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Overhated. This shit is perfectly drinkable, tastes like bananas (which happens to be my favourite fruit). It does the job and is better than most macro beers.
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So? Ultraviolet rays are known to cause cancer yet I still go outside into the sunlight.
Show me the life-sustaining vitamin ethanol helps your body produce, then we'll talk.
it helps my body produce don't-freeze-up-and-turn-glassy-eyed-and-panicky-around-other-people vitamin
Hate waiting for your beer to turn skunky? Try Heineken! Skunky from the start!
Going outside and poisoning your skin is wholly unnecessary with supplementation, but it is done for the nonnutritional benefits. Like alcohol providing pain relief and vasodilation.

Not everything has to provide vitamins either. Spices didn't provide much nutritional benefit but they make food much more pleasant.

Alcohol also provides energy, by the way.
>but muh glucose efficiency
I don't see you strictly consuming Calorie-Mate and multivitamin pills.

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Wa la
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Beautiful plate anon
Back to tik tok, zoomer.
he's a merchant
>and how does this affect you personally?

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Comfy YouTube food channel. Fat boomer goes around to restaurants in the Louisville, Kentucky area.
Inb4 buy an ad, faggot. My only issue with him is that "everything at every restaurant is great".
Of course not everything at every restaurant is great.
Anyway, good American country cooking content. Also lots of other cuisines on his channel from a fat guy who enjoys his food.
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That Goodall Country Kitchen guy is a completely cucked BLM supporter. He’s very dishonest with his reviews. He doesn’t criticize restaurants owned by BIPOCs and AAPIs the same way he does to restaurants owned by people have no BIPOC or AAPI heritage.
He worked as high school security at a school with probably a bunch of coloreds. He can't go on YouTube and trash blacks.
Also I've never seen him criticize any restaurant which is my only issue with him.
He's Gen X, not boomer.
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include him in your suicide note

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Why is it so overrated?
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jim beam is fucking terrible you mong, it's the worst bourbon ever fucking produced. don't even get evan williams. you start at wild turkey and only go up.
I plead the 18th.
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>Heaven Hill shill going bananas
in other news, I hate women.
drinking alcohol neurotically worrying about other people's opinions is beyond embarrassing, womanbrain behavior
tastelets need not apply.

Your perfect chocolate awaits.
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All chocolate is product of slave labor, it's what those paragons of morality who deny Läderach can't understand.
Im whiter than you
Why would they use human workers when machines are more efficient
Because it's cheaper than buying machine + maintenance.
The singularity will mean the end to slave workers
the elites will continue using slaves even after it becomes less profitable because it's still more fun

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Just made these chizza. Will KFC hunt me down and kill me now?
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congrats on the chicken parmesan minus the parmesan
There's no pepperonis
[spoiler]They are under the cheese[/spoiler]
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You didn't ask for chicken permission from the Colonel. That's a felony in Burgeristan.
where's the roni?

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I shredded lettuce for tacos. Admire my skills.
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>cutting lettuce ribbon is as simple as making a feature film
After that other lettuce thread I couldn't resist demolishing a lettuce.
Look at it this way, it could be cabbage or beets, or both.
This guy gets it
You can learn

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>you cant cook eggs with stainless
skill issue
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Lazy AND stupid.
Cool brah.
sorry I dont keep up with your ck memes, retard
I like my eggs to taste like eggs and butter.
go shift-click dump webms in the webm thread for the 10703tb time nigger
>want to make a .webm where you show off
>eggs look like shit
Great job.

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I got basmati and jasmine rice and a rice cooker. How much of this spice do I add? The tin doesn't have any English on it.
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I watched him earlier because he had a "bachelor" rice cooker video. I'll try it when sober, thanks
That's a fire hazard
I saw the same thing in Thailand and there hasn't been a problem so far
toronto is not what it used to be

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Apparently, it's alright to drink pasta water. I like efficiency, and I boil tap water every day to drink, so I've been drinking pasta water. It's fine, right?
I heard you can cook pasta with pasta water, and it makes it starchier, is that true?
Isn't boiling boiled water bad?
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What? Bro, I'm just drinking pasta water
Try it, it's not bad, it's like soup
desu same. I have been drinking water only out of the kettle thats already been boiled. Although, the lid is on so idk if that's allowing the chlorine and whatever to escape properly. And supposedly different areas may or may not put flouride and other chemicals in their water. I need to actually look into it but yeah basically i have no idea what the fuck is in the water but boiling it isnt going to do any harm
lmao based cautious but not autistic anon
Boiling is going to concentrate the additives. You want to boil it, catch the steam, condense the steam, then leave it in an uncovered pot for a day to release the fumes. Then you'll have to add a little bit of salt in case you've made the water too soft for safe consumption.

can i just use my meth lab, or do i have to use a new setup for the water? (jokes aside supposedly you can leave your water out in the open for a day and the chlorine apparently evaporates)

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Anyone make their own ice tea? I made it using pic related from lidl and its fucking ass even though it's perfectly fine when its hot. The other normal prices teas I've bought all taste quite similar to this so I expect it would be the same outcome. My only thought is that some sort of citrus tea would be better perhaps.

Any ideas on how to make it well?
You toss 5 or 6 teabags in 5 liters of water. Let it sit overnight. Add sugar.
I did 5 teabags for a liter and a half of water. When I make regular tea I usually use 2 teabags per cup since it's cheap tea and doesnt taste of much otherwise. I didn't let it sit overnight but if anything it would have made taste more ass I'd think. I probably should just get better quality tea I guess.
Iced tea is always cold brewed like cold brewed coffee.
I had no idea, I'll give it a try that way next time.

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>the only thing that's under 2000 calories that makes a man feel full
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An exception it is!! You seem quite high brow. I've never even heard of mille-feuille. I dont even know how to say it (!)

I will post the Asian food in a few hours. Work is busy today~ (fuck bitches, make money, right?)
holy fuck bro, just birthed a massive turd. first shit since the surgery, 48h since last shit, 34h since first ingested food after surgery. my tummy was hurting so bad, was worried to pop the stitches. started taking metamucil this afternoon and since i had a cigar on the edge of my lips but could not pop it.
fuck bro it was a perfect, but can't count it as i still wiped due to wound hygiene.
i feel so much better now. sorry for poop talk

here's how you pronounce mille-feuille, if you can try it, it's really really good
i add cocoa powder, a whole banana and a scoop of protein powder to my breakfast oatmeal :3
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you didnt get your balls chopped off, did you?

fuck that french faggot for wasting 50 seconds of my times. JUST SAY THE WORD YOU FRENCH FAGGOT

anyway, work is over now and I need to find something to do. It's only 3 degrees outside.

I wish I lived somewhere like Vancouver or Japan iykwim
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>you didnt get your balls chopped off, did you?
no that shit is abnormal outside of the anglo sphere

>50 seconds
he pronounced it at 16s kek

>I wish I lived somewhere like Vancouver
not that bad las time i visited. i heard it's worse though

3 degrees f or c?

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