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dominions bread
hopes/dreams/fears for dominions 6?
total list of known (so far) changes in 6: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2511500/discussions/0/3807281445020039925/
Just started playing Conquest of Elysium 5. I think I like it more than Dom, I can't really tell. These games feel so empty when you first play them. I'm, sure there's more under the hood, but at the moment it just feels like "build and summon units and attack things". And that's it. Not sure it has as much stuff to do as Dom.
I only play MP dominions so the game feels pretty alive, but for the life of me I could not figure out how to navigate around CoE when I bought it on sale
It was mostly the magic system of dom that drew me in
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>8 nations added
>EA/MA Pyrene
Unsurprisingly a huge update. With at least 3/8 nations confirmed, any ideas on what the remaining 5 will be? Even LA Pyrene still leaves room for 4.
>Unsurprisingly a huge update
That will be $40 plus tip.
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it is definitely more barebones than dom but i also enjoy it a lot more, it's comfy. dominions never clicked for me until recently, but immediately after it did i picked up coe5 and fell in love with being able to fuck off to another dimension or instigate the rapture
Honestly I wish more game devs did this approach where they just add stuff incrementally over a series with very little removed instead of outright RUINING it by pulling a lot of features for the sake of graphics or other dumb shit
I think I've got an hour of fun from dominions for every 5 cents spent
La Na'Ba is rumoured to be one.
>yet another norse nation
can't contain my hype, illfraud
Kek, I can only imagine how much Doom 2 makes you mad.
Some kind of ingame matchmaker.
I sit around playing AI games and trying out builds because my social anxiety is too high to actually seek out other players. I have over 1100 games i have started and never completed because I reached a point it was obvious I was winning and just lost interest and went back to try a new build.
how about some fuckin AI that can at least pretend to play the game
just join a game on /domg/
you dont even need to talk to anyone
I wish the different planes such as in coe5 would be fully implemented, sure apparently modders will be able to do so, though it would be nice to have it right off the bat.
Why would you want to play against AI? Most of the fun in the game comes from all the bullshit strategies people can come up with
don't want to play multiplayer, simple as
speaking of which, are there any decent coe5 mods? besides the capital garrison ones that I always use to make sure AI doesn't immediately suicide
It depends heavily on what faction you play. Some, like cultists, are just summoning things and waiting to be able to summon things. Others you can go around upgrading towns or modifying forests to help you passively defend or create extra units. Some factions involve management and upgrading units like the Necromancer or Dryad Queen.

Besides summoning units and attacking things, exploration and finding things is the source of interest. There are lots of special tiles that may or may not spawn that have interesting interactions. Temple-like areas usually give some magic items to whoever finds them first, there are tiles you can activate and do things like scry areas or change the length of seasons (e.g. to make autumn longer and collect more fungus which doubles in autumn). There's a number of rare semi-spoilery things you will encounter once in a blue moon if you're not just fucking around the map every time. Basically it's a fun learning experience. >>1591110 is right about it being fun to go to other planes and maybe slaughter everything there so certain factions have no special units to summon, but I like interactions with tiles myself. Realizing that fairy circles aren't just resource generators, being able to crown yourself king or emperor, seeing a pyramid you own being unmarked this turn and preparing yourself, activating portals.
>don't want to play multiplayer, simple as
I don't think the game is for you then. That's like wanting to play GMod RP or SS13 offline
Fast start one so you don't have to spend the entire early game hurting for pennies
Tricksters that just wanna gang up on a new player for not playing an approved faction.
I for one enjoy dicking around building themed armies and such on huge maps with big modifiers to income, resources, and all that.
I mean sure if you wanna just wanna win and play the equivalent of America or Germany in every map painter, you have that option, but a lot of the fun is seeing asymmetric strategies and alliances popping up because someone is designated the threat/weak.
Yeah that's all I really want to do as well, and it is doable currently but the AI is so nonexistent that it kind of takes me out of it. I'm not asking for much, just basic AI diplomacy for the sixth fucking iteration of this game.
It's just frustrating and a little bizarre that this cool niche historical/mythological game that oozes incredible theme and roleplaying potential is only really playable as an ultra grognard metafag multiplayer game
I hear ya. I do believe theres something about non aggression pacts that can be made with the AI in that thread.
>Making a dom5 thread when dom6 comes out in 2 weeks
Urgh, it look like some basic update on the 6 . I was hoping for more rpg aspect in their commander. This feel like power and revolution again
>Play CoE5 as troll king
>Only one king allowed
>Only one male troll allowed period, all others have to transition or be eaten.
>Capture an ancient forest
>Get a lake troll king
what the butt
>Can't even recruit lake troll warriors from ancient troll forests, only ancient forests
>Rpg aspect
An RPG set in the Dominions universe would be great. Or a rogue like at the least. Right now Coe kinda scratches the itch, but it’s just not there for me.
>just basic AI diplomacy for the sixth fucking iteration of this game
They're adding it
Dungeon Crawler rougelike like Stone Soup Dungeon Crawl in Dominions universe would be so good
Instead of diplomacy they should add
>Actual flying for flying units, not teleport as it is now
>Projectile trajectories
>AI actually using formations for their troops
>More/More complex orders for your formations, maybe ability to scrip them like mages?
Honestly if there was like one room dungeons like in Eador, that'd be nice.
Yeah the game already has perfect assets to make a real deep roguelike if he ever felt like making one.
Why would a Dom roguelike be different from any other roguelike? If it were open world like DF adventure mode, Elona, or any predecessor I could see the player trying to survive in the world, but if's it's just dungeon crawling and fighting handfuls of mythological shit, it'd just be a normal roguelike.
That'd be up to the developer to differentiate it from other roguelikes. That's like literally every game that shares a genre.
Depends on the mechanics of the game. Magic would have to be the main focus. A mixture of gem collecting in addition to finding rare spells to learn. Although CoE doesn't require gems for spell casting, more if it's just ritual casting or spell learning. Would be pretty cool just being a troll shaman wandering the woods, collecting fungi and nature gems. Even plundering the tomb cities of C'tis or exploring the sunken city of the Telkhine would be fun if done right.
Leakers said so
for one, the DRN and the way attack checks are made would differ it from basic roguelikes. Secondly, as others said, the magic system would probably need to be core to the experience, or else you're just playing Tony Hawk's Pro Thugging (which could also be cool if the magic items in Dominions werent 75% absolute duds). Having multiple creatures per tile could also be an interesting twist, imagine going through a tight corridor and not being blocked by a lone skelly because he's size 2 but so are you so you both fit in a max size 6 square, i wished for this repeatedly when playing Pixel Dungeon and DCSS
Honestly something like Eador would be fine with the way it handles dungeons
when is dominions 6 coming out?
It's already out. It's called Dominions 5.
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CoE has appropriate amount of random bullshit that keeps the games entertaining and it alleviates the late game slog too except if you are fighting the Dwarf Queen.
Fuck the AI dwarves.
Is there any info on the soundtrack? I hope they bring back some Dom4 bangers.
Hell yeah brother, all the stuff from Falsobodorne is killer. They introduced me to the cantigas and their versions are still some of my favorites, especially santa maria strela do dia
also just to clarify I have no clue about the dom6 soundtrack I was talking about dom4 lol
Playing Conquest and I am not a big fan of permanent injuries on my elite troops.
What factions have the most of regeneration/healing/whatever units so I could ignore this mechanic?
Troll king, but only trolls have it.(almost every leader besides the troll kings family are not trolls)
Stop being a fag though, injuries don't matter to anything strong and most things heavily affected by them don't live through many battles anyway. Exceptions being blinded, cursed, or horror marked. Those are all awful afflictions. If you can get a hydra skin armor or something else tradable, you can pass it around each turn and heal your guys.

Fast healing and immortality will also heal wounds, so necromancers who make immortal things and any faction that can summon other-planar-immortal gods. The witch has hydras and dopplegangers(including doppleganger leaders), and 2/3 gorgons are immortal, also she can turn into an immortal swamp lich.
Enchanter has mud golems and I think flesh golems. Ice golems can regen in icy areas too. They can also make items so there's a chance you can put regen hearts on people and fake life hearts on golems.
Scourge lord can eventually get regen with his dark blessing, which means any blessed units will then also have regen (scourge heralds, lords, and king so all major leaders, as well as sellsouls and some powerful summons). He has the easiest time making a viable army out of regen units.

>elite troops.
Your troops aren't elite unless they have some sort of regen/immortality anyway.
What are the worst events you can get from misfortune? Can it directly take away your gold?
It absolutely can. Also gems. Also fortune scales in a province. Misfortune can seriously fuck you up if you're unlucky. Under no circumstances should you take both Drain and Misfortune for any reason.
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I've ripped just about everything whole-cloth from both Dominions and Conquest in making the setting in which I run DnD campaigns for my brother and his college friends. They love the shit out of it.
It's actually kind of hilarious though. Despite being good players, they're all THOROUGHLY DnDrones and have as much innate ability to interact with all the flavor of the setting and lore as oil has to interact with water. I tell them everything about the races and cultural paradigms from which they can create their characters and they proceed to create the most generically kitchen-sink 5e concepts you can think of. Then when I roll with it and show them how out of place their dudes are in every character interaction, they always go
>WOOOOAAAAHHHH that's so wAaAcKyYy! Anon ur worldbuilding is so crazy it's like I'm really there!
For instance: In the last campaign one of them wanted to play a fire genasi druid. In lore, fire genasis are Abysian human-breds. He had to be a refugee who got schooled in Pangaea and luckily was too far away from that region (it was a hex crawl in Ulm) to have people ready to just straight up kill him for existing because they simply wouldn't know what he was. We just started a new campaign and now he's a hobgoblin wizard (dai bakemono in lore). I make it explicit he's from not!Japan and that he is again from a brutal warrior culture. He names himself something like Uxthred ApplepieMcgunshooty and tries to be Cowboy Clint Eastwood.
I wish I had the force of will and autism to actually translate Illwinter design into it's own tabletop instead of having to graft it into the body of DnD for the expediency of my players and lazy self. But it's so fun to even have this tiny window into a living world of this setting at eye level. Picrelated is the general map of our latest campaign. Bonus points if you can tell which map I've also boldly stolen.
You could always try what the Dominions devs themselves play, Ars Magica. It might be too hyperautismo to find a group or introduce to D&D regulars though.

