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Previous Thread:>>46476441
Thanks for reminding me that I have to go back to sweet clown. Psvita version had the best OP.

Oniichans are cute
Otoutos are cute
the cutest is Majima!
Funny that it's not mentioned enough that he is not only her brother but her inbred first cousin too kek .
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Is he, dare I say it /ourguy/?
A little sister belongs to her LITTLE BROTHER
God I want all of his useless sperm
Can someone update the guide with the Mega folder that has the scans anon posted and will there be more scans? I love reading about Otome boys and VAs plus all the other good information.
Do you know if these circles doujinge are available somewhere?https://vndb.org/p4063
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Will he have a rape basement?
I sure fucking hope so.
>No CGs
>Only one sex voice
>"Something is wrong with this school"
I wonder what's the tweeeeest
>will there be more scans?
Maybe, maybe not, but either way it won't be much. There are only four more issues with Cage SS (Nitta, Maki, Saiki, Christmas special) and I definitely want to complete this series, but whether or when this will happen is out of my hands. There are a couple more issues that have Cage/Psychedelic articles which I'll add to the order if they happen to be available at the time, but otherwise I won't be going out my way to get them.
I hope it's the mc who ends up raping him in the basement
>im gonna rape mc in the basement hehe
>im gonna rape sensei in the basement hehe
A plot twist for once wouldn't hurt.
It's a virgin uke MC game, there is absolutely no chance that is happening. Your best bet is some mindbreak bad end where he seduces one of the guys.
Is there even a VN where the uke actively seduces the probably straight love interests instead of waiting to get raped?
I can think of Towa's game because he's a fullblown whore, but nothing else.
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Azuma but he gets raped
It's not seduction there, it's borderline prison gay.
Jastusa is up to its usual retarded tricks? Dare I hope this is the worst example?
You don't understand, Azuma is actually a succubus and seduces all the males in the island! His trump card is his whimper puppy-like moans that signals and attracts all the males. He is a female cat during heat i tell you.
Kek you bet but good news it's not as shit as slow damage?
I was rereading Maki's Destroy route, and wow somehow the first time around I totally didn't understand what the fuck was happening in the scene where Maki kills Teppei's third customer and when Ishimatsu comes over to deal with the mess Maki casually tempts him into fucking the unconscious Teppei with a dildo, only to mock him when he is turned off by the whole thing since dildo rape by proxy is Saiki's shtick so Ishimatsu should be used to it by now. I love this asshole so much. Holy shit.
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I've replayed UruC and Juurou is still very cute and pathetic
That was some kino. Juuro best boy. His lame titjob was pathetic too. He is so desperate to get yomis ass. He is willing to throw everyone and everything just for Yomi. Destroy the world for yomi.

Still majima best boy
planning to get Taisho x Alice soon
Majima wins the schizo competition since he's just a human but still managed to achieve so much, but Juurou gets extra incest points since Yomi is also sort of his mom.
I've really gotten a taste for obsessive mutually toxic relationships lately so I enjoyed that route more than I had initially expected.
I loved that revelation so much. Indeed majima is a human and accompliced a lot for a human, and did get it with both his half sister-first cousin.
What i absolutely loved about juuro and consider him best route in uuuc, is his writing.
Juuro at first is portrayed a little cold, very hardworking but he isn't bad. Kinda feel bad for him at some point because he has so much to do like be a top actor, be a superhero + make time for his fiancée/gf and so many people who depend and rely on him his under a lot of pressure. But I absolutely love how everything started to pile up and slowly losing it the moment he realized that yomi is going to leave and all his concealed feelings for him and obsession finally burst and he just lost it. Went full blown schizo and threw everything away, started killing humans kaijuu and didn't give a fuck if the whole world got destroyed and just he and yomi stayed (that's his ideal world actually). I personally loved the ending, there are SS after stories too which are actually pretty cute and show more of yomi and his fear of being alone after juuro dies. Juuro is really awkward deep down and really cute in front of yomi. He is such a complex character really love him. From my favorite blvn protagonists! The revelation was kino too. I'd say that Yomi is like a his uncle, mom genetically and brother/selfcest in a way,
a part of him
too?! Based, you don't come up with that shit everyday. I want to see what kind of incest kino kurosawa will come up with in Ooe. Hashihime had too in a way.

