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¨10/10 but i cant ignore the feel that could have more content.¨

First, who are you quoting?
Secondly, I still hope we get some sort of DLC expansion some day, it's too good to pass up.
Gonna have to hop back in soon, haven't replayed in a while.
random steam review
Never graduated beyond Easy with most squads and haven't managed to get all unlocks yet.
Had a very good run with the smoke dudes, but lost steam for some reason and now I haven't played for quite some time and would probably have to start at 0 again.
Also I hate that one of the best pilots is a danger hair cocky mutt.
Lol what a retard. I beat the campaign on normal, still haven't gotten all my mech teams unlocked yet, might need to do some more hard mode runs in the near future.
i unlocked all the squads on normal

i'm always weary of more content in a game like this. just feels like every time they add something they might break the game/balance. i played ftl advanced and the additions are fine i think but i never played into the breach's add on, whatever it was called
buy an ad for your puzzle game
Thats basically my exact opinion of the game, after 40 hours on Steam.

It just got a little bland, I felt like it was almost a masterpiece. I even played some mods which were pretty good, but one was broken and I eventually gave up trying to fix things.

I'd give it a 4/5. Id love to replay it, but only with an expansion or good mods.
The content is what the devs wanted to make. A tight-looped, pick up n play small form TBS.

The game is moddable, and all the Lua script files are there to edit. Personally, I would have liked a slightly more detailed/involved strategy layer.

Yeah this game is very tightly balanced around what is there, the Advanced Edition modifiers do add more things, though if you're a beginner i would STRONGLY recommend you either leave it off, or ONLY enable Pilot Skills and/or Weapons.
I mean they pretty much doubled the content in a free update only like a year or 2 ago. It's very good and there's a lot to do. I bought the game on PC beat it all, then bought it again on switch and 100%'d it again.
I thought it would be a fine game to try if it was available on mobile. They actually did port it, but only for Netflix users, the bastards.
what could have been a much needed modern turn based tactics game, ruined by gay roguelike dev laziness. I'm so glad that I didn't pay for this shit game.
A pretty fun game, but just like with FTL i lost all interest once i beat it
when i first got the game on release i was filtered hard and couldn't reliably win on anything higher than easy, especially on steel judoka. I went back to play it again a few months ago and was getting plenty of win streaks on hard, especially as steel judoka. I don't know what happened.

Man what is it with FTL? I play most strategy games on high difficulty because I enjoy it, but with FTL normal I just couldn't beat it. Hard fuckin game. Part of the problem is I would ragequit sometimes from the stupid random events that just made one of my crewmen die, for no reason.
Most of it comes down to luck. Early game you visit every station you can (and if it fucks you over, reload), once you get good weapons, modules, crewmembers you just rush to the end.
I was enjoying this game one day, when my gamepad batteries died. When I charged them and attempted to start playing the next day, it no longer recognized the controller. I refuse to sit at a desk and play with mouse, how do I fix this. GOGGames version so the Steam disable controller trick doesn’t work.
>Most of it comes down to luck
false, git gud
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Was that review made before the free expansion? I got the same feeling as I worked my way through mastering and unlocking the base squads with the enemy selection, but after I enabled it, there was much more variance which helped extended the life of the game
Quite the contrast with FTL, which felt complete and *then* it was expanded, while Into the Breach felt lacking
I still think that Into the Breach feels inferior to FTL, every time I played it, I felt
>It's good, but not FTL good
Also, I feel like the RNG can screw you more than in FTL, but it may just be a skill issue from my part
>FTL is only available for iPad
>Into the Breach is only available with a Netflix subscription
I don't know what it is with these dudes and mobile ports.
If nobody answers this within 24 hours I will be forced to kill myself in a ritual sacrifice and then haunt everyone who read this post without replying until they go insane and are committed or shot by the police. You’ve been warned, I am setting a timer now.
m8 who are you kidding, you couldn't spook a cat
It's fun but there's the objectively correct choice and the objectively incorrect choice when it comes to pilots, mechs, and weapons. You don't really get much for using the gimmicky meme shit once you do the challenges to get the points.
>there's the objectively correct choice and the objectively incorrect choice when it comes to pilots, mechs, and weapons
care to elaborate? obviously i agree that some mechs/pilots/weapons are way better than others but i'm curious if there's really a set "meta" or if the game is solved
problem exists between your controller and chair
Disregard, I fixed it. You’re all very lucky
Yes, you are still alive. How lucky for us.
half the pilot roster is close to s or a tier
>I still hope we get some sort of DLC expansion some day
Already happened in the form of the advanced edition or whatever its called, and since this game just wasnt as popular as FTL its doubtful we will ever get that.

