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Nostalgia edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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It's what the algorithm gods bless me with and in turn I decided to share with you. Here are some other things that are recommended for me. What type am I? Psychoanalyze me.
>I really really love a movie called conspirators of pelasure, the whole thing is on youtube.

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Wrong i'm an infp and i like isekai harems where i can self insert
but that's also "fantasy" isn't it
>how do you find stuff like this?
As I said above, I found it hit and miss for myself. I do enjoy some comedy (Ruthless People and Reno 911 come to mind), but it's generally not my thing. As for the three movies listed at the end; I never saw Barbie, and thought Fight Club was meh, but I did indeed love Desperado.

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What are you going to do when you are middle aged and everyone has a family and you can't hangout with younger crowds because that's creepy?
Probably die. I realized that I am broken
That would never happen because I would kill myself before that.
Any man that goes past the age of 27 and is a KHHV has my full respect because 90% of people would kill themselves if they were you

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I am on my way to drunk and just want some random talks for the evening/night. No I have no one else to talk too atm.

Discord: frogboi7507
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If I ignore"you anons it is because one might go to sleep and explore glorious oblivion after drinking.
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Yaaal mind if I...post an anime girl again anons?
>saving a png as jpg
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I found the original
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I will post this whenever I see a png saved as a jpg from now on

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>What is your fetish?
>Would you do it?
>How often do you masturbate?
>Hair color/Race?

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the avatar script has been sent to richie

read it, damn it!

t rad
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it wasnt

i never even been to that site

if anyone, it was prolly YOU
why would i make ai porn of the girl YOURE obsessed with

seems pretty obvious you wanted to cum on her
i have no idea what youre talking, i never used ai and would never aid in progressing its functionality
nta but then why where you talking about her being the, and i quote, "property of niggers" and what not

and also something about her getting raped by niggers and her family being okay with it? sounds like something a cuck porn obsessed freak would say
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ignore this comment and look at this pic

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Why do some men think porn is more important than the women who love them?
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You need to tell this person how you feel, and if you have in recent history, if they returned your feelings, then you need to make moves together.
If he's not willing to strive towards a shared goal, well, that tells you everything you need to know.
How much effort have you put into making things work with this person? At least for me, it eats away at me if I feel like I haven't exhausted every last option to make things work. Do you make them feel appreciated and loved?
Holy shit!

Little fuckers have already resumed faggy bullshit!
10-4 buddy
t. medium boi

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anyone else here high testosterone
1250mg/dl reporting in
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I'm going to try to solve it next week, but the damage is already done, now it's only damage control.
I said show bussy.
no cus i'm not a fag
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>doesn't state what it is but still feels the need to reply and bring it up
Yeah I don't have time for attentionwhoring tranny nonsense which I assume this is. Don't reply to me again
i'm not a tranny but yeah

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Last night I had a dream that I lost my virginity to a femboy
What does this mean?
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I don't have any intention of fucking a femboy in real life, or anyone in real life really, I only really feel attraction to 2D and identify myself as asexual to normies who could not understand this.
I had a dream where I was fucked and I liked it
How precisely did you like it? How did you feel? What part felt good?
Idk I just felt pleasurable and I feel disgusted by it

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Saturday Night VR Chat Thread.
No one but me around for now, but let's hang out

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sorry angel i cant, i'm busy tonight :( and sorry I haven't been there in like a month, i'll try to join one of these weeks
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>hop in
>why everything in japanese?.jpeg
>disconnect because third world internet
some dude named 2sky or smn talked to me and I was like. aight. then the game crashed.
I'm having dinner soon, so I'll try this later.
Stone cold.
You folks still there? I'm jumping on now.

