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Do you like precure kigs? Post em
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no, I don't
go home
Don't you have a general for this? Stay in it.
That general is for male kigs pretty much and theyre all og characters.
but you do have a thread in /a/ for the discussion of precure don't you?
Go post these there.

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Forgotten by many, let's give some love to the lunarian girl !!
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Does this mean eventually they'll raise the exchange rate of panties you need to USD...
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I don't know, I'm not well versed in panticonomics
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The sagupanties are highly valued, she's gotta protect them somehow!
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Post the 66bi!
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Pervert youkai

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Nue-chan is giving you signals...
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Honestly, I would do the 3 since I like all of them.
>Seija can eat a dick
Yeah, mine and only mine.
>imagine Heca and Nue!
I don't think anyone could survive having sex with 4 monstrous women at the same time but I am pretty sure it would be heavenly.
I want to fuck Nue's and Seija's feet so badly...
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I just nutted after like 6 hour nue edging session and holy fuck my nuts hurt and my penis is red and swollen I think I broke my dick jacking off to nue rip
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I still have to find a God tier Nue pic/animation to nut, must find it before I ruin my new pants while sleeping.

Patchouli booba
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I mean can she even have kids? Will they be magicians like her or just normal humans? This kind of thing
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I believe Patchy was "born a mage" (unlike Alice), so probably they can as a race reproduce. Also Yokai and other supernaturals seems to be able to make half-breeds (i.e. Kourin and Keine), so I don't really see why not from a lore perspective (as much as the lore goes all over the place).
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small hands

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/jp/ - Okuu culture
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Paizuri birb
Naughty creature
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"Gifted and Talented" edition

Please read this before posting: http://www.buyfags.moe/Full_guide

Fumo Information Website from a helpful anon - https://fumo.website/

Places to buy fumos and other plushes:

For General Fumo information, custom fumo lists, official fumo lists, AND fumo price guides (a bit dated)- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qNz36ZJm_P83ke4pzbi4MiinhmGDuES-PEgLEjyIsy8/edit?usp=sharing

Picture guide for acquiring fumos-

Touhou: https://www.gift-gift.jp/nui/toho.html

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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fumos shaping our economical situation
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I'm not sure you should let her into your bed Reimu she might cause an incident
A rather meaty incident, if you will.

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A thread for the discussion and sharing of regular Japanese music.
Derivative doujin music, Vocaloid, VSingers, Sakura Gakuin, AniKura, idol songs, etc. go in their respective threads
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>I wonder if you know
>How they live in Tokyo
>My house mini, my conbini
>Is where I consume all my slop
>This ain't manga (WEEB! WEEB! WEEB!)
>This ain't manga (I WEEP! WEEP! WEEP!)
Another random live song:

New SACOYANS live album, recording engineer really fucked up:
Starting now
I hate Uverworld.
Proppa dadrock

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/jp/ related OC here, art, music, videos, and game dev
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that's all my doo doo art
Were these also 1 minute or just the Marisa? Either way, they're charming
They were for the most part, but I added a few details after so that's why I don't consider them timed, especially on the remi
I don't think this is the place to ask that
Kutulu is far better

how does one get into touhou?
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One does not simply get into Touhou.
>start with doujinshi
That can dangerous. Games are fine, what's important is what you do in parallel with playing. I got in so deep with doujins, I literally can't see canon printworks as Touhou, they don't feel right.
If you get into futa doujins, make sure the benises are right (Marisa should have a nice fat one and Youmu a smooth boyish one).
Stop being so gay, anon.
Like I said, it's far from ideal. But it's not like you can take back what you've already read and/or used. If somebody gets into it because he found a doujin or character that ticked his boxes and eventually wanted to learn more, he can't change that. His perception of the character can change, but what's done is done.

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hatless marisa
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That furnace ain't for dicks to stick into
Yes but can I skip the feminization part?
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Don't worry she already has a cute maid. Protect yourself however.

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I want to the Goat woman
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Are the Malepatchy and Okina stories still going or did those already end/get cancelled?
Wait a minute, this isn't a Yuuma thread!
I dunno about the malepatchy one but I think the Okina story ended on a pretty good note.
Every OP of a want to the thread is actually an anon who 2huified.
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How awful, it looks like you've been tricked! Now drink the potion.
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To my unsuspecting self, this could have been ANY Yuuma thread!
>I want to ____ the Goat woman
Fuck, marry, kill, eat with, get eaten by, have fun with, scheme with, dig up oil with, explode, feed apples to, force a Flandre costume on, be recruited to the eagle gang by, and a million more verbs.

Fine, you got me, TSF thread(?), I'm going to flip you off and flip you over!

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I hope it's a doting titfuck...!
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It's more of a mature sleaze vibe for me. Yuki-onna are mythologically promiscuous.

In any case, I did make some Lettitties. Full version with text:
And some more text:
that some big ice cubes she has

Parsee-chan is jealous that Anon keeps bumping other girls' threads but not hers. He even let it get archived...
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Paruparu's green nails are adorable
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Her most erotic feature!
coloured nails really fit her, either green or black, also which sanrio character would she be into?
Passionate sex

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Touching Satorin...
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Satori's butt sex
I second this
Touching Satorin... inappropriately!
did this artist stop doing pornography? i enjoyed his, as the other anon said, very molestable satorin

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