Same! I really like yandere/haraguro tropes and toxic relationships, but not in the memeish way they are usually portrayed, cages and "no talking to other males" shit. I mean, I still enjoy such tropes a lot and have fun with them in vns, but I want more memorable character, who are more complex and can write essays exploring their personalities through their POVs and actions. A reason why I'm totally obssesed with Majima. He's great for that. His SSs are amazing and loved how his true ending and fandisk stories are from his POV. It's very ironic and tragic, seeing the true ending from both Yurikos POV and Majimas in the true ending and compare them.
Yuriko finally managed to marry the love of her life and oppose and go against her family and role in society as a noble woman and is living her very best fucking like bunnies with Majima. While Majima is ofc happy but daily suffers and wallows in misery and self hate, having married his half sister/cousin, being a drug lord in Shanghai and his only comfort is going to Yuriko and their happy house. Yuriko is totally unaware of everything but she is happy and so is he and willing to protect her, but also keep her away from everyone that will try to steal her away from him, he is actually more obsessive than Shiba even.
I'd really love more POVs from the LIs in blvns, but the difference between otome and bl is that in bl the focus is more on the protagonist and explore his personality more and the story through him and POV, he is the star of the game, while heroines are often "neglected" in a way? but in otome we are pampered a lot with the LIs which is great! I love chou no doku for equally exploring everyone and not neglecting their heroine! Seeing the heroine getting lowkey toxic and obsessive too is fun to watch. I'd like more Yomi POVs too.
If you haven't played paradise yet you can check it out! All 3 relationships are very toxic and unhealthy.
I wish Hanazawa was more explored as a character. And the schizo son in the basement.
Are there any otome games where you don't have to be a masochist to enjoy them?
Toxic bl relationship recs?
You don't even have to look, it's harder to find a BL game without at least one token toxic relationship in there somewhere.
Can someone post the latest character rankings from cool-b? Like best protagonist and LI?
Do you mean that in the sense that the LIs aren't terrible to the MC, that the MC isn't suffering at the hands of the plot and/or npcs, or both
Azuma is cute. Everyone so man to him though. Get the baby some KFC to eat.
I'm glad more people get to experience Azuma's moaning and whimpering.
Anyone has a link to paradise download?
The former. I'd rather the MC not suffer at all, but that might be asking for too much.
With the excessive amounts of slang in the original version, I kinda expected it to be localized to memey in some ways. I wonder if anyone has read the side characters (bad) endings yet in the localized version. Those were peak comedy. Hougou acts like a massive creep because he's forced to while Shimada gives Azuma his special wocky slush
One of Azuma's biggest charmpoints is him being a massive loser to a really funny degree. He's kinda cool in Takara's route, though. eye gouge kino in bad ending
Otome protagonist that is chaotic neutral
Replaying paradise made me remember how kino SENTIVE is. As good as ZIZZ. Pilslash always invests on good bgm and voice actors.
Kinda surprised how most of Paradise's VAs aren't that well known. They did a great job overall. I have a soft spot for Shimada's "arara"
i-i want to be split in half by takara!
Cage-School- took only like an hour to complete and it still nearly filtered me lel. The point of this game eludes me. Guess I expected gag, a genre parody, or a Cage parody, and it had a bit of all of those, but it was mostly just a mundane sol AU. Kinda like Open's common route daydream scenes, but even more random, in a school, and only Teppei+the 4 Open LIs+Ohno (for whatever reason, talk about random) existing.