I think my dream Dom roguelike would be the game playing somewhat abstracted version of the strategy game as you the player roamed around doing shit. Like you clear out a dungeon and now Ulm is getting fire gems from it. Building up a squad and getting enough prestige to hire out as a mercenary unit, and so on
That's awesome anon, your friends are lucky to have a DM like you. And yeah there's always that dilemma where you know your setting *could* be better in another system, but getting group interest for anything other than stock 5e can be hard.
Sounds like Mount & Blade. Actually I could totally see a dominions warband mod, if it weren't for the importance of magic
>be merc in dominions
Unless you’re heavily kitted out, I can’t imagine a worse fate to voluntarily sign your life away. Between fighting creeping dooms, gelatinous cubes, and the obligatory horrors from the void, most monsters can kill your average human. At least blood slaves get the questionable mercy of a quick death, mercenaries have to trudge through the miasma and foul vapors to earn a pittance.
>La Na'Ba
if i cant run around killing everyone using heroic mujahadeen i dont want it
on the other hand? you get to fight for a god thats RIGHT FUCKING THERE and who (if youre lucky) is a super nice and loving god or such an evil bastard that the only hopes you have are serving them so they dont annhilate your asshole for eternity in whatever underworld you belive in
Oh yeah the Queen of turtling and a million dwarf eggs.
Any chance of this actually releasing this year? They said 2023 when it was announced, but there is still no release date yet.
That sounds like Black Company
>Any chance of this actually releasing this year?
Nope. Release date is now Jan 17, 2024.
Also if your client wins because of you you will be in the good graces of The capital g God.
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I just realized that playing MA Ermor/LA Sceleria has you play as the undead lorewise, but mechanicswise you are the living defending against unending hordes of invaders that won't stop until you are fully snuffed out.
Because everyone always gangs up on them due to their dominion killing off everything lives.
does this game stay alive for a while when the sequel launches?i can just pay for the new one sure but i also dont want to waste money and i already bought dom5.
>Some kind of ingame matchmaker
Imagine liking SBMM in 2023 like the goy cattle you are. Custom server lobbies have and always will be superior to quickplay queues in every conceivable form.
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Froppy sex when?
Fucking illfraud ruined my holiday plans
Can somebody explain the actual move order sequence? The wiki/manual is not very helpful beyond saying that movement between friendly provinces happens first. I know that if two armies march on eachothers provinces then it's a random roll on who moves first weighted towards the bigger army(?). But what happens if army A moves to an enemy province and an enemy army B moves into the province A just left? Is it also a random roll whether they catch up? Can B never catch A? Or is it based on movement speed?
theres a whole wiki page on map movement but the only thing on it the thing you know, plus an explanation of how the stronger army is calculated. There's nothing else about army collisions on the wiki, and it even has a thing on the top of the page of "please expand article with answers to these frequently asked questions"

I think that if army A was moving from province 1 to 2 while army B was moving from 3 to 1 (aka chasing, aka your question), there is no combat. But I've only had that happen like twice so maybe I'm just lucky, idk.
>Sceleria like late age Rome has to defend against an unending invasion force of barbarians that will inevitably overrun them
Pretty kino
Trailer dropped
To sum up new nations, we are looking at 7/8 confirmed.
>Piconye, Andramania, and Feminie, Ind successor nations
>Pyrene, 2 basque themed nations
>Muspelheim, fire giants and jotun
>Nidavangr, a new norse human nation.
Not very impressed with the Ind successors, muspelheim is exciting, and Nidavangr looks to be explicitly anti-elf with built in scry. Any word on the 8th new nation? Going by the steam forums post, Muspelheim looked to be a very last minute addition, so my cope is there's going to be 2 more nations to be revealed, but realistic expectations would be just one more.
We played a Dom D&D game back when Dominions 4 (and D&D 4e) were the newest. It was good fun but at low levels the setting is only a bit relevant to anything you do.
Huh, kinda sucks. I guess they're not really pushing the marketing aspect as hard as they did with Dom 5.
Why does my pretender (at the bottom) ignores script?
He has gems, he has Cornucopia for temporary gems, and yet in battle he casts regeneration spells instead of my super cool poison combo.
At the least camping the commanders isn´t that bad, unless the final frontier is snow and mountains.
But fucking sieging a entire screen of cheap dorf ballistas.
If you give him just the exact amount of gems to cast the script, he might overuse gems casting the earlier spells for lower fatigue cost, leading to them failing to cast the later stuff (for example, he might be casting Poison Ward for 1 + 1 gem for the fatigue bonus, so no more gems for foul vapors). Try giving him more gems than he actually needs
>just the exact amount of gems to cast
Not really. Since he generates gems and don't use them he has a decent surplus.
And if I understand how magic levels work, he can cast all scripted spells without getting tired.
Conservative gem use doesn't change this behavior either.
idk anything about this game but I wanna fuck this frog girl
I think the AI just doesn't wanna cast battlefield wide enchantments that will kill your own army too hard but I'm not sure, fcould also be that he is fighting a really small force of enemies that will not trigger gem usage either, I know that mages will not cast the frost buff that gives ice aura if he is surrounded by non frost resistant units so maybe it's the same logic.
gunpowder lmao
no gunpowder at all which is almost guaranteed not to happen. i just love arquebuses/handcannons/early gunpowder weapons.
I feel like it is a big technological step akin to a steel, deserving it's own age.
It would be weird for only one faction to have access to this. Well, maybe chinese could have shitty cannons if they weren't conquered by mongols.
Why would you want gunpowder when not even ranged weaponry functions correctly due to bugged targeting code?
just do both?
Why are fantasy games scared of guns? AoW is great because it has guns, but most fantasy games are like "Aliens? Fine, Robots? Fine, Guns? How dare you even ask!?"
I think in illfraud's case they are just too technically incompetent to implement it.
>me coming back to this thread to find someone ripped me off when I already posted >>1619822
Reminded of Sombre's Warhammer mods that have removed all aspects of guns from Warhammer Fantasy races like Nuln.
Mainly because it's either gonna be really OP, really shit, or so changed up it doesn't function like guns at all.
What makes it need to be more op than a crossbow or a firebolt?
Because then it's not really distinct at all
Why does it need to be distinct? Is every single unit in this game distinct?
I'd be content with crossbow + grenades combo.
They should introduce guns, make them the standard AP ranged weapon and remove AP from crossbows. Crossbows being armor piercing is retarded and based on a dumb trope that is a complete misunderstanding on how poundage works.
What would be a niche for crossbows then?
They can cost less recruitment points in comparison to archers, probably. (Due to less training required.)
That's a good idea. Also they could make it so that longbow units fatigue out very quickly while crossbows can maintain a constant fire rate throughout the whole battle. Also crossbows should have a higher precision but a lower range.
Dominions is mainly based on classical mythology. The closest you come to gunpowder is Agarthans in LA with their bombs but you also deploy a lot more mages and magical creatures than most other fantasy tbs.
Gunpowder would honestly still be underpowered compared to anything past early/midgame magic with elespam, skelespam, and communion batteries
It would be exactly as underpowered or overpowered as the devs decide it to be. There is nothing inherently UP or OP about the concept itself. There are a million ways to make it stronger or weaker after it is implemented.
>want to create a setting where people still fight with swords and spear face to face
>that one random autist demands you put chocolate on your hamburger because he likes chocolatte and refuses to eat anything that isn't coated in it
>want to create a setting where people still fight with swords and spear face to face
>Add in long range, rapid fire magic
The thing is the devs like classical mythology and esoteric RPGs ala Ars Magica/Glorantha, something that is rather lacking in pike and shot
It's not like the introduction of early gunpower weapons made melee combat obsolete. But fair enough, if they want to stick to the mythical age feel then they have the right to do so. Though they themselves were the ones who made a departure from that style with pseudo-early modern armies like LA Marignon and Ulm.
tonal dissonance, play total warhammer
Dom is fine but CoE having pirates who have crossbows instead of pistols is bullshit.
CoE does have coil spring guns for hoburgs
Both of those nations rely more on demons and blood sacrifice than anything resembling early/modern warfare.
come on, especially for LA Marignon it's literally age of exploration spain which gunpowder would fit perfectly with thematically.
It'd make sense but Dominions de emphasizes units as a whole (no tech upgrades/buildings/unit improvements), and Mari's exploration theme is sorta signified in the fact they have sailing. Funny enough they struggle a lot more since they don't have cavalry in the LA.
Can someone gift me dominions 5? It's the only vst game my laptop will be able to run https://steamcommunity.com/id/sneedfeed/ Merry Christmas everyone
Retard Dom 6 comes out in like three weeks
I'm talking about the recruitable unit rosters obviously. Literally nothing would change about the blood magic stuff if they swapped the crossbowmen to arquebusiers.
Can't you just pirate it?
luv me thematic army comps
luv me roleplaying
ate metafagging
simple as
But then there would be no purpose for gunpowder if it's not strong
That's like saying there is no purpose to crossbows now.
There is a lot less since Dom 4 since the targeting algorithm is broken in 5. Non sacred recruitable units in Dominions just suck after the midgame
>People forget Arbelists exists.
I can't play multiplayer on pirated version
Never played mp but isn't it ip-based?
The game doesn't begin in the late game. Just because something is only useful in the early/midgame doesn't mean it's useless. Anyway the issue of recruitable units getting obsolete in the late game has nothing to do with gunpowder specifically.
iirc you can as long as only one of the players is using a pirated copy
There's frog girls in this game???
Take away AP but give them additional precision, that combined with them having no strength scaling would make them the ideal ranged weapon to have on bad base troops, like slaves or peasants, that have low gold/rp cost and upkeep. Archers on the other hand should be good base units and competent in melee, like bandar archers and benjaminite slingers.

