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Pour it so it's like 2/3 of the way up in the little styrofoam pack it comes in including foam. If the foam goes all the way to the top you went too far. It just adds some yeasty flavor which works with the fermented taste it comes with and it cuts down on that god awful sticky shit. If you use some kind of overpowering meme beer that's your fault, use a normal one that tastes like beer
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If you don't like beer, this isn't the thread for you
If you hate natto, this thread is not for you. I am one of those weirdo gaijins who likes natto. I used to eat it the standard way, using the included tare sauce and karashi. A few years ago, I swapped the karashi for tabasco and used half of the tare sauce. It's also good with the Lemosco and other brands of lemon or yuzu tabasco-like sauces. This year, I started ditching the packets altogether, and going for malt vinegar… the fish and chips kind. Total game changer! Occasionally, I like to mix natto with chopped cucumbers with mackerel or jakko. Last week, my wife and I made our first batch of natto using organic soybeans and a yogurt maker. Does anyone have any wild natto tricks they'd like to share?
god what an embarrassing post. it's incredible how you can call your self out so horribly with a couple words of pointless greentext towards some retard just trying to share his beer and nato. even veiled by anonymity that's got to be pretty rough
For me it's PBR and rotten beans.
I eat that shit plain with rice. I ate it every day in college, it was cheap and easy to make. Don't eat it as much anymore since I don't have asian markets around me but when I find it I'm in heaven.

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This shit is heavenly
Have you tried it with xrkk0? That shit will change your life.
I don't know what xrkk0 is but I'm about to put it on some homemade gyros
/qa/ lost
the sharty lost
kuz is a homosexual pedophile
I just think all of the zellig girls are cute
Isn't that the Pokémon everyone wants to have sex with?

>is the best candy bar in you're path
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midnight are better
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>tfw getting hit by pieces of almond shrapnel while trying to enjoy a candy bar
why are the almonds exploding out so violently bros
when i'm feeling extraordinarily fat, there's a local fast food chain near me that will make badass milkshakes where they'll add both of these in if requested as big chunks. marshmallow flavor shake with butterfinger and heath is fucking delicious even though i gained 10 pounds and lactose-intolerance shits even just thinking about it.
It's kitkats and it's not close.

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Just had alcohol for the first time. I had 4 glasses of wine and a beer between 9:00 and 11:00 and was sober by 12:30, then I had a vodka and orange juice, and 2-3 glasses of tequila cut with water and it didn't make me drunk at all. I didn't sleep a wink, just took a shower and had an energy drink and got 110 wpm on monkeytype, so I think I'm basically sober. Do I have godlike alcohol tolerance? I'm half Irish and 155 lbs fwiw
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I wish I could.
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There's a lot of information missing to determine how much alcohol you actually drank. It seems you spread it out over time quite a bit as well. You need to normalize it by multiplying abv and volume for each type of drink you had and add them up. For instance my typical session is one 24 ounce clubtail Bahama momma at ten percent flowed by 16 1.5 ounce shots of Seagrams 100, usually around 2-3 hours per session. Comes out to 14.4 ounces of alcohol.
just drink on an empty stomach
i need 4-5 beers to get buzzed drunk with food but but just 1 when I haven't eaten

What are your feelings on stuffed peppers?
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She may be either Turkic, Persian or Indian. All those cultures stuff peppers with spiced potato. The Indian ones are basically samosas but with peppers instead of dough.
>bell peppers
Where and how much? Cuz in Delaware, they're $1-2/lb. Or are you one of those dumbcunts who buy peppers at stores that sell them individually rather than by weight?
>riz pilaf
Not every stuffed pepper is stuffed with rice, tho.
I get those mini peppers and stuff them just with meat to make tiny, self contained meatloaves/meatballs. And as >>20480196 says, there are those that are stuffed with potato. I've seen them stuffed with burghul and lamb, too, as well as ones that are stuffed with cheese and other vegetables (usually flat varieties of sweet pepper rather than bell peppers). Also shrimp paste. Those are really good. Stuffed with shrimp paste and steamed then cut and served as dimsum.
Dude, you're pining about 20 year old farts.
Seek therapy.
I absolutely love them.

>hungry jacks big jack is better than the big mac

how will mcdonalds ever recover?
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Based Greg enjoyer. Also I'm so happy the Big Jack has returned. It has a monopoly on my weekend cheat meals
It was very cheeky of them to bring the Big Jack back while McDonald's has their Big Mac family out for a limited period.
Pathological retardation. Someone mentions burgers and your pathetic excuse for a shrivelled hindbrain has to reach for this so you can show how 'hip to the lingo' and 'down with the trends' you are. Desperately trying to fit in by making unfunny callbacks to cancerous shit that was never part of board culture to begin with nor actually related to the OP's post. You sad, pathetic fucking piece of shit. What's it like being such an egregiously visible loser even on this website full of losers? Burger King doesn't even operate in Australia where Hungry Jack's is, you goddamn waste of skin, hair and teeth. In short, fuck you you cancerous zoomer newfag and I hope you die choking on animal cum after sucking off your neighbour's dog and someone posts the death video online and it gets 12 billion views so everyone on earth can laugh at you at least once.

