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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
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9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
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/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Been thinking about suicide a lot recently.
same man...same, but also brown anime girl sex
>cuntoid encouraging males to commit suicide
>Anon thinks i'm a girl
Cute! I wish!

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Killed the op and smoked his liver
Shit had me talking to George Washington

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This is what normal girls do on the weekends, while fembots keep themselves locked in their rooms, wasting away
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Indeed. She is so fucking yummy.
oh, it's that brazillian tranny. now it makes more sense.
>hypergamy is real
Usually the other way though. The point is that dating apps are objectively much harder to find a hook up on than just hooking up with someone directly.
I heard she got the ol axe wound LOL
Either way, shit becomes much easier when you're chad. In person, if you're also wealthy on top of being chad, then it becomes pretty trivial to find a hot woman to hook up with.

Fashion edition

Previous thread : >>77381454

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>How would you describe your current style?
>Where do you take inspiration for your style?
>Do you know your seasonal color palette?
>Do you follow trends at all? Is there a trend you wish would make a comeback?
>Is there a certain style you wish you could wear? If so, what's stopping you?
>Do you care about high fashion?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You ever have a near-death recovery in the most prop-comedy ass scenario?
You're none of those things lol
She confirmed face with me + 2 other nonas and I have specifically told her to not send timestamps at a scrotes request. gtfo moid
You are honestly part of the problem. If it isn't the exact way you want it it's faggotry. That's why these threads have more genuine conversation here. There isn't all these restrictions and macho bullshit. It's just people hanging out chilling amongst the peanut gallery screaming.
I don't see the problem of a hand pic. I totally understand why she doesn't want to post face, but hands don't reveal anything personal except for if she's who she says she is. The only reason I can think of for refusing to send is that she's, in fact, not a woman.

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You've got to admit that even as a racist this turns you on
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Hide the guy's asshole with something and I will.
Actually sane
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And? I am indeed better than you and could make you and your whole family submit to my cock.
i was thinking about you when i wrote that my fae dark triad prince
you're always on my mind <3
I'm a racist and raceplay does turn me on, but this image is repulsive.

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""""Relationship"""" """advice"""" thread. Do you wonder why you still feel alone around her? If I blindfolded you, would you know the difference between your oneitis and a lot lizard? Do you really want a relationship, or are you saying that when you really just want physical affection? Would you sell your soul to become Chad if you knew that Chads get pretty women to FUCK (ie sex) but their relationships are vapid and uncertain because both parties are mutually transactional and distant?
I think it's productive to use the fact we're all both spiteful and anonymous to actually try to connect with ideas your gay irl/discord "friends" won't touch, like vulnerability, history, and why YOU, me, and everyone else are having problems.

Say whats on your mind; bad crush, ghosted, fucked up face, optionless, whatever. And respond and try to "help" others, whatever that means to you. We may all be dysfunctional but we don't have to be that way alone. If you've got nothing on your mind, here's a prompt:

Do you want to be in a relationship? If you do and aren't currently, why aren't you?
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I bet neither of them really gave you any advice about women, or how to date, or what to look for in a partner. Mom was probably too busy with work or getting on your case about school for that kind of talk, right? Did they just pay for your food and "fun" and leave you to your own devices?
>like she's a sick animal thats bound you, like she'll die if you leave the house for too long. You are a damaged soul that yearns for philosophical and physical freedom.
Ain't that the truth. It's like I'm constantly waiting for "the right time" or for her to leave me first or for her to do something wrong so I can leave for that reason. Just can't quite do it cold, but you're right that I need to. Just uhhh... not yet haha for sure in a couple months I'll do it. definitely. Anyway I think we've covered my shit in about as much detail as possible, as usual the answer is simple and I already knew it before posting but the difficulty comes in implementing the solution. I'll stick around in the thread for a while though, see if I can contribute to anybody else's situation.
Youve got it brother, sometimes its good to just get some support that you're right. It's been a pleasure
Everything you just said is correct. That said, I'm not convinced that them talking to me about girls would make me more successful with girls.
Well definitely not now. I mean, would your 2nd grade math teacher be someone you referred to for calculus? What if your 2nd grade math teacher left the room and didn't teach you anything? What if she came back, and yelled at you for not doing math? Would you blame yourself for not knowing math? Or would you blame this clearly thoughtless teacher? You would probably be worse at math than someone in a normal math class. Unfortunately, in modern parenting, there are very few "normal math classes."

When school was bad, or your room was dirty, you fixed it. As a child if you don't appease your mother, you get no resources, then you die. Unfortunately, "food" is not all a child needs: physical affection, eye contact, guidance, curiosity, and principals. You needed these but did not receive them. Even worse, when you were in trouble, they couldn't even be assed to help you. You were truly alone. How did you stay alive? You acclimated to "how to communicate with mom so she doesnt hate me," and that's it as far as guidance. You take these unmet needs, validation, intimacy, closeness, and you use the techniques you were FORCED to use on mom, on other women, oneitis specifically. You're not doomed, not damned, you're a victim of modern parenting. Preamble out of the way, continuing in next post.