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My only standard for a woman is she being a virgin (I'm obviously one too)and gentle.
I genuinely love all types of women, asian, black, white, tall, short, huge breasts, super petite breasts, skinny, muscular, chubby and almost every combination under the sun, just don't be over 220lbs(if you're above 6' then I'm okay till 250lbs) and extremely ugly, like a 2/10

Those standards are so low that it barely can be called a standard and yet woman say that I ask too much.
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Hi faggot, chud here, how old are you? you talk like a fag btw, go to those obscure gay boards you will find some chunky ladies there looking for a nerdy fag just like you <3, best of luck faggot
It's especially sad because it's a standard literally EVERY WOMAN ON THE PLANET can potentially meet and is completely a choice (excluding rape of course) unlike something like a man's height for example
if you insist on virginity, you'll have someone who wheezes at all times, even just sitting still. maybe not when you first meet, but eventually. that's just how people work.
A woman isn't going to stay a virgin for you. Even if you mogged every man alive.
first part is true, second isn't. There are women who wait until marriage (and often cope with food), just not for OP

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Hello there, friends. Do you have 30+ general threads?
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Feels like middle-aged hobby groups don't really exist anymore. You either ppst on reddit or hang out with dubiously aged furries and trannies which just makes me feel out of place at best
But anon i have a family
did they ever really exist? i cant think of anything
Ah, yes

The forgiveness

The forgetfulness

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Tell me why you are still a virgin, anon/femanon.

> If she has iq under 140 i dont need her. 130 is ok if she does anal. She can have whatever iq if she has a Nobel prize, 120+ if a nominee.
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That's too hard
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I'm a heterosexual male bottom too, but also sexually. I only ever want to get pegged and eat pussy, never PiV. I don't care how unlikely it is, there only needs to be one single woman in the whole world who has an interest in this because I want lifelong monogamy.
I'm not a virgin but I'm definitely single because of my standards.

My standards aren't even unrealistic though and they're the opposite of unreasonable. Reason being, I'm only interested in relationships that have the potential to lead towards eventual marriage, I don't want to waste time for either party. On top of that, relationships are a big investment because girls demand all of your free time and attention. Given those 2 factors, it only makes sense for me to pursue girls who meet my standards.

Anyway, here are my standards.
-Located within reachable distance.
-Not fat.
-Pretty, I don't need a 10/10 but she needs to be at least somewhat attractive.
-Hasn't been ran through.
-Not a retard.
-Functional human being who is doing something with her life.

On my end, I'm an extremely eligible bachelor. I have the 666 that girls all want and I'm handsome on top of that and so on. My only real downsides are being a bit older and some girls might rule out my ethnicity. Despite being an extremely eligible bachelor, I don't have a GF who meets my reasonable standards. Girls are retarded.
>That's too hard
I know. I understand some people want to chill but I'm kind of an intense person even when I'm just doing my hobbies or travelling. I would want to get the most out of everything. Even when I'm just chilling, I take it to the max by sleeping and doing absolutely nothing lol.
>big tits
uhhh hi.

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"Just be confident" works btw. The only reason it doesn't work for you is that you don't know what being confident means. Most of you think being unapologetically an asshole without putting effort is being confident, it's not. That just makes you an asshole.
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I agree, having a personality plays a massive part on it. Being confident only enhances that. But I also think everyone recommends the "just be confident" because if you're confident for long enough you will end up developing a personality for good or for worst just by being out there for long enough.
Well yeah, i sperged about history to my female coworkers and they were genuinely interested and we had some good laughs. If you genuinely share stuff you really like and are passionate about then people will recognise that and are happy to engage; the ones who pull a variation of "ugh le cringe", not just being disinterested but actually trying to bring you down, are literal brats mentally and you can safely treat them as such
anon they are called woman not roasties, that might be a good place to start.
>The only reason it doesn't work for you is that you don't know what being confident means
Incels think it means just being an aloof dick who benches a lot, but in reality it's just having an attractive face. When you have an attractive face, everything you do will be seen in a positive light because people are programmed to like you at all costs.
you had us in the first half

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what do men even wanna hear when talking to a girl... I don't understand why all of them go for stuck up snooty bitches. why not a gf you can be NEET with??!!!
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why do we have to talk if we are neeting together? some basics to check if you are a psycho and then we are done.
>no hands posted
>no vocaroo posted
>pretending to be the generic uwu anime avatarfag
You're a man.
Absolutely, They all are
Cute, you're blushing
I always wanted to lick a cute nerdy neet girls pussy while she played vidya :3
>You're a man.
men can be this cute?

which side do you prefer
Prefer for what? If I had a girl I'd want her to be healthy and not a dumb starving bitch all the time. Left looks fun to throw around though, but right has cushion for plapping so equal
left because im left as well (male)
right. stay healthy
right looks better of these two but id prefer whatever the midpoint is, skinny is nice but left is too skinny

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