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DJT is a language learning thread for those immerse in Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

Previous threads:>>47812999
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ive used several formats and settled on animecards, not sure what you think is wrong with it
the template is just dogshit
>jp mining note
heavy and unnecessary info

I know that the tmw pisscord have some good templates, but ain join that shit
at the end of the day let's worry more about mining a lot of cards rather than the specific format those cards are presented with
im going through a period now where i can't understand shit anymore. maybe what im reading is too difficult
>says the anime cards template is dog shit
>says the moeway designers' css jerk off fest of "pretty templates" are good.
if people like you who only criticize for the sake of it dropped dead, this place would be better

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"A booster seat? Hot dog."
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"We shall never deny a guest even the most ridiculous request."
This is Jellyfish Fields, where wild jellyfish roam just waiting to be captured.
Why yes I'm very special
we know

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post best neko
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Orin only does titty sex.
Big fat CAT tats.
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Why did you capitalise cat
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he is a gentlemen.
>As you crawl away with both legs broken and face so swollen you can't see out of either eye, the cat kicks you away breaking your hips and severely damaging your spine. One of your ears can still hear (the other one is pooled with blood), and you hear Orin going to the victor and purring, and soon those purrs turn to screams and you don't have to imagine what's happening.
You are going through this scenario every single day, just in less overt ways. Might as well make it impressive, so that nobody can accuse you of not trying.

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>47638537
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Maybe the real Tiara was inside us all along
When will Hachinai die?
I miss Haya-coco so much guys
死ね Post
What will die first: Ririsa or Roshidere?

Uhm, Kanaria thread, I guess!? All dolls welcome too, I guess!
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Souseiseki is always the cutest.
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what if kirakishou stole body of her fake counterpart

would she finally have a body or it just would anihilate?
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wouldn't kira have rosen on both eyes then? how will she see?
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tfw no rozen maidens irl
you're supposed to post a sad face, you baka.

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The sheep has entered real world.
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Me too.
That's the Niga-sheep
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Woolysame Marisheepu.
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powerful. and stylish.

Time for another Marisa thread to steal your heart, だで~
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This is pure slander Marisa bathes every morning and smells of pine needles and wild flowers. Just because her house is messy and the Forest of Magic is a bit repugnant doesn't mean she's a stinker.
In a river or lake like people used to before plumbing was invented? And even though she'll get cleaner, there still will be that "freshwater smell" left after that. And does she even have any soap with her?
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Pushing her in a river so the stinky witch gets a good wash for a change
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getting Wakasagihime to give her a quick spin cycle under the lake might be a better idea though, Marisa will definitely come out cleaner
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Yes, waterboarding Marisa few times should do the trick.

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I hope you'll like my blood donation today

Please be gentle

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i dont want to be killed by Flan (unless its her thighs)
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i want to hug flan but i know i shouldnt since i would go boom
you won't go boom if you're nice
im not so sure
Give me her sister>>47817209

It's almost here!
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stronger than byakuren
more unkown than Nue
What's with all the pictures of Shizu lifting her skirt? And should I make my own...?

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This thread is for the discussion of anison (anime song), the genre of music made specifically for anime. Whether it be dedicated anime singers, voice actors, idols, as long as the song was made for an anime, it belongs here. Discuss your favorite anison artists and anime songs, and share your events and experiences!

Discussion of doujin music, anikura, idols, seiyuu (outside of their music careers), and mainstream Japanese artists go in their respective threads.
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>Gets to keep her job for years despite flopping

Does she need saving?
I don't want her to suffer the fate of many of her contemporaries.
Not all Vocaloid is anison
You alone had the power to change her fate. All you had to do was buying thousand copies of her physical releases.

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/jp/ stands for Jigsaw Puzzle!

Anything goes as long as it's /jp/ related. Make sure to mark any super lewd puzzles as NSFW. Jump into jigs and start sawing or make your own on:


Miku Miku Miku Miku
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Tyler Perry
"Do you smile to tempt a lover?"
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Half Angel. Half Demon. All Sexo.

Here is your Mayumi wife! Enjoy!
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Mayu is so cool and cute
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The hotiwa
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Mayoom in softer state.
Why is she butter

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The dreaded paizuri kot that paizuris you to death and throws you onto the cart.
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get your dick out
Do you have like a photo or something?
I've had my dick out for hours and nothing's happened.
You gotta be outside the human village.
oh, something happened, alright. not only your phalus will be in the first page of several newspapers, also in the porn stash of several youkai.

Today is my birthday, /jp/. Can we please have an Okuu thread with no lewds?
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Happy birthday!
Okuuuu! (I just wanted to say it)
Some more oku
Thank you okuu friend!!!
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Previous thread: >>47722302

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
381 replies and 69 images omitted. Click here to view.
if you ever become capable of reading a proper novel (not a light one) then you're capable of reading mareni
>proper novel (not a light one)
In terms of difficulty, this just depends on the writer
Its cool but I wish there was a way to speed up the battle scenes.
Does the game ever let you cum? Also is there any penetration and the like?
yes the penetrations will start after you finish the first 4 map choices
the cum leads to the first ending, there will be 2nd cycle
the battles are long but it's full auto so i just listen to it on the side while doing smth else
Good to hear that it gets better at least.

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