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Ok, I got a bowl of Udon.
Add two (2) more ingredients of your choice and one (1) sauce and let's see how clever you are.
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japanese cutie sweat
japanese milf sweat
Pork belly baked to crispy perfection. Green onions. Sauce made from siracha and eggs. Cooked at low heat. Pork belly carbonara.
That looks nothing like udon dude.
there are many different kinds of udon which depend on where in the country you are, not every place serves the exact same shape/style
the large square noodles you probably think of when you see someone mention udon are just one variety

Is it true that eating/drinking slowly makes things taste better?
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I used to drink chocolate milk with a bowl and spoon, it was better that way
i thought toddlers werent allowed on here
Good post
That's mainly good advice for fat people. I remember my mom would always tell that to my overweight brother when we were growing up. Now that I'm older I realized she never once told me to eat my food slowly. I blame her for getting him fat because he was always overweight since a kid. Now he's big as ever and is about 400 pounds.

Not better - but longer.
Think about it this way:
You taste with the receptors all over your mouth, mostly on your tongue, and your nose, right?
NOw how much surface in total would that be and how much food would you need to completely cover all of it? - Not much.
If you form a huge ball in your mouth only the outer surface of the sphere will come into contact with the sesors, and 99% for taste is wasted.
SO don't necessarily eat slower, but smaller portions! If you ram a whole chocolate bar in your mouth you have one bite and waste pretty much all of the sweetness. Instead take small nibbles and spread them all over the insides of your mouth, then the bar holds like 10 minutes and you have so much more of its delicious flavor.
And the same holds true for other foods. Smaller portion sizes make it more enjoyable for longer.

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The McCallisters paid $122.50, plus tip, for 10 pizzas in 1990.

That’s $12.25 per pizza. One of the pizzas being a plain cheese.

How does that compare to todays prices?
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Free to the boomers but someone is paying for it.
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i've personally been thinking about the Papa John's $12.99 large five-topping perfect pan seen advertised in Killa Season as Cam'ron opens fire on the hoe ass niggas who killed his niece
That menu is from Jew York City. Jersey and Connecticut have better and cheaper pizza, plus you get to eat around other job having people.
That's about the same price including delivery fees if you ordered Little Ceasers today. The basic large pepperoni is about $6.75-$9.25 depending on where you live. But also we're talking about a television show where the writers weren't taking price seriously in the first place so the question is stupid.
Here's the price for dominos without specials or coupons.

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>coca cola dehydrates you
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Not even close to true
Yeah you're in a food myth thread dummy
Op isnt a fag

Definitely needs to be communicated more tho.
There are still many people why think you cannot keep cooked(!) chicken outside over night, as if it somehow magically retains its status as a contamination risk meat even after heating it to death and disinfecting.
>opens thread titled "food myths"
>sees statement about food that is untrue, a.k.a. a food myth
Autism and illiteracy are a bad combination.

how many hours to mariade hot wings to get a deep flavor result?
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Do we include the smoking in that? It will dry the brine out and then you can do a quick fry to get the skin crispy. I have ommited the frying step and my snoked wings come out rubbery.
I never wet brine when I smoke, either. A dry brine works fine.
Marinading is a scam. If juices could penetrate skin we all would be dead by now
i do a dry brine for about 8-12 hours

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What’s a food you’ve had that tasted amazing only one time/at one restaurant but is mid everywhere else
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It always looks appealing, like cream of wheats but savory. But it always SUCKS. To be fair though I only get the quaker oats instant grits. But what's even the difference? The time I had good grits at a southern restaurant was well over 10 years ago


It's true, if you want the best pasta you gotta go to the land where it's grown.
The best lasagna I have eaten was and still is in a restaurant in Rome. No other 'gna could compete yet, though I have eaten many very good ones of course.
The best lobster roll I've ever had came off a food truck in Washington DC. I have never been to Maine.
The way they make breakfast tacos at one restaurant in my city. The tortilla is big and fluffy and it's similar to a burrito. All for only $2. I will never go to taco bell again.

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Overhated. This shit is perfectly drinkable, tastes like bananas (which happens to be my favourite fruit). It does the job and is better than most macro beers.
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>Again, yes
Okay cool, thanks for agreeing
quality bait op. so much seething itt
That's good advertising
They make the only good 0% that I've tasted. I like the taste of beer so it's my go-to
Less than an ounce of pure alcohol per day.
> Even moderate "drinking" has been linked to deformations in the brain.
Define moderate. 90% of the booze is consumed by the 10% of drinkers. Age of drinking is also a major factor. You shouldn't drink until about 25. Same with pot.

