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Saw some Kimchi in my local supermarket. Should I buy a jar and try it?

What's the big deal? Is it just a meme? What do I even eat it with?
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That's because they drink like 10x more than anyone else
You get off work, you get shithoused, then go home and pass out
Every day with that shit
This looks absolutely amazing. I really need to make my own.
heavy drinking, tons of cured food, pylori will do that to you
it's basically just saurkraut with peppers
it's pretty good but people are asking like 5 times more than what it's actually worth because it's "exotic"
pretty sure the act of pickling is already a preservative in and of itself

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>quick and easy
>non pretentious
>get shit done
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say it one more time
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I usually smash one of these if I dont plan on getting an expresso from the local coffee shop. I probably should start looking into a small expresso machine for my kitchen.
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I've never had instant coffee
Is it that bad?
You think you're being real clever, huh? Fancy yourself a bit of a big guy?
Careful little man, you never know who you're gonna meet.

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this shit is so good. has anyone tried recreating it?
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take the goyslop pill friend
Is it really? I might try it out.
Unironically yes. If I could make these at home I could probably cut out fast food forever.
Is it better than Wendy's?
haven't tried them, but not a huge fan of wendy's nuggets in general

Remember pizza parties at school? Also ice cream socials? What did your school get? Mine always got little caesar's, cheese and pepperoni options and pepsi or mtn dew. Our ice cream socials had those gallon vanilla ice creams and a bunch of syrups.
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And the parents
>American schools sell licensed proprietary pizza
damn lmao
The stick was fine and the ice cream was too hard because your parents were retards and turned the freezer to 0K like mine did. At just freezing 0C, they're soft enough.
You're right, we should instead exterminate the kids. The world sucks so let's end all kids and let us be the last humans on earth. We can send the species off partying.
>t. 1840s plantation owner

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What's the least appetizing meal you've ever seen?
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Probably some mexican food it's just greasy sludge in a bread
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ah, garloid clits. a true classic.

Remember when McDonald’s had soup?
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i know that mcdonalds had pizza at least
I remember they had some kind of pasta happy meal in the mid 2000's
Fuck I hate AI
Sup brah

What do you guys put in your breakfast burrito?
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>eating a different variant of something just because it's the morning
Pls go bac
You don't like ham?
doesn't blend as well as chorizo and the other ingredients. stands alone too much if you understand. plus I prefer ham either in sandwiches or as steaks for dinner
I like french fries and gravy in my burrito

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how can I make egg salad sandwiches that don't just taste of egg and mayo? I want to add other stuff so its less of just soft bland creamy texture and overwhelming egg taste.
I will be making my own mayo.
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why sage?
chopped pickles
Curry powder
I can't believe you have the superior egg thread with a stock photo. I hope your kids come out as Trans.
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I do warm egg salad with lao gan ma chilli crisp oil, cheddar cheese and chopped green onions. Add a small amount of crispy bacon.
Pic related.

Have you ever tried cheeseburger fries?
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>being ESL is...le bad!

Literally, yes.

Think of it like this: if there was a non-meat alternative to beef that tasted exactly like the real thing, the texture was the same, looks the same etc I think we would all be pretty all right with eating it.

But we DON'T have that. Instead we have things like Beyond, which is pretty fucking far from real meat. Which is perfectly fine as long as I personally don't have to eat it.

ESL is kind of like Beyond -- a facsimile, except unlike Beyond I don't get a say on whether I want to be exposed to it in the first place. It's not nearly as good as the real thing, but since it gets shoved in our faces we kind of have to just deal with it.


To keep things on topic, yes I have tried it. The decadence of the presentation reminds me of animal style fries; complete disregard for table manners. Good stuff.
You know it's possible to be a native English speaker, and also not be American. Right?

That's usually referred to as being a native speaker of British English, Australian English etc.
good morning saar!

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*gives you the worst hangover you've ever had*
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Anons mentioned drinking more water and possible allergies.
But check out what grapes and terroirs work for you. Also check whether wines with too high alcohol could be an issue.
Cheap beer is worse.
I'm right there with you. I can drink a fuck ton of pilsners. But Stellas give me a hangover and also wreck my stomach with beer shits.
Did not read shit, fuck off
I have strong coffee and a 60mg capsule of Ritalin. Boom, back to normal.
Got ripped on Tuesday night, took the cure Wednesday morning and worked a solid 10 hours of manual labour.

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The breakfast.
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not bad
what's for breakfast, goober
Skipping leg day, huh tubby?
Actually you skip every day
Why do you hate me anon?
two Jason threads up at the same time <3

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Imagine eating this good.
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unneeded remake
that looks extremely bland. theres no sauce or seasoning on any of that stuff what so ever
r u gymbro or autism
Hes skinny.
oh my god please jason

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>30 bucks for a pizza and some bread
how is this business model sustainable
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that's great but you still have to wear pants for that 10 minute round trip
are you a chronic masturbator or something why do you hate pants
just because I find it more comfortable to jack off without pants on doesn't make me a "chronic masturbator"
there is no law against doing into a dominos in your underwear if eveything is covered

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EU regulators have discovered toxic inclusions of arsenic in the steel. Matfer is doing the responsible thing and issuing a recall so there are no adverse health consequences to their beloved customers (EU only).

Don't worry, Ameribros. They haven't issued a recall in the US, so you can continue to use your pans as before and ignore these silly heavy-handed regulators! :)
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What other group of people do you think would be retarded enough to cook with things exposed to arsenic
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>product is recalled free of charge due to arsenic poisoning
>mutts cope pretending it's probably no big deal
>even go as far as getting angry at institutions defending consumers health
i have no words
I love my 14" debussy
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Dude is concentrates as if he was doing open heart surgery.
It's for lighting tap water on fire.

What is the difference between a roll and a loaf? General bread bread
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From an overhead view, a roll has length while a bun is circular.
That's nasty bro

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