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What went wrong?
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Other companies make better and cheaper tupperware. Maybe they shouldn't have named their company after such a generic product name.
Their name became generic, everyone called plastic containers tupperware, just like garbage bins are all called dumpsters, cellophane tape is scotch tape, copiers xeroxes and tissue paper kleenex
Got kicked out of a party. I brought a bag in with me; during the festivities I snuck into the kitchen and started stuffing food in the Tupperware containers I brought with me in my bag. The host confronted me and asked what I was doing; I said there is plenty of food why can't I take some with me? Things got heated and I pushed him against the table causing a mess of dip and wing sauce to cover his walls, more people came in and separated us and I got tossed out.

Now my Tupperware is still at his house along with my bag. Should I redeem these tomorrow or forget it?
This isn't true, Tupperware was always wholly owned they just went through some CEO changes and bought in a bunch of people who mismanaged the company to hell. Ironic that even though it killed the parties covid kept tupperware alive via online sales, but you talk to anyone and they'd wonder how it's kept going for so long at those prices
nah fuck off and take your retarded bait back with you to 9gag

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Who was the greatest to ever grace Kitchen Stadium?
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Chef Chen always looked like his career was about to end at any moment while whipping up meals fit for the emperor.
Chef Morimoto.
isn't his name croissant
The older episodes are so funny. Cooking styles and methods were so dated.
Ohta was the "field reporter" dude who would get on the floor, speak with the chefs, take a look at things, and report back to Fuqui-san who was the main commentator.

Couldn't even sell my grill pan for 5 bucks. People have realised those stripes meant shit and meat needs plain surface, high temp and resting.
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I prefer mine for pork chops
i hate this shit, can't get maillard reaction. bitch to clean too.
>'t get maillard
of course you can
few stripes don't count. i don't like eating grey steaks
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it's not for stæk anon we can agree on that. but it's good for lots of things.

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what is your favorite candy and why is it not runts?
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they didnt become nearly extinct they just became commercially unviable
like how all cows are holstein nowadays
Runts are for cunts


Snocaps are the best candy. No discussion.
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The best candy is this but they're discontinued whoever still has any of these must be living large
>A P R E M I U M B E A N
what do posh jelly beans taste like?
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These are like crack, they are milk candies. Nice trips btw.

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So what's the deal with this? It's somehow banned in the US but used everywhere in Asian.
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it's a government agency detailing that the product is banned for (sale for) human consumption, and any product made of expressed mustard oil is to be seized on sight
>it's a government agency detailing that the product is banned for (sale for) human consumption
No it isn't
federal government agency
>import alert
instruction to the public and to agents about the legalities of a product and how it is to be handled. import alert 26-04 is the contemporary instruction on the status of mustard oil by the FDA.
You are fucking retarded
I accept your concession

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Does anyone else unironically enjoy these? I even buy Italian bread to dip in the sauce when done.
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> Chef Boyardee

No I don't, because I'm not fucking 8 years old
when I was a kid my mom would give me ravioli-os, but I was paranoid that there might be something weird hidden inside them so I would peel the pasta wrappers off and eat the meatball inside separately after inspecting each one. I would make fun of my friend for eating chef boyardee, but honestly I never even tried it so I have no idea if they were better or not.
Wait until you find out how much salt restaurant food uses or how much salt decent home cooks use.

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Post pics of your kitchen

Pic related, my source of misery cause cooking anything in here is a nightmare.
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Why would you ever need two sinks?
>Who would bother to identify some random /ck/ poster
At some point a bot will just do it automatically en masse and retroactively.
ones the chicken washin' sink
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my 'chen
Looks like a pretty standard Australian kitchen, possibly built in the 80s or 90s. I've always liked the layout of Australian kitchens. Probably the perfect kitchen layout.

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My nutritionist recommended me ricotta cheese but it's a paste with absolute zero flavor despite having a bit of sodium in it. What can I do with it?
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It goes great in a sandwich with ham and grilled zucchini, it's also great as a dessert when mixed with honey or with some chocolate chips. You can also add it to your coffee with some chocolate powder.
>coffee with ricotta
That sounds disgusting.
Stuff it up your nutritionists arse
Here I thought goat cheese was the healthiest of cheeses to be eating overall.
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It does but it tastes great

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Thinking about buying a slicer. Around 80 usd-ish. Anon got one?
Any regrets?
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I'm thinking slices for cold cuts and sandwiches and wutevar.l
Any reason not to buy some pre-sliced? It's getting refrigerated either way so I don't see the advantage to doing it at home
not him but I've been considering this for doing things like hotpot/kbbq at home since no local butcher, no local asian grocer, and the regular grocery stores don't slice anything thin enough
I bought a relatively cheap one (in the realm of $80) from Amazon a few years ago, ended up not being worth it really at all. I was going for really thin slices of various cuts of beef and they pretty much universally came out inconsistent and didn’t cut all the way through. Cleaning was intensive so it only became worth it on a big scale in that regard. Maybe I just had bad technique but I seem to recall googling how to use it efficiently but nothing really changed.