But since I already came this far, if anyone has the 2018 complete version that also has the Close characters I would be really grateful if you could share.
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Here you go!
pixeldrain com/u/RToxJEmJ (cage school)
Oh shit fuck yes, I love you. Thank you so much!
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>I'd rather the MC not suffer at all, but that might be asking for too much.
There has to be at least a little bit of MC suffering for the drama, but there is still varying levels of suffering. That being said, of the games I've played Cupid Parasite and Radiant Tale are pretty soft in terms of LIs (the meanest of each are tsunderes). Each MC goes through some suffering in these games, but it's not constant (and in some cases it's the LI that suffers much more), it's moreso route-specific obstacles. Cafe Enchante also has nice MCs, though it has some stronger angst. Even if Tempest has extreme mc suffering, but all of the LIs are nice.
>Even if Tempest
I still want a Conrad route
He has a little side thing in the FD at least. It's some good junkfood even if I hate that dickhead
I am NOT hovering.
How autistic do you have to be, to go to a deserted island wearing a suit?
Lmao Mitsugi.
Ikr. Imagine the smell.
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Okay, I'm done Amnesia. At least the routes I wanted to do.
My favourite ending was the one where Toma takes over Ukyo's route to put the mc in a cage after killing(?) the fanclub members. The other endings involving the LIs usually happened within their respective containment world (aside from Ukyo hopping worlds for plot purposes), but Toma just couldn't stay in his own lane. It was a nice way to show that no matter which world Toma's in he's ready to bring out the cage. His route was mediocre to me though. It felt so short and nothing really happens other than the cage shenanigan. Almost felt too tame even.
I found Kent's spiels amusing and somewhat adorable, but I don't know how much of that is because of his Ishida buff.
I liked the overall setup for Ukyo's route, but found his defense mechanism alter ego kinda cringe. At least the original Ukyo is cute and super direct about his feelings for the mc. Also it's nice that the route doesn't dismiss the existence of the other worlds despite being the 'true' route.
Orion best bug. His tsukkomis were fun, it really wouldn't have been the same without him. Otome MCs who tsukkomi as much as he does?
Overall, it was a decent experience and I don't regret going back to play it.

Probs won't get to them any time soon but are the fandiscs worth playing at all?

>even finish Shinigami to Shoujo
>odd finish Olympia Soiree
>trips start something completely new
why didn't anyone tell me that matsuda's voice actor in paradise was furukawa makoto
I feel like a Conrad route would diminish how much of a sociopath he is. What he got in the fandisk is good
Because he's nothing special.
everyone mentioned about it, EOPnewfagsis
Thanks, I'll play Cupid Parasite and Cafe Enchante then. Radiant Tale had some pretty nice LIs. What happens in Even If Tempest? It better not be some gay shit like the MC being raped/kidnapped. Mainly why I tend to avoid media with suffering female characters is because it's almost always due to rape/sexual assault and I'm tired of seeing that shit everywhere.
Any (preferably BL) VN with an all-male staff targeted at males, where all the characters are male, and females don't play any role in the story and aren't even mentioned? Bonus points if females don't even exist in-universe, and super bonus points if the writing avoids kanji containing the "女" element.
I want a Hugo route
>What happens in Even If Tempest?
A variety of bad things, not just to MC either. Primarily murder and suicide
>It better not be some gay shit like the MC being raped/kidnapped.
None of that in the main game (to the mc at least, it's implied to have happened to a mentioned npc). Fandisc has attempted SA in one of the routes, but it's only for a moment before it's stopped.
He should've gotten a route over Crius
Are the sex scenes in the Paradise fandiscs longer? They feel way too short in the Mitsugi route at least, I needed more slutty horny Azuma.
I really liked Mitsugi's scenes in the fanfics, he's a good tsundere in it.
The title feels like one of those shitty LNs that know nothing about otome
He's classy.
Do you like Paradise so far anons?
Kek why they look so alike. Are they related lol.
I read Paradise years ago but it warms my heart to know that people are discovering it for the first time (I hope the translation isn't too offputting.)
> Almost felt too tame even.
Toma's route tends to be exaggerated for the sake of memes, he's really not that extreme (comparatively).

Hell, when I replayed the game recently I didn't even think the cage was that unjustified given that from Toma's POV the heroine was acting like a complete retard throwing herself into danger by walking around outside 'alone' even though she'd already been harassed/threatened and nearly threatened like 3 times.

