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Previous Thread:>>46476441
Thanks for reminding me that I have to go back to sweet clown. Psvita version had the best OP.

Oniichans are cute
Otoutos are cute
the cutest is Majima!
Funny that it's not mentioned enough that he is not only her brother but her inbred first cousin too kek .
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Is he, dare I say it /ourguy/?
A little sister belongs to her LITTLE BROTHER
God I want all of his useless sperm
Can someone update the guide with the Mega folder that has the scans anon posted and will there be more scans? I love reading about Otome boys and VAs plus all the other good information.
Do you know if these circles doujinge are available somewhere?https://vndb.org/p4063
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Will he have a rape basement?
I sure fucking hope so.
>No CGs
>Only one sex voice
>"Something is wrong with this school"
I wonder what's the tweeeeest
>will there be more scans?
Maybe, maybe not, but either way it won't be much. There are only four more issues with Cage SS (Nitta, Maki, Saiki, Christmas special) and I definitely want to complete this series, but whether or when this will happen is out of my hands. There are a couple more issues that have Cage/Psychedelic articles which I'll add to the order if they happen to be available at the time, but otherwise I won't be going out my way to get them.
I hope it's the mc who ends up raping him in the basement
>im gonna rape mc in the basement hehe
>im gonna rape sensei in the basement hehe
A plot twist for once wouldn't hurt.
It's a virgin uke MC game, there is absolutely no chance that is happening. Your best bet is some mindbreak bad end where he seduces one of the guys.
Is there even a VN where the uke actively seduces the probably straight love interests instead of waiting to get raped?
I can think of Towa's game because he's a fullblown whore, but nothing else.
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Azuma but he gets raped
It's not seduction there, it's borderline prison gay.
Jastusa is up to its usual retarded tricks? Dare I hope this is the worst example?
You don't understand, Azuma is actually a succubus and seduces all the males in the island! His trump card is his whimper puppy-like moans that signals and attracts all the males. He is a female cat during heat i tell you.
Kek you bet but good news it's not as shit as slow damage?
I was rereading Maki's Destroy route, and wow somehow the first time around I totally didn't understand what the fuck was happening in the scene where Maki kills Teppei's third customer and when Ishimatsu comes over to deal with the mess Maki casually tempts him into fucking the unconscious Teppei with a dildo, only to mock him when he is turned off by the whole thing since dildo rape by proxy is Saiki's shtick so Ishimatsu should be used to it by now. I love this asshole so much. Holy shit.
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I've replayed UruC and Juurou is still very cute and pathetic
That was some kino. Juuro best boy. His lame titjob was pathetic too. He is so desperate to get yomis ass. He is willing to throw everyone and everything just for Yomi. Destroy the world for yomi.

Still majima best boy
planning to get Taisho x Alice soon
Majima wins the schizo competition since he's just a human but still managed to achieve so much, but Juurou gets extra incest points since Yomi is also sort of his mom.
I've really gotten a taste for obsessive mutually toxic relationships lately so I enjoyed that route more than I had initially expected.
I loved that revelation so much. Indeed majima is a human and accompliced a lot for a human, and did get it with both his half sister-first cousin.
What i absolutely loved about juuro and consider him best route in uuuc, is his writing.
Juuro at first is portrayed a little cold, very hardworking but he isn't bad. Kinda feel bad for him at some point because he has so much to do like be a top actor, be a superhero + make time for his fiancée/gf and so many people who depend and rely on him his under a lot of pressure. But I absolutely love how everything started to pile up and slowly losing it the moment he realized that yomi is going to leave and all his concealed feelings for him and obsession finally burst and he just lost it. Went full blown schizo and threw everything away, started killing humans kaijuu and didn't give a fuck if the whole world got destroyed and just he and yomi stayed (that's his ideal world actually). I personally loved the ending, there are SS after stories too which are actually pretty cute and show more of yomi and his fear of being alone after juuro dies. Juuro is really awkward deep down and really cute in front of yomi. He is such a complex character really love him. From my favorite blvn protagonists! The revelation was kino too. I'd say that Yomi is like a his uncle, mom genetically and brother/selfcest in a way,
a part of him
too?! Based, you don't come up with that shit everyday. I want to see what kind of incest kino kurosawa will come up with in Ooe. Hashihime had too in a way.

