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Realistically speaking how hard would it be to befriend flan-chan?
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I like her sidetail.

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This thread is for the discussion of anison (anime song), the genre of music made specifically for anime. Whether it be dedicated anime singers, voice actors, idols, as long as the song was made for an anime, it belongs here. Discuss your favorite anison artists and anime songs, and share your events and experiences!

Discussion of doujin music, anikura, idols, seiyuu (outside of their music careers), and mainstream Japanese artists go in their respective threads.

Previous thread: >>48848600
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Hibi wa Sugiredo Meshi Umashi (Food for the Soul) OP:
asmi - "Sonna Mon ne"
Yūsha Party o Tsuihō Sareta Shiro Madōshi, S-Rank Bōkensha ni Hirowareru: Kono Shiro Madōshi ga Kikakugai Sugiru OP:
Gakuto Fujiwara - "Junjō de are."
Just found out that Marina Kawano is still around and is even having a birthday live in a few months.
The Too-Perfect Saint ED:
WON - "Sister"
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The year of the dawa.
You should try a new type of tea this year, just make sure it is brewed correctly or the dawa will come for you!
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seems like an odd pose for a static abdomen

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If we are talking about eggs, while not only about volume, but also about quantity?
Large-billed crow (species of crow that is in Japan) lays between 3 and 5 eggs during one nesting, once a year. Incubation takes at most 20 days, chicks are becoming fledged after about 35 days. Usually skipping the first year after hatching and staying to help parents (behaviour seen among other crows as well), later on those crows keep breeding throughout their life in monogamous pairings.
It wouldn't be a terrible idea to model crow tengu off large-billed crow. The trick is, those crows aren't staying around for centuries. Tengu on the other hand do. So while at first you would start with handful of pretty children...
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The end result near the end of your life could look like the pic related.
Would you be ready to take the responsibility?
I came inside Aya ONCE what the fuck
Aya if she laid an egg every time anon fapped to her (despite her greatest efforts to make omelettes from the eggs)
Little Aya would be cute but it would be heartbreaking to father one if she's anything like her mother. Imagine half the nights of the week she's out clubbing and going to some Guy's house to get fucked by him, and the rest of the night she brings home a new guy. And you think to yourself, damn she's just 14 too.

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Previous thread: >>48373872

- What is this?
This is a collaborative /jp/-centric project which began its planning in November of last year by an anon who will simply be referred to in this thread as OP, the current working title of which is known as "Touhou: Japonaiserie Patchwork". Our goal is to create a NVL-style visual novel involving various Touhou girls and our Villager MC's personal quest to explore Gensokyo and eventually court one lucky 'hu in time for a Hakurei Shrine Flower Viewing, lest he wind up alone or inexorably corrupted depending on the decisions made...
This is a non-profit we are individually undertaking between our own current IRL obligations on top of everything so development may be slow at times. Please exercise some patience with us if you can as progress continues for the foreseeable future. It would be much appreciated!

- What's been done so far?
We have begun writing out the first few scenes & scenarios, the fruits of which can be viewed and commented on here:
- Day 0 Intro/Day 1 Opening (revised once so far): https://pastebin.com/sYYrs01Q
- Marisa Day 1 Scenario/Day 1 Closing/Day 2 Opening: https://files.catbox.moe/ez9hio.txt (no revisions so far, original pastebin was removed by staff for some reason. minor textual errors after posting to catbox with commas and ellipses, likely due to the original text being typed out via mobile device. can be fixed after first revision, please advise)
- Chimata Day 1 Scenario: https://files.catbox.moe/jn1ivv.txt (pending a first revision)
These can all be considered rough drafts and are freely open to criticism or further suggestions, so don’t be afraid to share your thoughts if you have the time & interest to and the appropriate adjustments can perhaps be made. We also have some basic outlines for both Marisa (plus the overall story) & Chimata which can be viewed here if anybody didn’t take a look at them last thread:
(subject to mild alterations during implementation per given suggestions so far)