Give me one good reason why Marignons pikes don't have formation fighter.
There's no CoE thread but I want to say somewhere that I was impressed recently that the AI in 5 dumped all its slow units(soulless) on a space(some random village) it wanted protected so it could move faster. I thought the AI just kept all units it gathered, fast or slow. Winter was starting too, I wonder if it did it to get less penalty from snow.
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Post an image.
Guess the pretender chassis.
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>Trying to seriously mod COE for first time, following modding manual
>Nothing related to ritual powers works at fucking all
> power <#> = nothing
> allrit <-1> = nothing
> newritpow (& all associated setup) = FUCKING. NOTHING.
What the god damn mother fucking nigger shit cunting fuck am I doing wrong? I have SCOURED the manual. Did Illfraud break the modding functionality of their game or something? Or am I an uber retard and missing something really obvious?
You should be asking the steam forum or something.
I've had some fun trying to get the AI image generators to spit out dominions stuff.
Also, Illwinter, can I please recruit more than a handful of my big sobek guards? MA Ctis is a scales nation anyway, and having both N and D kinda encourages me to go luck. I doubt something like regen would fit, but larger might be cool.
just bought the game (yes I know 6 is close)
any ressources to help me learn how to play ? I'm 70 pages into the manual but I'd like to try something else for a change.
Just read some online guides and watch a few YouTube videos. Magic Paths usually matter more than nations unless you're going for a sacred heavy strategy
I suggest EA Agartha or MA Ulm for newbies.
For me the best method for learning complicated games is always just to start playing. Most concepts are reasonably easy to guess and can be used without having to know the exact formula. If you really need to find out one spefic thing then look it up and continue playing. Also make heavy use of the ? hotkey and ingame tooltips.
You reference the manual if you want to know something. Otherwise you are skimming trough something where you don't know what is relevant and what is obvious.
The only problem is when what you want is a unlisted hotkey, or if a game mechanic is bugged(i.e solar temple isn't a Temple)
a week!
I've always wanted a Total War game set in the Dominion's universe
is dom 6 out yet
>inb4 read the thread
i'm not gay enough to be a nerd that does research
Four more days friend
I'm liking what I see
Guns weren't armor piercing either.
All the gameplay changes are cool, but the UI changing from the well-formatted top bar and side menu to a side list is so much less appealing. Absolutely a soul -> soulless change. And if it's like the Dom3->Dom4 aesthetic downgrades, they won't do anything about it until Dom7 at this point.
>UI changing from the well-formatted top bar and side menu to a side list
Will probably make it easier to fit your hundreds of researchers in the right half of the screen.
As far as the era depicted is concerned, yes they were. There were some bulletproof breastplates developed in the late 16th/17th centuries but they were so heavy that every other piece of the armor had to be dropped.
No, they weren't.
Ive noticed if your army is considerably more powerful than the enemies, your casters will avoid using gems. This is obviously worse on a powerful pretender god, because the threshold for this changes un lockstep.

I recommend scripting gem free shit, and see if he follows the script.

Ultimately scripts should be more customizable anyway.
okay retard
> arquebuses could easily defeat armor that would be highly effective against arrows or bolts, and inflict far greater wounds on flesh. The disparity was even greater with a 16th-century heavy musket, which were 2,300 to 3,000 J (1,700 to 2,200 ft⋅lbf).[81]
>most forms of armor a common soldier would wear (especially cloth, light plate, and mail) had little resistance against musket fire.
>It is unlike any other of the many types of fire weapons. In strength it can pierce armor. In accuracy it can strike the center of targets, even to the point of hitting the eye of a coin [i.e., shooting right through a coin], and not just for exceptional shooters. ... The arquebus [鳥銃] is such a powerful weapon and is so accurate that even bow and arrow cannot match it, and ... nothing is so strong as to be able to defend against it.[70]
You'll find tons of claims of crossbows and even regular bows piercing armor too. Doesn't make them correct.
The difference is the claims to crossbows being armor piercing have been refuted by modern testing and evidence, while the claims of gunpowder weapons being armor piercing have been reinforced by it. As such you will no longer find serious historians claiming the former.
>while the claims of gunpowder weapons being armor piercing have been reinforced by it
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I'm sure sure if you repeat it enough times it will become true eventually
Since all you have are assertions without evidence, I accept your concession.
Concede some weight.
>non aggression pacts added to single player
I'm sure the AI will be retarded in how it decides to accept these, but fuck it i'll buy your new game illwinter
I just hope multiplayer games will not use 'enforce' option for pacts. Betrayals are cornerstone of diplomacy.
It can be decided when setting up the game. It seems likely that discord fags will turn on "enforce" and /domg/ will not.
if you are not god-level dominions is a generic fantasy setting with light history trappings
>horse dlc
So how much will this paid patch cost?
CoE proves it's still unique albeit weird as fuck
it's unique because it takes all the marvelous bullshit of common myths straight so demigods can literally talk to rivers n shit or change size at while like in the OG myths
You mean like in KoDP/Six Ages? It's less of a feature in Dominions since you're in full-scale war mod most of the time.
no I mean Dominions explicitly adapts mythical actions into gameplay elements. This is ON TOP of the D&D wizard magic shit.
my favorite lore adaptation is how vampires cant cross rivers
Well sure, but you don't actually do a lot of that outside random events.
6 at least is finally getting magical terraforming. Slow steps but its getting there.
apparently machaka is finally getting new shit after being ignored for an entire game straight despite only having 2 ages and MA Machaka just being boring as sin
MA Machaka is pretty much the same as it has been since Dom 1.
Fatstsrt doesn't work correctly for some factions.
nice, always liked machaka's theme. dem spiders man. good to see Man and Ctis are getting reworked as well
We already had that in Dom2. They took it out for Dom3 because it conflicted with the new custom maps system.
Any good anons willing to gift me dom6
Anyone have any idea when a pirate version will be available?
Usually it's no more than a day.
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>Dom6 is everything you wished it could have been.

So many good improvements I don't even know where to starts. 3 hours into a MA C'tis game and I'm having an absolute blast.
what are you liking specifically? /domg/ is shitting on it and saying the UI changes are bad and no new sprites
/domg/ and me would disagree with you
Eh, /domg/ bitched for months when Dom5 came out and yet they almost all immediately dumped 4 and started playing 5. Some people just like to whine, and the people in the average general love it more than anything. I don't think their opinions hold any real value at all.
i find them cool and like building cool units.
You have to because everyone who plays even semi-seriously/regularly dumps the old for the new. If Ermor isn't back to LA I'll throw a shit fit also. The move to MA irks me.
>building cool units
dawg, units in Dominions are worthless unless they're sacred
Dom5 got rid of Santa Maria and friends in favor of a worse replacement. Personally I can't think of something else I hated.
Meanwhile, the new UI does look worse. Pretty sure it's similar as their UI shuffle for CoE5, which I don't understand, think they claimed that all of their icons weren't fitting in. And yeah, I was just judging by the trailer and the number of repeated/recolored old sprites is tremendous.
Did they fixed water magic in any way?
They basically took all the shittiest spells out of air, as well as a select few turds fron other schools and stuck them in glamor. Minor blesses and scales also got solidly fucked too... Stat blesses (att, def) are now 30% more expensive, and only minor resistance bless are available for 50% more now. Definetly putting an emphasis on having an awake pretender with one deep bless.

Also scales are restricted by pretender now too, so you cant hellbless to the same degree, and certain pretends must be picked for a scales build.
>wailing winds
They gave glamor the ability to buff in Awe, Fear, and Invisibility. I would say it is a pretty good school.
Is there a list of all nations that got major overhauls/minor overhauls that are impactful? I am playing as Asphodel and feel like there has been a major boost in power.
I think the UI will just take a while to get used to. Besides, the hotkeys are how I mostly navigate the menus. I do wish 6 had added LA Asphodel though.
>the new UI does look worse
It looks better visually, it just takes some adjusting to memorize what each button does. Doesn't really affect me either way since the hotkeys haven't changed.

