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coca cola uses de-cocained coca leaves in its drink, and i am trying to find a good substitute to replicate the taste of it so i can add it to my soda syrups. it has been described as tasting like either yerba mate or green tea, but i want to know if any of you have tried it so you can tell me which substitute is closest to the flavor
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he's just pretending to be retarded

The enReddification of 4chan
It's the root of a schedule 2 drug. You can import it, but you need a certificate to do it and they don't give them out. It's one of those Government Catch 22s. Mallinckrodt legally imports a specified amount a year to create drugs that are primarily used for eye surgery, the decocainized leaves are then sold to Coca Cola.
This basically happens everywhere coca cola is made and that's how it gets the flavor.
anyone know where to get coke
how about you let adults do what they want and stop being such a baby back bitch

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Spaghetti with chicken Kiev — try it!
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>the Ukraine
Full of old fuckers today I see.
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Total pigger/zigger death
chicken Niggeriv
Some young people say it that way, too.
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i still pronounce it kiev
don't tell the authorities haha

Do you put mushrooms in your pasta sauce? What’s the big deal here?
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It was a different time

Before the pizza wars drove many species of pizza extinct
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They have "tomato pies" in New Haven although I've never seen anyone but tourists order that.
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tastes good
The texture of cooked mushrooms is revolting, though.

What does the food look like at your local cheap diners? The sorts of places with big portions and no frills.
Pictured: chicken kiev, typical dish from a Polish "bar mleczny" diner.
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for $9 + tip they can at least cook the fucking onions and throw in some meat.
Found the zigger
found the globohomo lover who supports the country that shits up 4chan deliberately to make it less fun "to stop terrorism"
>local cheap diners
The last place that fit that description closed like 8 years ago, that era has been gone in canada for a while now
no amount of cheap breakfast will make living in new jersey okay

no no NO
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Try tens of thousands of dollars
It's not that high. But it's still often around a thousand dollars.
Really wish they ever had honey mustard in the states, I don't like eating fried chicken with anything else.
If you have a peanut allergy so bad that even being in the vicinity of them kills you, then maybe God intended for you to die. Stop trying to bend the world to your inferior genes.
maybe you're a faggot and your problem is just that you can't envision peanut allergies being cured

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Come up with a few initial burgers for your burger chain

>cheese junior
American cheese, diced onions, ketchup
>cheese deluxe
American cheese, diced onions, tomato, lettuce, ketchup, mayo
>BLT cheeseburger
American cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, mayo
>bacon lovers cheeseburger
American cheese, double bacon, mayo, ketchup
>spicy southwest cheeseburger
Pepperjack cheese, bacon, diced onions, bbq sauce
>mushroom swiss burger
Swiss cheese, sauteed mushrooms with mushroom gravy sauce, diced onions
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>i have bad genetics or no impulse control and struggle with my weight
Cool, I don't.
Then why do you willingly eat at mcdonalds...?
>sausage burgerich
sausages, onions, bit of sauce in a burger bun
Cause I can?

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What is the correct way to make pizza dough?
I looked up pizza dough recipes and every damn one tells me something different.
For example some say to mix the yest in with the flour directly when kneeding, others say to activate it in warm water first, then some say to let the dough rise for 10 minutes on the counter, others to leave it in fridge over night, etc etc.
So what the fuck is the actually correct way to make pizza dough?
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is that a fetish of yours? i wouldnt know anything about it, as I dont fit any of those categories.

does remind me of your mother of course, of how cock retarded she got slobbering over my knob
she made cute retarded tastelet noises when i fucked her mouth
jfc, are you seriously fucking using ai for shitposts? fucking hell son, rethink your fucking life.
>retarded shitpost noises
Mix yo shit.
Beat yo shit.
Rest yo shit.
Cut yo shit.
Roll yo shit.
Pretty simple, anon.
>literally the recipe i posted >>20825007 aside from a .5% diff in yeasties.
You didn't include any instructions for how to assemble the dough.

