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>read ingredient list
>has 5 different types of seed oils in them

oh. no wonder /ck/ shills for and loves these.
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>le heckin sneed oils
i tried the dill gators today. they taste exactly like fried pickles, but are extremely salty (which i guess fried pickles are too)
they don't sell 3app's around here, what a shame...
>parroting the antisemitic seed oil meme
go back to your containment
I'd destroy those dill chips

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>is literally just uncooked fish
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You dip your wee wee in the water.
It is. Not a star but on the list.
That's grim
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should i risk eating this farmed atlantic salmon from aldi raw or should i chuck it in the freezer (mine can do the temp requirements, kinda just dont want to wait 4 days plus thawing)
I think you've just only had shitty sushi

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pringles suck balls and if you eat them, you are gay
what's the difference between these and the regular ones
>discontinue screaming dill
>never stop at their display again
Yeah no
Sour cream & onion is the best, stop the cope. You cannot stop once your pop that.

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This is the ultimate meal.
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Ok zoomer.
who eats mac and cheese with breakfast? 'Cado is that you?
you've given the internet enough information to know where you live
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You are that retard that thinks Orange Drink and Orange Juice are the same thing, thats why you drink only Soda, aren't you?

I have some ideas but don't want to bias it. And no, I'm not thinking Italian.
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>Our food rules
what about them?
>Made it better.
That's why foreigners flock to your cooking schools.
That's why tourists travel to the US.
That's why everybody visits American cooking websites and forums.

We're just 're to 'ave a giggle mate. I'm so sorry for the dent in your ego.
Our bread does suck, that meme is true though. You have to make it yourself if you don’t live near a french bakery. Like one owned an operated by an actual French person
German regional cuisines vary. It's hard to get well made german cuisine though because germans are too lazy to become cooks these days. "German" restaurants abroad are run by nongermans who don't know what they're doing, restaurants in germany are overhelmingly run by immigrants.
A german friend made this dip/spread for a party, iirc the ingredients were camembert, beer, raw onions and caraway seeds. Maybe some other mild seasonings. It was really good on pretzels he also made

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rum and coke sounds nice
Kek I’m an Amerishart and my stove is worse than that
op's stove is a vintage piece, from the late 50's early 60's I think. that's why anon said Mexico is to stoves what Cuba is to cars because Cuba is filled with vintage 1950's era vehicles.
why doesn't anybody season their masa when they make tamales?
a lot of people do with the liquid the meat was cooked in or some the sauce

What do you get from the taco truck?
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Carney asader tacos
Based pleb hater
Blackened fish tacos
based. I fucking hate small businesses. they are always just some boomers hobby store that's never open when you want, only hires their family or illegals and acts like it's anuddah showa if you dare ask for a refund or return. fuck them.
Same. Mexican food is pretty mid. Tacos are good though, everything else...meh.

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Why are the tastiest things the worst for you health?
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Probably pizza. Unlimited fat greasy fucks can't get enough bread, cheese, and processed nonsense. But it's pretty delicious sometimes
The human mind is conditioned to find calorie dense foods to be the tastiest.
In terms of humanity, we just recently have had the luxury of having an abundance of food, so we haven't really rewired our brains yet.
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flavors have calories
>'ate souf
>'ate islarm
>'an I 'ate Fritz as well
>luv norf fc
>luv the mates at the pub
>luv ngubu
>Simple as, End of.
>luv me missus
eating food when hungry is healthy.
your personal definition of "healthy" is warped from television.
get well soon.

Every time I look online on how to make this thing it’s always a fucking retard with
>puts a bread piece between the sandwich thinking it’s copying mcdonald’s burger
>the meat is huge and not thin
>won’t even taste the same as mcdonald’s burgers

How do I make this sandwich someone tell me I don’t want big meat slices or sloppy looking stove meat slices. I just want the thin well crafted patties with the same taste and the same bread taste. How do I do this?
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Are you sure it isnt because you are fat and bald?
why are you being a bully
>bald and le fat
stop projecting baldy
You roll the patties thin and freeze them before cooking. That's how you get them thin enough without falling apart as they cook. I don't know what the search results are today, but in the 00s the first page of results would be the McDonald's website and a few different sites saying to roll the patties thin and freeze them before cooking.
First smoke a lot of weed, then buy yourself some of the cheapest burger buns you can find then take a fat steaming shit on between them.

