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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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Thread to discuss utaites, vsingers, and their music. Originals, covers, utawakus, lives, etc., post them here.

Previous Thread: >>47486420

Upcoming Lives:
9/07: épeler 1st one-man live「飛躍」https://epeler.zaiko.io/item/365718
9/14: Singularity Live Volume 3 (KAF, RIM)
9/14: XR Live "Rhapsody Nocturne" (Kano, Kagura Nana, MKLNtic, Nanahira) https://spwn.jp/events/evt_240914-rhapsodynocturne
9/14: Shishigami Leona 5th Oneman Live「This is Me!」 https://react-event.zaiko.io/item/365447
9/15: RIM 3rd ONE-MAN LIVE「NEUROMANCE Ⅲ」https://www.zan-live.com/en/live/detail/10439
9/19: Sana Natori 1st Live
9/22: Yuka Nagase Live Tour 2024 "Eureka"
10/12: Yuka Nagase Live Tour 2024 "effect"
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The best KMNZ in history
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so Ado really is the face of today's Japan huh
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Myaku Myaku love!
It's from 2020 but I just finished listening to this album and really enjoyed it.

just now saw the MV for this and it screams project diva so bad, literally feels like im playing yellow.

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/jp/ stands for Jigsaw Puzzle!

Anything goes as long as it's /jp/ related. Make sure to mark any super lewd puzzles as NSFW. Jump into jigs and start sawing or make your own on:


Miku Miku Miku Miku
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"Jealousy, turning saints into the sea!" https://jiggie.fun/1wOvoD
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Tyler Perry
"Do you smile to tempt a lover?"

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How would you make Yukari like you?
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i can bring it back to life
You've already brought her cock back to life.
how could that be, she looks like shes in her early 20's
foolish anon, she looks like she's in her 20s since before Alaric raped Rome. She's mega barren.
she just hasn't found the right man

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Hear me out...
Time travel but with kigs!

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- https://kigudb.info/ (under construction)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://x.com/ox3870/status/1835503874326905191

Previous Thread: >>47722664
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I'm about to turn into the Sam Hyde of kigurumi
Me and the boys on our way to shit up the /g/ catalog.
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>Oh cool another board is taking an interest in this hobby!
>SCHIZO webm thread
That is from the old documentary that got me into kigu, I wish I could find it again, if anyone has links to it please let me know

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She was high on oil fumes and calmed down after.
Oil is ontologically evil in Gensokyo because it's steeped in sins. Hungry goat lady ate more and more of it and started being worse and worse because of it. Then Flan blew her ass and she got all the evil knocked out of her, basically factory rebooting the goat back to normal. Who, it turns out, is not really that bad a person.
Isn't Okina the one who initiates the 2hu 17.5 incidents? What's her real intention?
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>Oil is ontologically evil in Gensokyo because it's steeped in sins
- Yuuma's color scheme is red, white, and blue
- Yuuma's followers are eagles
- Yuuma is obsessed with oil from another land, laying claim to it for herself
- Yuuma is a goat, and goats are often associated with devils/the devil. A Great Satan, one might say

Why did ZUN make Yuuma and her clan America

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What is it about Taters that makes her the best Tengu?
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Say wha
She's "introverted" (largely indoors) but not gloomy
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she isn't a fan of lies
If she says they're homemade, they're homemade.
very true!
"false"flagger? I think he's genuinely a gigantic faggot just like most(not all) other yurifags and that's just his true self.
Taters needs to sit her bird ass on my taste buds.

Today is my birthday, /jp/. Can we please have an Okuu thread with no lewds?
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Okuu, you spelled "birthday" wrong, ya fucking birbbrain!
Happy birthday!
Okuuuu! (I just wanted to say it)
Some more oku
Thank you okuu friend!!!
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Post cookies, discuss cookies.
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Why did he do it?
She deserves it.

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Zundamon is here!
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Rough rape.
kiss cheeks, grope her flat chest, lick tight, nipple his neck, sumata, jam it in, fertilization, marriage.
Zundamon can be anything from Japanese kyuujotai to a mouse in universe 25 to Tommy Lee Jones
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Shinmy has to deal with the heat.
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Why she cry? I want to comfort her.
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You failed to protect her smile, now look at her!
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ready for the cold season

Schedule: https://774-schedule.ai/

Official website: https://www.774.ai/

Previous thread: >>47355031

Link to download the old Minecraft Server: https://www.774.ai/special-micra-2020-2022


【Inaba Haneru / 因幡はねる】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Owc36U9lOyi9Gx9Ic-4qg
【Hinokuma Ran / 日ノ隈らん】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRvpMpzAXBRKJQuk-8-Sdvg
【Kazami Kuku / 風見くく】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXp7sNC0F_qkjickvlYkg-Q
【Yunohara Izumi / 柚原いづみ】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW8WKciBixmaqaGqrlTITRQ
【Seshima Rui / 瀬島るい】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_WOBIopwUih0rytRnr_1Ag

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUCrCOQUVps Mary my beloved
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Has she reached the end game for 7dtd? She's clearing out hordes of zombies solo no problem
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Haneru's Dogs finally got their own Insta https://www.instagram.com/p/DAE2T0LzO5Q/

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it's good in a very weird way

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Really? Pics?
This is something of a misunderstanding. You see, Hisami is simply that protective of Zanmu. If any man were to even imply being attracted to lady Zanmu, why, Hisami would have to take matters into her own hands. That is, drag him away with vines into a deep, dark, forgotten pit of Hell and subject him to the most overwhelming, overstimulating femdom she possibly can without any breaks or aftercare or anything. All to refactor his sexuality away from lady Zanmu, of course. Hisami is just doing it because she can't stand competition. Not because she wants to, or because she enjoys putting men in sexually humiliating and submissive positions. It's all for lady Zanmu. It's all to protect her.
This doesn't seem like a bad way to go out

Did you know that Alice is the strongest magician in Gensokyo? She keeps her true power hidden because she is just that amazing. Pretty nice, right?
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Goodbye and never return, Alice.
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neither of them nearly ended the world by opening a book, alice clears both of them easily
Alice is the strongest there is!
why is she so powerful?
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She has many dolls that serve as extensions of her power. The more dolls under her control, the more powerful she is. Because she is the only magician in Gensokyo with an army of dolls at her command, this makes her the strongest one by default.

Here is your Mayumi wife! Enjoy!
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majin sex
Mayu is so cool and cute
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The hotiwa
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Mayoom in softer state.

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