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If it was a roti wrap it would make sense as that's basically a sandwich, but curry and rice is sauce and little grains, in addition to the mess it would just take so much time.
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This is 4chan, we mock everyone here. I'm in Canada and we have a flood of new jeets with questionable hygenie, I won't eat food handled by them, HOWEVER, I knew Indians who have been here for decades and since their restaurant haven't killed me yet, I'll keep going. On another note, I trust American made vitamins more than Canadian ones, or American brand, because Canada doesn't regulate ours as well.
go back poo nigger
brian Griffin in early season eat stewie diaper poop because he think it to be indian foodd. yet many sessions later when they've stuck in the bank vault he once again eats stewie poopy diaper drippings
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you guys are all the same.
>Eating rats like that carries a huge risk of getting prion disease
You really failed to catch the gist of that post.

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I live in a country pretty much surrounded by water. Yet I have to pay like 10 bucks for like a 200 g anything fish filet. Fuck those gangsters.
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One of the few places without niggers and cold.
People in the big city pay ten bucks each for oysters. I can walk down to the rocks and scrape out a dozen oysters for free anytime. But I don't do that because oysters are garbage. I'd rather throw a line in and catch a couple of KG Whiting for my breakfast. For free.
($30/kg at the supermarket. Lol.)
People who can't do things and don't know how to do anything themselves - they gotta pay. Useless eaters. Bleed em dry.
Sell them garbage snails for $10 a pop, and laugh at them. Brb fishing
>I can walk down to the rocks and scrape out a dozen oysters for free anytime.
In your dreams, I don't think your mobility scooter can handle rocks.

Your post is rubbish, please stop telling lies on the internet, have some dignity.
I don't know how to fish. Its too hard all that gear is expensiv too.
Also no way would I want to eat any of the fish from the water here.
I like grilling whole fish

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What do you bring to throw on the public grill?

What sides are you bringing?

What drinks are you bringing?

What ball are you bringing?

What board games are you bringing?

I need answers let's go!
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It helps to understand that australia has plants made to be in fire cycles. There are types of eucalyptus that have oil in the dry dead leaves because they want to be on fire.
expensive hot dogs, s'mores stuff, water & beer, I'm not bringing any balls or board games wtf are you doing, enjoy nature or go home faggot
Ok, I’m with this chap
When is this happening? I’m breaking out the oreos
beer heart marinated in ale, peppers and hot sauce

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>Decide to make "fancy" crab rangoons with real crab, less cream cheese
>Doesn't taste as good
Do I actually just like cheese, not crab?
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Ooooooohhhhhhh did you try to make gourmet crab rangoonies and fail at it? You're basically Claire now so get over here and cuddle with me.
chinese place i used to go to all the time back in my hometown didn't even call them crab rangoons, just cheese puffs and they were infinitely better than any rangoon i've ever had
Sounds great, cream cheese with shredded cheese and some scallions or peppers would be awesome.
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>openly admits they didn't use the godly umami bomb surimi for the rangoons
You could try cooking plain crab without seasoning and see if you like it. I know there are cultures that don't like any food without seasoning. They don't like food. Their id wants to starve to death.

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What's your go-to lazy sandwich?

>I like a ham and American cheese sandwich with mayonnaise and black pepper, sometimes toasted, sometimes not
>If I have any lettuce or salad mix in the fridge I like to put some on there as well, elevates the experience in my opinion
>Recently though, I've really taken a liking to turkey, mozzarella, and ranch
>I find that ranch and turkey pair together really well
>I find that ranch and mozzarella unexpectedly pair together really well too
>I love sandwiches! Tell me about your favorite kind of sandwich
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Cheap white bread like wonder bread
Nutella or biscoff spread

With a cool glass of Huel
pastrami on rye w/ spicy brown
i'll add pickles or swiss if i have some
or i eat tuna out of the can like a cat, i guess that kind of counts as a sandwich
My famed Tuna Sandwich. The secret ingredient is mayonnaise.

Makes (1) Sandwich:

>Two slices of bread
>A serving of tuna
>1/4th of a serving of diced red onions
>A leaf of lettuce
>3 shakes of pepper
>1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
>(optional) a melted gummy worm

"Where your genes to lunch." - ???

