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Let's have a chili thread.
Beans or no beans can fuck off, no one cares, don't be gay.
Also if you don't use dark red kidneys and maybe black beans you are doing it wrong.

Garlic in chili, yes or no? I see some recipes that call for five fucking cloves and that seems insane to me.
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needs a chopped up onion and bell pepper
picky eater detected
what is the reason here for refusing to even attempt making proper chili with actual peppers? difficulty in obtaining them? not wanting to try something new? stubbornness of not wanting to feel like you lost an internet argument?

>Letting the weather decide what you eat
i just use jalapenos and chili powder and call it a day

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Who was the greatest to ever grace Kitchen Stadium?
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>"Yo, can I put this shit down already? Fuckin arm's killing me, man"
There's an episode where Sakai and Michiba are on a team and Sakai does the menu writing. His calligraphy was pretty good.
i skip all episodes that don't have mayuko in them
Which one is that?
Mayuko Takata

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How do we deal with picky eaters who expect restaurants to change the menu to cater for their pickiness?
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I actually have food neurosis and I couldn't imagine ever stepping foot in a restaurant. I'd most likely just pay the bill and leave without touching the food. I think if you're genuinely in this condition you shouldn't be eating in public until you resolve your condition.
Be like Asian restaurants. You can only order what's shown on the menu. You get served the food quickly and you're supposed to wolf it down, pay and get the fuck out. No loitering or writing your next novel. Get out. You no like menu? Get out.
Do what they ask, or explain you can't do it and they'll have to eat somewhere else. This is either a joke or a severe autist, either way who gives a fuck if you have to skip the cheese and tomatoes.
Stopped reading at the second line. I would refuse service immediately. I can see where this is going. Food allergies, diet restrictions or whatever are literally your problem.
Cater to your needs yourself. Simple as.
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No concessions should be made. These are literal genetic dead ends, we need to weed them out of the gene pool. A final solution to the picky eater problem if you will.

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I'm kinda retarded when it comes to cooking stuff and can eat anything so I just try to eat whatever cheap food I think will benefit me the most. I've been getting into foodprepping and I was wondering if I could just cook rice in the ricecooker and scramble like 40 eggs to portion up and refridgerate? Or must I fry the rice first? I want to avoid that. So I'm thinking about doing this every 5 days and put it all in the fridge, would that be fine? Could I cook for 10 days and freeze half of it?

I've been foodprepping chicken rice and broccoli with great success like this and I think everything should be fine here just wanted to run it by someone
For example it could be that eggs spoil faster or taste like shit when reheated or something, those would be things i dont know about. And any other tips are welcome too
thank you
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And I'm eating it with rice too. So this way I wouldn't have to use the ricecooker every day either. Although I could have mealprepped just the rice and then added eggs daily when I took it out. Which I will do if I cant mealprep the eggs for some reason
only problem I ran into with reheating eggs is that they got dried out and rubbery after a few days. So maybe undercook them slightly. People have meal prepped breakfast burritos and froze them and apparently they're fine. Plus those frozen breakfast biscuits and shit you can get at the store
Fuck sake OP. Stop being a retard. Wake up 10 minutes earlier to cook eggs.
Reheated eggs are ass shit.
Thank you
If you're making fried rice or breakfast burrito stuffing, where eggs are mixed into a meal, then yeah, but I wouldn't do it just to avoid cooking regular eggs. Dehydrated eggs are one of the most disappointing things about cafeterias, and fresh scrambles are easy. You should try making a bunch of breakfast burrito filling and just freezing it though, it's easy to do in bulk and it's nice when you just have to scoop it, fold, and reheat in the pan/oven.

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they need to make these bigger and also put more in a box
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buy two boxes and put four bars together so you get three bars way bigger than a normal one
a thread died (and unfortunately you didn't) for this
Can't even tell what the fuck that is supposed to be. 300 mL? Why is it a liquid?
it's ice cream
snickers as a brand committed suicide when they started making their bars "share size" to shrinkflate them. I used to see 4 varieties of them at every store and now there's 1 untouched box of them maybe at Walmart and some gas stations.

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I'll start: Georgian architecture, comfy and accomodating to locals; good selections of lagers; non-gastro because I can't stand when a pub is more of a resturant than a pub.