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will we just accept that the nords are simply better at sandwich making?

american slop is so boring with its cheese, no wonder you're all obese and unhappy
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I don't know how to tell you this but Americans are not fat and unhappy because of a poor cheese. If you're a conscious shopper, we have many high quality cheese options.
> If you're a conscious shopper, we have many high quality cheese options
is that chunks of boiled potato?
Yeah, almond potatoes
The potatoes, onions and sour-cream are just there to round out the fermented flavour

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Has anybody tried these? How hot are they? Lemon + Chilli is a rather rare flavor combo. Usually see Lime + Chilli. Any whacky chip/crisp flavors out there people recommend? I've seen some of the East Asian ones like Chilli Crab and stuff like that, but never been tempted.
They likely taste average, not bad but not good.
Don't like them. And I don't like chips either.
yeah, despite having some interesting flavor combos, nothing Rap Snacks makes between their various ramen/chip lines actually taste any better than "just ok"
Yes. The chips themselves are pretty subpar. Think like store brand chips. Covered in cheap spices. The overal product just tatstes stale. I don't think it helps and most places where you can buy them just leave them on the shelves for months.

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What’s the best hot sauce to eat your eggs with?
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but does it burn the butt?
No its on the mild side which is perfect for breakfast. Hopefully they rebrand after the boomers retire.
I'm guessing it's not tomatoey
>has a mild flavor
Like louisiana crystal? louisiana hot sauce sucks and louisiana cuisine sucks, so I can't imagine this being good
No. Crystal and Tabasco are red water. This is chunky. They're just way too focused on the butt thing which makes me wonder about factory hygeine.

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I was told this is bad, I make a Greek style salad most nights with dinner so I have feta, Kalamata olives, arugula cucumbers AND STORED CHOPPED RED ONION is it incorrect for me to chop a red onion and store it in a container for a week. Bros am I going to die or will I ascend from the root plant
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That's a very good answer, anon. Thank you.
I hate people who try to get flashy with knives. It just encourages people to fuck around and find out.
Am I intended to eat this shit or is it just for decoration on the plate?
And then you have to clean it for 60 seconds.
3 second rinse

rate my dinner
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What keyboard this is?
Nude Male Model F(aggot) Labs AIDS36
>white people
>keyboard with ñ
absolute deprivation.
no spices or sauce on the rice, no numpad, avocados, so you probably don't own a house.
you're living like a monk

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With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
discontinued because zoomies can't handle eccentric flavors that aren't oversweetened.
Who cares and it could be worse, it could be some nigger drink like pepsi or red bull.
it was the only variant that didn't melt my old teeth, now I can't drink energy drinks anymore
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anon take your government mandated estrogen

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redpill me on corn chowder
potatoes, corn, chicken stock, what else goes in it?
some of my family might not eat it if I add meat...
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These French's fried onions go great on a chowdah.
I have buttermilk!
I mainly use it for pie dough.
What about onions and carrots? Mushrooms?
That's literally the first thing I ever cooked unsupervised. I was 8.
It's piss easy.
Mine doesn't have the bacon like that one does and it's vegetarian but my first go was light butter roux compounded with frozen sweetcorn and finely chopped onion, topped off with vegetable stock and evaporated milk, whisked until the roux dissolved completely then cubed potatoes added. Once the tatties are done, it's served, topped with herbs. Nothing fancy or special.
Nowadays, I make corn stock for it for that added corn flavour, but I flavour it with vegetable stock cube. I've also used homemade freeze dried corn powder as a spice in it but I can't get consistently good quality freeze drying my own corn.
I've done chicken before, too, but I add drop dumplings and other vegetables so it's more like chicken and dumpling stew than chicken corn chowder.
would put my cock in picrel

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I'm so used to cook on gas, now that i live alone i need to learn how to use induction cooktops but i'm bad, do i have to use them at maximum capacity? I use the medium settings (5 out of 9) to not waste too much energy but i end up cooking pasta in an hour
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Are you OP?
No, but i have the glass one aswell, today i cooked better tho
First, find a hammer. Then, smash the abomination into pieces. Afterwards, go out and buy a gas hob.
>cooking pasta in an hour
you are definetly doing something wrong anon. Induction should transfer the same amount of heat faster.
oh you are just retarded. Those are worse than gas

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