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Left, center, or right?
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>T. sauce
tomato sauce
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Taco pizza 4ever

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Discuss your favourite alcohol in this thread and the way you like to drink it be it neat, chilled, with ice or in a cocktail or mixed drink.
Look down on others who drink competing brands who you think lesser of or if you feel the way they drink their alcohol is unmanly.
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been on about a week long bender... And it has finally caught up... so hungover it hurts so badly, one of the worst i have had. I am an idiot and never even drink enough water. Usually sipping some brews will stave off the pain but it isnt going away today...
It's alright, nice with food and I prefer dry beers for that
Overpriced as fuck though
mein negger, one of my top favorites, also an amazing drunkness
is it normal to have chest pains lasting a day or two from hangover/withdrawals?

Now what
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I know he's the inferior product but he'll always be my favorite because my dad and him used to get wasted back in the day at some discotheque in Marseilles
Retarded question, but how do I make that?
Take two wood chopsticks and put them along side of the potato and cut pushing straight down
Start in the middle and work your way to the ends
Sometimes with very old potatoes they won't cook right and stay rock hard when you cut them too thin
I have no idea what the science is behind it and if anyone knows I'd love to hear it, even if it's just a theory

Eat that!
what kind of bug is this

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Is there a reason this has 2 holes? I’m confused
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Yes it doesn’t seem at a great angle for a straw I don’t like that hole though
Why does it have a huge nut sack, dick, beak, tits, and just generally look like a bear, frog, bird, dog? Weird ass cup, dood.
It's a Japanese mythology thing, they use their giant fucking fat nutsack to shapeshift
It's supposed to have the aesthetic of islander native totems. There was a bit of a fad for that look in bars for a while.
I think you fill it up with the top hole,then pour out the mouth hole into smaller glasses for serving

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Kneel, europoors
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What does this even mean. They're first to put tomato sauce on pizza?
Wasn't tomato sauce always part of freaking fucking pizza?
And Italy had both tomato and pizza before America and the first mention of pizza in the English language was 60 years after Dumas mentioned tomato pizza in his diary ergo it is you, dear friend, who must cope with reality. Good luck with that, ma'am.
>>dropping food crumbs in the hot tub
>europoor is too poor to just buy a new hot tub
That looks like shit. I hate fags that put chips in sandwiches
the winners write history

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I just had Korean BBQ last night /ck/
what did I think of it?
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If you took that pic, you guys did it wrong.
You WAY overcrowded the grilled.
You should only have 4-6 pieces on the grill max.
Godspeed anon, the older I get the more I see how important church is. I’ve known these guys for quite a while and we’ve been growing together more lately so it’s been great
Either way maybe one day I’ll see you up there when this is all said and done
it’s a joke OP man but if you wanna know, it just seemed a little overpriced for the fact that I had to cook my own food. Coupled with the staff giving us date night 2 people portions it was a little frustrating until we started double and tripling up on our selections and they got the hit. I wasn’t in the best mental state at the time and didn’t fully enjoy the moment but I was happy regardless to be there with some of my best buds
We were also 5 hungry dudes who starved themselves all day in anticipation of trying to make the most of our time-limited all-you-can-eat. All the pieces cooked quick anyway except anything chicken wise so it was fine. But it’s true, we killed the fire a few times by covering up the vents before we realized we shouldn’t have crowded the grill so much and dialed it back for the rest of the night. It was my first time and a learning experience for if/when I ever go again
If they have monkfish liver soup, definitely go back, that shit's cash
Gobbles to you and everyone here today
You didn't like it because it ain't American enough.
It’s true even one of my buddies said for the time investment up until that point in the night (maybe about 30 minutes in) we would’ve all been stuffed if we went to a Chinese buffet and for half the price. Might consider that next time honestly but either way it was still an enjoyable night

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