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Making lamb meataboll on my day off
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500g lamb
1 large red onion
1 birdseye chilli
1 large red chilli
4 sprigs rosemary leaves
1 sprig of parsley
2 tbsp of crappy naan bread crumbs from stale one that was in the fridge, toasted
1 egg, beaten
3 cloves of garlic
salt, garlic salt and pepper to taste, but be generous
1 jar of store bought arrabiata sauce
(optional msg hit) 1 tbsp of Lao Gan Ma chilli oil

1. add chopped vegetables into mince, add egg as you mash them in to bind.

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thanks m8
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how to choose good lamb? i've never bought it myself, only ate it a few times, and some times it was pretty gross and smelly. how to know it will taste good when buying it? is it due to linalool- does it get worse with age? or is it because the blood wasn't drained fully?
It's surprisingly pricey relative to beef. Goat is pretty rare outside of ethnic grocery stores. My local Walmart has started to get more diverse kinds of foods and sometimes has fairly expensive bags of halal goat meat. The best place I've found for goat is one of the local Mexican grocery stores. When they have it in stock, they have big legs of it and will saw it up for you. The price isn't terrible either, $5 or so a pound.

Lamb is quite a bit more common and is available at most grocery stores. It tends to be pricier than beef. The cheapest lamb available at my Walmart at the moment is $7.38/lb preseasoned (no thanks) shanks.
Fresh spring lamb my horsey

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*blocks your path*
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why is med food so revolting? Food should taste good (bland), not bad (salty)!
Gotta eat em all olivemon
I mothafucking LOVE olives. Even just a sip of the juice... yum!
>olive paste and bread
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>olives and cheese on a sandwich

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Any good Italian sausage near you?
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no but i have a delicious italian roastbeef sitting next to me
im makin chicken sausage in pasta w/ parmesan and olive later :)
simple, but derricious
Your dick has a zipper?
My dad went on Grindr and said he was fucking some twink when a fatty grabbed him and starting fucking him in the ass.>>20844668
He also said that the beef they user on portillos are just shaved slivers off prolapsed anuses
Oh I'm sorry to hear that.

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what is your favorite candy and why is it not runts?
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they didnt become nearly extinct they just became commercially unviable
like how all cows are holstein nowadays
Runts are for cunts


Snocaps are the best candy. No discussion.
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The best candy is this but they're discontinued whoever still has any of these must be living large
>A P R E M I U M B E A N
what do posh jelly beans taste like?
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These are like crack, they are milk candies. Nice trips btw.

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Can anyone explain this recent hate towards bread to me?
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Huh? Is sourdough starter not literally wild yeast (and the flour slop you feed it)?
Pretend whatever you want in that corner you've painted yourself in. You're not going to elaborate anyway and cope with saying "I won't educate you" to avoid being shamed further.
even better, a lot of high quality cheeses are actually lactose free or so low in lactose that you need a stupid amount to cause a reaction. You can also make fun of them for being poor and obviously stupid for not knowing this or having access to a wide range of foods.
Look at the person in the bottom right of the image you posted
>a lot of high quality cheeses are actually lactose free
Any aged hard cheese is going to be low in lactose. It doesn't really have anything to do with quality.

Black people eat dairy. "Soul food" having mac and cheese is pretty common. They just don't seem to drink milk that much. But there are groups of people in Africa who rely on dairy and drink plenty of it without any issues.

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Pizza always just tastes like pizza, toppings only change the texture.
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Never smoked in my life and I've always felt this way. Pizza tastes like pizza.
stop being retarded then i guess? idk maybe you have a problem with your nose, because that is just the most retarded thing ive seen here in some time
Eat better pizza with better toppings.
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I'm going to kill you
steak just tastes like steak

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Are they coating cupcake liners with plastic now? What the fuck is this?
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>like those paper plates that dont melt when they get wet
That's wax you normie.
they make plastic ones
this is useless unless you post what the fuck liners you bought
brand at least
Then eat a plastic bottle, fag.
Paper breaks down with liquids, so pretty much all "paper" food containers and utensils are coated with plastic. Apparently the only substitute for plastic is other junk coated with plastic.