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Shion is a contender but her ability is also really OP in tge right circumstances, Eika is literally an abortion
Shion is really OP in all circumstances...
You're free to let me know if it gets that egregious but luckily I think we've been able to avoid attracting that sort of attitude so far thanks to how this project started. I'm at least trying to be fairly serious with my approach rather than just shitting around. It'll make writing out Ran's section that much more satisfying if I can pull it off right when I get to it.
Maybe also Yoshika or even Tokiko but that could be a bit of a stretch, just trying to name anyone different.
>Even a simple pity bump when things get slow could be more than enough to keep things going.
Thank you anon, I can't always be around the save the thread but it's nice to be able to count on others in moments like this.
Incidentally, I've been recovering from the flu for a little while now but should still be on track to complete my next entry sometime over the weekend. Getting through it should be pretty straight forward, especially since it'll just be the Day 4 dialogue and the good/bad endings that follow it.

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Post Yuugi
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I will attack Yuugi with kisses, hugs, pats, and hand-holdings!
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Oh yeah? Well what are you gonna do when she counterattacks with smooches, cuddles, noogies, and L-bombs?
Hit her with the ol' "Commit to a long term, loving relationship" special! She'll never see it coming!
The sages don't want you to know this, but this is an ancient oni-slaying technique with a 100% success rate, lost to time and deliberately obfuscated.
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I wonder why they'd try to hide that, makes you think...

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All hail our princess
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Good fish.
>Kage is you
The poor girl doesn't deserve this sort of punishment!
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love the waggy girl

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>27+ years
>her design still hasn't been topped
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Blue eyed Ellen today
I forgot what I was going to post in this thread...
Have you seen my keys?
I like this dirty blonde look for her too
blue eyes kind of give her that Alice in Wonderland aura
ellen is one of the few 2hus that is canonically able to visit you...

Can we have a Paruparu thread to kick off the new year?
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And pretty
So sexyyy~
I love a woman that can murder me

Discuss Stardust idols. Other 正統派 idols are also permissible.
Info, news, blog

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>10 days
a crime there are no scans
because she's not stardust
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hmm weird...
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another cock girl
already felt she was a kokona before her name appeared in the video lol (with some miyu thrown in)

good good, nice

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Previous thread: >>48968291

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Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

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Fuck that was a fleet I was planning to use
But how did he manage to fit historical with touch
>Frog... was a mistake
Never before has there been a shipgirl in more dire need of correction
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Not so smug, young lady.

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translations and MTL is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

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>blew my mind.
Haven't read it yet; was it about Extracontinental Vassal or the Underworld? Actually, the earliest mention of other continents/planes was during Franklin's arc, where (s)he theorized the possibility of heaven/hell due to Pandemonium having access to angelic/demonic material. The one "protected" by Drag-Stream was EV, I think (based on the Monochrome arc); though from what Benny said during the De Vermis arc, there should be another location where demihuman(?) lives aside from Legendaria, since that's where his other summons are currently, and it's also hinted to be the main branch of that one shop Ray got his armor from.

But yeah, Kaidou's nonchalant reveal works damn well; my personal favorite is last year's Laplace's enroachment into the real world. It's just a simple cipher, but it's also infathomably spoopy.
Eh, it's decent enough for its time. It technically "won" against Kaze no Stigma and Zero no Tsukaima due to their author's health issues.
The Seadragon King is one of the oldest creatures in existence, dating back to when the Infinite Jobs took over. Even if the Infinite Embryos took advantage of its behavior to hide their EV, it's probably "protecting" something else.
Granvaloa has plans to challenge it and venture beyond, but that's probably stuff for the endgame of endgames, after events like the Heilong-Almera fight and maybe even the revival of the KoK and The All.
Some of the epubs on the tmw mega are corrupted, just fyi to whom it may concern
do you have a list of the ones you found for convenience
Are they corrupt in the torrent as well?