>the number of repeated/recolored old sprites is tremendous
Is this your first Dominions game?
lucid has a video where he shows a pic with which factions got overhauled
I've not played in a couple years, and wait, what? Ermor's an EA/MA nation. Ermor getting dumpstered by Sceleria is one of the major 'canonical' parts of MA. Did they make an LA Ermor?
Can some good anon samaritan gift me dom6 I really want to play it Ill work for you in return
dom3 had basically Sceleria as MA Ermor and MA Ermor was LA instead of Lemuria. Retconned, but don't deceive yourself, lore is not that importat here.
It should be LA. Anyone who says otherwise hates fun.
ok but why
Because MA is the worst era.
ok but why
Because I said so.
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>terraforms your capital into an aquatic province
Nothing personnel, kid.
the fact that it's legal is beyond bullshit
I'll stick to Sceleria just to avoid drowning
It's an expensive tier 9 spell just to drown one province so it's not something you can spam, but yeah the fact that you can't do anything to stop it and someone with a troll build can just straight up delete your cap from a distance (as long as it's on a coastal province) is kinda retarded.
you can in theory dome to protect your capital
but the issue is that it's basically irreversible
I think making capitals immune to terraforming would be the simplest solution.
That'll be an option in world creation in Dominions 7 for 49.99 euro plus tip.
>Boots of something-or-other
>Gain True Immobile and Innate Caster
>90% chance to negate any terraforming effect targeting your province

I fixed the game
I thought this was suppose to the the crazy game where you could make the whole world age and die around you, why is flooding a single province bad?
>why is a nuke to a city worse than global warming
Because big global spells like that aging one usually take time to take effect, and can be dispelled by other players.
Meanwhile that flood spell just deletes your coastal province, if your capital is on the coast that means you are shit out of luck since thats the most important province for any player, with unique recruitalables etc
Burden of Time, the spell you're talking about, is reversible and doesn't affect certain units. You also have enough time to react and doesn't screw you over INSTANTLY. Flooding a province, especially an important one, fucks up your economy and pretty much your entire game if you don't have amphibian units in your main roster. If it's lategame, you haven't won yet and your capital is too close to the sea, you might as well give up.
A nuke to a city is not worse than global warming. 2 cities at least have been nuked and they and humanity are fine. Nothings been flooded and no ecosystems a have collapsed.

>If it's lategame, you haven't won yet ... you might as well give up.
Situations like that exist in strategy games.

So what's really wanted is a spell to terraform the land back or make the capital float rather than just crying for it to be removed.
>2 cities at least have been nuked and they and humanity are fine.
The local humanity of said cities, even the whole country, was far from fine for years later.
>Situations like that exist in strategy games.
And if they do, it's bad design.
>So what's really wanted is a spell to terraform the land back or make the capital float rather than just crying for it to be removed.
No, I genuinely want it gone. A spell like this should just not exist. Not in this form.
>Not in this form.
Another solution could be to put some sort of mr check. The more casters in the province you have, the harder it will be to pull off.
Easy counterplay available to all nations. And since capitals are usually filled with research monkeys…
Well we can certainly say they buffed water with that terraforming.
COE5, not Dominions
>Primal plane invasion
>And then also a Inferno invasion
>everyone else dies
>I win before even getting a tier 3 summon off
Primal plane can invade????
Hades, Inferno, and Primal can all invade in COE5. I haven't seen the other ones do rng invasions.
What does Primal send after you? Just a bunch of animals?
The giant celtic gods kick the door in with animal mobs and elf/fairy fuck squads, its actually the worst one IMO the gods are absurdly strong
Primal plane cause a world wide primal effect so all the animals gradually become primal versions and their gods wander around. Unlike hades and inferno, they just kinda wander randomly and so it's not as bad as >>1650433 feels. Their gods aren't that strong either, you can take basically any giant thing with similar HP and attack and kick their asses. Demons are the worst because the average powerful demon can nuke a whole army. Hades is the most annoying but probably the least dangerous.

An interesting thing is the lesser monkey men are considered animals so you can get atavi as strong as bandar if you let the gate stay open. Although if you kick the gods asses they'll build up larger armies before reentering the world.
>Playing Enchanter
>Somehow one of the cloud lords didn't die.
>Stack of 17+ storm giants + titan running about.
They aren't threatening me right now but I'll have to deal with them eventually. Would a stack of frankenstein flesh golems (lightning immune) be better or half a dozen iron golems(poison clouds) backed up by stone golems? How fucked am I?
Burden of Time (the aging spell) is a long-lasting effect that takes a while to get really bad, affects everyone (though the effect is less bad on nations with undead or extremely long-lived races), requires a limited global slot, and can be cancelled at any time by either dispelling it or killing whoever cast it.

Casting Lost Land (the flood spell) on a capital specifically fucks over one player, can only be pre-empted in one very specific way, doesn't take up any global slots, applies its effect instantly, and cannot be cancelled or reversed at all once it's been cast.

BoT is significantly more dangerous in the long run and has an especially negative impact on large games, but it allows for more interesting interactions and counterplay and in most cases won't fuck over any player in particular, while Lost Land is way more cancerous from a moment to moment gameplay perspective and can be used to basically knock one player out of the game (or at least severely hamstring them) instantly with no counterplay.
>Casting Lost Land (the flood spell) on a capital specifically fucks over one player, can only be pre-empted in one very specific way, doesn't take up any global slots, applies its effect instantly, and cannot be cancelled or reversed at all once it's been cast.
Sounds great. Whats the problem? Do you need your capital to be defeated in an honorable duel for it to count as a non cheese loss or something?

I play CoE and not this game but Dom players always go on about the spells in this one and I figured maybe I'd take a look at it one day, but the response to this particular spell suggests Dom doesn't actually have anything cool. Like in AoW3 there's a spell that just nukes someones city and destroys one of their improvements. If that kinda thing upsets the Dom pvp community and seems unprecedented, then it makes me wonder if it's even worth trying out. Even in CoE you can do stuff like summon horrors on the enemy, warp them into hades to die, and open up portals to hell right next to them and they can't do anything about it. You can't go to someone's province in Dom and like turn all their gems into crystal golems or anything?
There are fun spells in Dom, anon. Don't let these serial complainers discourage you. They're just MP tryhards who don't want to stray from their beloved meta.
There is a lot of cool shit in Dominions, but it usually can be countered. Highly skilled players pretty much play 5d chess with counters.
An the lack of such counter is the problem with flooding.
You're either trolling or severely mentally handicapped.
That would be fucking lame
You can literally counter it with domes and it's really hard to cast unless you build your pretender for it. Also in late game you rely way less on your capital than in early game, losing it is hardly a death sentence unless you were on your way out anyway.
>you VILL cast ze unbalanced spells
>you VILL have fun
You need to run the lightning immune. The Cloud Lords best benefit is lightning damage.
Is the AI any better or interesting in the new one?
Why am I even asking.
Yeah, I realized enchanters actually do get a lightning resistance spell so I just gotta run a few more of them through mage college until they learn it.
Can you imagine the nightmare of modeling everything in Dominions in 3D? It would be worth it though.
>ctrl+f "frog woman"
>0 results
fuck this gay thread
wh-what exactly are you looking for, anon?
Suggest me a nation that has good strategic mobility besides Caelum and Xibalba.
do cavalry and stealthers count or flyers only
Take wind walker bless with recruit anywhere sacreds.
Cav counts.
Too broad.
That's fanart of la xibalba though
no anon you don't understand if there's a small chance of a fucking 100 gem research 9 spell aka if you're researching this you aren't researching arcane nexus or wish or gift of natures bounty hurting my province through a game that has layering 50% 80% 30% and 100% chance to work domes then I WILL shit my pants in rage
Elves, Pan larger bless sacred giants, Nazca, Undead
I haven't played since SANTA MARIA STRELA DO DIA. Any noteworthy changes going from 4, other than Glamour and mounts, or might as well wait for 7? Is single player finally playable?
>Is single player finally playable?
They improved the AI a bit halfway through 5's lifespan, it didn't actually become good but at least it was less retarded with stuff like battlemagic. Haven't played enough of 6 yet to determine if there have been any significant new improvements. AI aside, nothing has been done specifically to make singleplayer better so it's not like it's suddenly oing to be a great singleplayer game.
>decided to give CoE a chance again
>on literal turn two the fucking King in Yellow exits from the pyramid next door and proceeds to charge my capital
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Bros how do i play as MA Tien Chi?
I take scales usually with imprisoned pretender but it seems very suboptimal, best blesses for them?
>Turn 1 Tatsu eats your army AND/OR base
>A 30 army staffed Port city blocks your access to the mainland, and your half isle is just 6 tiles with no way to walk around them
>get fucked map generation and map thinks late spring ice is enough to let you go to the mainland. Only to run out of time as you can't resupply for 8/12 turns
>Running into endgame stealthed forest units in the first few turns
>Primal elk actually spawns on a Ancient forest with good spawn rates
>All your trade villages looks like they are outside of the forest patrol route, but everything is inside the patrol route
Full scales, expand with sacred cav, swarm enemies with dumb amounts of men. MA crossbow shenanigans. Communions to pull off whatever bullshit you want. Air magic, earth magic, Gift From Heaven. It's pretty straightforward.
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Terracotta and Manifest Vitriol are good too
Is there any reason to play this if my computer can run TW: WH? seems like dominions has a lot of bloat/filler for no reason other than giving an illusion of extra depth.
figure it out yourself
dominions runs on a toaster, anon
TW and Dom are very different games. And there are plenty of depth and variety to play around with.
Well for one it doesnt cost $500, so there's that. Also its a better game that's more fun to play with friends. Lot more depth too.
you dont like grippers?
The AI now uses mage support somewhat well and even knows how to use national troops.