> Are the fandiscs worth playing at all?
I'd say so, there's one thats more actual sequel stories and one thats mostly just fluff/interesting scenarios, you can get two of them (Later and Crowd) on the switch, and theres also World but I don't think that ones translated yet.
I miss reading paradise for the first time and getting hit by a toshishitazeme cannibal with an extremely hot bad end
Takara is a literal treasure as his name shows.
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For me, it still is Minakami.
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Tengoku struggle is shit
Told you it was
Satoi's art hasn't been in a single good game yet
I love Satoi's art style but all the games she illustrates for are pure slop.
why do so many otoges have spelling errors or grammar errors?? Especially the one im playing now (Hamefura pirates)
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The meme is dead, they actually finished it
What a glorious time to be alive, so many BLVNs translated. Ten years ago I never imagined I'd see the day.
I probably wouldn't have bothered learning their stupid moonspeak
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seems like there was an updated teaser vid up for over requiemz but it got privated not too long after.
Eh, there still a lot of hidden gems that we may never get.
Holy shit, so it's not vaporwave after all. Wonder what took them so long, the game isn't that long or complicated. Hope the giga delay wasn't some seiyuu shitter and it ships with Tattsun's moans in it.
Place your bets on which will be released first: Dolce Vita, Library of Dorico, or the Switch 2?
It's in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-GN0uZirDc announcement video they put up later. Odd that it's a Wizard of Oz theme but MC isn't Dorothy.
You don't have forever to live and wait for things so knowing JP pays off in general for the better experience. Probably a waste of time if your only interest is reading BLge and nothing else, though. There's a lot out there.
You can use it for other untranslated stuff.
>通常版 8,580円(税込)
Otomate is starting to hike up their prices...
Meat log mountain?
I saw someone mention it on otome reddit
Anons, which diabolik lovers LI was a virgin?
I would assume Kanato would be, unless he was fucking the corpse dolls he made
I’m so tired of mediocre otomate writing
Where are the other devs
ded hobby
Thanks to the anon who suggested playing through even if Tempest for Tyril. I'm not done yet, but he's a very good boy. Hearing all the times the english text invents a nicer version of what he's saying or just drops lines is great.
It's the best thing I've played from Voltage so far, but still suffers from mobile-isms like character development from nowhere. It's also crashed a few times despite having a legit digital copy. The trial sections are more interactive than I expected. I wish to pet Rune.
An anon was looking for this r18 otome that was no longer sold iirc. It was uploaded on a-s recently.
Who is the best paradise boy? Grandpa fuckers should not reply
Mitsugi of course
Azuma my loser husband
I must say Takara.
>Hearing all the times the english text invents a nicer version of what he's saying or just drops lines is great.
Damn do they really? I bought the digital since it was so cheap and havent gotten around to it yet
I love Matsuda sorry not sorry. Punching azumas belly and targeting specifically the place his dick is located and groan and moan like a gorilla hoe was some kino shit that you just don't come up with everyday.
I will now read your game
I can't take Matsuda seriously sometimes when he was called a gorilla too many times. He's a monkey.
Matsuda's most moe trait is immediately falling asleep after blowing his load like the scumbag ojisan he is
Well it doesn't quite matter as much because you can toggle the game between the English and Japanese text.
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I hope everyone at JastBlue burns in hell for all eternity
Kek, what was the original line?
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Matsuda's crying face is めちゃくちゃ可愛い
How are you upscaling it?
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Still looks kinda jank with some sprites though
Is that the fandisk? What's going on here?
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It's from Matsuda's side story in the Musubi fandisk, yeah. Basically a continuation from his "good" end where both him and Azuma find out the entire incident in the main game is entirely Takara and his family's doing. Unsurprisingly, Takara was the one who actually killed Kibo. His death was part of what escalated the whole group distrust in Matsuda since he did beat the shit out of Kibo for being a dishonest fat fuck.
Anyway, after Takara does the whole 黒幕 reveal and fucks off, Matsuda breaks down crying as he was ridden with extreme guilt from mistakenly thinking that he killed Kibo after the incident. From everything Matsuda did and Azuma having to console him everytime (including times when he'd cry in his sleep) it's somewhat cathartic.

The Musubi FD feels a lot more vanilla where it does more comedy/SOL but it's nice to read about the other character's backstories and their POVs.
I'm wondering this as well because the only context in which I could somewhat understand this choice is if it was some Gegege no kitaro reference or something along those lines.
Call me a brainlet, but after playing the game there's something I still don't understand. Is Matsuda just a fucking psychopath that puts on a mask of normalcy? Is that why he loves to beat people up and won't apologize to Azuma?.
Looking forward to the fandisk if they ever decide to translate that too.
Half the purpose of Musubi was to smooth over/explain some of the characters' controversial moments yeah. I kind of wonder how much of this was pre-planned and how much was Pil/Slash begging the writer to please add some sugar after they got negative/confused feedback about the characters. Paradise does feel very incomplete without Musubi story-wise too of course.

