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Stop being insufferable.
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I can't, that's my only personality trait.
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If i knew how to not be an insufferable spastic asshole i wouldn't be on here.
based thanks for being here
my unadressed mental issues won't allow it
people are totally insane and evil and it's so deep and they fuck even realizing it up

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I don't go out unless it's for work. I have a long weekend and all I did today was catch up on sleep and eat. I literally do not see the point in going outside even if it's nice out. I don't like being around people so I work as a factory line operator while saving up for school. if it doesn't work out I can always go back to the factories.

im going to slepe
can someone pls wish me goodnight? please
goodnight anon, sleep tight
dont forget you exist
yes sir I wont
and thank you
ypu have a good night or day too
bitch I said good night already, go to sleep or you're going to see me in your dreams you sonnva bitch
i dont know who y are
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goodnight anon!!! i'll be there in your closet watching you sleep >:3

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waking up with weird alien markings and taking it easy
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>We can make one for sure.
I remember it taking an eternity to get to the point of making trains but once it's set up it scratches the same itch that Transport Tycoon does.
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That's a nice train. Must've taken forever to make.
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I like Apple juice and multivitamin juice the most
i am super sleepy now
it was nice talkin 2 u koishi anon
goodnight eiki anon
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Goodnight, Kaguyanon. Don't let the ayy lmaos or the jews abduct you again tonight.
>what was le question?
nothing special, i ask r9k questions just cause i like reading them, just didn't expected the thread last for this long

this board is soo weird sometimes

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"Just be confident" works btw. The only reason it doesn't work for you is that you don't know what being confident means. Most of you think being unapologetically an asshole without putting effort is being confident, it's not. That just makes you an asshole.
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>Unattractive people do "confident" shit all the time, knowingly or not, but nobody ever praises them for it because they aren't hot.
Explain exactly what you mean because it makes no more sense then just saying "before i apologize, hear this"
yeah niggas like patrice o'neal who target broken women with 0 self-esteem so they'll put up with being abused by an ugly dude
or the reverse scenario where a woman is pimping some dork who's easy to control
Yeah basically halo effect is way easier to obtain than a psychospiritual hypnosis magic that makes people like you
I don't really know what's confusing about what I said. Things that are seen as "confident" when attractive men do them, are viewed negatively when unattractive men do them. This is especially true when it comes to exhibiting any kind of sexuality, as ugly men are socially expected to behave like asexual worker drones.
Ah yes, the bottom level of the gym at CU Boulder.
That place smells like shit and is full of dyels.
If it was $200/mo and not open to students it would be a fantastic gym

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Came across this sad resume.
She got a degree in Business Management in 2016, has never left her job as a McDonald's cashier 8 years later.
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and yeah, sameguy, it's over
Probably just someone who hasn't signed in to LinkedIn in about decade.

Not being able to spell Accounting doesn't inspire confidence.
>It is now but she definitely should have done better for herself

no, it would not matter, it would not matter because to get a job you have to be hired, and to be hired you have to pass a interview
sounds simple enough, but the shitty dark reality is that they can keep ghosting you and rejecting you with absolute no responses at all

i give up cause i can't fucking stand them, it's bad enough i can't drive, but being ghosted in countless interviews will take a toll on your mental health

at this i'm preparing myself to be homeless or food delivery SIMPLY cause there is no interviews, but i can't drive so
Shouldn't she have been promoted by now? What do you do in this case, OP?

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Are there any benefits to having a big dick?
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Why make this post if you won't give more context?
That is one nasty looking dick desu
I'd suck a large dick desu.
Low effort reproduction
I'm not massive but my size has gotten me laid and had people (women) treat me better once they found out. A chick I slept with told her social circle I was big and they all started being super nice to me for a few months, once of them tried to fuck me but I was too spergy to take the chance, then they all got bored of me and moved onto something else once the novelty of "Anon apparently has a huge cock!" wore off. It's a bit of an ego boost to be told you are the biggest a chick has ever had, or when a chick struggles to put normal size condoms on you, but it hasn't really made my general life better.

I wish I had saved some screenshots from Messenger and Discord of chicks telling me how huge I was the day after fucking them. They're gone into the ether now.

