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Spazzed out brain kind of day.
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It's time to YUGIOH
Am having hugest lapses in memory ever now. Not sure who you people are uwu. White wine dries the mouth too much.
I am the new boomer. White wine can be dry like that, I prefer to drink a lot of red as well. Do you have any preference for any particular type of cheese?
Damn. I geddit the whole shane vs guilt culture thing nao
I kidd. I knew. Cheese is all cool.
You got me, I thought that I am not that memorable. All cheeses are nice, but I prefer the smoother ones. Brie and Camembert. Sharper things are nice for cooking with, but not so much for eating straight. How goes your night so far?

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Post your ideal love of your life here.
List your ideal:
>personality/type (e.g. Tomboy for females, femboy or masculine for males, etc.)
>body type
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bumping bumperino bumperson
I'm in search of a girl who's ugly but not fat. Reason being, I'd like a temporary GF and an ugly girl is probably the only one who would put up with such an arrangement.

The ugly girl attribute is just the initial ask. After we start dating, we can avoid ever mentioning it again. Like I said, it's just an initial ask so I won't treat you with contempt or treat you badly in any way. I'll treat you nicely just like I would any other GF.

What's in it for you is that you could turn out to be super cool and become a permanent GF. I'm a pretty good catch and am most of the things a girl wants in a guy. If there are any details you'd like for me to elaborate on, feel free to ask.

I'd prefer if you were somewhere within driving distance near the Northern VA/MD region.

My Discord: compoundthrower
Are you the thin model type or the big amazon type?
Hybrid answer between the two for yours. If it sounds good, LMK where you're located.

>height/weight 7 foot lol
>race who cares
>hobbies hopefully they align with mine somewhat, gaming, tabletop games, exploring, etc.
I like those.
>personality/type silly sweetheart that's strong enough to break every one of my limbs
Nailed it.
>age-range ideally a little older than me ig?
Early 30s.
>body type giant wrestler dude, doesn't have to be visibly muscular or whatever, I don't mind chub
I used to be a lifter but I'm actually currently in the processs of transitioning to wrestling and other martial arts.

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For context im a 19 y/o KISSLESS HUGLESS VIRGIN whos 6'0" and mildly muscular

For me height really doesn't matter to me that much as long as she isn't a dwarf, if I had to choose... my ideal would be like, eh around 5'5".
For weight, its preferably thin

White, if not white then brown, if not brown then asian, i'm not into black girls

Is REALLY into music, plays vidya, digital addict

I want a gorl who isnt a sovlless normalfag, someone who motivates me, cheers me on, isn't afraid of trying new things, accepts me for who I am, LOYAL.

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I'm not even racist, but I just really don't want to be forced to play as a black guy in the new Assassin's Creed.
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You dont have to you can play as a japanese chick as the female protag I think. But im racist and hate French and Canadian people so I wont be playing it. Never mind the nigger in the game.
>what's the spelling on that?
revenger maxxers never cease to amaze me
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his symbols are actually made to be modern and tasteful
I will just not buy that shit, complaining won't change their woke faggot bbc worshipping mind and makes you seem like a pussy. No a single penny. Never.
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lol he even made the cross glow, did you notice that. heres another example. i guess i have like 500 pictures like this. look at the numbers on the bottles. lol, were so fucked.

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internet is so weird to me

you will find niche problem that has no solutions what so ever but then u come across a youtube video with 456 views in 2013 with sandstorm Darude in background where the poster communicates via text in a notepad
a chain series of moggings in which the onion is left non existent
my question is why even upload that video?
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idk nigga i just wanna figure out of my ex ghosted me or actually died tired of women acting like literal bags of shit
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Internet just shows our true nature across mediums
do u guys not upload a solution to problem?

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what do men even wanna hear when talking to a girl... I don't understand why all of them go for stuck up snooty bitches. why not a gf you can be NEET with??!!!
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before me!! why anon!? why!!?
Did you take your meds already?
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>before me!! why anon!? why!!?
Well I'm sorry! I can't help that I'm so quick on the draw. It's a shame, you'd still have plenty of time to play catch-up if I hadn't finished 3.2 seconds after just crossing the starting line.
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y-yah.. sure.. whatever u say you bully!!

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Why are women like this?

Females are willing to hook up with the most retarded, abusive, irresponsible, mentally ill, drug addicted, criminal men imaginable.
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>2.) Don't have an accurate read on your looks match.

The girl in OP's video is actually kind of a decent looksmatch for me. But I guess I can't go for my looksmatch, then, because she's into niggers that do crimes and beat her up.
Im confused why she didnt find a new nigger
>Or are you walking around thinking I can just go out and get Marie Fucking Curie instead? Is that what you think?

Yeah that's exactly what he thinks. That's what all of his BS about "do you really think this girl is on your level" is about. He thinks you don't have to worry about this type of coalburner, because you can just stroll out and effortlessly pluck a preppie girl out of Chad's harem and date HER instead.
Women want something they can't understand. simple as
But it is politically incorrect now to criticize these women. So more and more women are becoming like this

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Whats behind you
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A portrait of the soldier from TF2 drinking coffee over the corpses of his enemies
A basic or primitive operation is an operation that takes constant time (i.e. independent of the size of the input).

I cannot do this.
your cute ass haha
so that's Dr. Headstart in advance
Every single one of you on this board.