Same! I really like yandere/haraguro tropes and toxic relationships, but not in the memeish way they are usually portrayed, cages and "no talking to other males" shit. I mean, I still enjoy such tropes a lot and have fun with them in vns, but I want more memorable character, who are more complex and can write essays exploring their personalities through their POVs and actions. A reason why I'm totally obssesed with Majima. He's great for that. His SSs are amazing and loved how his true ending and fandisk stories are from his POV. It's very ironic and tragic, seeing the true ending from both Yurikos POV and Majimas in the true ending and compare them.
Yuriko finally managed to marry the love of her life and oppose and go against her family and role in society as a noble woman and is living her very best fucking like bunnies with Majima. While Majima is ofc happy but daily suffers and wallows in misery and self hate, having married his half sister/cousin, being a drug lord in Shanghai and his only comfort is going to Yuriko and their happy house. Yuriko is totally unaware of everything but she is happy and so is he and willing to protect her, but also keep her away from everyone that will try to steal her away from him, he is actually more obsessive than Shiba even.
I'd really love more POVs from the LIs in blvns, but the difference between otome and bl is that in bl the focus is more on the protagonist and explore his personality more and the story through him and POV, he is the star of the game, while heroines are often "neglected" in a way? but in otome we are pampered a lot with the LIs which is great! I love chou no doku for equally exploring everyone and not neglecting their heroine! Seeing the heroine getting lowkey toxic and obsessive too is fun to watch. I'd like more Yomi POVs too.
If you haven't played paradise yet you can check it out! All 3 relationships are very toxic and unhealthy.
I wish Hanazawa was more explored as a character. And the schizo son in the basement.
Are there any otome games where you don't have to be a masochist to enjoy them?
Toxic bl relationship recs?
You don't even have to look, it's harder to find a BL game without at least one token toxic relationship in there somewhere.
Can someone post the latest character rankings from cool-b? Like best protagonist and LI?
Do you mean that in the sense that the LIs aren't terrible to the MC, that the MC isn't suffering at the hands of the plot and/or npcs, or both
Azuma is cute. Everyone so man to him though. Get the baby some KFC to eat.
I'm glad more people get to experience Azuma's moaning and whimpering.
Anyone has a link to paradise download?
The former. I'd rather the MC not suffer at all, but that might be asking for too much.
With the excessive amounts of slang in the original version, I kinda expected it to be localized to memey in some ways. I wonder if anyone has read the side characters (bad) endings yet in the localized version. Those were peak comedy. Hougou acts like a massive creep because he's forced to while Shimada gives Azuma his special wocky slush
One of Azuma's biggest charmpoints is him being a massive loser to a really funny degree. He's kinda cool in Takara's route, though. eye gouge kino in bad ending
Otome protagonist that is chaotic neutral
Replaying paradise made me remember how kino SENTIVE is. As good as ZIZZ. Pilslash always invests on good bgm and voice actors.
Kinda surprised how most of Paradise's VAs aren't that well known. They did a great job overall. I have a soft spot for Shimada's "arara"
i-i want to be split in half by takara!
Cage-School- took only like an hour to complete and it still nearly filtered me lel. The point of this game eludes me. Guess I expected gag, a genre parody, or a Cage parody, and it had a bit of all of those, but it was mostly just a mundane sol AU. Kinda like Open's common route daydream scenes, but even more random, in a school, and only Teppei+the 4 Open LIs+Ohno (for whatever reason, talk about random) existing.

