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Anybody else know a large majority of your problems stem from being in a shithole nowhere area/state and you're too poor to leave?
People in actual places that exist that have money always just say "just go out and do X"
No. There is nothing here to do besides shop and get drunk at home if you're trailer trash. Also a majority are 40+ because it's a retirement state.
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are you sharing an apartment where you are now? if yes, you likely wouldn't spend a greater proportion of your income if you moved to my city where minimum wage is $15.57, and you'd be doing better overall. it's difficult to get hired without a local address though. if you have a diagnosed disability here, you can get the state to pay for some of your education. if you were capable of following through with that, you'd already have gotten a Pell grant and gone to a community college for an associate's. maybe consider doing that
Minneapolis is a flyover city. The twin cities area is very isolated and I don't think people living there fully are aware of it. Plus downtown is dead, zombie movie type stuff.
If you're smart enough to be here you're smart enough for nursing school. Two years of school and even in the poorest state it's above $60k starting.
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I live in a flyover. Protip:
go to a town with a large college, like big 10 schools. theyll always be packs full of young people and will have plenty of bars and activities for them and people your age.

>t. iowafag
Closest active college town is about a 3 hour drive away so that's not really an option. I appreciate the advice though.

finally, someone with a finished project.
i cannot feed myself is very easy to do. all you need is friends.

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Nostalgia edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Do you feel needed? Do you want to?
>What is a word you think has lost it's punch?
>Have you ever visited a place from your childhood as an adult? What was it like?
>What is an ordinary thing that leaves you flummoxed?
>Do you care for the people around you? Do they care for you?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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Wrong i'm an infp and i like isekai harems where i can self insert
but that's also "fantasy" isn't it
>how do you find stuff like this?
As I said above, I found it hit and miss for myself. I do enjoy some comedy (Ruthless People and Reno 911 come to mind), but it's generally not my thing. As for the three movies listed at the end; I never saw Barbie, and thought Fight Club was meh, but I did indeed love Desperado.
those aren't even movies
I'm going to bump this thread just once later with a very powerful question. A question that could change lives and relationships.

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Do regular normies actually have sex on first dates these days? It's all so surreal to my
depends. if they're in college then sex on the first date is a given if it went well
i've fucked on at least 6 first dates, half of them weren't really even dates i just asked them to come over lmao

Probably not actually on a first date, I'd guess there are more hookups than there used to be but probably not an increased amount of people having sex with someone you're genuinely dating
You're fucking disgusting. Stop posting here

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>No babe you're not getting it, it's just a running joke
>We come on here and pretend to be losers
>No, no one's being for real on here
>NEET who hasn't left the house in month's?
>Honey how is that possible?
>How would you sustain that life
>We're just screwing around, babe
he SUCKS, he is NOT based. I am GLAD he lost.
I dont want s girlfriend unless shes nothing but a sex object to me with little to no say in anything. I also want her to finger my ass and walk around the house with a hole in her shirts to have her tits hanging out like a cow. Is this normal?
no, you homo

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My Uber driver's name sounds like a Pokemon. I don't imagine he'd appreciate that observation, so I'll limit myself to "thank you sir" / "have a good night sir" when I exit his vehicle
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>not using it as a conversational starter

"If you were a pokemon what type would you be?"

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every social situation ive ever been in has been humiliating and embarrassing and awkward.
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i am asking this
It's worse to be a social God most of your life to only end up a social vampire.

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I'm going to call you at work, just to hear your voice one last time.
whats the fricking story on this one???!??!
Sauce on the artist here?
I'm going to call her at her place of employment, just to hear her voice one last time.

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i have terminal brain-rot
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>p-please, lose all your hope. believe me, m-miracles doesn't exist. I'm a wrongdoer, but trust me. p-please?
same. is it ought implies can or can implies ought? and why is this a button
ignore that button
It's not terminal, it's just a few loose wires and you'll continue to survive no thanks to our society which lacks the willpower to put you down.
I really like this pic lmao
sauce? I know it's oblivion

Spazzed out brain kind of day.
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Wine and cheese pairs really nicely too. Do you prefer red or white wines? Having some small smoked meats like sausages also goes well with wine and cheese. Fancy alcoholism rather than vodka and bread. It comes on slower too compared to vodka which starts to hit you all at once.
It's time to YUGIOH
Am having hugest lapses in memory ever now. Not sure who you people are uwu. White wine dries the mouth too much.
I am the new boomer. White wine can be dry like that, I prefer to drink a lot of red as well. Do you have any preference for any particular type of cheese?
Damn. I geddit the whole shane vs guilt culture thing nao
I kidd. I knew. Cheese is all cool.

moving edition

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


Previous /r9k/ thread >>77516609

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Final very last bump from me too
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Belated goodnight Nicoleanon!

A very bumpy Goa
Yes, the sex bump is very bumpy
woke up for a cup of water kind of bump
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Midnight hangover water best kind of water

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Why are young men so obsessed with older women these days?
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Why does she have to be sloppy
Some zoomers, like I, masturbated furiously to straight shota in our earliest years. Hence why some of us love hags.

In a way, personally, I thank the good taste millenials for teaching me their ways, like showing me Ane Naru Mono.
However, the one seething at zoomers and coping with their old age by LARPing as Chads are absolute cringe. Not zoomers' fault their women got poisoned by globohomo feminism after OWS.
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a very cultured choice
i too share the same choices as you, fren
there is beauty to be seen in either side after all
Older women hit on me on a level I can understand like squeezing my bicep instead of performing esoteric signals like staring or following me around the gym while I workout.
>masturbated furiously to straight shota in our earliest years
Glad I'm not the only one and still do

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It sucks that puke is just a porn thing, even if I ever got a gf she likely wouldn't do anything like this.
that is fucking disgusting kys
what the fuck, how did u fuck up so hard in life to be attracted to this
unless it's like done right it's just gross
Just like watching porn I guess, in the early days I wouldn't have been into so much puke but puking in general was exciting

Vocaroo thread?
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shit accent, shit mic, 2/10

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>when she looks like her dad
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Fag? It's not gay to suck her penis, bro
>when she feels entitled to anything except respect
>when she acts nice to people but talks shit about them behind their backs
>when she's distrustful for no good reason
>when she plays the victim card rather than owning up to her fuckups
>when she gives up too easily
i can go on but i feel like those are the biggest ones for me
>He doesn't wanna bang her dad
Your loss.
>when she has no hobbies
>when she has bo(usually fat chicks smell like sour milk or you can smell their vag)
>when she has kids
>when she burned coal
>when she's a 'virgin' but has done every sexual act besides piv
>when she jokes/fantasizes """ironically""" about being raped

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