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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
I give them 3x3s
Whats the matter? Was the the $25 + tip stolen mod, I mean DLC not good enough, or are the gooner mods still broken because of the update?
I only give 3x3 to dwarfs with a position and notoble craftsdwarfs like a master armourer, and it is more of a roleplay autism kind of thing than because of any benefit it could provide.
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For the unknowledgeable, the Steam version of DF REQUIRES a new gen every RAW change due to mods not being baked into the save anymore.

How to remove gays from all creatures
open all creature RAWs


Replace in all opened files



Replace in all opened files

How to remove black dwarves
>creature_standard txt
line 436 replace line with

How to remove bald dwarves
>entity_default txt
replace line 862 with

Still triggered over this random shit after decades of all the dwarves being described as la creaturas with weird facial proportions?
Nah, this is for the retards that never realized that they always were described as such, decided to make the pasta during the steamfag boom after getting tired of hearing them bitching about it all the time.
I think there was also a RAW edit that made dwarves 2/3 male, like in Tolkiens world. Does anyone know what to change?
[POP_RATIO: Value goes here] under each caste seems to be the way

So I will guess that added tags should be [POP_RATIO: 1] under [CASTE:FEMALE] and [POP_RATIO: 2] under [CASTE:MALE]

However, I wonder if this will work on pratice considering how much of your population are from immigrants waves who are draw from abstracted population pools and not from births on your fort
Only one way to find out
What? Regular dwarves get 3x3, valuable craftsmen get a bedroom and a living room.
isn't this that tranny game that came out recently? Why would people play this over rimworld?
You're probably thinking of the new Rimworld DLC. It came out last week or so and Rimworld has a much better trans representation.
Kek A necromancer just attacked my fort and raised half the corpse stock pile. Some of my dorfs are necromancers themselves and raised the other half? Fps has gone down to 1 and I have no idea what's happening. My population number is falling though.
7 casualties so far but the dead dorfs get reanimated all the time. The human trader guards are in the fight as well.
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this new ost is pretty baller, thanks mega anon(s) im not giving those elf lovers a penny
Theres good and bad things about the new UI. I have a feeling im gonna be going back and forth from this and 0.47. I definitely won't miss the old stair designations though. making vertical shafts into the earth is a lot more convenient now, less straining on my hand
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its a fuckin necromancer apocalypse down here
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Here (You) go.
should work fine
Never actually played this game. Apparently attaining a mountainhome title is the game's biggest challenge? How hard is it to manage that?
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wall smoothing designations arent displayed in ascii mode, well done toady
The biggest challenge is defeating the hordes of hell. Getting Mountainhome title requires you to have a high enough population, generate lots of wealth, and have a diverse economy, which you'll eventually get just by playing the game unless you capped your population lower than the requirement.
>Apparently attaining a mountainhome title is the game's biggest challenge?
HAH, no
>Apparently attaining a mountainhome title is the game's biggest challenge
Not really.
Doing that is just a suggested end goal that got added by the steam update for people who need a carrot on a stick to be able to enjoy things.
do you have a link plz?
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im beginning to think toady really didnt test ascii mode out at all
its the fourth post dude
I just want the adventure edition soundtrack tho i already got the game and nobody's uploaded it to khinsider
Just go to youtube and put each link on a youtube to mp3 converter site
For a moment I thought that this was the find embark location function and I was like >what is this dude complaining about
shouldn't they be incapable of both intellectual and manual labor?
oh i see, by new ost I was just talking about the steam soundtrack since ive just been on 0.47 up until today
for me, it's 3x3 with the bed in the opposite corner from the entrance and a coffer and a cabinet in the other two corners
>b-b-b-b-b-but that's inefficient
don't care
I do 3x3x2. The corridor level is a personal dining room, the second is a bedroom. A stair up or down has the same cost as moving orthogonally, dwarf pros zlevelmaxxx
>im beginning to think toady really didnt test ascii mode out at all
you would be correct
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>thanks mega anon
No worries
dat microcline door gets me every time
Keep up the good work
alright i might finish up the military bedrooms but its about time to retire this fort and begin the adventure to find the secrets of life and death
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>corpse stockpile
you live and you learn
use atom smashers