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PB&J, maybe if I'm not feeling completely lazy I'll cut come cheddar cheese and onion for a cheese and onion sammich.
Year's ago I'd pour worcestershire sauce on a slice of bread and fold it for a worcestershire sandwich. Haven't had one in 20 years or so.
technically that's a burger

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What will those crazy norwegians invent next?
Sweeds and Finns
Look buddy I'm an American, I can't keep track of all these nordic microstates. Now excuse me, I have to go masturbate using this gun lube made in China.
(jokes aside, thank you for the correction)
Yeah, it's Oscarbait trash.
What is the bitch doing out that late(I usually clonk out at 5am)

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I like caramelized onions better.
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I'm fine with these toppings as long as the onions aren't touching the tomatoes
umm guys, i chopped two onions up 2 days ago and still cant get onion smell of my fingers. its literally never happened to me before, i used the gay lil metal square, multiple different hand wash products, toothpaste. its now much more faint, but IT WONT GO AWAY, what do i do?
Feels good to know seething faggots like you are having aneurysms somewhere every time I light up. Good times.
technically that's a sandwich

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People will really do anything to diet other than portion control. Just eat less. You're supposed to feel hungry sometimes.
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Please say sike.
>if you stretch a lot then you'll be flexible
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he is
devouring an entire rotisserie chicken for lunch feels like cheating to him, which says all you need to know about that stroked out retard
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act was a mistake.
Thanks, Reagan.
>"God keeps him alive purely for our entertainment"
>God: "Oh Hell no, I'm trying my hardest to kill him. It's just that it's a lot more difficult than you people realize. I've seen bank safes that weren't as resilient as that man's bowels"

Will the black shit ever stop coming from my carbon steel pan when I wipe it with paper? That can't be healthy to eat.
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Not disagreeing with you, but "storage" suggests not getting used, which I think is part of why people get disappointed with traditional cookware, they don't realize that Grandma's pan got its seasoning from being used every single day. My introduction to cast iron was a pan used every day to cook bacon & eggs daily for multiple adult men (nohomo, or maybe just a little homo) and that thing was great.
Yeah when you properly season it.
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Looks like I made a mistake. I took pic related on the pan because I was mad at the black shit. Guess I'll have to just keep cooking with it.
What is that some black magic as seen on TV?
I properly seasoned your momma last night.

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>philadelphia cream cheese
>made and produced in new york
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nice. we got federoff's here in nyc and defonte's does a good one too. would like to try an authentic philly roast pork though
Philadelphia is the anglicized name of an ancient city located somewhere in Turkey.
>get a rope!
I used to laugh at these commercials with my grandparents thanks for the memories <3
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Is that the guy who played jonny Ringo in Tombstone?

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Better than Reese’s.
why's Mexican food gotta be all goofy to eat?
Not much of a plug. EVERYTHING tastes better than Reese's, including straight vinegar.
I know that's right
de la rosa mazapan por mi vidaaaaa
They sell little tiny tubs of that stuff along with a plastic spoon dude
>he doesn't like licking the delicious bald man's hair

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how do I make beans taste approximately like from the can? I got a pressure cooker, but the taste itself is still off.
Forage yourself a nice tin can out in the wild, then throw that in the cooker along with the beans. You can't get close to canned beans woth only half the ingredients, dummy.
Probably need more salt and then to refrigerate them for a day or two instead of eating them fresh.
What taste are you talking about? What kind of beans? What kind of can?
>Hurr hurrr this doesn't taste like my canned Goyslop i don't like it waaaah
canned is just less neutral and I don't just mean salt.

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>Sweet, fruity, and nutty with some spiciness and cream thrown in

>Middle to high strength

>No excessive smoke or peat
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was going to recommend this or something glenfarclas
>131.8 proof
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stop being a fag and drink the good stuff.
the new branding is so fucking awful
How do i get into hard liqure, i just can't get past the burn

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I don't see what the problem with this is
It all seems very logical to me
Also I don't know why /ck/ is complaining, all the cooks here are losers working dead-end jobs at chain 'restaurants'
What do you know about how an actual high end restaurant is run?
i dont care about either of these faggots
what kind of skeletons is he hiding that he's gotta virtue signal this hard?
It is but it's a popular youtuber celeb saying it, a leftist one too so obviously we as the 4chan counterforce need to defend the contrarian opinion. Notice how there is not a single post in this thread addressing the things said in his tweet, only insults and shitposting. It's not about what he said it's about who said it.
Gordon can't even remember how to cook. I don't think he's aware of much at all.

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I like coconut a lot and Dr Pepper a lot. Like a lot a lot. But this shit is terrible borderline undrinkable. DP bros.. wtf man I feel things betrayed disappointed
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the zero sugar is good probably my favorite flavor dr. pepper
>zero sugar

Why cant they just make a version with half the sugar, or a quarter of the sugar. Why is it always zero sugar. The zero sugar stuff tastes like poison.
Just give me a 50 calorie version.
Clearly all of you freaks are into Fish Dicks, from what I hear Fish Dicks go well with Dr Pepper and Newports.
I agree with that zero sugar shit, it tastes like shit. I tried that gatorade stuff in little packets and it tasted like shit. The only way to make gatorade is to use the big jug things that use real sugar. I've done side by side taste comparisons on the bottled gatorade and the powder and imo they're both spot on. The crap from some no sugar cunts are total failures.
You agree with stuff tasting like shit?
I bet that you're right up on your covid injections.

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