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Hello /jp/, last year I discovered a game called Sayo and along with it an amazing artist oyu.
I deeply connected with his works and his game, I know I am not the only one who can so deeply connect to what he makes so I have a deep need to share it.
About Sayo, it's an exploration game where you play as a little girl who wakes up in the middle of nowhere, in gameplay sense you just explore the map and try to find memories so Sayo makes her way home, it stands out due to its beatiful art style and music which oyu himself has made.
Game's on steam for pretty cheap, it's not a game for everyone, it can feel annoying for some not knowing where to go, but I feel like being lost is part of the game. I feel like it's a game that would be nice to have more conversation over, it's not really all that popular even in Japanese circles it seems. Not just the game itself but oyu as a creator I think deserves more of a spotlight for his beautiful art and music he makes. He is incredibly talented and his works make me feel in a very specific way
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It is basically their first game, and it shows in many ways, for a first game it is quite impressive, it is bug-free and polished for what it's doing which many first-time developers don't succeed at.
I think they very nicely implemented their artwork into playable form which I think what Sayo is at its core.
I think what I mostly really like about Sayo is how well it makes you feel and put you into the shoes of its main protagonist, this of course depends on if you won't get tired of trying to look for the memories.
I like these kind of endearingly innocent posts. I'll give the game a try later if your thread is still alive anon, I enjoy games with a snowy setting.
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Thank you anon!
Since some anons might be interested in trying out the game, I do have some tips on how to find memories, spoilered in case you want to go in absolutely blindly as I have.
>It's recommended to get on top of buildings, it helps you to find items/memories faster.
>Albeit there are some memories that are on the ground.
>If you see a barricaded area, there are always stairs somewhere nearby around that area you are in, from there you can simply jump across the rooftops and across the barricades.
>If you ever get stuck, you can simply go back to the menu and click on play, the game auto-saves, you always start in the same area of the map
>Unlike in Yume Nikki, the map does not loop, but walking in one direction is still not a bad idea but won't be nearly as effective. If you see that there are fewer and fewer buildings you shold probably turn back

(A little heavier spoilers, explaination how to proceed, some of these things you might want to figure out for yourself)
>Your goal is to open a door, these doors are easy to find, they are always straight-ahead from your starting area, simply walk straight and you will be met with stairs, these doors are opened by collecting memories. You don't need all the memories, you don't need specific memories, you just need a specific ammount, when you reach the required number of memories you will get a very clear, distict animation and sound, you can't miss that.
>Throughout the map you can find switches, flipping them makes the world change into night-time, during this time a floating ball will appear, this ball flies around the map constantly, it guides you towards memories. If you lose a track of it, don't worry, it flies in a loop, if you stand in the same place it'll come to you again. It seems like it speeds up once you lose a track of it, at least I think, so you don't have to wait for that long.

I do love this game, but I do have my own issues with it, my main one mostly being the walking speed, Sayo is very slow and unlike in Yume Nikki you don't have any means of going faster like getting a bicycle.
The jumping mechanics also can get quite frustrating sometimes, especially at the jumping puzzle for the second ending.
Some additional thoughts that might lean on spoiler territory
The game does seem to be about getting lost, it seems to be designed in such a way that you will get lost, Sayo's map is actually quite surprisingly big. I started feeling quite lonely and frustrated as I played this game, but it made the ending feel all the more impactful, it felt like I was in Sayo's shoes. I got involved at some point the more frustrated and lonely I became, I wanted Sayo to go home as the game's world felt beatiful but isolating. It's probably the loneliest game I've ever played.
I liked Sayo but you can tell it's someone's first game. The presentation is a huge highlight. Music's good even if it's very short loops.
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あっち!!こっち!!に不思議 Everywhere
あっち!!こっち!!でぐるりん Everyday
なにを!!どうしても!! Tomorrow is another day
あっち!!こっち!!に不思議 Everywhere
あっち!!こっち!!でぐるりん Everyday
振り向いちゃだめよ すでにBrand new world
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I love Mima!

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"嫌死性ブラックサンダーD" is a snapshot of VIPRPG’s playful, anarchic creativity—a small, fan-made gem that celebrates a niche community’s love for absurdity and camaraderie. It’s not a blockbuster game but a cultural artifact for those in the know, especially fans of Tanchi’s work or VIPRPG’s vibe.
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