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Those otters look so fierce and dangerous... Are there any brave enough Keiga Family recruits?
I'll join Saki but only in bed where she deeply desires me and as a 200+KGS squat companion where I deeply desire her
Fair enough, I guess.
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Hit their boss where it hurts!
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I love my beast leaders!
I’m willing to stand up against the Kicchou Menace for the sake of the boss but it’s a shame she doesn’t have a greater following here on /jp/.

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Maribel Hearn: The Heart of The Hifuu Club
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She has a mob cap, she'll blend right in.
Is there a single mob cap wearer on the Youkai Mountain?
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>Is there a single mob cap wearer on the Youkai Mountain?
The Youkai Mountain is a nice place to go to with Maribel. Hiding from the tengu while trying to reach the top sounds pretty romantic, and I don't think Maribel ever went to it, so the shrine at its peak would make for a nice surprise.
I would take a bullet for Merry Berry. Without a moment's hesitation. Cue the Max Payne death theme. https://youtu.be/MkXsdpYFl4Q
Then again, even dying for her is a failure on my part. I ought to live for her sake. I'll bring myself back.

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I'm sure its one of these soft pastries Eika can suck on for a bit until it falls apart in her mouth
stack it easy
Eika motivating Junko!
eika is such a great jelly baby.
eika is good at taking it easy

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Medicine is staring you from the void.
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How long was she waiting for?
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She's at it again...
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Will you be Medi's ally in her fight for freedom?
She loves dirty play huh?

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Happy birthday to Suzushiro and Oozora as well
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Birthday girl
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Marina Inoue renewed her driver license.

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I don't understand. It's Christmas time, and Shinra-Bansho released a new music video starring her. Yet there are no Doremy threads on /jp/. Why do you hate Doremy?
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Wait, are you part mecha?
Is the tail an erogenous zone for the baku?
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It beats the smug out of her
I would have expected the no-common sense miko to be already enlightened >>48800082.
>It beats the smug out of her
If that so, then it might be an erogenous zone for Doremy, but it is way bigger mood killer for me. What is baku without her smug?
Perfect censorship, by the way.
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Silly creature

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Thread #34.5 of the HSE

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoff of a fan work.
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”

Useful links:
OG work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Hana's story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52050766/chapters/131634781
1st chapter of the HSE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51816529
HSE collection: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/The_Hakurei_Shrine_Experience

'please don't try to bump with mobile data' edition

previous thread: >>48111658
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Sorry for the delay, but next bit of mine should be out by tomorrow. I've got a bunch of other projects that have been eating at my time, but I'm determined to finish this.
It's okay Takanaeanon, we understand.
Just curious, but what other projects are you working on? I'm interested in reading more of your work.
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Cute menhera mother
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Take it easy, still a little times before the convergence and Set 3.

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Satorin is a beauty. You should not hurt her
>You should not hurt her
It was her request.
I think Satorin has cute soft feet...I'm embarassed she knows
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Satori-sama! Your tits are showing!
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too lewd

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All hail our princess
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Waggy is trying to be like her friends...
lewd fish
But where is their you know?
Erotic fishe
I don’t think that’s how it works you absolute fucking goofball of a fish

For your crimes against the underground, Satori has tasked you to community service. You have to help Kisume out of her shell and raise her into a proper adult!
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smug bucket
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Remember to check on your local well!
You might find Kisume!
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Not sure Kisume likes the way her friend plays with Anon...
i'll play with both, to make both happy. but they have to keep on the sexy outfit.
kisume-chan wants to play with skulls

Can we have a Paruparu thread to kick off the new year?
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considering my exes, fuck no
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That artist draws really good Paru's.
Hmmm yumy!

Can we give my favorite girl her own thread? She's so underrated, I wish more people could appreciate her more!
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Orange is just that kinda gal, she's always cute!
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Glory to the Crimson Queen!
orange never attacked anyone unprovoked
she sits in a rock like a good girl youkai and she even likes flowers
she a good girl

The Tsukumos are here to wish you a Happy New Year!
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Benben becomes your friend first, while Yatsuhashi gets all protective of her and a bit tsuntsun. Then after a moment together in the rain you suddenly get very close to Yatsuhashi and Benben gets jealous!
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Where is this heading..???
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Tsukumo catfight!
Tsukumo catfight!
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Dating Yatsuhashi!
You go on a date with both of them so they don't feel left out!

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Can you keep up with her? She's not for the faint of heart, but she's a top tier girl!
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Rika at the science fair!
She looks really cute in that outfit
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I've been trying to evolve my style.
this thread must live graaah

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Elly is a good woman, please consider her!
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I also imagine Elly would make cooking tutorials but it just involves her stumbling and fucking things up but somehow she ends up making a good dish at the end anyways. It's very bad as a tutorial but very entertaining to watch, she's got a lot of unintentional charm
Yes, Yes we get it you have your headcanon fapfiction
Yes, also her editing will be 17 years out of date
You think she's dorky enough to also do those animations of herself doing cool entrances and takedowns of her enemies?
Don't forget Skillet's Monster
oh how could I, it's a classic

Yknow actually Gengetsu being a 2000s GMV / frag movie kid makes sense if you see her as being a little kid in Lotus Land Story which came out in 1998, she'd definitely be a teenager around the time this shit got popular

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