ive once had necromancer military, it went just as well except they all got killed by their own spawn
should i even update vanilla_creatures folder between patches?
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praise the cube
whats this room, a common bedroom? do they actually use the chests and closets there?
seems like they do not as a dorm, but if i bothered to zone out the bedrooms they should. ill probably do that when i get back from the spooky library
depends on whether they've modified the files or not
When I opted in for the adventure beta my raws got restored to the default values, so it is going to depend.
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what is it like to be at war with the amphibian people
Once you breach the caverns they and any other cave dwelling civ around eventually start launching endless raids agains you regardless of anything.
So I guess that this is just a formal declaration of war. I would be surprise if they could actually lauch sieges against you like the goblins do.
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yea but theres a bunch of amphibian fortresses and towns on the surface, plus this rat tower. never seen animal people become relevant in worldgen before so i am curious how the game is gonna handle it
about a year into the fort, got plenty of iron so im gonna start getting my dwarves ready for war. no migrants this season though so that is a bit of a concern
Makes sense. I think some random groups can occupy abandoned forts and some other site, so that then they start showing up on the embark screen as civs, But so far had only ever seen kobolds do that.
have fun with that
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last update on the fort before bed, we have breached the caverns and immediately started slaughtering the local tribes, no dirty frog people yet though
Is the steam version downgrade? I went throught reviews and noted some people said it lacks something from the original game before steam.
Yes, for at least a month/a few more months/a year or so, then it will be at parity content wise with pre-steam.
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I switched to it a few days ago, ill try to list everything ive encountered so far off the top of my head:
>stair designations seem improved but actually are completely fucked up, you can only build/carve 1 z-level stairs with dfhack and if you for example build an upstair construction and wish to carve a downstair into the ceiling above it, miners will refuse to path there. you have to either carve or construct the whole thing, no inbetween
>Hospitals are a location instead of their own zone for some reason
>No more mass tombs, you have to put a 1x1 tomb zone over every fucking coffin haha
>Everything can go through your doors now, pet-passability can no longer be set because it was causing performance issues i guess. you can still forbid doors to everyone
>Stocks screen was very close to being improved but toady had to fuck it up by making every item category expanded by default so you have to manually click each one with your mouse to see lets say how much charcoal you have
>Same for merchant menu, but now you can't search through it to mark stuff you wanna buy/sell fast. Also in the move goods menu the stuff currently at the Trade Depot isn't at the top of the list anymore so you can't quickly tell your haulers to move everything back, dfhack provides improved menus for both that fixes these issues
>Creating squad uniforms is really weird now, you can only access the uniform menu after you make a squad and you can't update uniforms except by making a new one
>Ordering your squads to train has the opposite effect, I'm not sure why that button is there since you're supposed to set their schedule instead of issuing an order
theres probably more but thats all I can think of for now. theres a lot of improvements as well and im beginning to get used to the fancy new UI
First keep in mind that both the paid steam and the free one on bay12 are on the same version 50.xx, the difference boils down that the one sold on steam is a premium graphic set and OST

The bulk of the complaints that ive heard from here about 50.xx that still applies today usualy about how the controls changed and how they it is still not all keyboard, and also weird stuff here and there like the other anon listed. Then you also had the adventure mode which wasnt included on release and only last week or so a public beta release, and it still has lots of missing features.
On the other hand, 50.xx did get some sick performace improvements thanks to multithreading some of the code and some of Toady shit code being reworked by a new programer that is working with him.

Personaly, my issue with the steam release is that it has been basicaly a 6 years halt on DFs development, and considering how unfinished the Adventure Mode beta is, looks like the hiatus is going to drag on for another year, and Im all out of copium for this shit
Is it still a huge pain in the ass getting marksdwarves to pick up new bolts?
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Steam Fortress was a mistake.
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guys magma forges soon
How many deaths?
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About 4 plus a couple dogs
>plus a couple dogs
their sacrifices won't be forgotten
How was your vacation?
a sane way is to dig a pit from above to the tile you want to remove
or if thats unintentional then nwm
turn mistakes into miracles
>not spacing out adjacent dorms and creating 1x1 bedrooms over each bed
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My new fort is modest and growing slowly.
I will need to expand soon because I've consumed most of the resources i've mined and harvested.

