civilizations think that laptops were religious artifacts do you geeeeeet it???). Clark's ending where American troops get sent to like 13 foreign conflicts works much better as a dark jingoistic ending.
I only like the Bush one desu.
Are there scenarios that you guys are hopeful? I'll start with this. https://www.reddit.com/r/thecampaigntrail/comments/17w0to0/mod_announcement_19171918_russian_provisional/?rdt=61660
It feels somewhat unnecessary. But not too crazy.
It meets the concept of the mod being this 2006 resist lib editorialist lens.

>Bush, without his staff, can be a moron and cause WW3 with China
>Clark, in a jingoistic America, can start WW3 with Russia
>Cheney, given that he's evil in the mind of the narrator, starts WW3 of tensions with Russia are high enough
I agree honestly. It's gay and retarded, but it's consistent with the internal logic of the mod. There are plenty of things W fairly deserves to be criticized for, but this isn't one of them.

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What am I in for?
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>It also doesn't have voice acting
positive desu
>What's the point of the most efficient way to kill motherfuckers dead
You won't even get half-decent vehicles when motherfucker with swarm of soldiers is going to rape your ass
>The cope of EOL
You realise you can turn on English subs and have better voices... right?
>Nigger faggot seriously struggles with one of the easiest missions in the game
I pray for your soul once Arabs roll onto the mix. Because the game is going to ass-rape your stupid, incompetent, half-brain ass
The established lore is three different stories. Meaning: there is none. On one had, there is the original (ha ha) plotline that's just adaptation of Jeschke's "Last Day Of Creation". Then there is the plotline of the early development game, distancing itself from the source material. THEN there is late dev plotline, when they've realised they are 3 months behind the schedule and shit has to get cut and condensed. Those are effectively three different plotlines for the game.

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Why have there been no good city builders in years?
You'd think it would be easier than ever with how fast CPUs are today.
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this game is gonna be one of the goats
Sim city 3000 is still the best. You don't need a new one every year.
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Any city builders where you can see inside buildings?
This was my favourite city builder when I was younger. Theres a swiss guy doing something that is probably rhe closest to a spiritual successor, Pax Augusta iirc is the name
Damn, I loved CivCity back in the day. I found the disk in a box full of junk in a back room some months back and tried installing it to no avail. I want to play it again...

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