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What’s your favorite cult-based food/drink? For me it’s Sleepytime tea
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Spoken like a true trumptard
Just had me a cuppa their Bengal chai blend while I smoked a pipeful of buttered rum flavored tobacco. Nice to watch the sunset to
I like weed too but you come off as an addict with this post.

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unironically my dad sent me a text message where he said he was proud of me and i felt the happiest i did in months or years
Yay! Omelette-anon I kneel.

He probably only sent that because people respect the high quality of your character and capabilities.
Holy shit, a thread about cooking.
Good work, Omelette-chan.
Looks a little raw, wouldn't you say? Could use some more time on the heat.
this shit is fucking overcooked, why is everyone praising your retarded ass

Japanese curry is the highest form of curry.
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Is Croquette Curry a thing? I made beef croquettes recently and by cooincidence read a yotsuba chapter where croquette curry is mentioned. Is that just using croquettes as the main filler in a curry mix?
yes, that chain paris baguette has curry croquettes
I usually make desi curry but what's the main difference between that and east asian curries? Is it just not as spicy?
you pretty much just doubled up on the combined flavor profile of the curry cube by using all those things together. IMO better to complement JDM curry cubes with just one addition. I myself go for a spoonful of generic curry powder because I like it closer to other eastern curries rather than its roots in western gravy. sometimes i'll add a spoon of cocoa powder or instant coffee powder too.
Where’s the meat

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Food thread
Buy an ad

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What is the correct way to make pizza dough?
I looked up pizza dough recipes and every damn one tells me something different.
For example some say to mix the yest in with the flour directly when kneeding, others say to activate it in warm water first, then some say to let the dough rise for 10 minutes on the counter, others to leave it in fridge over night, etc etc.
So what the fuck is the actually correct way to make pizza dough?
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jfc, are you seriously fucking using ai for shitposts? fucking hell son, rethink your fucking life.
>retarded shitpost noises
Mix yo shit.
Beat yo shit.
Rest yo shit.
Cut yo shit.
Roll yo shit.
Pretty simple, anon.
>literally the recipe i posted >>20825007 aside from a .5% diff in yeasties.
You didn't include any instructions for how to assemble the dough.

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ITT: proof that healthy food can be yummy at the same time
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>flavor enhancer 635
Lentils are not healthy. Especially not when cooked in sneed oil.
Calcium carbonate is literally an antacid you retard, otherwise known as tums. If you can eat 1500-3000mg of calcium carbonate like it recommends on the bottle, you can definitely eat the probaly 50-200mg they put in the snaps, if not less.
sure buddy eat your white chemical powder that is added just for you pal

Do you use a food processor? Ima thinking of getting one.
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Yeah, I’m not using it when I’m making 2-3 servings of food. I bust it out when I’m making 2-3 cabbages of slaw, or 3-4 pizzas, a bunch of pesto, etc. Or if every component of my meal can in some way use it. Mine is dishwasher safe, so I just slam it in there when I’m done. Meat grinders and immersion blenders are better for what you listed, but I don’t have those.
You know full well thats not what people mean when they say "processed" you pedantic assbarrel.
yes its in the SINK
and you dont eat it its just washed down the drain
To add to the other responses, although you can make some foods in either a blender or a food processor, in my experience the processor makes it easier to get goopy/pasty foods like hummus out with less mess and less waste.
>appropriately behaving like how to even ... i am fuckin HANGRY like a weirdo thats been brutalized for centuries
effin like bruh i need some ice cream bro

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Why aren't you eating a nice thick roast beef sandwich with Swiss, whole grain bread and horseradish sauce right now?
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It was called the McBeef
Gay Nineties Revival was such a crazy aesthetic
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Roast Beef was hugely popular in the 1890’s. It was America’s favorite cold cut
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>Roast Beef
>cold cut
Alright, bro. You lost me.
The only roast beef we eat is your mom's. Yes, we. All of us eat your mom's roast beef specifically.