He just has wifebeater/tyrant tendencies since childhood, beating up other kids to impose his way. He learned to repress and control this as he matured to become a responsible manager type, but the abnormal stressful situation he was in made him go back to his brat mindset out of frustration.

He's definitely not a psychopath or sociopath though, he does have empathy and guilt about his dark urges and he's fundamentally well-meaning. IIRC his POV retelling mentions he knows he fucked up beating Azuma but he couldn't help enjoy it. As for Kido or Shimada he just hit them because he felt it was necessary and maybe to vent.
Do we learn more about Shimada? I think Shimadas the true psychopath.
I wonder if in Musubi the 4 dudes stay alive I liked Kido.
Shimada gets the most background and stuff in Kiwame, but yeah, he's probably the most amoral and remorseless after Takara

Half his dialog is hilarious shit because of that
Shimada: yeah so I roofied her and sold her to the yakuza boss and
Azuma: you WHAT
He's not just clueless either, he trolls Azuma constantly.

But even he gets a rather sweet AU version of events in Musubi where he just has a nice chat and doesn't actually drug-rape Azuma, he does get off peeping on Matsuda beating him though
Finished Paradise this morning. I liked the bad end where Azuma goes delusional and kills everyone the most. Azuma was my favorite overall, though Matsuda was my favorite voice and appearance wise out of the main boys. His romance was nonsense but beating Azuma into PTSD induced shrieking was great. I did like Mitsugi as well. Takara's good end made me briefly wonder about getting a refund for a game I spent 20+ hours in but his bad ends were uncomfortable in a good way so I guess the trade off is worth it.
So the original Cage-School- kinda left me baffled, but Kanzenban was pretty nice. I think pic related was the moment I truly warmed up to it. Maybe my brain has melted somewhere along the way but I found Teppei spending most of Ishimatsu's ending just mentally monologing about how outrageously lame his bike is genuinely funny as fuck. Yeah... I also appreciated that the title theme played exactly one time, and that was on Saiki's route. I'll take that as L&D's acknowledgement that Cage without Saiki is not Cage at all, because that's the truth. The Open routes had some minimal rewrites, nothing drastic but they improved some of the sol scenes that suffered most from being dryer than the Sahara. That said, I was looking forward to rereading Teppei's feminine whining over being a social reject now that there are 8 guys more than happy to hang out, but ha, they actually just replaced that scene (with something even more melodramatic). Can't tell if this was part of the joke, but what the fuck, zoomer Teppei is not even a tiny bit homophobic. So weird. Uncanny even. Not muh Teppei.
Also I had a revelation:
Oh. Hell. I went through two whole ass games without getting this. The nickname, "キツネみたいな名前", taming the fox, etc etc. コンコン. Ha ha.. God fucking damn I'm dumb.

Anyway, this was a cute omake game. I don't really understand why it allows mxing and matching character scenes since about half of the routes have a clear arc that won't make a lick of sense if you start skipping scenes and you always end up on someone's route in the end, but watever. For science this is the Teppeibowl tiebreaker:
Kujo > Nitta > Yoshimoto > Yagasaki > Oohira > Kurusu > Saiki > Ishimatsu > Maki
By the way, Kujo. The new artstyle totally butchered his OG School sprite. It's brutal. Poor guy. I also dislike that they stopped drawing Nitta with corpse white skin. Still pretty pale here though. And far better than that fuckawful Remake sprite.
I'm a disgusting EOP so I don't know the original line, but I imagine it can't be anything close to this since it came so out of left field I almost got whiplash. All it serves is to be a really dumb segway into the next few lines.
I feel almost the exact same, though I think Azuma is just the right amount of retarded that I can believe him still falling for Matsuda even after being raped by him. But goddamn Takara's route is so fucking bad, and I was so excited for him after seeing what a chad he was in Matsuda's route.
Is pic related any good? I haven't played any takuyo game yet but I own this, shinigami and getsuei.
Haven't gotten to the other two yet but Sweet Clown is really good.
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You can more or less think of Matsuda as a bratty child struck in a grown man's body instead of someone truly psychopathic/sociopathic as anon mentioned.
It's been mentioned a few times but Paradise does write Matsuda and Mitsugi as polar opposites at its core. Both twisted people who essentially operate differently with how they approach problems and the way they treat their relationships with others. Unlike Mitsugi, Matsuda easily breaks down under stress, mistrusts everyone around him including Azuma and is often unwilling to compromise. On a side note, it's pretty funny how a number of the CGs/official art has Mitsugi getting annoyed at Matsuda in particular.
Sorry meant for >>46820503
>still no shota game
I like Haruka's eyes
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Eiichis game when anonas.
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I'm excited for this
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Does a BL where the uke is small and pretty exist?
I’m currently playing Norn9 and I finished Heishi and Itsuki’s routes and am currently playing Ron’s route.