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I must learn Georgian cuisine.

the country
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peaches and soul f-
>the country
you win this round
>the country
europeans so desperately want to be us that they named a country after our state
>the country
naw tell you what Mississippi is REAL country ya hurd *spit* *spittoon sound ping*
Ok but pic rel has nothing to do with Georgian cuisine let alone lobio per the title.
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Yes, you must

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I got me some banana bread in the oven. will post it after its done.
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can anyone explain this sentence? why is it so hard to understand
he basically wants a woman to bake him a nice banana bread slice because he is tired of messing up in the kitchen and feels as though it is a womans job. Also he wants to put his pee pee in the anime girls gina.
She's waiting for you

POST IT OR GET AIDS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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How do you feel about plantains?
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>those combinations
Thanks, I want to throw up
to be fair the average colombian sucks at plating food
they do have tasty dishes tho. Some dishes aren't ugly looking either
I had some today with my breakfast
great with agave syrup and vanilla ice cream
You should Google pisang goreng coklat keju. : )
Indonesian food can be very weird to westerners.

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For me? Its the Ghetto Gastro brand, founded in NY and authentic
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>he's still saying the "For me" meme
god i hate this website full of unoriginal meme-parroting retards
seen them at grocery outlet so you know this brand is on its way out
>In March 2018 Ghetto Gastro collaborated with Marvel Studios to present "Taste of Wakanda" at New York Fashion Week, a food event which promoted the superhero film Black Panther.
>In 2019 they opened the Labyrinth 1.1 space on the north shore of the Harlem River in the Bronx. The collective teamed up with the Bronx Oaxacan restaurant La Morada and the non-profit Rethink Food to distribute free meals to Black Lives Matter protesters during the George Floyd protests. By June 22, 2020, Ghetto Gastro had served 35,000 free meals, and announced that it planned to serve at least 75,000 meals.
Sounds like they're surplus that's been sitting around in a warehouse that they're tired of paying rent on.
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Those expensive ass Nissin Raoh instanoods were sold at my GrossOut for 33ยข/pack. They're $2.68 each elsewhere.
That was two years ago. They're still being sold in other supermarkets for that $2.68+ pricetag.
It's not anyways a swansong. Sometimes, they're just selling you overstock or shut they bought on the cheap from retainer that's gone bankrupt.

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You got 5 pounds of Pork Shoulder/Butt and need to make 3 distinct meals. What do you do.
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Boston butt / pork shoulder steaks
Better than pork chops.
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>If bone-in, the edible portion ratio is about 70% so about 9 servings, three as a pot roast, 3 sliced for up for a curry stir fry and 3 cubed and cooked, with the bone, in tomato sauce for pasta
Take 1/3 and do a sous vide Char Siu
next 1/3 make birra pork or carnitasas
last 1/3 make pulled pork in my instant pot
Two days ago I made vindaloo with half of the pork and made red braised pork with the rest next day
If I was following this challenge an easy meal to make with the remainder would be pork adobo

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Which cup would you rather have in your lunch? Pudding, jello, yogurt, or appy sauce?
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jelly cup with diced fruit.
ice cold apple sawce for me nigga.
We all gotta duck, when the shit hits the fan.
Sounds like SOMEBODY needs their appy sauce!
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How and what do I duck breast?
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I've tried this and it was not good. Peking duck is actually really labor intensive and complicated, inb4 flyover subhumans rage at me and say no actually Panda Express is just as good
>he doesnt understand how to duck breast
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this but add a demi and a green
cold pan is key
Well excuse me, Mr fagloafers

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Do some people really make wings in the oven?
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make -- Slang. to have sexual intercourse with
Heh heh, got 'em!
that's clearly what >>20844338 meant. dumbass
Are you confused?
will that sexy coon give me a handy?

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