Embarked on a mixed mountain / woodsland biome, not many trees so I mostly save them for beds, will probably run out of trees if I try to keep stocked up on potash. Been harvesting fruit as well. not sure where all the sand is coming from since the layer underneath is shale
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trade depot / garbage dump / outdoors workshops
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main hall / future tavern. haven't smoothed anything yet due to manpower shortage, up to 60 dorfs now so should be viable. Doors also don't match and am trying to save dolomite for steel production when i can.

the trade depot before also had a hospital
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rather clever multi-z level irrigation / resevoire setup. Heard muddy ground contaminates your water so I dug an extra z level for my resevoire's.
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that muddy area on the bottom is a pasture, nearly flooded my fortress because i forgot to disassemble my wells and place hatches over them. Luckily caught it in time.

These are my farms / plant storage. Notice the little drain hatches on each farm.
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Workshop area. Will probably make another one, or maybe two, then see about digging another resevoire under my drainage system to make another meeting hall with some housing. Haven't decided on temples / guildhalls yet, might need to expand past the caverns or branch out horizontally.
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drainage grate and section of cavern i flooded with it. Goes down a few more z levels before it hits the grate.
my little forts doing pretty good, 10 full sets of steel plate mail (mail, breastplate, greaves, gauntlets, high boots, helms) iron shields, steel battleaxes..

Not sure how I should expand or where I should go next. Little frustrated that the first few levels dug straight into a magnetite cluster, i hate constructed walls cause they look like crap compared to smoothed rock.