Who is best boy and who is worst boy?
I liked the daisuono one too but Ron is good. Cute game.
Adding that worst boy was the kaji yuki one. The tsundere was cute too. The others were forgettable to zzzz.
Like the majority of them? What blge are you looking at
Ok, I finished Ron’s route. >!Him having his memories erased was lame, it erased some of his appeal to me. !<
Fuck, I made a mistake with my post.
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I'm not interested in school settings so I'm scared to buy it in case the porn is mid as fuck. Should I order it anyway? Already got my month booked for the (hopefully) new holicworks kino.
Reddit chan...
[ spoiler ] your spoiler here [ /spoiler] obviously w/o spaces and can delete stuff by pressing the 3 dots next to your post. At least you are not namefagging. It's okay you've all been newfags.
I didn't like that about Ron too.
Curious about the doctor. And time passes fast, it'll be out soon!

Anyone getting this?
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Me, ginger misaki is looking sexo as fuck.
Mc cutie looking. I like the young looking LI!
I wonder if the other game that uesugi is in is still alive...Is uesugi still active lol no news about club suicide tl too.
Playing matsudas route and cooming.
Same anon, same. His route is such kino, Mitsugicel cannot compare.
we need a virgin mitsugi vs chad matsuda pic
Mitsugi and Matsuda should just have hatesex
Who's topping who though
Mitsugi tries to top but it's always Matsuda. Matsuda easily kills everyone in both his bad ends. Probably fucked their asses with his massive gorilla penis before doing so like a whore he is
Azuma/Mitsugi/Matsuda 3P where Azuma watches from the cuck chair while Matsuda breaks Mitsugi in half.
Secret Mitsugi bad ending in Musubi. Azuma/Mitsugi think they're at peace in their new home but a starved, deranged Matsuda finally appears. He takes it against them for leaving him behind and violently rapes both. Man, I would love to see mind broken Mitsugi desu
Based, I wish. Maybe with the help of AI in a few years this could be possible. /blogs/DLCs.
desu I kinda hated Takara and his family struck in his dick in everything. Takara should also get topped and DV'd by Matsuda. Brats need correction
It's 'possible' now so much as you can generate the text and images, maybe even voice acting. But it would probably look like shit or at least be off model and out of character unless you put so much effort into it you might as well have made it by hand.
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You know Matsuda's dick would do the trick. You think if Azuma wasn't there he'd have raped Mitsugi since he's the weakest? Or Takara, who looks scrawny at first?
>If Azuma wasn't there
Yeah, after reading Matsuda's bit in Musubi, I kinda wondered if there ever was an Ogino route where he actually did manage to invite Azuma out instead of being led on to that booby trap tour. Probably Matsuda would get turned by Mitsugi instead maybe. A lot of his reasoning for him wanting to fuck Azuma at first is mostly physical after all. The artist for Paradise also seems to ship Matsuda/Mitsugi together for some reason??
Actually I think after Azuma, Mitsugi might be the second most attractive guy in the tour group. At least according to Azuma since he always talks about Mitsugi's nice smell and how elegant/beautiful he looks in contrast to his gross habits.
>after Azuma
I'm still not sold on Azuma being the most fuckable guy in there. I'd kill Mitsugi but he's objectively sexier, even when he's being a total slob. Matsuda and Mitsugi would make good hatesex though, would watch. Maybe that's the entire point with the fact that they're practically opposite to each other.
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h-he's seeing right through me
Can you rape them?
god I wish
I'm going to eat him ToT
right needs correction right now! damn brat!!!
Trial is out apparently. But I can't access it. Can an anon who cans post it here please?
Be blessed anon thanks very much.
Playing Paradise made me play mashou megane. It's peak kino. Paradises artist, like her art better in mashou. It's smoother, maybe because it's an otome. Cidre is mitsugi, but way more autistic and a necro. Doutei is a split persona mix of a toned down Matsuda and Azuma. Peach is Azuma (shares his va) but more perverted. And Oujisama is Shimada but more wicked. Wish Oujisama had a full route...we were robbed. Pretty short game I still miss a few endings I'm going to 100%. I love pil. I love the heroine, both her meek cute personality and the schizoslut version.