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Parents fucked up my entire life by being overprotective
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asian parents are definitely weird and retarded. been there
wow that dog looks fucked up
horribly untrimmed nails and morbidly obese
he even looks depressed
Same here, my parents would never let me play in the street or explore my neighborhood for thinking It was too dangerous, I've also only learned how to take a bus when I was 20 years old because of their overprotectiveness.
Wanting to help them in the kitchen, wanting to join the scouts, wanting to start doing a martial art, every single request was met with an "it's too dangerous", and they now wonder why I lack initiative for anything.
>arguing with parents not allowed
>grew into pushover with no confidence
>taken advantage of shit people who sniffed it out
>moved somewhere nobody can find me
>take steroids and lift weights all day
one time I was out in the front yard on my bycicle with my grandfather watching me. I told him I was going down the street, he said it was fine. I went down the street. He fell asleep. When he woke up and didn't see me, he told my mother and she called the police. Whole time I was still down the street

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My brother got locked up today for sim swapping lol. Hes only 16 and I never knew he was about that lifestyle and apparently he was part of sim swap gang where they drained crypto wallets .
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>I wish I was a lesser person
maybe he was a lesser person all along...
You know they can just charge you as an adult if you turn 18 before the statute of limitations wears out. This doesn't work (even though we pretend it does)
>Wow I wish I committed crime like every other zoomer!
Maybe in the hood lol, zoomers nowadays just play videogames and jerk off

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Why can't men understand that women are happier than ever?
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no turkey neck though, shes fine
Who cares?
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Late-20s White women be like:
"This is my real face at 28! My wrinkles are all-natural and totally normal for this age
Men need to learn to accept women arent ageless!"

Meanwhile black women be liek:
The thing that sucks being old is that anyone younger than you have an expectation on how you act your age.
The asian lady practically looks like a teenager though
What sucks is alot of 30-35 yr old white girls look older than this asian lady at 50
>women are happier than ever
Is that why their suicide rates are inching closer and closer to men's each year?

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what are you doing with your night tonight?
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Nothing everything sucks today so I'm just waiting until I can go to sleep and end this miserable day
What game is that one?
I think it's dark souls 2
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its horrible cringeslop for autistic retards (because I never played it)
Praise the booba

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every social situation ive ever been in has been humiliating and embarrassing and awkward.

which side do you prefer
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right. stay healthy
right looks better of these two but id prefer whatever the midpoint is, skinny is nice but left is too skinny
Right, left is too disgustingly skinny.
I'd rather be with a girl that's overweight than a girl that's underweight.
Right, why would I want an ugly, dying girl?
Who in their right mind would choose left? Also people are calling right fat, pretty sure her thigh is just smushed, if she stood up you'd see someone with a fit body.

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>wear cap like this
>female coworker tells me that I look like I straight walked out of a 1920s czech movie
Is that a good thing?
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would you know i wore a hat like that in the 2010s?
Your coworkers a fucking idiot. Czech Republic didnt exist until 1993 and even if they were around in the 1920s, they wouldnt be making films.

You should definitely follow her home and do things to her down a dark alley though. Youd never get caught coz theyd be out there looking for a 104 year old Czech guy.
The only guys who are allowed to wear that are russian boomers
based history knower.

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Femanon here.

Could you please riddle me this, /r9k/? Why is it so frown upon to have an active sexuality around here?

I've personally had my cherry popped when I was 1x years old and I've had sex pretty much everyday ever since. I'm 21, probably had sex with more than 100+ dudes since I go to the club twice a week at the very least, and I'm very happy with my life... but people, usually online, always try to shame me for enjoying something that seems completely natural to me.
Why wouldn't anyone love having sex? It's fun, it's a great way to socialize and break the ice, it's completely free and brightens the mood. What's supposed to be bad about it?
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>>redditDEITY space
Learn what reddit spacing is before trying to call people out on it.
>Why is sexual misbehavior frowned [sic] upon here?
It's not if you're attractive enough.
>I've personally had my cherry popped when I was 1x years old
... what ...
What the fuck
>I'm 21, probably had sex with more than 100+ dudes since I go to the club twice a week at the very least
That is disgusting. Filthy rotten whore
>I'm very happy with my life...
[ X ] Doubt.
Most addicts are "very happy" when they've got a reliable supply of their drug.
What happens when you can't get your fix?
ahahaha my god you really think sexuality is a real thing
anyway who cares bitch you are useless anyway

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