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I started getting these recently and I fucking love them, eat a tin daily at least. I've mostly just been throwing them on rice or spaghetti though. What are some interesting things to do with them?
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Wow you're so strong and perspicacious can I have your children uWu?
It was a light broil thank you, much less heat than the canning process it went through previously
>complains about people posting food on the food board
You remind me of the schizos who go to /an/ to complain about cats and go to /k/ to complain about guns.
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toast is the best carb to pair with deenz really. also needs a fatty condiment, and something sour to balance it. you can change those around, rye, italian, whole wheat for bread. mayo, cream cheese, plain yogurt for the sauce. and for the sourness I like grilled green olives, pickled onions, sliced cherry tomatoes, or just parsley and lemon juice. but deenz are constant.
I like chicken of the sea brand and they're usually around $1

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So what's the deal with this? It's somehow banned in the US but used everywhere in Asian.
Is it just another disgusting Sneed oil like goybean?

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americans literally do not know what a proper sausage sarnie tastes like, their concept of a sausage sandwich is absolutely disgusting in comparison to the real thing

american sausages taste like nothing but rice flour filler and vegetable oils, no liquified pork fat, no flavour whatsoever, dry cylinders of crap

in fact they legally arent even allowed to taste cumberland sausages unless they come to britain since the recipe is gatekept lmao they have no fucking idea

a true sausage sandwich has delicious, juicy and thick cumberland sausages, drenched in flavourful grease soaking slightly into the bread, a healthy serving of tomato ketchup
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Got a full on retard here
Followed by a bbc loving retard here
But both posters are right you mangy twat. Real butter needs to be heated to spread properly. I will also grow mold and spoil if left out. As for your dog turd sandwich, almost anything would be better.
>yurocuck's law
>britbong coping over the slop his country tries to pass off as food
Why are bongs so fucking bad at making sandwiches? I know we make fun of their terrible food all the time but their complete inability to make a sandwich is the most baffling thing of all to me.
>make a piece of toast
>put it between two pieces of untoasted bread
>call it propa bri'ish cuisine
You people all eat like you're in prison or something.

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What do you get from the pickled-stuff section of the grocery store?
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It explicitly states no hands in olives, hands in anything else is fine.
Everywhere I shop, the employees handling unpackaged food wear disposable gloves. In theory, they should be able to easily swap them for another pair if they sneeze or cough into them.
people like you are a menace to society. Hands off my pickle!
i live in a "gentrified" area of my city and while my specific area is nice my grocery store is still the nearest grocery store for some not nice people. i never personally saw it but years ago apparently the homeless were just sticking their hands into the prepared food section stuff like in the OP pic and they had to hire security guards
long story short i have never bought anything from my grocery store that is not packaged, unless i can see an employee preparing it. sad life
I've had something similar happen to me before. I don't know what caused it but I had to take a shit so I sat on the toilet and felt/heard this rushing fluid moving through my gut. I shat this almost clear liquid.

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Lunchables are finished.
We all eating Lunchly now, with Beast Bars and Prime it's guaranteed to fill that lunchtime crave!

>The Lunchly kits available on the company’s official website contain Prime drinks and Feastables bars, in addition to a choice of pizza, turkey stack ‘ems, or Fiesta nachos. The Lunchly website features a side-by-side comparison of the meal kits and their Lunchables equivalents. Lunchly boasts that their products provide more electrolytes, contain fewer calories, and offer “big gestures,” in comparison to their competitor’s “mid moments.”

>“We’re bringing the biggest creators together to do something that’s never been done —disrupt the lunch market for kids with healthier, better-tasting options,” Donaldson said in a statement. “Lunchly is all about giving kids a fun, grab-and-go meal that’s not just delicious, but also good for them. We’re here to change what lunchtime looks like for the next generation.”

Yeah, we're all #LunchlyLads now.
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Why is that the face you would make? What the fuck is that? Is their lunchable sour or something?
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You got anything better? All the good names are probably taken, even if they're not in use, some company probably had the idea and trademarked it and is holding the name hostage.
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Bad food/products need bad names so you will know to avoid them. Its specifically made for their special needs fanbase
Everyone had a shadman phase...

Pic rel is one of the best frozen meals I’ve ever had. Amy’s never disappoints, but it is a little pricey.
Once again I am punished for phone posting.

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Food gore, good cooking, whatever you want
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interdasting concept if those are soft shell nigas
me in the left with the ski mask
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could be plantain I guess, or just some weird type of banana. There's plenty of variety other than Cavendish, I had a red banana once but it tasted disappointingly like a normal banana.

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