But since I already came this far, if anyone has the 2018 complete version that also has the Close characters I would be really grateful if you could share.
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Here you go!
pixeldrain com/u/RToxJEmJ (cage school)
Oh shit fuck yes, I love you. Thank you so much!
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>I'd rather the MC not suffer at all, but that might be asking for too much.
There has to be at least a little bit of MC suffering for the drama, but there is still varying levels of suffering. That being said, of the games I've played Cupid Parasite and Radiant Tale are pretty soft in terms of LIs (the meanest of each are tsunderes). Each MC goes through some suffering in these games, but it's not constant (and in some cases it's the LI that suffers much more), it's moreso route-specific obstacles. Cafe Enchante also has nice MCs, though it has some stronger angst. Even if Tempest has extreme mc suffering, but all of the LIs are nice.
>Even if Tempest
I still want a Conrad route
He has a little side thing in the FD at least. It's some good junkfood even if I hate that dickhead
I am NOT hovering.
How autistic do you have to be, to go to a deserted island wearing a suit?
Lmao Mitsugi.
Ikr. Imagine the smell.
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Okay, I'm done Amnesia. At least the routes I wanted to do.
My favourite ending was the one where Toma takes over Ukyo's route to put the mc in a cage after killing(?) the fanclub members. The other endings involving the LIs usually happened within their respective containment world (aside from Ukyo hopping worlds for plot purposes), but Toma just couldn't stay in his own lane. It was a nice way to show that no matter which world Toma's in he's ready to bring out the cage. His route was mediocre to me though. It felt so short and nothing really happens other than the cage shenanigan. Almost felt too tame even.
I found Kent's spiels amusing and somewhat adorable, but I don't know how much of that is because of his Ishida buff.
I liked the overall setup for Ukyo's route, but found his defense mechanism alter ego kinda cringe. At least the original Ukyo is cute and super direct about his feelings for the mc. Also it's nice that the route doesn't dismiss the existence of the other worlds despite being the 'true' route.
Orion best bug. His tsukkomis were fun, it really wouldn't have been the same without him. Otome MCs who tsukkomi as much as he does?
Overall, it was a decent experience and I don't regret going back to play it.

Probs won't get to them any time soon but are the fandiscs worth playing at all?

>even finish Shinigami to Shoujo
>odd finish Olympia Soiree
>trips start something completely new
why didn't anyone tell me that matsuda's voice actor in paradise was furukawa makoto
I feel like a Conrad route would diminish how much of a sociopath he is. What he got in the fandisk is good
Because he's nothing special.
everyone mentioned about it, EOPnewfagsis
Thanks, I'll play Cupid Parasite and Cafe Enchante then. Radiant Tale had some pretty nice LIs. What happens in Even If Tempest? It better not be some gay shit like the MC being raped/kidnapped. Mainly why I tend to avoid media with suffering female characters is because it's almost always due to rape/sexual assault and I'm tired of seeing that shit everywhere.
Any (preferably BL) VN with an all-male staff targeted at males, where all the characters are male, and females don't play any role in the story and aren't even mentioned? Bonus points if females don't even exist in-universe, and super bonus points if the writing avoids kanji containing the "女" element.
I want a Hugo route
>What happens in Even If Tempest?
A variety of bad things, not just to MC either. Primarily murder and suicide
>It better not be some gay shit like the MC being raped/kidnapped.
None of that in the main game (to the mc at least, it's implied to have happened to a mentioned npc). Fandisc has attempted SA in one of the routes, but it's only for a moment before it's stopped.
He should've gotten a route over Crius
Are the sex scenes in the Paradise fandiscs longer? They feel way too short in the Mitsugi route at least, I needed more slutty horny Azuma.
I really liked Mitsugi's scenes in the fanfics, he's a good tsundere in it.
The title feels like one of those shitty LNs that know nothing about otome
He's classy.
Do you like Paradise so far anons?
Kek why they look so alike. Are they related lol.
I read Paradise years ago but it warms my heart to know that people are discovering it for the first time (I hope the translation isn't too offputting.)
> Almost felt too tame even.
Toma's route tends to be exaggerated for the sake of memes, he's really not that extreme (comparatively).

Hell, when I replayed the game recently I didn't even think the cage was that unjustified given that from Toma's POV the heroine was acting like a complete retard throwing herself into danger by walking around outside 'alone' even though she'd already been harassed/threatened and nearly threatened like 3 times.

> Are the fandiscs worth playing at all?
I'd say so, there's one thats more actual sequel stories and one thats mostly just fluff/interesting scenarios, you can get two of them (Later and Crowd) on the switch, and theres also World but I don't think that ones translated yet.
I miss reading paradise for the first time and getting hit by a toshishitazeme cannibal with an extremely hot bad end
Takara is a literal treasure as his name shows.
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For me, it still is Minakami.
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Tengoku struggle is shit

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