What's yours?
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>This. I hate how pubs try to push on this uninteresting lager that tastes like Bud or Fosters but market it as quirky and new. I just want to be able to drink a pint of Stella and enjoy my beer.
You don't like paying £6.50 for a 330ml can with fancy artwork on? Crazy.
>Lines properly cleaned and I hate when bartenders stick the nozzles into the glass as they pour because it makes the foam a sickly metal flavour.
Look for a pub with a grumpy looking aging fake blonde behind the bar, dressed in the classic sort-of school uniform looking way (I can't describe it better than that). Ideally one that the regulars have a bit of banter with but who they also clearly respect. Basically just aim for someone who seems like they take their trade seriously instead of a place where they cycle through endless studentshits.
My gf loves stouts and we was in some taproom. The only stout they had was in a 250ml can for £14... I brought it for her because I am a mug and I tried a bit and it was genuinely just a sickly sweet stout-tasting syrup in a can. Don't know how these brewies get away with this. Who's buying these cans reguarly enough to justify these prices?
>I brought it for her because I am a mug and I tried a bit and it was genuinely just a sickly sweet stout-tasting syrup in a can.
Blueberry flavoured stout, chocolate cake flavoured stout, whatever other meme stout is basically just flavoured syrup in beer so that makes sense. And there's always limited selection because it's harder to make a passable stout than it is to overdo an IPA so few people are trying it.
>Who's buying these cans reguarly enough to justify these prices?
People who want to post the pretty designs online, people too dumb to know differently or who think high cost = quality and then they're also included in subscription boxes where their high list price is used to make the box look like a better deal. 'Get 24 beers worth £50 for £30' or whatever.
Oh and they're also classic fodder for lazy presents for men. Buy a few expensive and not very good beers in a nice presentation box and don't put any further thought in.

Whats the stupidest way you ever fucked up while cooking?
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upper lip third panel
Are you autistic by any chance?
how did the plastic end up in the pot
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Literally me when someone recommends a movie. Yet to be proven wrong.
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Watch Two Mules For Sister Sara, it's okay.

Reminder to stay hydrated! The ideal daily water intake is 3.7 liters a day.
1. saratoga springs
2. fiji
3. poland spring/generic bottled water
4. refrigerator filtered tap water
5. unfiltered sink tap water
0. Tap water filtered through a Berkefeld gravity filter
>3.7 liters a day
total or water alone? seems a little excessive unless you're sweating. as long as piss is reasonably clear you're good

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:

About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women
These recommendations cover fluids from water, other beverages and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake usually comes from food and the rest from drinks.
Crusty ass lips nigga spotted

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I wish pringles cans were just a LITTLE bit longer so they could fit pasta inside
fuck, for now, I just break the tip, man
they're nice, add a flavor, too
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how does one "use" a toilet paper roll
You can effectively wipe with them if there's nothing else.
to be honest they do taste like newspaper
overpriced trash
they always sit untouched every since they outsourced manufacturing to Malaysia, jacked them up $5, halved the size and the amount of seasoning and took most of the flavors off the market.
you are a shitass cacographic child

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>tastes just like normal pasta
>but is 10 times better for you
whats our /ck/ope this time?
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What pasta isn't made with flour?
gluten free
they make it with some kind of grain byproduct
its cheaper but tastes like shit
has the same name too, ALWAYS check the ingridient labels!!!
obnoxious unfunny retard

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I just ate a whole bag of these shits. What's going to happen to me?
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nothing, kinda like your life so far
I hate to break it to you, man, but they're going to come out of your asshole
Well at least that's better than something coming in your asshole like in your case.
Gummies absorb a lot of moisture. I advise drinking a lot of fluids to avoid dehydration. If you want to see how much they absorb you can try leaving them in juice or vodka.

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What does /ck/ use this for? I bought it because I had an idea but forgot. So now im left with this thing not know what I can use it for.
Yo, one night I was pissed up and put this shit on leftover rice and covered it in cheese and heated it up and topped it with eggs fried in butter and watched Ghost Provokers. Shit was so tight.

Why do -they- put seed oils in everything? It's in literally fucking everything.
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>The movement, or mechanism, that powers the watch must be Swiss, which means that at least 50% of the movement components must be made in Switzerland, it was assembled in Switzerland and it was tested by the manufacturer in Switzerland. The movement must be placed in the case and tested in Switzerland
not a ton of leeway there desu. in my experience it's much more common for cheaper movements to be marked "Swiss Parts" which means they were presumably assembled somewhere like chinkistan
t. jewlerfag
Have you ever been to russia mate? I found the average metropolis more palatable than the US equivalent of junkies, negroes or mexicans. US tourists or migrants are also universally hated for their low IQ and insane pride and ego, whereas russian migrants are generally well educated.
The worst you can find is old time alcoholics or some muslim churkas, but thats isolated to a few cities unlike the US where the only escape is VW or other deindustrialized states
maybe it's because autists are their biggest customers
I've been to Russia; it wasn't fun.
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>Spooky Season is here! Time to enjoy some Carmella Creeper!
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the art style looks awful and she barely even looks like a zombie and why the fuck does she have headphones
That ghost looks like he's got a BOOner!
LOL that breathing mask, Do Americans really?
whew, these cereals are too scary for me

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Are these dimmies any good? sometimes i feel like dim sims late at night and either can't be bothered going out or the take aways are closed.
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They're the same as the wolllie's brand dim sims that you can't buy any more.
Used to buy those a lot, couldn't beat that price
if inventing means stealing something and making it worse I guess china invented 99% of consumer products
they're the base level dim sim, can't go wrong
>not making an indian dal version and calling it dal sim
missed opportunity

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