As a single player hermit this alone sold me on it.
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>Total War fag talking shit about feature bloat and fake depth
What's this idiot on about? >>1653898
Twitter users infiltrated the dev team and the game is censored
I like it
But its low resistance, meaning its the grip training equal of a 3kg dumbbell. Which is a shame, since its variable.
>very entry level
how so
What were the changes to my beloved Uruk civilization?
He's just shitposting.
well for one Warhammer is like if you took Dominions' interesting blendings of fantasy and history and dumbed it down to a level suitable for an 8 year old
"Is there any reason to play chess if my computer can run checkers?"
MA Ulm feeling a bit better than before. Certainly benefit a lot from having massive plate plate phalanxes.
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MA Ulm is the white heterosexual human male of Dominions nations I play it exclusively
omw to rape you with just a few mages lol
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*slaps you with 600 Black Halberds*
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Have fun with that.
Can someone explain me how to use astral mages and what they can do practically?
communions, which is - lesser astral mages become idle to boost a single other stronger astral mage
they usualy have more than just astral in their paths
you also get solid enchantments, magic duels (a way to get rid of enemy mages), globals and, first and foremost, easiest dispels.
If your nation has astral + blood then you have access to the most cancerous spells in the entire game.
Step one: research thaumaturgy 2
Step two: make more astral mages
Step three: script communion master/slave
Step four: spam mind burn
Step 5: ???
Step 6: Cast wish 5 times a round. Win the game.

Its that easy.

But seriously, use high astral mages as slaves for blobs of low astral mages so you can turn them into chain gun mind burns, soul slays, and enslave mind. Fit them with magic pen gear once you have a couple hammers up and they will start blowing through mr checks with ease.
Ok nice.
I'm trying Ur/Uruk now, so creating many mages is not really doable without losing research.
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You are going to lose research while you're at war with another nation. You don't research to accumulate a big pile of fancy spells. You do it to reach goals that the majority of your mages can leverage on the battlefield as soon as possible.
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First game in Dominions 6 and the game spawns Putin in turn 1.
Is it just me or are indies stronger now, and also heavy cav quite a bit weaker?
>Worst Ulm
Indies have bigger numbers now to go with the 6's increased army sizes. Cavalry has also been changed with the new mount system but it's generally a buff unless the specific unit you're using is a strong unit on a shitty mount.
>Alt 9
Lmao good luck with that
I'll have lightless lanterns before you see your first throne wizardcel
damn did the guy who wrote the Scourge Lord in CoE5 sneak that in there?
Putin the Snake Charmer has been in the game for a long time. I remember him from Dom4 which was my first Dominions game, could be he's an even older character than that.
Pretty sure he was in 3. It's been a really long time though.
What's a good dominion 6 stream for someone who's never played this series? There are a bunch of 12 hour livestreams, I can't look at all of them.
LucidTactics is IMO the best entry level Dominions streamer. He's not the best player ever, but he strikes a good balance between having good game knowledge and just making good/informative videos that are approachable as a new player. For most streamers it tends to be the one or the other.
Who's a good higher level youtuber?
to be clear i'm not really planning on playing this game, i just want to watch it. this guy has a lot of tutorials which aren't what i'm looking for.
Unlike other magic paths, S1 mages are always useful. All you need is 4 to make a tiny mindburn communion that can put a finger on the scales and fuck high prot thugs. Cheap S1 mages also block other nations from dipping into astral at all, although i havent tried out dom6 magic duel yet.
do communions get diluted with more masters? like if i have 2 masters and 4 slaves do they go back to only getting a +1 bonus to paths?
No, but they'll burn out twice as hard.
that's fine, i just didnt want to have to keep track of the exact ratio of slaves
Mu, Nuclearmonkee, hpmunchcraft
Ive noticed if you use low path slaves they burn out quite quickly to high path masters even if you have a bunch and take lots of precautions. Thats a perfectly acceptable way to use them, but it only takes 5 or 6 high path slaves to support gobs of low path mages.

Usually having 16 S3 mages spamming +2 magic pen soul slays for an entire fight is worth more than having 6 S7 mages spamming master enslave and watching all you slaves explode violently while only half the enemies chaff swapped to your side and the masters that didnt die by overload take a nice dirt nap.
this is exactly what i did earlier now that i knew how it worked, i ran a test game with pythium and had fun machine gunning soul slays at everything with like 20 of the S1 guys. im definitely going to play more astral/blood focused nations from now on because communions are so cool.
"3 Horn Boar" has been doing some livestreams, I watched an hour or so of the Agartha one and was comfy
Does Far Caster apply to mind blasts and stuff like that?
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>Finally have surplus schrooms, so upgrade to tier 3 witch
>Witch major summoning
>Set to 150%, the max
>Summoning failed
>Summon kills my entire army
Rebellious summon classes just aren't worth it. Though if you want some fun on witch, bog eye can reveal swamps on other planes. Then bog walk to swamp island on aztlan and use it to fuel a billion summons.
>Rebellious summon classes just aren't worth it
I expected maxed cost to do away with that problem, since its a large resource sink. Even more so since baseline chances are fucking wonky.
Next time upgrade to tier 4 witch

>Rebellious summon classes just aren't worth it.
Just need to use expendable summoners and summon away from your main areas. Cultist is the worst though
>Wait 1million human years for the stars to be right, so you can summon a few more non ranged fish men.
Do Dom6 communion slaves still inherit buffs from the master?
Does it still allow you to refresh them with that blood spell that clears fatigue?
Those new late era nations are lame as fuck
Cavemen basques are cool though
The dog nation is pretty good. I haven't played them lategame yet but they can expand super easily with just regular troops. I got their sacreds a relatively cheap Swiftness+Blood Surge bless and they just wreck shit.
From what i can tell, yes it does. Basically covers the entirefield.
Communions are functionally identical to 5. It seems a bit easier on slaves but could just be my perception.
Ive played a couple game with LA Picarne, and the little guys are hilarious. They basically have a midget in a trashcan for blocking, and their crossbow sacred + the new acid arrow bless tear shit up. Because your blockers are so slow they usually avoid friendly fire, and they are the easiest nation to spam gifts of heaven on that ive ever played. And thanks to their retarded bird knights you can just raid 4+ provinces with trivial effort.
AI in this game takes a stupid lot of time to find it's footing

actually, scratch taht. playing pale ones right now, you make one (1) wrong movement and your giant is dead and you civ done for because recruiting anything that isn't chaff is basically impossible

also FUCK dwarves
>They aren't threatening me right now but I'll have to deal with them eventually.
if it's -the- cloud lord

also love how indies can really spiral here. leave a dwarf queen alone for too long? suddenly there's 500 dwarves running around a 7 tiles mountain and she has tier 4 magic.
>if it's -the- cloud lord
*just cap rush him
No. Mind Blast is a natural ranged attack, not a spell.

>From what i can tell, yes it does. Basically covers the entirefield.
That's because it already has range 100 by default.
The desert queen nation is pretty fun, their giant archers are kino with those great bows. Nevertheless i was slowly fucked by some cave tards and a nation that emerged from the story of King Arthur.
Maybe mighty AI is too complex for a noob?
I have normal armies, but when dudes come out of their shitholes with an army of 800+ people and the same number underground. I can only play defensively and kill that way, but anyway will lose more and more ground.
Dominionsisters what to do?
Mighty AI cheats really hard, so unless you know to use magic to wipe armies 4 times your size you're fucked.
Burden of Time was nerfed to hell.
Total War is a tactics game with battles tied together within a strategy layer. Dominions is a strategy game. Tactics are relevant but only within the context of winning for your strategic objectives, whereas in Total War games, strategy and the operational level is mostly irrelevant, it's all about set piece battles and grand strategy just exists to see who has what advantages going in.

TW:WH also barely has magic.
MA Nidavangr is pretty cool.

>decent troops that can expand efficiently
>can recruit mages without a fort, potentially making it a research powerhouse
>sacreds don't die even if they are killed
Can you cast the flood spell as a final fuck you if you're losing?
It's at 9. If you can cast the flood spell, you are already in the final turns and among the final competitors. This said, there are probably better uses for that many water gems.
Spoiler alert: Nothing actually happened, neutral AI can't get its shit together
I don't really care about Dom 6 that much
Hopefully with Dom6's new terrain stuff we see more whacky effects for terraforming in CoE. Would love to slowly drown the world or turn it all to desert.
>turn it all to desert.
This is what scourge lord does as a main mechanic and what baal cultists can do.
Where does it say that hoburg farms are communal? Also I thought the hoburg heirarchy was all wealth based.
That being said they definitely still belong in lib left because of the weed alone
I wish mages had more overworld effects like how heal makes you heal faster and fire things let you burn stuff. having a mage with 100% fire resist spell should make your army immune to lava
I don't know what it is about the Scourge that makes me forget they exist. I know they're one of the new factions but there's just something about them.
what era is this? empire?

What are the eras where stuff happens?
Stuff happens in any era. Play fallen empire if you want stuff to have already happened.