Im more looking forward to what the devs make next, these guys know how to make good roguelikes I can sink a couple hundred hours into
Unlocking the Crystal Cruiser is such fucking horseshit bros....
How the fuck are you reasonably supposed to use the steel judoka squad? Feels like every turn in a battle has to have perfect RNG for you to move the bugs in advantageous places, its fucking impossible.
According to their website, having FTL on a touch screen is not "practical"
Having ITB available with a Netflix Sub is mind bending though
This squad is kinda crap, but they seem to scale well with increased difficulty lol. Overall their island 1 game is weeeak, so island choice matters.

Starting with the pilot that can move thru enemies and rushing +1 move upgrades is a good early strat.
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named pilots are objectively better than the random mooks you start the game with. They don't even get faster mastery like humans do in FTL, so you're objectively crippling yourself by not taking the named characters that come baked with an inherent passive or active ability.
Most of the mastery bonuses in the basegame came down to a split of extra movement, free core, or more HP, with getting grid defense being the rope option.
With the advanced edition content it's less of a clear cut for level up masteries, but the named pilots are still insanely valuable, and since you can basically savescum to preserve them into future runs even if your run is currently fucked, you're actively punished for not keeping the same cheese team (read: singular gigapilot in a mech that they take the most advantage of).
The pilots are probably the worst-balanced mechanic in the entire game.
Just grab the Vek lmao
as for a real answer, you want to plan out the following turn in advance. Bugs only have so much movement to spend, and there's an upper cap on how many bugs can be out at once so you can use that to manipulate how crowded the field gets.
Whats a fun custom squad set up? I want to do standard, hulk, artillery and tech like most teams but I feel like theres probably a strong set up.
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Its hard for me to play this game and not play FTL at the same time, or vice versa. These devs just know how to make roguelikes that worm their way into my brain and lose 100 hours in. Anytime I see one of these threads I feel like they need to be a FTL/ItB thread. I just wanna unlock the crystal cruiser so much bros.
Keeping a pilot between runs is 'one' way to play. Not giving a shit and treating it like a roguelike is another way. As a beginner you'll probably cherish that leveled Abe, but after a while you'll wanna try other squad & main mech builds which means you'll have to need to cherish leveled pilots less.

Adding to your response to >>1738394 :
Remember the main objective is to survive 5 turns and keep your power grid up.

In MANY cases, you need to consider not attacking/killing a Vek and instead focus on "body blocking" attacks & pushing vek off target.

Another thing that REALLY made this game ez was the realization that vek for the most part have no AI, and choose a random target within their move range. Exploit this knowledge to your advantage.

I haven't tried Unfair yet, but the max vek on screen allowed is 6 (5 on easy iirc). Again, exploit this to your advantage.

And when it comes to target prio, in MANY cases you want to eliminate fliers ASAP.
one type of mech squads. three swap mechs, three flame mechs, etc
What's your favorite pilot and squad?
>Henry Kwan
Great quotes but also a lifesaver whenever the Vek try to bodyblock objectives
Instakills on demand make nearly every fight trivial even by the 4th island. Pretty neat color scheme as well.
haven't played the advanced edition but
>favorite pilot
camila vera. love that i can get an annoying vek to waste its turn by trying to bind her, also synergizes really well with rusting hulks
>favorite squad
flame behemoths for the map denial and constant damage
>Favorite Pilot
Bethany Jones mai waifu
>favorite Squad?
Rusting Hulks are a blast for me, but im sure I will have a new one once I finally git gud and have more time with the new squads in advanced edition
>Early game you visit every station you can (and if it fucks you over, reload),
WOW your really bad at the game.

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