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The scar on my palm shed skin again, the mark, my right hand is the hand of christ with a scar right through the middle. I know my coworkers are trying to poison me at work, I don't blame them, being the right hand of christ is a nightmare, christianity is a cancer in it's modern interpretations and implementations. I know every time I get water my coworkers poison the tap, I always dump out the first two cups of water so I know that the poison is at the very least diluted. I always get home so tired I pass out for hours, I know they're poisoning me, I work 5 hours a day at the most now because of their poisoning, I just can't do this. However, I know my right hand will be revoked if I do anything about this.
If I'm ever reunited with my sinister counterpart I'm wireheading every living thing and wiping the face of this hell sphere clean, I put this sheet over my door so they don't open the door and find out I know I'm christ's dexter, I'm peeling the skin from the scar and watching it slowly get more raw until it's eventually an open wound again, and that's how you know I'm getting closer, that's how you know the left hand is going to find me soon and we'll ascend and replace any long dead god still worshipped in this forsaken world. I'm sure you know this is true, some of you probably knew I was going to post this before I even did, this sheet is nothing but a formality at this point, and I will never take it down because it's what gives me safety from you christian freaks who want to use me to resurrect your god. I know what's happening in the vault in salt lake city, and you fuckers better believe I'm not going willingly. My sinister will find me and we will form a love never seen before and the truest love will flood your heads with dopamine until you know that living normal life, continuing the human race, it's all a lie, it's a scam, and it'd be better if we all died off for the happiness of ourselves, and to save our progeny from the suffering of life.

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>21 years old
>6'2, 230 lbs, not fat because I go to the gym
>currently 3 years into college, first year was in-person but it sucked so I went online (got a scholarship due to good grades)
>work as a forklift driver at a warehouse for shit pay despite busting my ass
>busting my ass at work bc there's a 23 year old girl I work with who's friendly to me that I kinda like but has mental issues and says/does some really off-putting things sometimes for no reason
>used to live in an apartment with my dad, who canceled the lease to move in with some girl who works with him, now I'm moved in with my mom 30 mins away from work.
>family sucks and everyone is a bum who smokes weed and drinks, brother dropped from High School to be a weed dealer but now is just a NEET who steals money from my mom for drugs
>dog died a while ago, he was my closest companion
>no real friends other than coworker when she isn't being weird, never had a real GF or anything like that
>a bit of a retard socially
>was thinking about moving in with my grandparents in their Florida home, starting over out there

Is there hope anons? I feel like there's nothing left for me here and my best option is to either start over or just full on shoot myself in the head. I don't want to move all the way out there and have it be a worse experience, but I'd do ANYTHING for a little crumb of purpose or direction in my life.
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basically, stop being smart
if your ONLY problem is direction try again
Maybe I don't want to be stupid? I understand what you're getting at but maybe I don't want to smoke weed and be a drug addict NEET?
why not
answer without jerking yourself off
Not being smart, dropping from college and smoking weed would probably solve all my problems but I have this desire to be the only smart one in my family and finish college, it's like my brain is wired to focus on not fitting in and doing my own thing
I actually think Florida would be a nice place to move to. It's got better weather and it's more relaxed

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How did you get so fat? Do you have any self esteem?
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It's that or suicide at this suicide, and I want to be at least a nuisance to the jews until the day I die
>at this point*
Sorry everyone, I'm a dyslexic tard
If she wore glasses, I'd cum in her.
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Being fat has never stopped a woman from getting guys. Unless you count the 800 lbs women who physically can't leave their home. And even then you usually see them with husbands when they're on TV specials for obesity.
Overweight BMI is more a risk for health problems and death rather than an obstacle to dating. Especially with women. I see obese men with girlfriends and wives all the time too so I don't think it really causes any sort of inceldom.
>. I see obese men with girlfriends and wives all the time too so I don't think it really causes any sort of inceldom.

The fat guys with g/f are usually stress eating since they work 120 hr weeks, the gf is happy to spend the money

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>tfw no mentally retarded alien gf who meows like a cat
Why even live bros?
>Nyu? Nyu??
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Lucy dies in the manga
I know
Originally gugugivkvkrjr
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>he knows
>but he didn't read the manga

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There is a strange man in my house who shouldn't be here.
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get a zen garden instead
>>77541410 https://youtu.be/Llc1R_DXwq0?t=102
thats a mirror retard
so picture this: no one lines up for it
>so picture this
im trying

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Every thread you make is a seed. The replies are the harvest.

You reap what you sow.


>suddenly hundreds of crows land on your field and eat all your seeds
This is the truth, whenever you are in a retarded internet fight with someone, just remember that you introduced them to your existence by posting. It's like a magnet.
>>77541435 Only if you don't pray to the Lord.
How do I even start?
1. Strong faith;
2. "Lord, teach me to pray to You."
3. Say what your intuition tells you.

You can say it mentally, if you don't want anybody to hear.