Speaking of which, should really start smoothing, everything looks like shit, but i'm not looking forward to removing doors and beds and whatnot. One area where QoL definitely has Dwarf Fortress beat, Rimworld lets you build floors and smooth stone without having to dissassemble furniture.
at least the magnetite will make those rooms super valuable and give my dwarfs happy thoughts.
you can't see it but there is a staircase on the top water well that leads down to the reservoire, for rescueing anybody who falls in or retreiving dead bodies as the case may be.
looking comfy
thanks anon.
is there any liquid transfer between your fort and outside world? can you flood it?
Sadly no. Localised flooding is as far as it goes for now. Maybe in 50 years we will se something like that.
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oh shit it shoots webs- nevermind
what about adventure mode? the map seems to be seamless there
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*chefs kiss
I will assume that even if you could build in adventure like you can fort mode, or may be build something in fort mode and the visit it as an adventure, the fluid logic will be only calculated up to a certain radius around the player and will either freeze in place if the player moves away or be threated like fluids in fort mode where once they flow outside the map or the ocean they would just disappear.
Maybe you could make a giant water cistern in fort mode and then use an adventurer to cause it to flood some place nearby. There is only one way to find out however.
also batperson tribes attacking, slaughtered all the ones on the ground and cant reach the blowgunners
>Have a big button on the left in menus
>Don't put the hotkey visible in it
Absolutely the controls. Why do I have to hover over everything and shuffle to the mouse anyway when I want to place things?
Since I haven't bothered getting to FPS death size yet. The new version runs slower by default even with 7 dwarves. Is it just more consistently slow but not as terrible late game?
I dont feel like the new version runs slower with just your starting 7. At least not like when multi tile trees were added and the activate the world update.
The new performace improvements are most noticable in older forts because the major source of fps loss in old forts in the previous versions was the a line of sight code which made increasingly more unnecessary checks the more creatures were on the map, meawhile pathfinding, which commonly held as the main source of fps loss by the community barely even registred.
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thats it then
Did you opened a funny obsidian box?
yea i wanted to make a cool mausoleum at the bottom of the magma ocean and it was in the way, didnt realize
I might have to make a webm showing what I mean. Or just investigate closer. I forget what the settings were called. Game FPS and visual FPS?
I want to say the dwarves are absolutely zooming in the old version. At least for a while.
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after retiring and refreshing my memory with legends here are some highlights pre-necromancy
>one of my starting dwarfs hated nature but was conflicted because he saw beauty in it, he would get a happy thought for seeing a tree and another from destroying it
>spent a year training up my engraver so he could masterfully do the main areas only for him to die to a giant cave toad before making anything cool
>lots of ant people on trogg violence
>one of my artifacts was stolen by an elf dancer corrupting one of my dwarfs
>lots of random shit (mostly wood) stolen by the native capuchin population but recently ive noticed my cat population actually running them down and killing them
>forgotten beast made out of vomit
>only 4 deaths due to construction reasons :^)
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its a shame i cant use all the weapon traps i made from scavenging spears off antmen
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well i would be in emotional shock too if i got destroyed by antmen
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thats an idea for a fortress
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and ive been told that plump helmets is all they need
My fort is waiting for the keyboard controls to come back. I just can't go against all my muscle memories.
it's been almost a decade now, holy shit
i give all my dwarfs a 3x4 bedroom, a 4x4 living room, and a 3x3 office (shared between couples)
can't you just keep playing the non-steam version?
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Well after the fort succumbed to the endless hordes of bugpeople, I decided to gen another 10,000 year world, this one is slightly more interesting.
Oputar, "The Eternal Land", is divided into two large continents. The mountainhomes are on the mainland to the north where goblins haunt their ruins. Dwarven civilization is not actually dead, as dwarves of the Exalted Road still maintain a grip of 3 of their mountainhomes in the peaks of the Great Teeth and number ~2400 dwarves strong. The frozen north is mainly the domain of necromancers whose towers have stood there for thousands of years
The lower continent "The Ardent" also has an interesting history. Elven civilization began there and was swiftly destroyed by dwarven bandits that moved into the region likely seeking to escape the green hordes on the mainland. The western half of the Ardent then belonged to the dwarves for some few thousand years, not in mountain fortresses but in aboveground forts, hamlets, villages and towns, as well as the elves former forest retreats that then fell under dwarven occupation. The Ardent is the fief of the eastern dark fortress however, and as of the last few hundred years these sites have fallen under goblin rule.
Looking at this world, I think my goal here is going to be to establish a large fort on the Ardent, which long term is going to result in more dwarven sites appearing on the continent due to trade. It would be neat if this were to rile the eastern gobs up and shake history a bit as its remained mostly stagnant other than the dwarf bandits being kicked out, which im pretty sad about since i'd never seen something like that before
Gib link for the Steam version with modded-out faggotry and trannyism plz.
You will never be a real game.
>spoonfeed me things that have been literally posted ITT
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managed to dig to the bottom without discovering a single cavern
they fucked over the controls
4th post
5th post
Good, caverns suck. Just keep strip-mining every single z-level to dig up riches.
cavern is the only source of water on that map
Haemothearchy > The long night >>>>> Broken world >>>>>>>> Fall from grace
>spent the entire morning fucking around with adv world gen and generating worlds
>generated one where humans civs from a particular region are counting as hostile yo every dwarf civ
Did those civs got infiltrated by a necromancer cult?
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I don't remember this being a problem, but they really make unplayable for ASCII players in the steam version, you CAN'T cycle through creatures and place/remove furniture with the keyboard anymore! so is super tedious and retard to blindly hover with the mouse looking for bodies below the miasma cloud, in the graphics edition the miasma is transparent and scattered items have the little lock symbol in them, so you're fucked in ASCII, before you have this nice V option to cycle through creatures and items scattered, now you're just fucked!
after this i understood the loss of interest in DF by the community in here, they just butchered the game for no reason, someone knows a solution or fix for this? how can i mod the game, put some ascii symbols to be visible through the miasma? or even better bring back the V option to cycle throught creatures and somehow use the keyboard cursor to remove/place furniture?
Why don't you download 0.47.05 from bay12? You play ascii anyway and it's the latest version before steam. Which is basically the same as the steam version but with the 'normal' keyboard controls. If you need mouse controls you can use dfhack.
Yeah but i am autistic and want the game updates for some reason, i used to play keyboard-only like a master with the numpad+ CTRL and Shift to go through z-levels, making very complex forts using only keyboard, but the thing i am pissed about i just how the 'Play in ASCII' option is a total lie because is impossible to use the mouse for the reasons i listed above and is impossible to properly use the keyboard, they had a keyboard support update, lying saying they're making the game properly keyboard enable some weeks ago, but the only change is that you can use the keyboard in item/creatures sheets, and if some player tries to use the keyboard is gonna be a even more retard and unbalanced mix of keyboard/mouse functions that makes the game unplayable, how the ASCII players are coping with this now? i concluded all the DF community is retarded for me be the only one in the internet i saw questioning this!
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>how the ASCII players are coping with this now?
By sticking to the classic versions from before the steam release, or by not playing at all. I don't think the new updates actually changed the game.
>i concluded all the DF community is retarded
Only the 'new' Steam version community who complain that the stories like Boatmurdered etc. are fake. These people mostly stick to Discord.
>for me be the only one in the internet i saw questioning this!
Hardly. The old playerbase has been complaining about the new controls since the release of the Steam version.
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shame my venom only causes pain
I was typing a big comment here that was essentially just an endorsement for dfhack. I'm not going to say that dfhack solves all your problems because in all likelihood it doesnt, but it makes it a lot easier and less horrible to get used to the new control scheme which goes from "different and even more obtuse than the old one" to "different but an improvement in specific areas"
I'm gonna be honest, your posts are annoying not because they lambast my favorite autism games steam release but because I feel like toadys gonna be stuck trying to appease the neckbeards that don't actually play the new version and therefore do not know about the gameplay related issues that are plaguing the steam release
I can get used to the new controls. I cannot get used to marksdwarves being completely fucked. I can't do anything about that, it's up to toady to add the 1 line of code that lets you select your archers preferred ammunition. Maybe he'll get around to it in another 2 years or so. Maybe he'll also reimplement door pet-passability, who knows
Anyway, I get your frustration since I held off on the new version as well until pretty recently. They take some getting used to but theyre pretty good with dfhack. I tend to use a mix of keyboard and mouse but not completely one or the other. There is an option in the games settings to enable a keyboard cursor specifically for designations and construction placement, I've never enabled it though and you're still going to need to use the mouse for certain things anyway
>for certain things anyway
most things*
yea in my experience I use the keyboard mainly just to bring up the menus and then mouse for everything else
Also use keyboard for mining designations so if i wanted to carve a staircase its m > t, m > u for channeling, if i then wanted to erase the designations its right click to leave the designation menu and then x. You can't just press x though because for some fucking reason thats what you use to remove constructions. removing designations is a separate menu. also felling trees is all the way over at L, what the fuck
The problem is not that I hate kbm control schemes, it's that a) I have been playing DF as a kb-only game for 16 years so I've become rather good at it and b) games with primary kb input and occasional mouse are a huge pain because I have to move my hand back and forth.
I'm just waiting for them to add legend mode to the game, although seeing how the development of the first game is going, I'll probably die before seeing it.
Anon I...are you ok?
Legends Mode is already in the game anon
youve been waiting for nothing them because Legends mode has been back around a year or so now
sorry I wasn't clear with what I said