Also I like the Angry Whopper, their new battered style onion rings and their caramel shakes.
Anyone that uses the term 'sandwich' in relation to a burger has outed themselves as a seppo.
- traditional

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Chicken Gizzards.
What's the best way to cook these little cluckin' cuck giblets?
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Thank you anon, I need to get sake, oyster sauce, and bean sauce and ginger.
I definitely add ginger and oyster sauce.
You can always find oyster sauce in Asian markets.
The asian markets are me are usually Korean, and they don't have oyster sauce, I think I've seen it a some jew-wetern market (jews love Chinese food), I just have to remember which.
Some university, I want to say Stanford, tested a bunch of avocado oils and there's definitely adulterated stuff out there, but there are good brands. Both brands I've seen at Costco were on the good list so I only buy it there now.
...even it's entirely avocado instead of canola, the problem is that hexane, a petrol-derived chemical, can be used to extract seed oil and not be listed as an ingredient.

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what is going on here?
>ruled by numerous foreign powers for nearly 500 years
>minimal cultural exchange, still eat with their hands

>barely ruled for 80 years by bongs
>so adversely affected, they now use knives and forks
What hand do you wipe your ass with?
Yeah but I can poke myself with the chopsticks paying attention to the screen.
Vietnamese sandwiches are made with French bread.

It's over
Damn, I knew this was coming though.
Kind of put in perspective that I drank enough to kill one of those people and I just took a nap from it
They "revamped" their menu a month ago and removing everything good, what the fuck where they thinking?
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Do Americans ingest this shit willingly and without feeling any of sort of suspicion regarding what their day to day food contains?
It was good as fuck

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My crazy repu*lican uncle still calls them freedom fries.
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depends on how you want to word it anon
a demo*rat that pretends to want small government
He's still living in the GW Bush era huh?
That's around when I found this site. Things were a lot more simple back then.
Id like to do that
the same thing as a d*m*cr*t

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What are your thoughts on Popeye's offerings? Personally, I feel like the fried chicken sandwich combo is the most value-friendly and just outright delicious chicken sandwich meal you can buy in fast food right now.

I think Chick-fil-a is too overhyped nowadays. It's not that good and it's a bad value now. Spending more for less chicken. The only reason I go back is for the waffle fries.
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Red Beans and Rice, Mashed Potato and the Nuggets are good. I dont get anything from them but those items.
This dude's schtick is wearing thin. He needs to find a new niche and I think he knows it too
I'm sorry for your loss, I truly am
My old Popeyes was great and I miss it, my current one is similar to yours. To be fair I still prefer it over CFA though (and get neither frequently)
he's clearly a high functioning autist and will never change his clothes and hairstyle let alone his job. he also makes enough money to pay rent just from his patreon alone so youtube money is just his expendable income.
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That is a bunch of bullshit
His mom is the hottest milf on the east coast and you know it

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What do you get on your movie theater popcorn? Just butter? Any ranch seasoning, parmesan cheese, parsley, black pepper, etc?
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Robert, someone broke the bicycle lock on the 'Chacheres again
I always used to get it greasy af layered butter, but some chick turned me onto no butter, and its pretty much the same, just less greasy. Tastes fine and has plenty of butter. Why did I just copy my parents for so long?
old bay. i bring my own in a tiny travel case
plain with salt.
I just dump out my reese's pieces on top.

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Nothing like a good Red Stripe in a stubby bottle.
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Hell yeah
me pussyclaat
Tastes like rust
batty boy
Yeah, tastes good with a nice blue cheese spliff

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Hello /ck/ this Is my lunch Hope you're enjoying It as much as I do
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Looks tasty, but why the sauce?
This is my lunch
What did you do to the beans?
I put butter, salt, and pepper on them after heating them up. I'm not sure what you're asking.
Exactly that. I like to add a sprinkle of fresh parsley and rosemary.

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I just loooove the taste of cancer mmhm carcinogens
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Carbonization = cancer
It's not that big of a deal, just don't eat burnt food. What OP posted is a bit too far and I wouldn't eat the black part, but fine otherwise.
take your meds before posting
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Thats right faggot. I will glady trade a few years of living in a nursing home to be able to actually enjoy and indulge in my youthful years.
Cooking like this has been around for thousands of years and is insignificant in terms of increasing rates of cancer.
Now let's talk about forever chemicals in the soil and water, that's what's really causing cancer spikes. Microplastics in everything too.
Yeah those sick tats are giving you cancer holy shit

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