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KFC announced that it is testing a new concept dubbed “KFC Original” at select locations across Florida. The menu is meant to be paired down to focus on the core KFC original recipe chicken and serve a better product. According to those that went, this means they cut the following menu items:
>Fill-Up Box
>Chicken Sandwich
>Spicy Chicken Sandwich
>Pot Pie
>Mac & Cheese
>Sweet Corn
>All Desserts
>Most combos
This means that all these items will soon likely be retired chain-wide after the test ends as they want a closer focus on the core item the way Chick Fil A and Raising Cane's does
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KFC stopped putting popcorn chicken in their famous bowls and put in like 4 or 5 of their nuggets instead. It's not very filling anymore.
dude kfc in Canada was miles better than American kfc (at least in '17)
its regulations and quality of ingredients
If pacos taco stand shuts down he can just have his cousin Jesus run jt
Your mean
I think Canada has started to phase out the saline injections in poultry and pork.
Our antibiotics and growth hormone regulations are way tighter than in the US as well.
this is actually true in some ways, which is one of the reasons I despise a lot of boomers.
If I'm not trying to bust my ass taking advantage of some rebate or free shit by being a Karen, people act like I'm crazy
Twenty bucks isn't worth the fucking hassle
There's a reason this country has so many "sales". The average American will buy something they don't need if they think they're saving money because it's a "deal"

The food at Disney looks really good.
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>Also dressed like a grownass child

It's Disney World. Why can't people wear Disney shit, in the one place where it is supposed to be acceptable?
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>Americans consider 700+ calories of fried onions an "appetizer"
I won't blame you for the latter two but the first one is literally Kevin from the US version of The Office in drag

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What are some meme foods that you've experienced or would like to try?

I'll start
Caffeinated cola-flavored ww2 chocolate.
>Calorie mate
Japanese compressed food featured in MGS3.
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If you're fine drinking original instead of D it's around $2 a shot online. What country are you in?
My grandfather loved this stuff after coming back from the Korean War, and that long instilled a love for it in my mother, and she has passed the love to me
I'll be damned, I'm looking at one of those stickers right now on my desk, pulled it out of a box from my childhood and had no idea where it came from. Rice candy, huh? Thanks for solving that mystery.
Tfw ywn have handmade chocolate from Hermann Göring's chocolatiery... it hurts bros
the maple one slaps, it's buttery so it reminisces sweet pancakes

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They’re not a crust band. There is nothing crust about them besides their politics. They’re a boring, mid-tier sludge band.
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cap cas better
pie crust made with vegetable shortening is my all time favourite. so delicate and flaky, amazing flavour
I don't really like crust punk music much and don't understand what makes something crust or not but I used to hang out with a bunch of crusties back in the day.
How is Choking Victim not crust, btw? A friend recently time me that they're not crust somehow and said they and Leftöver Crack are more ska with crust politics than anything, which I really don't fucking understand.
High heat and low moisture, generally.
I fried a bunch of stuff for lunch today. Had the heat been to low, it all would have been a soggy mess rather than a crispy/crusty delight. I fried chips/fries, battered fish, shop bought mozzarella sticks, homemade zucchine nuggets, homemade lumpia and homemade samosas.
My favourite crust is the skin on fried chicken.
I don't hate it but I don't get the point of the crust on American type bread. It's so soft and decidedly un-crust-like.
do Cruskits count?
Me too, but I like my stuffing crusty.

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I feel like I'm gonna sneeze...

aaaa aaaaa aaaaah CASHEW!
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there are literally plastic bags (that can be easily turned into serviceable gloves) visible in the picture
She's wearing a single glove if you look closely, but the fingers of the glove are missing, likely torn from overuse
It's the same story in every third world shithole.
>owner of the shop buys cheapest tier protection gear for workers (often only women and children because poor thirdie men don't work, only drink)
>the protection gear lasts 5 hours into the first work day
>"what do you need new gloves for? Didn't i buy you a good pair recently?"
I think the last thing is that it's just not thought of in the third world. "I'm a manual worker but I must protect my hands!" so it's like *shrug*, cashew oil is rough on the hands but that's my job. And it hurts a tiny bit + I prefer superior dexterity just builds up over time
NOooo i cant go back to dating men and being romantically invested in them (and having gay sex) ohhh nooo
write a letter to your congressman

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If seed oils are so bad then why aren't Japanese people obese? They all use rape(haha rape, like raping a woman, haha)seed. Conveniently this is never addressed by the sussy schizophrenics among us...
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I'm confused and aroused
They would be if made of pepperoni.
what's the source of the soy (female)?