Speaking of eras, I hope they add a kobold/age of dragons sub society to dark ages and maybe a goblin raider subsociety for kingdom. I like all the little tribal variants, but not sure how that would come together in an age. Maybe an agricultural or dark ages sub society where the only players are barbarians and priest kings or a post-apocalyptic variant of kingdom where the fallen empire barbarian invasion kept everyone fragmented into tribes.
So how big do the changes in 6 feel? From what the devs wrote they didn't seem as radical as the ones in 5. Is the OST better? The one in 5 grew on me in that inoffensive background way but Santa Maria is undefeated.

I mean, the first Horseman arrives at 3 seals, 1 or 2 seals is nothing is big and I wonder if the neutrals can even get reinforcements for those like the player can.
I want to rewrite his lore that was written by a toddler thinking he is smart but I think the Scourge Lord is my favorite among the 5th newcomers and one of the coolest overall. Not only is he very strong and cool, he isn't as reliant on RNG's favor to start going. Like the Heralds only cost Gold and with a couple of good Blessings turn into murder machines unafraid of average neutral blobs.
>I want to rewrite his lore
Rewrite your brain. There's nothing wrong with him being portrayed as a despot.
Rewrite yours, first. The lore for Pale Ones also portrays them as retarded primitives, because the writer doesn't know much about them but he does so more eloquently than the one for Scourge Lord that goes he stupid and he troops stinky. I also hate the rewrites for the Troll family, by the way, but not necessarily for the writing getting worse but for stuff like changing the Mom's powerlevels.
Honestly I probably misremembered that bit of lore. Or maybe my subconscious just made it up to more conveniently fit the guy into lib-left quadrant.
I can bullshit justify it by concluding that because the sprite for farms only has one building, and the sprite for the hoburg farm has multiple, it was obviously partitioned and given to a commune dont @ me
>Scourge Lord that goes he stupid and he troops stinky
it's unironically a trump parody
>scourge lord
isn't the entire concept of the scourge lord that he is a magical mask overcharged with power?
not even a sentient one, just a normal a magic mask.
and one of the chaff are incels
The entire concept of the scourge lord is something like a high tier defiler from the Dark Sun DnD setting: a powerful mage who doesn't get his powers from nowhere or some infinite magical dimension but from sapping lifeforce of his world, turning it into dead wastelands in the process + he stinky dumb and his followers left the mom's basement but the in-universe writer is still mad at them. If there was an offhand line about the mask, I don't remember it.
>If there was an offhand line about the mask, I don't remember it.
So your memory is clouded by retardation. >>1668741 is more correct.

>Where the Scourge Lord gets his devastating powers is still unknown and the source of much speculation. The lack of proper communication beyond the scornful quips and twisted facts makes it difficult to learn anything about them.
>It has been suggested that the power lies within the mask and the armor, and that the Scourge Lord arises whenever a simple adventurer or farmer of very low nature unearths the golden mask and the accompanying spiked shoulder pad. It is easy to imagine how the vile Scourge-Lord-to-be dons the mask, disregarding any pieces of crumbling flesh still clinging to the golden mask.
>Within the mask, and now the Scourge Lord, lies the power to drain the lands and also the minds of people, leaving them both as desolate, ashen places.

That is what the blurb actually says about the scourge lord, not "Orange man bad!"

As far as his concept goes it's halfway between internet shitposter and Saturday morning cartoon villain.(especially the accompanying spiked shoulder pad part) People here get mad because the Desert Warrior description hits too close to home. Scourge lord is a discount Baal that trolls the world to death and has a fetish for making weird things breed together.
If it were some decades ago, they'd probably be a generic middle eastern terrorist faction calling for jihads, though they're probably referencing those internet types that would be pro-isis or in those times.

I like the scourge lord because he's kind of like an actually evil Galactus.
What do you research as LA Atlantis? Conjuration for site searching? Quickness and skeletons?
>"Orange man bad!"
see >>1668723
Every single person who has beef with the Scourge Lord whines about the class and all its members being one big negative rant about how much the creators hate Trump despite not even being Americans.
Oh I entirely missed that post lmfao.
>>1668802 is absolutely correct though that Scourge Lord's MO is exactly the same as that of a Dark Sun's defiler mage. Their whole schtick is basically turning Elysium into a carbon copy of the setting.
Well, thanks for correcting me since it was a long time ago since I last checked his description but you reminded me about the "armor" part. I took offence to that too, since there's no armor on the in-game sprite, not even a shoulder pad. I guess the mask could be those pixels on his waist/left hand?
You also forgot Herald's description mentioning stuff like "offensive rants" and "counterfactual news", the very "brainworms" that sap the very life out of the land. Dunno about you, but for me those parts sound very unfitting for the setting.
I never compared Scourge Lord to Trump or whoever I just think his writing needs some upgrades.
>"offensive rants" and "counterfactual news", the very "brainworms" that sap the very life out of the land.
Covered by "halfway between internet shitposter".
I agree about the mask and shoulder pad not being represented. I don't know if the descriptions overall are unfitting for the setting, it might just be (you) hating internet references. I think his magic being powered by physically erected shit-posts is funny personally, like how they describe the enchanter as tricking things into coming to life. I do think that it lacks direction as a class. I feel the same about the necromancer and the witch. Necromancer because necromancy is already used in everything else so I feel it should be divided into a lich class and a vampire class and likewise Witch needs to figure out if she's a fairy tail witch or a greek mythology witch or a necromantic bog hag.(I also don't get why there are flying monkies in the game but she can't summon them herself or why she can't fly on a broom but possesses other generic witch characteristics.) Feels like they should give the gorgons and hydras and furies and lamia or echidna or whatever the big one was to something else like maybe the Dryad Queen.

In the Scourge Lord's case I feel like it needs to be full on shitposting, ghoul raising destroyer and have a separate desert terrorist/sheik type. The sellsouls should get the desert warrior description and let the warriors be something else. Btw, I feel like ghouls should be buffed or something. They're supposed to be the type of zombie that makes an apocalypse but they rarely ever kill anything and turn it into a ghoul. It's a lot easier to make a shitton of soulless. They don't have to be like dwarfs or ants or spiders or anything though, fun as it would be. Additionally, since it's a kind of necromancer, I feel it should be able turn undead too, like most of the other necromancy classes. In this case, it becomes some sort of unkillable meme.
Out of space, continued:
By unkillable meme I mean like how the lich and bog witch respawn with conditions. I don't know what the scourge lords condition would be though, maybe make some giant statue. That the scourge king can make more scourge lords also kind of goes against the lore, but the mask is just speculation anyway.
I'd personally cut the "ghoul" part away instead of expanding on it if I had the choice, there are already full-fledged necros in the game, as you've said. Agree with the aesthetic, arabs should probably be their own faction with djinns, ifrits and whatever ekse (this is exactly whose Dominion sprites the Scourge Lord is reusing for himself). Dark Sun has the whole Conan the Barbarian aesthetic going for it, and Luke's father Thulsa Doom does fit the subversion, manipulation and snake aspects of the SL. Illwinter would have to draw some new rad Sword and Sorcery sprites then though.
>I'd personally cut the "ghoul" part away
I can understand, since its barely there anyway. I did mean that ghouls in general should be an actual threat. Wandering skeletons and ghosts are more annoying than them and it's easier for necro types to make soulless, but it feels like ghouls should be a bit more of a growing threat. Even other things with ghoulify weapons barely turn things to ghouls.

As for Scourge Lord, I'd have him fit the description and look like Shao Kahn or someone, maybe even use it as an excuse to have a psuedo-Chinese/martial arts faction. He wouldn't be able to recruit anyone but sellsouls, special location recruits(excluding the castle/baron castle basic human types), and maybe a couple new units(at least something to replace camel riders and sheiks). The ghouls produced by draining cities would be special dark ghouls that had the dark blessing status and be the major part of the forces besides heralds and sellsouls, and the necro skills he has that create soulless would create dark ghouls instead.
>Dominions 6
nigga what the fuck?
>decide to try once again to be Necromancer on Fallen Empire + max size map for max skeletons
>a third of the word is taken entirely by ants
>every single fucking tile there is either an ant mound, a queen or roam era
They’ve achieved critical mass to the point they’re reproducing far faster than I can kill them. Which faction is the best for ant genocide?
Scourge lord. Just take the hills over and make them your ants. I think druid or dryad queen can too.
so my favorite thing about dominions is late age ermor in 3 and lemuria in 4 and 5. I just love death map painting. But i haven't played dominions in about three or four years. i'm rusty as hell.