I just watched a YouTube short of a guy using a $120 slicer to slice an entire brisket and his evaluation was he got better results from a high quality hand slicer, but he pondered a higher quality slicer (he showed an example of a $350 one) may be more worth it.

Honestly unless you plan to slice large amounts frequently it’s probably not worth it. If you want to cut a roast for a month’s worth of meal prep you might have better luck just hand slicing it, at the cost of more energy, time, and attention required.
ive worked in 2 delis + a pizza place that used a slicer and i can tell you 2 things. 1) they ARE dangerous. I worked with a woman who had been doing deli's for years and she was missing the tip of her finger from slicing it off 2) bitch to clean. you have to be real careful not to cut yourself on the blade and they are kind of a pain to put back together (you dismantle it for cleaning.
It's not practical unless you are slicing meat on an commercial scale

Japanese curry is the highest form of curry.
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Indeed it is!
Why would something that sells for $2 in Japan be more than $5?
>jeetslop: >:(
jeetslop, japan: :O
katsu curry or cutlet curry is pretty common and was probably what the yotsuba chapter translated to croquette curry. Not really sure what the difference is between croquettes and cutlets but from my experience the cutlet is usually fried separately and served on top of the curry
>use cubes
>wipe sauce off food
>no flavor
>cook from scratch
>wipe sauce off food
>still tasty
cubes are shit and you're shit if you use them

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Let's have a chili thread.
Beans or no beans can fuck off, no one cares, don't be gay.
Also if you don't use dark red kidneys and maybe black beans you are doing it wrong.

Garlic in chili, yes or no? I see some recipes that call for five fucking cloves and that seems insane to me.
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>marjoram is basically mexican oregano
No, they are pretty fucking different
An ancho is just a dried poblano, which I'm pretty sure is grown in Europe, and would probably grow fine in much of France. (They like a warm climate, lots of rain and sun. Mediterranean climates suit it pretty well.)
yea they're fine because you'll inevitably wind up using the same ingredients anyways
For me it’s Chili on spaghetti and
there beers for drinking
it's not hard considering how lame average people's chili is

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Can anyone explain this recent hate towards bread to me?
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Huh? Is sourdough starter not literally wild yeast (and the flour slop you feed it)?
Pretend whatever you want in that corner you've painted yourself in. You're not going to elaborate anyway and cope with saying "I won't educate you" to avoid being shamed further.
even better, a lot of high quality cheeses are actually lactose free or so low in lactose that you need a stupid amount to cause a reaction. You can also make fun of them for being poor and obviously stupid for not knowing this or having access to a wide range of foods.
Look at the person in the bottom right of the image you posted
>a lot of high quality cheeses are actually lactose free
Any aged hard cheese is going to be low in lactose. It doesn't really have anything to do with quality.

Black people eat dairy. "Soul food" having mac and cheese is pretty common. They just don't seem to drink milk that much. But there are groups of people in Africa who rely on dairy and drink plenty of it without any issues.

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Any time a cooking video features black gloves I just want to teleport to the video's overproduced set and punch the soyfaggot right in the mouth. Like try my knuckle sandwich, you son of a bitch.
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Okay? Don't break into my kitchen to watch me while I'm making myself a meatloaf then.
OP was bitching about people on youtube wearing gloves, so >>20845619 has a point
That's great, but I didn't reply to OP
when is this 'soy' 'faggot' hate speech bullshit gone fucking stop?
you guys ruin everything like fucking 4 year olds
>when is this 'soy' 'faggot' hate speech bullshit gone fucking stop?
When you get the fuck out and go somewhere you're actually welcome

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Pizza always just tastes like pizza, toppings only change the texture.
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Never smoked in my life and I've always felt this way. Pizza tastes like pizza.
stop being retarded then i guess? idk maybe you have a problem with your nose, because that is just the most retarded thing ive seen here in some time
Eat better pizza with better toppings.
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I'm going to kill you
steak just tastes like steak

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Are they coating cupcake liners with plastic now? What the fuck is this?
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>like those paper plates that dont melt when they get wet
That's wax you normie.
they make plastic ones
this is useless unless you post what the fuck liners you bought
brand at least
Then eat a plastic bottle, fag.
Paper breaks down with liquids, so pretty much all "paper" food containers and utensils are coated with plastic. Apparently the only substitute for plastic is other junk coated with plastic.

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