>22 years old
>grandparents range from 85 to 90 years old
>parents say I should get some quality time in with them before they pass
>I reply "There's no such thing as 'quality' time with them, they're all boring"
>my mom goes "You don't mean that" in a guilt trippy way
>I say "Yeah I do. Why should I care about them? Because they gave birth to you and Dad? Whoopedee-fucking-doo, I don't like you two retards either."
>mom sighs in a bitchy way, mutters something I can't hear under her breath, and leaves
>I start throwing things around the room in a rage
>my dad slams the door open and screams at me to knock it off
>I shove him out and lock the door
What a shitty fucking day.
They sound like a real pain in the ass. Hoping you have drywall.
grow up loser faggot
Ugh, what a bunch of bitches! Your totally not made up greentext suggests that you should brutally torture them Saw style!

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This is now a letter thread.
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The thorny rose will kill to make herself more beautiful
You have to wake up every day and ask yourself -
-- Am I on the side of propaganda?
Or Am I on the side of progress?
Some people play really weird, violent games. Cool.
Beautiful. Yeah, that's colorful.
Add a lava lamp
Some people learn the truth to take advantage of it don't you read

I have a pretty shitty life and, slowly, I have secluded myself, physically and mentally. I can't come out of my shell anymore: I'm trapped into my own mind. Shitty meds don't help, so I guess the solution will be alcohol.

I'm looking for something that is cheap, will make me more carefree and social, and can be (preferrably) taken as a "medicine" (that is, something with no taste and something that can have an effect just by taking a small amount of it).

Can you recommend me an alcoholic drink that satisfies this criteria? Is vodka the best choice? And how much would you recommend me to take in order to become "extroverted" without getting drunk (I have never drank, even a beer)?
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The best way to use alcohol as a social tool is to learn how to make fancy drinks. Everyone loves the guy who makes the booze flow.
>buy 1.5L of Tito's (expensive ass vodka)
>drink in moderation over the course of a fortnight
>refill bottle with water
>hang out downtown dressed to the nines
>drink water from bottle
>cops bother you constantly but can't do anything about it
>now coolest guy around
>get smokin hot gf
>autism and depression cured
Thank me later.
Alcohol works great as a medicine. I take the recommended dose first thing in the morning, and every few minutes after that until bedtime. As far as the taste, just grin and bear it until your tongue and throat start to go numb.
you are going about this in the most autistic way imaginable, just drink retard
The problem with this is having to maintain your drinking for an extended period of time. Once you become hooked on the sauce, you have to start worrying about withdrawal symptoms, which is an entirely new form of hell. Drinking to become more social for one night might be feasible, but long term it's not a great solution.

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Why do people nowadays hate the idea of having a normal family?
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canonically he looks like a basedboy marvel fan
You don't "support" it but you let it happen. You know what they call someone who sees a murder and doesn't do anything?
most homos on tw*tter were raised by single moms thats why theyre so dysfunctional. and gay. draft the bastards.and then draft them again until theyre all dead. they are destructive with or without internet
a witness, which is what rabbi yeshua says you should be
Let me rephrase that for your culturally circumcized brain. You know what they call someone who sees a attila the hun sneaking into their village to rape and pillage it while everyone sleeps and doesn't sound the alarm?

They call him a conservative.

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One day I'm gonna be with you and I'm gonna kiss your face
So much
I know you're here goofy
I'm gonna spit in your mouth and make you mine
God I love you so much
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I'm gonna go eat dinner rn anyways dork
But yeah this prolly works
As stupid as it is
It makes sense you browse here too
Cutie dork
Now I know def you
Love you stupid
I'm hungry rn
Need dinner
oki enjoy the goyslop i guess ill sleep :,(
yeah this worls im so happy witerly giggling andkicking my feet rn
yeah it makes sence because im freaking sigma and based
nerd :p
this thread is extremely cringe and some of you are so pathetic and unaware it makes me ashamed to be male.
go eat ill prob be here when you come back

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Are you looking forward to being a future WW3 veteran?
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>have several leftist friends, mainly from my past in school or from work. Same with atheists. My neighbors and my barber are LGBT - nice people, good friends
And you still oppose their right to marry? You're not really their friend then.
Regardless, seems like you are no stranger to diversity, and you seem elated by it
Not an argument, /pol/yp
I public denounce Israel war crimes
I don't know why you pretend that we suffer hate irl, when it's exactly the opposite.
I'm literally treated better for the color of my skin, and let me tell you something, it feels amazing. I love being white. Imagine not being white, it must suck ass.
But that's the part you can't bring yourself to admit. It's like you have a weirdly misplaced sense of pride where you feel like you're better than everyone else, but at the same time you pretend to be a vulnerable target of hate?
We, white people, we rule the world. For better or for worse, we are slowly starting to share the stage of life and power with other races.
"globalism" is just a euphemism for global jewish rule.
>We, white people, we rule the world.
schlomo detected

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Normies cant even keep their logic consistent
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The statistic says they cant get anyone
Because they ran out of chads to chase after and would rather be single than date the average man
>50% of young women and 60% of young men would "rather be single" than date the average person
Do you really believe that?
My personal theory is that the grindset culture and misogynist rhetoric prevailing on social media is perpetuated largely by third world internet users, not the west.
Asian people are the least diverse people on the planet, they all look the fucking same

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