Is this stuff a meme? or is it actually pretty good?
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They've been on discount in various flavors at my walmart: I've tried a number of them and they're slightly unusual flavors, but otherwise decent quality. Its french style ice cream so it has egg yolks in it. Its not as ultra rich as they make it out to be, but better than the cheap stuff. About on part with blue bell and hagen daas, but VL has unusual flavors. If its the same price as other "premium" pints, get a flavor that sounds interesting and go for it. Off the top of my head the purple velvet was unusual but okay, I wasn't brave enough to try dill pickle, but they had another cake one orsome other shit I've never heard of and it was good.
The dill pickle sucked, unfortunately. That and the tapatios were the two worse I’ve had they’ve put out.
it's very good and it's probably the least bad for you of all the supermarket ice creams but it still doesn't justify the price. i used to fuck this shit up when i was on food stamps THO
Meme. Standard flavors are fine but nothing special, plus they make weird gimmick ones which are occasionally interesting but mostly bad
Meme but also really good

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I've referred to these as "young nuggers" for over a decade.
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chicken tendrils
I just learned 3 weeks ago that McMuffins are called that. I used to call them McMuffets.
I call it an Untidy Nathaniel.
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pic related
boilem mashem boilem mashem boilem mashem boilem mashem

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I made some chicken sandwiches!
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Looks real crunchy
>chicken sandwich
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Nice. Chef John would approve.
these are both mouthwatering

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what are the best costco ready made meals for those nights when you drink to forget
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The meatloaf is pretty decent. The gyro kit is meh, but quick and easy to prepare. The sandwiches/wraps are alright for a quick snack, if a bit overpriced.
Those chicken/bacon pocket things from the deli. They microwave well and have the needed amount of grease after I've spent 5 hours drowning myself in liquor and intend to keep drinking.
tempura shrimp
for me it's chili, Mac and cheese, or those frozen pastas. For the latter Ill stick it into the oven if I can
hey this guy here
got it. they were the fairly cheaper version of walmart frozen burgers. and he's right, thaw or frozen,it's always better to segregate the bun from the meat and 'wave them separately (but equal), the meat releases a lot of water and i'm not into soggy bread

Enjoying May the 4th watching Star Wars with authentic Philly cheesesteak
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>pepper sandwich garnished with steak
Where can I get rips of the original trilogy Star Wars laser disks?
probably u**net or one of the tpb mirrors
why do you specifically want those rips? just get the despecialized editions, or for 4K: 4K77/83 (4K80 is still being worked on last i checked)
Where's the cheez whiz nigga?

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> your plain rice is now an entire meal
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according to chinese cooking demystified...
>fried chili in oil
best as condiment
>spicy chili crisp
best as chili oil
>chili oil with black bean
best as ingredient

(haven't tried them yet myself)
for me, its:
>-futa -male_only -anthro -animal_humanoid -male_focus -dark-skinned_male -bbw
I hate chinks
>rice is a side dish.
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>Was going to make a funny post about John Cena's Lao Gan ma video
>See this

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A new challenger approaches..
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Nah, sneed it, just doesn't work, especially if you're a gaymer. But that meme truffle-parmesan-garlic salt ain't bad (as if microwave popcorn doesn't have enough sodium already).
Fair enough. We have a "local" Reddit-style meme hot sauce store now (45 minute drive), mostly online business, but they have a brick&mortar store too, pretty bold for 2024 honestly in such a niche market, we should visit soon, just need to dig up some old COVID masks, then stock up on Torchbearer Garlic Reaper without shipping fees.
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I would never eat even regular popcorn if I was playing vidya, let alone hot sauced popcorn. It turned out fine just for watching this movie though
I don’t really get the whole reddit stigma with any hot sauce that isn’t a big brand name. What’s the deal with the covid masks? Haven’t worn one since 2020 I think
The stupid 4chan memes are not even worth explaining but Torchbearer does some decent sauces, so consider the option when you are back in the black, Senor Cabinboy. (Truly we live in a golden age of ways to ignore GERD.)
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>look them up
>this is the first sauce on their webpage

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Narrowly avoided setting off the fire alarm this time.
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baby don't hurt me
Just tape a tupperware container over your apartment fire alarm
Or just take it down and stick it in the corner on the floor

make sure to have a box of baking soda or something though for a fire
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i accidentally set mine off
There are sprinklers in my roof and it's my worst fear. They are like roof goblins that threaten to fuck up all your shit if you ever burn anything.
The thing that makes the chirp sound in the hallway
>5 minutes later panic
>wtf it smells like smoke in here, is something burning

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I made risotto with a chicken thigh. Never eaten or cooked risotto before. Does it look like it's not loose enough? Feel like it seized up on me hard when I added parmesan and I thinned it back out with more stock. Maybe didn't add enough. Dunno, was tasty though.
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I was in the mood for a veggie omelet but didn't have anything substantial like peppers, mushrooms, or zucchini or anything. had cucumber though so said phuket I'll give it a try. I sauteed the water out of it and got it just brown on the edges and it was really delicious. i will definitely do that again, cucumber is underrated and should be cooked more often I think
Basically what I eat for dinner. Good stuff anon.
I velveted some chicken but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Probably make some kinda sauce and eat it with noodles.
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I attempted braised short ribs for the first time. I learned a couple things and will do better next time but they were still really good
The pizza I burned for lunch.

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