I have a game in 6 going, demi lich for the flavor, but my only powerful non death caster is immoble and stuck in a box in my capital. How do i use him to find more magic sites of the paths that aren't death and astral in my territory because my other mages are kinda butts in paths. I wanna make artifacts and cast spells that aren't just death spells and i'm kinda puzzled. Am i gonna need to start over and pick a less stuck god bod?
Someone help me find this event in dominions
>message that an independent lich is spawned and he is accumulating power to become a god
>get a warning every turn that his army is getting bigger and him more powerful
>decide to kill him off and end the event chain
Now I’m curious what happens if you let him grow more powerful and want to see the end result but I’ve been playing for 100 hours and haven’t seen the event again.
ench 5 for skelly spam
alt 6 for frozen heart
conj 8 (i think) for tartarian spam
its one of those new mobile indie types
thats about it
Isn't there a way to view only multiple event stories in the inspector? Should be something about an undead king reviving, and it's a Wight. I remember that some of the events is him sending out raiding parties to surrounding provinces or targetting one to kill off its population and raise his Magic Paths.
This story event was even in Dom4, unless it's some new version of it.
Try to find provinces that let you recruit Indy wizards. Like 60% of the sites in the game can be found at only 1 spell level so even if they're shit they can be useful.
If he's got astral, he can teleport between labs? Failing that, there's an astral spell that discovers all sites in a province. Which is overcosted, particularly in LA, but if you need to break into paths, may not be avoidable. Been a few years since I've played much myself, so I don't remember all the various boosters/summons that you can use to break into each path off the top of my head.
Is there a mod that removes defeat by dominion influence loss? I was gearing up for a major war and a D Day style invasion on an continent but then I won because they ran out of dominion. Was very blue balled.
No but IIRC there are mods to force the AI to recruit more priests so they're less likely to get domkilled. Alternatively, if you're playing singleplayer anyway you could just build fewer temples so you'r not pushing your dominion as hard.
so when do i get to play as a taliban nation that bans everything
Illwinter should make an RPG
Conquest of Elysium is their closest attempt at it.
Sadly as Lemuria your stuck on path diversity. Your god is pretty much the only way you can break into anything but death/astral with a side of fire. Id probably go awake rainbow, you can twiceborn them later for thugging/battle use and unlike a lich box they have legs. Some early site searching will get you the gems to do a few empowerments, and youll still have a moderately good bless. Since its LA as well its gonna be a real slot pull on what you end up finding too.
Nothing more fun than a fully equiped hero with regen
I own 3, 4, and 5 of this game and it just flat out confuses me. Good concept though.
how do i get rid of afflictions? my commanders keep getting disease while passing thru swamps and it makes them fucking melt
i just got cure disease but that doesn't help with the other afflictions... my god got the coof and it gave her another affliction that says it will apply more of them... ;w;
is these some unit i can summon or item i can make to heal? other than the shroud since it says unremovable...

There is probably a spell to fix it but i wouldnt know, i always start with Unbreable blessing from 6 earth so i dont have to deal with that bullshit.
There's a fire ritual that removes them (but requires fire resistance or lots of health for the caster to not die casting it) and a blood one as well that has the side affect of there being a chance the commander acquires a taste for human flesh (pretty minor downside honestly, it's not many people they kill per turn)
The healer ability is fairly rare and there's not too many nations with access to it, but there is an artifact that gives it (The Chalice)
Any sort of shape-changing ritual will also cure afflictions (twiceborn/transformation/lichcraft)
Immortals have a chance to lose afflictions upon reforming after death as well.
Recuperation is the better option if you never want to deal with afflictions for the most part, it'll heal anything if the person in question isn't old-aged. Unbreakable is cheaper and works on inanimate units, though, and lowers the chance of them happening in battle (while something with recuperation can regrow a lost arm, they're still down an arm for the rest of the fight they lose it in)
Sup guys, war and pEAce Fomoria here. I apologize for missing the start of the game. I set up email notifications, but I never got notified that the game started so I just sat around waiting for a game that already started. I hope it doesn't fuck up the rest of the game too much.
Oops, wrong Dominions thread.
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This shit has to be weighted to happen on purpose. A meteor landed on a tower of elements too(a second one I had captured).

Somewhat related: Were you able to go from cloud to cloud in the past if you were floating? I remember being at least able to float down to the ground by walking off a cloud edge and being able to take cloudfolk from cloud group to cloud group if it was within a turn. I'm not even allowed to walk off clouds now and I feel like I used to be able to.
>I'm not even allowed to walk off clouds now and I feel like I used to be able to.
You can summon floating units while flying, and can then move back to clouds, AND descend.
To nerf the Cloud Lord deathball, since their own units are horribly frail compared to just running Cloudfolk infantry.
So does 6 have better AI if I'm primarily a solo player?
Yeah but MP is the shit
>first time trying dominions
>read the manual
>want to try EA Ulm, Berytos, or Ermor
>overwhelmed by choices
how do i build a pretender for this? are there any resources for dom6 yet?
All EA?
maybe try out this guy? I didn't check this playlist yet, but i checked his basic tutorial and it was good
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Is nationgen and dominions enchanced updated for 6 out?
nations for this feel?
LA Midgard
Fuck's sake, I was waiting for the steam sale for a decent discount on Dom6 before buying it but it's only down 10%. Should I wait for a better discount during the summer sale or is this dev historically known for miserly discounts?
The unfortunate paradox to startomg Dominions as a game is that you have to make one of THE most important and PERMANENT decisions with regard to your nation (apart from picking a nation itself), and that is creating your god. And unlike nation choice, there IS a way to totally fuck yourself depending on how you design your god, and you can only learn how NOT to fuck yourself by actually playing first - something that you can't do before you create your god first. So, faced with this catch22, I suggest to anon, just wing it and start playing. Get fucked, yes, but also try and understand WHY you got fucked, then you can try to design your next pretender to stop yourself getting fucked the same way on your next game. Then get fucked a DIFFERENT way. Rinse and repeat until you get a good feel of the game as a whole.
You expect a game that just released to be like 50% off? Just pirate it if you're that stingy.
>>1701462 here
EA Berytos, using the Titan of War and Wisdom, built as an early expander and transitioning to a combat caster later on.
4 Astral, 3 Earth, 3 Air, with Productivity 2 scales for the bonus resources.
Is this a good idea?
>investigate further
>Berytos has good blood summons
>predominantly air/water magic
>this pretender does only one of those
Back to the drawing board I suppose...
>this pretender does only one of those
You don't necessarily need or even want to match your nation's magic access with your pretender, it all depends (the whole point of "rainbow pretenders" is to have magic your nation doesn't have access to, for instance). And for an early expander all that really matters is having a good chassis and early spells to support it, and ideally a useful bless.
Most dom5 guides will still be fine to use for getting a general idea of things, check out the all nations guide thread
Honestly you really don't need to optimize that much against the AI though, just pick something fun that feels thematic and have fun while learning the game's mechanics. Oh and I'm sure you already realize this, but Berytos as a blood nation will make things more complicated for a beginner.
I'm already pirating it. I only want to buy it to access the workshop mods. That's why I'm waiting for a really steep discount before I do.
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Well maybe in a year or 2 it will be
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Shoten Doji expansion will never not be funny to me. Some old fart with a flute murdering hundreds with his bare hands. Magic armor adding HP just makes him even better.
guess I'll buy it by then. dom 7 probably isn't for another 3
Spring Sale 75% off for Dominions 5. Is it worth it? I didn't even know Dominions 6 was already out. I was still playing Dominions 4.
Is the AI in Dom6 better than before in any substantial way?

Conquest of Elysium is very much a adaptation of the traditional roguelike formula except you control armies instead of one dude (and you can save).
Is there a hunger mechanic? Are there random generated items? Is there an ascii version?
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>Conquest of Elysium is very much a adaptation of the traditional roguelike formula
Stupidest words uttered yet.
CoE is Dominions at a different scale. Its closer to something like HOMM, but by removing unit control in battle you can have horribly strong creatures and abilities that can't be fun if you have to micromanage them.

Its the type of TBS that extensively favors scouting, resource management, and holding your position. Where picking the correct unit past midgame or correctly raiding is game winning.
With extremely asymmetrical factions, where some factions even get access to terraforming. And wandering map neutrals that really want to hurt everybody.

But lets get back to the actual point:
Any medium sized maps can be completed in 1-2 hours unless you suffer extreme decision paralyze, or you are streaming and then proceed to ADHD click into overexplaining and can't even fucking scout your starting portion of the map in 20 minutes.
Roguelikes are favored because they start fast, and you get to have a successful run within a hour if you don't die horribly.. CoE is favored for the same reason, but it has almost nothing in gameplay in common with them.
>Stupidest words uttered yet.
>CoE is Dominions at a different scale
Somehow you topped him.
Nice capital whiteboi.
Which begs the question, since its not answered by that post: What do not make CoE into Dominions at a different scale?
You are fighting a war over what is just essentially just one Dominions province, without the proper divine aid, meaning you have to beg your gods via Gold/Relics/Sacrifices/Gems/Mushrooms/Weed(Aromatics.
You can at best summon down some of the Gods, but not at proper pretender level.
What is a relatively normal unit in Dominions, is usually a single high end summon.

Just like HOMM and MM are games that is different scales of each other, so is Dominions and COE.
Which is another way to say, I would love a Dominions bobber/dungeon crawler, just to see the next level of abstraction at play
How much do Dominions 4, 5 and 6 differ between each other? Are there any standouts? In example, if you use for reference Civilization 4, 5 and 6. 4 and 5 obviously huge difference, probably biggest in the series, but also a lot of dumbing down between 5 and 6.