How are pils other two otome games?
Since it was brought up here a while back and people did talk about hooking emulated games, has anyone tried using LunaTranslator to hook PS3 games? Any success?
Sorry if this seems off topic. I dunno where else to ask for constructive answers.
Agent doesn't hook it? If you want a specific game to hook you can request or commission for a script hook if it's for agent. Now Luna you can ask the developer, they helped me before with a script. Open an issue on their github but you need to be specific about the issues you have + might need to provide the game.
Wasn't that interested, but it looks very promising.
Thanks for the input, anon. I appreciate it! Yeah, asking the Luna dev and also probably the Agent devs was gonna be the next step.
I did speak to a few people at the Agent discord about another otome game before but I figured I'd just ask here first out of curiosity. I wasn't so sure about Agent's compatibility since I didn't see any RPCS3 related scripts available.
Np anon wish I could be more helpful tho! I never tried hooking an ps3 game before, but I did a ps2 one and did manage to hook it with luna but it had a few issues like dumb text repeated lines and I don't know how to fix these. This was when luna had first come out didn't test again. What I did basically is search for a hook automatically. Had to repeate it 2 times but did manage to find one. Didn't have luck with a ds game.
Nice, I will try that for other games and if this works on my end at some point. For Luna, the window is just completely blank when hooked to the emulator. I figured I could try hooking the unity version of the game but aaaa it also didn't work on my end, sure sucks being tech illiterate. Anyway thanks again!
>Unity version
Agent makes some unity scripts iirc! You can request a hook from the luna dev or some textractor forks might do the job. Unity should be easier compared to an emulator.
Cage-Fool- was, well, an April's Fool comedy game. Probably its biggest surprise was that it didn't actually take place on April 1st, instead it remained a dumb but otherwise somewhat plausible Open route. More plausible than CARNAVALE at least. I guess it was also nice to see the Open cast interact a bit more as a group since that isn't something we see much of in the actual games.
>file name
that's too true
which is why I was pretty surprised that I enjoyed Paradise's silly SoL bits, I guess they improved over the years.
L&D's writing style is truly an art imo
Not to be whatever but it's a shame how Paradise's localization is kinda memey.
>paradise TL
Loads of typos to boot. But no eyepussies so it could be worse.
I liked the art of Paradise better (it looks a bit more natural) and I didn't feel the cast really corresponded to the Mashou Megane ones (remember, they're written by different people)
But yeah I loved this silly game. Cidre was best boy.
And I'm livid that we never got Oujisama's backstory or whatever, I thought maybe in the tokuten extra but no, it was just about making nabe with old socks and condoms
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Must have, it's the same with School. The 2018 version is surprisingly not horrible. Huge step up from the 2011 Goody Goody doujins that honest to fucking god made me want to strangle someone.