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is there anything better than a girl's hand?
so delicate and soft, so small and cute
so smooth and nice smelling, so warm and comforting
Her thighs when they touch yours while riding public transport.

t. had a huge boner when I sat next to a Black qt with thick thighs once
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>is there anything better
yeah, death.
it's so warm and peaceful, the true end of every journey

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the greatest heavyweight boxers of our generation are white
how do black worshipping mutts cope with this fact?
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Boxing has been dead since all the blacks retired.
Nobody cares anymore, the Francis Ngannou fight was the last thing anyone cared about recently, and they had to cheat him out of the victory, DESPITE him just transitioning to boxing from MMA. Now, the only upcoming thing people might care about is Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul, ONLY BECAUSE Tyson is coming out of retirement to fight and people want to see him again. That fight is a lose-lose for Paul anyway because if he beats Tyson then everyone will say that he beat an old Tyson, and Tyson is already a legend and loved so it looks bad on Paul for doing that. Secondly, if Paul loses then hes the dumbass who challenged an old, retired Mike Tyson to a boxing match and got his retarded ass whooped. Boxing is only relevant when Black kings are involved. Even the Garcia fight with Haney, despite Haney's loss. Still included a black man. Or the fight with Garcia and Davis, David is black. Boxing literally only matters when a BLACK KING is in the ring. Need I continue?
tyson fury vs usyk
both absolutely btfo every bLack boxer in the heavy weight division

face it, blacks only dominated in the 80's when there was zero steroid regulation
the 80's boxers were all roided up to the gills, as soon as roids were regulated white boxers like klitschko began dominating, now the sport is dominated almost entirely by whites
even the UFC is now dominated by whites again, roidheads like john jones are forgotten, israel got btfo by sean strickland so badly it was embarrassing

blacks can't compete when roids are off the table
EVERY black heavy weight LOST to tyson fury and usyk, who are both WHITE

you LOST, bLack
>claiming tyson fury as white just to have a semlance of a victory over blacks when the man is a PROUD gypsy
Also did I not just say that Tyson Fury had to get a victory cheated off of Ngannou?
Nobody was roiding when Jack Johnson was knocking yall cracka asses out in front of crowds of wypipo.
Nobody was roiding when the federation was dominated by BLACK KANGZ like Floyd Patterson, Ali, Liston, and Rocky Marciano.
Remember what Tyson did to Golota?
Why do you think Jake Paul is so great anyway

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I didn't want him to reproduce. His genes are subpar, his finantial situation isn't ideal and I believe his reasons to do so are futile: his wife has a previous kid from another marriage (yeah...) and he appears to want to both "compensate it" and, in part, meekly cattle to his parents' wish to be grandparents.

Besides, a kid will make it even less likely for us to ever hang out again. I cherished our gaming nights and explorations outside in the past, but it became increasingly rare and the baby will kill our friendship for good this time. It's a bleaker reminder of the passage of time than a birthday, or of when he moved out.

He'll also have reason to think he's better than me too, because he reproduced and I didn't. Every parent is like that, they cope with their tiresome life by singling us single people as freaks and failures. I bet my mother will think less of me too by comparison, once tell the news - working up the nerve to do it, she'll know sooner or later and will be angry if I hide it.

It all irks me to no end. I have nothing to do with this and I'm still annoyed, angry, nervous, everything - I wonder if he doesn't feel any of that, it's life changing. Well, I bet everything will go right against all the odds just to annoy me further, so I my worries were idiotic all along.

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Why are young men so obsessed with older women these days?
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I am both a hag lover and zoomette enjoyer
kek its literally because of mommy issues. you cant thank single moms for this
Why does she have to be sloppy
Some zoomers, like I, masturbated furiously to straight shota in our earliest years. Hence why some of us love hags.

In a way, personally, I thank the good taste millenials for teaching me their ways, like showing me Ane Naru Mono.
However, the one seething at zoomers and coping with their old age by LARPing as Chads are absolute cringe. Not zoomers' fault their women got poisoned by globohomo feminism after OWS.
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a very cultured choice
i too share the same choices as you, fren
there is beauty to be seen in either side after all

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Dogs... horses... Dolphins... Bears... Just not (You)
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Don't do that to your brothers. You'll regret it.
ugh i hate being this guy

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So u think /v/ would be as mad if character was white instead of black ?
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>If bad thing were good thing there'd be less anger
Truly you have a staggering intellect
The Caribbean pirates were white you fucking retard
They are upset because japan is supposed to be their weeb heaven away from muh evil bbc demons. In reality it has nothing to do with them and most japs dont give a shit. So no they probably wouldn't care, they would've fapped to it actually
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jesus was white washed but i never see anybody complain about that
>mlk being white is the same as black samurai being...black
This is an astronomically retarded take, holy shit. How do you people function?

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You guys must be the biggest set of losers ever,
I am 20 years old, never tried dating before in my life.
But decided to finally give it ago, so I downloaded the standard assortments of apps, and not only do I get plenty of matches with women, but they message me first as well. I would not describe myself as ugly, but I wouldn't say I'm super attractive either.

Literally all you need to do is put yourself out there without being an absolute dreg on society.
if you describe yourself as "I <3 vidya games and anime" you are gonna be a fucking loser, cus you are one.
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>obvious bait thread
>dozens of seething replies
I'm not autistic, retard. I'm literally just ugly lol
You're just boring. Exact same short haircut as every other guy, same drab clothes as every other guy. You're not offering and ins.

idk I get approached by girls, or usually they just stare or hover around. my virginity is for stacy only at this point.

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Last night I had a dream that I lost my virginity to a femboy
What does this mean?
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Idk I just felt pleasurable and I feel disgusted by it
To add I don't know what to do.
i fucking love you bro holy shit
ramble on my guy
Love you too.
Also love you

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Stop being insufferable.
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I can't, that's my only personality trait.
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If i knew how to not be an insufferable spastic asshole i wouldn't be on here.
based thanks for being here
my unadressed mental issues won't allow it
people are totally insane and evil and it's so deep and they fuck even realizing it up

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