Do Dominions games also wary to this degree or does mostly the same gameplay and same strategies apply to all three of the latest games on steam.
I love frogs, that's all I have to say. You gentlemen enjoy your thread.
You make all these nice-sounding arguments and then wrap them up by saying that Heroes of MM (Strategy) is just Might & Magic (RPG) but on a different scale.
the games add new stuff on top of old stuff such that it is one game that iterates upon older versions. That doesn't mean that there aren't significant differences but it's not three truly different games, just three versions where each older one has less features than the newer one.
>then wrap them up by saying
>something that is true
Yupp. Which is how we get skills like Learning or Eagle Eye.
Basically everyone stopped playing 4 after 5 came out. And now that 6 came out, soon nobody will play 5. That's why it's 75% off.
Why don’t they just make an expansion instead of a new game every single time? Would keep the multiplayer community alive a lot more.
Evil greedy corporation
>Spring Sale 75% off for Dominions 5. Is it worth it?
I didn't buy it
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CoE2 is from 1997.
Permapatching or having the base game be 10€ + upgrade DLC fees is a new thing. One of the other options is the

Also the nightmare example
this thread is from last year...
it brings back memories
We are Dom6 now.
>be me
>MA IND first time
>propose NAP to evil fishies turn 1
>they deny it, cunts
>30 turns later pretty high in tech, cast blood dome
>this angers the fishies and they send cthulhu spawn after my mage
>suddenly a couple turns later 3 of my mages all die at once and have to move them out of my province
>get mad at the bullshit since I patrolled and added bodyguards
>close game and look up how to counter their units, maybe scrying?
>midway through googling I remember the blood dome ritual said it kills your mage researchers eventually
I think Ys is cool, guys. Helheim too, actually.
But Ma Ctis and Phaecea are my absolute favorite nations.
agree, fellow lizard enjoyer
Holy shit
this is like turning over a rock and finding a retard ant colony
What's up guys?
any games recruiting?
No we're all SP hermits only
Go to domg
Was there a new Move+Pillage command in dom6 or was I having a delusion, thinking I read something to that effect somewhere?
Yeah it's called Raid. It was in Dom 5. You have to be ridiculously fast to do it so it's pretty much fliers/mounted only
I thought this thread was dead
No I'm ermor so it's undead
next time we host a blitz we will invite you guys
so you can join weeks too late
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I don't know what the correct way to build this nation is, but it's 0 points left, so I gotta save it.
This can't be good
Probably not. But statsrainbow is the first thing that comes to mind for a nation that doesn't want to trash its scales, and has pretty killy sacreds.
Either that or a big incarnate bless on a dormant pretender.
Statblesses have been nerfed to shit in dom6, you'd get a better bang for your buck to go at most dormant with some other higher tier bless to go with your sacreds.
>Everyone complaining how braindead AI is
>Couldn't win a single fucking game against it
AI isnt that braindead, the people saying that are probably big triers that watched 10 hours of youtube to minmax and played their nation 100+ times in dom 5 already
The nation is a bit of a mess. It has a whole bunch of above average things about it, but they dont synergize or work well together.

You can go scales and focus on fort chaff - they are relatively armored and hit hard but have only average combat stats and are human, meaning low hp and no resists. Your off cap mages are foreign recruit and really good nature/water, meaning easy access to buffs for chaff as well. You need to take heavy order and productivity and growth to use them though so its hard to utilize a good bless as well and makes your sacreds less useful.

On the other hand, your sacreds have above average stats and hp and hit harder, but dont have stellar protection, are cap only, and require high level dominion (8+) to really be effective. They work best mixed into your foreign recruit chaff as a "hidden powerfist" that can fuck up otherwise difficult to kill enemies and can be made extremely tough with a luck/etheral bless, some extra strength and attack skill. Also affliction resistance is a must if you want them to remain useful over time and both faster experience and swiftness have high value on them. Blessing them will be a problem sadly, though the commander version of them can bless its self, and make tough to kill thugs with the aforementioned bless and some cheap gear.

Your cap only mages are also baller and highly mobile and bring the big combat buffs in air and glamor.
Anyone have tips for therodos? I get they're supposed to make forts for ghosties and summon eghors for more even more ghosties, but I'm kind of confused what to do regarding dominion and pretender-wise. I have no idea what magic paths complement it best, I am confused if I should take low or high dominion because popkill seems to grief my income really badly. My gem income seems really low. And eventually my ghosts won't be very useful so not sure how to play late game, without some strong conjuration rituals, but I dont really have that good of gem income for that.
Therodos didnt get much love in 6. In terms of pretender, they really need an awake pretender to help expand quickly because you need to expand faster than their dominion popkilling, and you need the gold to fort up fast and get your toes on a coastline. A awake bless that adds some protection to your sacreds is useful. I also found the unsurroundable bless is suprisingly good at making your sacreds harder to hit. You also need to have a way to push off players on your borders, they will nom your lands early if they have half a brain, because it really shuts you down harder than most nations, and an awake pretender can be a great "fuck off" to pushy neighbors.

Site search aggresively, and prioritize construction after getting barkskin buffs in alt. Barkskin is essential to making your spectral chaff function, they are paper without it and with it they are literally 4x as tough and cant be ratiod by most nations chaff anymore. I also found the evoke poison spells in nature, and the poison arrow buffs, were suprsingly effective on your freespawn.
Yeah I always use an awake pretender for now. Not good enough to recover from a slow start. The barksin thing sounds like it will be super helpful. I couldnt figure out a use for my nature mage commanders.

I'm also using the dog blade god so it works really well with my ghosts since he shits out poison clouds on half the screen.

A lot of people told me ephors are better than forts for freespawn, so forts only really matter for defensive purposes. I'll figure that out as I play though. The money situation is pretty rough. It feels like if you get pushed back you just basically die.

Thanks for the tips!
Oh, also I was curious if you think alchemying all my earth gems into death gems early to get more ephors would be worth it? To me it seems worth it, since they're snowball faction and I only get 1 death gem per turn so far.
No, for one simple reason; as construction comes online, you need to get dwarven hammers asap. You need the efficient forging bonus to kit out your mages for mid/late game buffing, especially thanks to the fact most of your mages need those path boost items desperately and you have so little gems to spare between your summons and items.
Bane lord Chads reporting in
My plan was to expand fast with the extra ghosts to find more magic sites, but I see your point. Therodos does seem like it's always on the razors edge of resources, both gold and gems.
>script twilight
>units refuse to use it
>try different units different scripts
>temp gems
>actual gems
>make sure it's daylight
>not underwater
>still refuse to use it
I'm having a bad time. Off script is one thing but this is scripted.

Please tell me there's something I've missed.
Units go off script for 4 reasons:
1. They lack the gems
2. They feel using gems and the spell is unnecessary. (Ratio combat power)
3. They are likely to simply kill themselves with fatigue.
4. The conditions are already met/are not suitable for the spell.

Twilight is paticularily janky because it also doesnt work if its dark or night, so all it takes to stop it is being in a cave, or having some asshole hit up the thone of night, or cast solar eclipse or darkness.

If its not the first 3 things its likely one of those other random things shitting it up.
All of those conditions were met. I later got it working with a different unit and I will confirm the only difference with the unit was that the unit was a native glam 4 whereas the other was using a veil to boost to glam 3.
I'm almost certain boost items are meant to let you use higher path spells - especially given a failure to meet those conditions (other than daylight) will make the script appear red in the tactics menu, no?
Genuinely seems like a bug.
Whats a nation with a decent simple shtick for me to try and get into this game with?
EA Agartha. No communions, no supply issues, only 4 types of magic to get familiar with (mostly earth/death), build everywhere sacreds, garbage scales troops.

Basically you can take your time expanding, unlike others, dont need to know every spell, can play around with the bless, and learn how magic works to make troops 400% better. They can only really be played a couple ways which makes them easy to learn but inflexibile once you understand what there missing.

Avoid nations with blood mages, freespawn nations and communion nations (lots of astral magic). Freespawn always sound cool but they require obnoxious amounts of micro for a new player. Blood is similar in it requires alot of micro and planning, and astral usually rely on communions to beef up mages to usefulness, which takes a familiarity with spells, fatigue and casting to grasp correctly.
EA Pyrene might end up being even easier though you wont fond a whole lot of information on the Basque based humans and their giant goat herding pals.
There is nothing simpler than EA Ulm. Obscenely tough units, no national sacreds so you don't even have to bother with blesses. Only focus on ONE magic path (earth). Just make sure to get max Production scales and you're golden. Nothing else really matters. At least for newbie play.
>EA Ulm
mistyped here, I meant MA Ulm, the one with all the heavily armored units.
Yea ma ulm is also good. Iron blizzard spam on pimped mage priests with infinite fatigue cause there packing 15 reinvigoration is fun to watch, especially when you own troops are ironskinned and steeled to the gills and basically shrug off 15 ap hits.
you should pick based on whichever aesthetic or lore you like the most
I think CoE is the only fantasy game where dwarfs are like an endless swarm and reproduce like ants.
Illwinter said they wanted to avoid stock fantasy race tropes in CoE
What other games let you play as a non-omnnipotent god?
You could argue that's what the wizards from Age of Wonders series are. Conquest of Elysium, obviously, although saying you play as anything but a faction is stretching it.
LA Pyrene soon!
Is Far Caster a good blessing for your mages?
As far as I know, you still get penalty to accuracy from the range, so your mage will not be able to snipe enemy commander with a fireball.
It's okay for To Whom It May Concern casting. As you say, it does nothing for accuracy. The main issue is there are usually better things to do with your points.
>To Whom It May Concern casting
The only thing I dont like about dominions is how I need to play every battle beforehand to know how my units will do against the enemy. There's so much stuff that can go wrong with spells and blesses
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nations for this feel?
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damn normal ai has hands
Keeping fire gems for next game I guess
Master of Magic kinda if we follow >>1734831 line of thinking.
Press d
Hold down +
If the bad men are really strong, script mages to cast 'summon fire/air elemental'
There ya go, you're undefeatable+
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I haz a speedy mummy

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