How memey is Paradise anyway? CARNAVALE was chock full of pop culture references and School also had a fair amount. The rest of the games used them only in moderation, but they did drop some every so often.
GS5 when
I can't really speak for Paradise's translation 100% besides seeing what others have shown but I don't remember the main game's Japanese script being particularly heavy with pop culture references. On the other hand, it's quite big on colloquialism and more modernized words iirc. I had consult Google, Yahoo!知恵袋, etc for some of those.
The most notable "memes" I saw so far were actually from the Musubi FD. ex. Azuma referencing the infamous Schrodinger's cat and quoting Muhammad Ali
yeah, Azuma speaks like a millennial but without much online meme slang or references (he's not some nerd you know)
Still have to play Takara's route but in terms of memes so far I've seen
>Yoinks scoob
>No thoughts head empty
>Boomer, zoomer
And probably one or two more I'm forgetting. I was expecting worse from what I heard about the SD loc. Also
>faggot, fag
If that can be considered a meme reference.
Localization is always gonna be shit so learn japanese or use mtl and be the change you want to see
I don't really see any complains here, though.
>faggot, fag
absolutely based translation 10/10
as soon as it stops telling me to get professional help or saying 'this is not a good idea' when I try to make it translate porn
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I don't use MTL anymore since my Japanese became more usable and less of an embarrassment but it's fun looking back at the more interesting "results"
stop using male-speak
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I only read a bit of the trial and the hook was boring and felt dated. I almost dropped it right there and then but overall it's not too bad and the convo about onmyouji stuff had me intrigued. I might pirate it for Tendou I guess.
Chatgpt one is getting so accurate tho that makes me feel sad about translators.
Graffic designers and translators are going to have a bad time making a living.
Still i don't regret picking up Japanese I like the language but maybe I wouldn't now.
Chatgp can't tl a whole VN and doesn't even do porn
It can. I tested it with different commands a whole script and while it was not perfect it was actually good. Didn't have an issue with the porn it did warn me though. There are AIs that translate porn though.
My autistic public confession machine beloved.
That's disappointing. Would you say it's similar to 24ku? I'm not playing the trial since I want to go in blind but I hope the plot delivers, even if some of the boys look nasty.
I was not impressed by the initial promo stuff, the premise seemed generic, but the trial got me interested, I'm not sure how much of that is due to having gone a long time without a new BL game though.
Still I hate how it looks. It's somehow bland and garish at the same time. The younger guy's shirt needs to be burned.
I really wanted to buy oujisamas cd bc I really wanted to learn more about him etc but lmao it was that hahaha. Well Sawa manaka eargasm was worth it tho sis I'm 100% sure. Cidre my favorite.
> moaned louder fucking mc dead than when alive ROLF
Ifk what annoys me the most in meganes design
>his shitty haircut
>his w i d e back and shoulders
>his clothes that make him look fat
>the fact that he's a manlet
>all the above
His scene in trial was nice but I don't know why his design pisses me off
Surprised by how much I enjoyed bustafellows, I really liked the group's dynamic
Heh, so nothing like Kurusu penetrating Teppei with an アムロ、行きまーす! war cry, gotcha.
I don't really want to get into translation theory or what the fuck, not for a game I didn't play in either language, and not when I lack the mastery and the reading experience to make any objectavive statements about any Japanese author's writing skills. But sometimes translating something is not about whether you can, but whether you should. At least for me when much of what makes a work so good is rooted in its use of language (because of word plays, some kind of dialect or sociolect, clever use of kanji, etc) then imho you lose too much, no matter how skilled the translator was. That was not a work meant to be enjoyed by anyone other than the original target audience. I'm not saying L&D falls into this category, I guess it's more in that grey area like Ace Attorney or Suda's games where the translation may or may not work, but the quality is going to take a hit no matter what.
But if the original was not a meme-fest then doing a meme translation is just a fucking shitty thing to do, period.
Men are the reason we get oyaji and no shota
Honestly, I agree with many of your points. It can't be disputed how the original text gives a far more different experience, no matter how well or accurate a translation is. It's a sort of thing that can feel rather inorganic in a way.
Since I became far more serious in understanding Japanese, there is a lot to appreciate about the language's subtleties. It's difficult to explain precisely but Japanese simply convey certain ideas and emotions in a more intricate, impactful way which will never be translated adequately in another language. In contrast to English, Japanese is highly contextual and often does not repeat itself with pronouns and/or the main subject. IMO this really works well to its advantage by creating a certain type of environment and mood which isn't easily achievable anywhere else. An example is when L&D describes Azuma's emotional state within a "gradiant". This is particularly noticable when a certain person Azuma truly respects Matsuda first commits rape/violence to him and cold blooded murder right in front of his face (within a certain ending) - latter being particularly very gory despite not having a CG. The fact that the writing also artfully omits the guy's identity as a way to intensify Azuma's shock is a sort of thing that really gave a huge impression on me.
But yeah, as someone who loves the Metal Gear Solid games and as well as Suda51's work + the Ace Attorney games for their English localizations, I get what you mean. I figured it's always gonna be judged on a case by case basis in the event where the translation can actually work with the work's setting and be appreciated for what it is despite all the glaring discrepancies.
I love traps, shota, otokonoko, muscular guys, anal sex, handjobs, romance between a hot guy and a cute boy, sweet and dirty talk, holding hands, and kissing

What should I play?

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