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So... /ck/ the eternal debate...
does pineapple belong on pizza?
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I swear people freaking out about pineapple on pizza has to be some kind of psyop tactic test run, it's been something people do and common in some regions for decades but for some reason like 10 years ago it turned into this thing it was trendy to act completely fucking retarded about, it's like someone who's able to put their thumb on the scale at google and twatter wanted to win a bet and had said "look bro I can can make people ready to throw down and fistfight about some random trival bullshit just watch" and their friend was like "nuh-uh prove it"
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Where the fuck do you get off talking to people about putting pineapple on pizza you fat prick.
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can i have a slice
>"Steak marinated in strawberry milk with jelly beans? Euuugh wtf"
>"Mussels with nutella? Wtf are you talking about? How do you come up with disgusting shit like that?"
>"Pizza with pineapple? Perfectly fine, nothing wrong with that. Why are italians so autistic about food? Lmao"
literally tiktok ragebait brainrot tier food.

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Ah, perfect.
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I'm thinking about shoe sole.
I got a big juicy tofu steak, so tasty
That "steaks" looks dryer than Death Valley
dont tall about your girlfriend's meat like that babe
steak is an overrated disgusting food, no matter how you cook it

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Imagine eating this good
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>add x starch.
Holy fat ass. Let it cool or reduce it.
Bitch, I learned to make nepoli sauce in the mountain villages of Nepal.
Sars, not like this
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Damn, still up?
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We're keeping it simple tonight.

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Are there any 'celebrity' chefs you absolutely hate?
tell me why
Pic unrelated
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Delia Smith.
mainly known as a judged from chopped
in hindsight he was a harbinger of the insufferable authenticity meme plaguing the industry down to seething whenever someone pronounced a spanish origin word wrong like tortilla or tomatillo
The mid-tier day time television ones that are actually really bad at cooking.
My youtube comments on the official Barefoot Contessa videos always get deleted because I ask why she doesn’t show feet or I claim she’s falsely advertising because she never shows her feet.
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Giada, flay, and that fat rapper guy from nyc, and the other faggot with the mustache and tattoos from nyc ..matty something or other

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who's side are you on?
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neither but I support for these girls to have sweaty hot lesbian sex together
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shoot me
I prefer the biscuit part of the shoots as opposed to the breadstick.
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Team no boob!
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Mai, this is a family friendly board.

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Talk me out of it bros...

I'm an anti plastic person so please don't tell me to get a plastic ice cube tray
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Those metal ones are a pain in the fucking ass. Shit flies everywhere. There's a reason they disappeared over fifty years ago.
doesn't look that bad
Thanks man

t. OP
i don’t have a lot of plastic stuff at home but i do have a plastic ice maker. and the tube that carries water inside the fridge is plastic.

i need the ice and im ok with this
I bought one of these style ice cube trays for the same reason and honestly it sucks. The company said to run under water for 30 seconds to loosen the ice. Sounds easy, but 30 seconds of standing still at the sink feels like forever. Then most of the time it doesnt even work and when you try pulling the lever it becomes a complete mess.
Plastic sucks but fuck it really does make a lot of things way more convenient.
Brand was Marley's Monsters.

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Does it continue doing nothing in the refrigerator or should you toss it before moving the dish to the leftover containers?
No it's not being heated and releasing anymore flavor, you remove it when it's done cooking
In culinary school they taught us to cram them immediately after the meal is done cooking
It doesn't have to be heated to release flavor. Like cold brew tea and coffee.

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Wtf is this American?

Covid made me really healthy because I refuse to pay the heebs $2.79 for a two liter of sugar water or $6 for a bag of corn chips. I haven't bought a drink with a twist top in almost 3 years.
o hey its the attached bottlecap schizo its been a while since ive seen you post
just take the whole thing off you dont need the ring on the bottle
I'm American and I've only seen these on water bottles and sports drinks in the US.
They're everywhere in Britain, however.
I have never seen one of these
I drive around with an ice coffee in my hand no cap

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Go ahead anon, trim it.
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The chain is a small muscle that runs along the length of the tenderloin and is covered in a pretty decent layer of fat and silverskin.
Ah! I didn't know it had a name and I've broken down tenderloins several times. Neat.
finally someone gets it. the fat IS the best part.
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Trim this
i used to trim this as an apprentice then safeway said they woud give me a 5 cent raise after 2 years so i said fuck no and lleft. garbage company

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im all about that good eating life
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It’s funny how much typewriter shit still exists in computers. Any Unix nerd can tell you
that's some old keyboard you got there, back when they were good quality
im liking these pics. please continue making them
Oh God, I can hear it now, the satisfying click of those keys…
it has been a long fucking time since i saw a keyboard like that

Why do curry recipes have such short simmer times compared to other stews and sauces?
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because they dont tell you that they cook it the day before and leave it out overnight.
The poo from the hands breaks down the meat.
Because a shitload of Indians use pressure cookers, in fact a lot of recipes gauge time by how many times the pressure cooker bleeds pressure (it's literally something along the lines of "add the lamb, cook for 6 whistles")
>what time is it Poovintor?
>Oh dear sir! Its half past 6 whistle.
Typically the long cooking time occurs when you cook the spices until the oil splits
You can see this guy cooks his goat for a long time

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Post cookies you like or made and discuss
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This nigga zesty
This nigga got sugar in his tank
He plays for the other team
He's light on his feet
This nigga's good at interior design
He bats for the other team
He plays the forbidden flute
This nigga peculiar
If you know what I mean
what is the forbidden flute
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Hm i chilled for like 40 minutes but it looks like they needed to be chilled more
They look fine to me
You could do it for more i usually do it for like half an hour
Good job anon! How taste?

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>juice half a lemon into a glass
>add ice
>add coke
>juice a second half
mmmmm sour
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i'll try it but i'm not sure i'll like it
Thank me later
no, ill thank you now. thank you
It first thickens up, idk how long it takes to flake.
How absolutely fucking retarded are people to pour their drink ON to their teeth??? Like what the fuck??? Same thing with cigarettes. Your teeth don’t get yellow if you have the filter behind your teeth while you puff. Fucking idiots.

Do Germans really?
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What would these even taste like? Sweat and Panzerschokolade?
I've seen worse
Looks like pepper and sour cream
for me, it's these
best chips i've ever had

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Why do we bother with this crap? Who are we fooling?
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Who said anything about it being healthy?
>white people can digest milk :)
>brown people can digest cor :(
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the three sisters are sacred to the americas.
though they credit chinese soy for saving us from the dust bowl.
so maybe 4 sisters now
When you chew it you're still extracting the inner part. That's why you taste some sweetness. You can digest that. We don't really digest the skin on any fruit or vegetable, it's just most noticeable with corn.
chew your crud goyim

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