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sex with (mid) brown trannies?
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>What's his name?
You can't have been here long if you've never seen tris.
>How big is his cock?
Can't remember, not very I don't think. Some fag might post his nudes itt.
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>Some fag might post his nudes itt
ask and you shall receive
Not bad... dick is bigger than mine tho
Hnngh shove your cock in my throat and bussy mommy
tris, like most trannies, is a hyper-sub. You have to manhandle and fuck her, not vice versa.

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My only standard for a woman is she being a virgin (I'm obviously one too)and gentle.
I genuinely love all types of women, asian, black, white, tall, short, huge breasts, super petite breasts, skinny, muscular, chubby and almost every combination under the sun, just don't be over 220lbs(if you're above 6' then I'm okay till 250lbs) and extremely ugly, like a 2/10

Those standards are so low that it barely can be called a standard and yet woman say that I ask too much.
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>wanting a virgin is having "unreasonably high standards" because women are whores
>the kind of woman I'm looking for would not see a man's foray in to the flesh buffet of casual sex as a positive.
>It would suck not to fuck while being boyfriend
The kind of woman who wants a virgin man wouldn't want someone like you, though. You're not a virgin because you value your virginity, you're a virgin because you haven't had an acceptable excuse to lose it yet. The kind of woman who's protected her virginity up until now doesn't want a man who's like "I mean, I wanna fuck my gf but I GUESS I can wait until marriage if she insists..." She wants a man who is just as committed to waiting until marriage as she is, not just compromising for her sake. You don't hold the same values you'd expect from a virgin woman, and that's why you'll never find a virgin to date you.
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OP here, it's time for me to sleep, bye bye
Holy shit, used the wrong image, I'm cooked, I thought it was just the '3 days later' part, idc, bye bye
Holy shit, I used the slang 'I'm cooked'. Wtf

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>"I'm ready to settle down and get my tradwife now"
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>I don't know about the "same fate" lil bro, that sounds autistic and like an ESL/tranime phrase
You are extremely uneducated then, because this is basic English.

>I'm saying it will probably be hard for a person who waited too long for any reason
It could be harder if you decide to jump the gun as well. I'd rather be alone than locked in a relationship with some psycho.
What do you eat to achieve your fantastic hairline, tripfag? Cum?
I just take progesterone to keep my hair healthy and to stop myself from balding. Finasteride is pretty just a chemically altered version of progesterone but progesterone is much healthier to take. Plus I've noticed that my skin looks better too when I take progesterone. It's not feminizing either to take progesterone by itself because men naturally produce it until they start getting older, then natural progesterone production drops off as they get older.

If I still bald though I'll probably just fly to turkey and get a hair follicle transplant. Having tougher hair follicles replace the lost hair follicles is a bulletproof solution to future balding.
I think they should figure out how to culture a bunch of balding-proof hair follicles from your own stem cells and simply stick those bad boys into your scalp for anyone who starts balding. I wanna invent a procedure like this to cure balding.

Seriously though, why not just get surgery to restore your hairline? This guy did it
>Seriously though, why not just get surgery to restore your hairline?
Well for one, it's very expensive.
As I am not currently balding I would prefer to maintain what I have with my fin + minox subscription.
It's actually only 3 grand though in Turkey, which is where the guy in the youtube video got his done. A months paycheck is enough. Sure, it's expensive up front, but it's a permanent solution that's instant and works. No shame in doing fin + minox tho, prevention is always better when it comes to balding.

Ass is Chaos.
Never forget that Anon.
chaos is order
it's just some kind of fool system
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these people are NPCs. were in a simulation. i'm pretty sure its a loosh farm.

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In a word, I'm better than you.
which word?
Because you've said much more than just "a word"
Why do you have to make it so smug and be so superior about it? This is not how you make friends.
yeah it's a logical conclusion. you need the tv to tell me that though.

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>What is your fetish?
>Would you do it?
>How often do you masturbate?
>Hair color/Race?
>What is your fetish?
Breeding, anal, creampies, race play, age gaps, uniforms, and.. being together forever
>Would you do it?
Yes! Within a relationship c:
>How often do you masturbate?
Not very often anymore; I used to do it multiple times a day when I was unemployed.
>Hair color/Race?
>>What is your fetish?
Anal, cnc, degradation, praise, brat taming, edging/orgasm control, breeding, size difference, penis worship, spanking, etc
>>Would you do it?
yes if they also enjoyed the same things
>>How often do you masturbate?
at least once a day/most days
>>Hair color/Race?
major trannoid alert
Definitely not anal. That's like my antifetish. I will never do it.
What races for the race play tho?

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My brother got locked up today for sim swapping lol. Hes only 16 and I never knew he was about that lifestyle and apparently he was part of sim swap gang where they drained crypto wallets .
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maybe he was a lesser person all along...
You know they can just charge you as an adult if you turn 18 before the statute of limitations wears out. This doesn't work (even though we pretend it does)
>Wow I wish I committed crime like every other zoomer!
Maybe in the hood lol, zoomers nowadays just play videogames and jerk off
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My cousin's in jall for the exact reason, he mostly stole CSGO items like kato 14 crafts and expensive knives, he did it for years until he got caught after giving draining crypto wallets a try and facing 10 years

His profile is tradebanned with an inventory is now worth 200k, and he spent all the crypto on gambling.

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>live in a city
>don't do anything or go anywhere because I am shameful NEET
I'm not complaing about my situation but it's weird how you need to be a certain way to socialize with confidence.

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