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Can anyone explain this recent hate towards bread to me?
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You are one stupid motherfucker pretending you are doing anything but splitting hairs.
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Mein pumpernicker
I hope you don't eat anything which has been subjected to hot heat over prolonged periods of time if this bothers you.
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Bears can get fat on salmon too. They'll ignore the meat and just eat the skin/head which has the most fat and calories.

Humans seem to have a hard time gaining weight from fruit though unlike bears. Pretty much everyone who has done a frugivore diet is underweight.

Do you own any collectable or rare food?
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I don't own any but really want sour altoids back
Delete this.
I have this. You wouldn't think it's rare, but you can't find them in the US. Had to buy it from a Paki grocer off amazonUK.
I've got tonnes of those. I can walk down the street and but them from this UK/IE grocery best me.
The UK ones are kind of bland, actually.
When I was little my best friend's trashy cousin yelled out "I've got balls in my penis!" and for years this is roughly what I pictured.

How and what do I duck breast?
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Would quacky titty be good made into something like a duck pancetta, ya think? Obviously not like pancetta cuz breast rather than belly but cured and used the same way
I've had a duck prosciutto that was fucking amazing
So basically the same thing, yeah. Neat.
I've tried this and it was not good. Peking duck is actually really labor intensive and complicated, inb4 flyover subhumans rage at me and say no actually Panda Express is just as good
>he doesnt understand how to duck breast

forget about the japanese meme about folding rice for 15 years, corn tortillas are the real deal. i can't figure out how to make them stop breaking when making tacos even if i make them fresh. tell me abuelas secret
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they are warm. i make the dough, press it, heat on pan, and put it on a plate and cover it. they sit for a couple minutes and then i test each of them by bending it into a taco shape which caused them all to break in the middle. the inside of the tortilla was still dense, so maybe i didn't cook it long enough
either your dough is too dry or you overcooked it
it was around 100% hydration for the dough so i don't know about that. i didn't see any air inside the tortilla after cooking it, so i am leaning towards my cooking stage being wrong
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Wrap them in a warm moist towel it keeps them perfectly supple.
Make sure your Masa to water ratio is correct also.

This is the last thing I cooked. What was the last thing you cooked? I love food and cooking, but I almost never browse this board. Why is that, do you think?

Here's a hint:
>install gentoo
>national socialism
>Gravity's Rainbow
>True Detective season 1
>store-bought tendies and sherbet sticks

Do you catch my drift? Can you spot the odd one out?

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>Try this
ok thx
Maybe I'll give that a try. I pretty much grew up with them as a vegetable cooked with roasts so it's usually how I eat them. I like most vegetables more undercooked than typical.
Neat. Glad I suggested something nice.
Also neat. And sorry for all those damned typos, holy shit
I've never been to /lit/, but isn't it The Fountainhead? or maybe the infinite jest one
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a quiche

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This absolutely does something. Got a few branches from my father's garden and tossed them in a lentil soup. Huge diff
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Some of you know my kitchen. Gonna lay down now. Drunk as fuck. Next time I'll make a cook a long thread
ask you fucking pest
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I think the biggest reason people think bay leaves don't do anything is that they have an old jar or bag in the cupboard that has been sitting there for years and they throw one dusty leaf in a huge pot of something then wonder why it doesn't taste very different.

There's a reason this plant was so reveared that Greeks and Romans made crowns out of it.
We aren't on good terms right now.
Maybe be a less shitty landlord and maybe your tenant will give you tasty leaves.

Why don’t all tacos come with a dipping sauce
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Most come with sauce to put on top
Because I had sex with your mom.
>dipping sauce
Dipping sauce? You mean the drink?
fuck this is too good i would just bathe in it ahh
Either you drink sauces, or you stick food in your drinks. Either way, you're disgusting. Please post body so I can't add it to /fph/

Calorie counting really fixes your perspective. Sure pizza is amazing but for 1,200 calories?? Bologese on the other hand might only be 600 calories, it has a way better calorie to quality ratio. Any slob can cook with indulgent ingrediants, of course it will be good if it's fried or has tons of cheese. I don't think I'll ever be able to unsee calories when I look at food now.
What food have the best calorie to quality ratio?
Fresh popcorn, lightly salted, no oil/butter.

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