I can then become a warlord who usurps kingdoms with my military power, enslave all species that are not human, obtain sexual slaves who only serve the purpose of giving me heirs, make them develop Stockholm syndrome out of a survival instinct and spread my legacy of terror across the world with my children?
i only played the steam version after it came out and never looked back, the enable keyboard cursor option is a lie, only works for mining designations, not for construction/furniture placement and removal, you are such a fanboy that didn't understood my point, i don't mind getting used by the new keyboard scheme, my problem is that the ASCII version is totally useless right now, (you cannot see through miasma, you need to hover blindly to find corpses and etc) its retarded, insane, broken, you didn't read my comment and start sperging out, and yeah the markdwarves never picking up ammo is the most annoying thing ever.

Now i understand why this game never gonna be fixed because of forever alpha cultists like you, they literally broken the game to give the game a newbie friendly UI and transform DF in a comercially viable product, i wouldn't mind, if they are not lyhing in the fucking config options screen of the game, its insane, they destroy the game to give some pixel art and a new UI, i loved the new job assign menu, using pre-defined profiles, so much better than the old DF. i m not a total contrarian shitting on the game for no reason, DF is also my favorite game, but they are just lying about what the game can do now, you are okay with this? Tarn already did this before the steam release? i don't think so.
I thought you wanted Legends Mode.
Sorry, I've been playing for a while, I already researched well and it was adventure mode.

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