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>what if eu4 but with pops; the game
>in a time that isn't super interesting outside of rome and greece
>In a time that is mostly interesting in the Hellenistic world which is why the game is mostly about Greeks despite being titled Rome
I blame the educational system, very few history nerds even know anything before the roman republic, the general public then pff, pdx also didn't went far enough, can't believe they will never do a game from sumer to the fall of the roman empire, cowards
>why the game is mostly about Greeks despite being titled Rome
Greeks are Roman though, it was called the Eastern Roman Empire and not the Byzantine empire back then.
They're very different, like in eu4 the meta is just maximizing trade while the trade in Imperator brings little income (and who bothers with it honestly)
this was like a few decades before the romans btfo pyrrhys
>Literal Indian super empire.
>Massive wars between Alexander Successor states.
>Carthage expansion across much of Spain and Africa.
The only place where not much was going on was North Europe. Which, gameplay wise, should mostly exist to be colonized.
>Takes some shitty tribes in north europe or albion
>Raid and enslave your neighboord
>Build your first city
>Slowly evolve in civilization
>Build road
>Build more city
>Convert pop to your culture in religion
>Have ton of fun
>I only conquer one or two province
>Pass month just watching my road and pop growing
>Never look south of the Alpe
>Know the joy of building civilization.

2.0 is the best gsg since decades anons. It is great. Build more road now!
>Indian super empire
Dont care
>Massive wars
That are basically over after a generation
Some colonies
Trade is very powerful in Imperator but it's more about stacking buffs than maximizing income.
>noooo I want to play as the random gallic tribe no.76
>why don't they have any flavor reeeeeee
Just play Field of Glory: Empires, a game superior to imperator in all ways.
Why do all the superior games have 100 players max at any time
I wish this was true. Unfortunately it's trash like everything else Slitherine has made.
For the same reason FPS is more popular than strategy

Care to back up your vagary with some observations?
>Care to back up your vagary with some observations?
Sure. It's a piece of shit. A complete and utter stinking turd of a game. Tic-Tac-Toe has more strategic depth. I would rather dip my balls in boiling lard than even think about playing it.
>Pyrrhus scores 2 victories and a tie
>italic barbars somehow twist it into them btfoing him

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