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I didn't want him to reproduce. His genes are subpar, his finantial situation isn't ideal and I believe his reasons to do so are futile: his wife has a previous kid from another marriage (yeah...) and he appears to want to both "compensate it" and, in part, meekly cattle to his parents' wish to be grandparents.

Besides, a kid will make it even less likely for us to ever hang out again. I cherished our gaming nights and explorations outside in the past, but it became increasingly rare and the baby will kill our friendship for good this time. It's a bleaker reminder of the passage of time than a birthday, or of when he moved out.

He'll also have reason to think he's better than me too, because he reproduced and I didn't. Every parent is like that, they cope with their tiresome life by singling us single people as freaks and failures. I bet my mother will think less of me too by comparison, once tell the news - working up the nerve to do it, she'll know sooner or later and will be angry if I hide it.

It all irks me to no end. I have nothing to do with this and I'm still annoyed, angry, nervous, everything - I wonder if he doesn't feel any of that, it's life changing. Well, I bet everything will go right against all the odds just to annoy me further, so I my worries were idiotic all along.

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Why are young men so obsessed with older women these days?
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I am both a hag lover and zoomette enjoyer
kek its literally because of mommy issues. you cant thank single moms for this
Why does she have to be sloppy
Some zoomers, like I, masturbated furiously to straight shota in our earliest years. Hence why some of us love hags.

In a way, personally, I thank the good taste millenials for teaching me their ways, like showing me Ane Naru Mono.
However, the one seething at zoomers and coping with their old age by LARPing as Chads are absolute cringe. Not zoomers' fault their women got poisoned by globohomo feminism after OWS.
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a very cultured choice
i too share the same choices as you, fren
there is beauty to be seen in either side after all

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My only standard for a woman is she being a virgin (I'm obviously one too)and gentle.
I genuinely love all types of women, asian, black, white, tall, short, huge breasts, super petite breasts, skinny, muscular, chubby and almost every combination under the sun, just don't be over 220lbs(if you're above 6' then I'm okay till 250lbs) and extremely ugly, like a 2/10

Those standards are so low that it barely can be called a standard and yet woman say that I ask too much.
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>I just want a virgin
>women meltdown
Every single time
Nobody falls for this bait anymore. OP is simply a narcissist, he never wanted a virgin wife, thats why he doesnt talk to any virgin women
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it's pretty telling huh
you even see "muh heckin based conservative tradwife" larpers get all pissy about this subject. I would also point it at men who sleep around and then make these demands of women, they're just whore enablers themselves
I will never understand why men sleep around or watch pornography
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Anon, there're only 2 women (either biofems or mtf trannies) lashing out itt. Or maybe even one singular whore with a split personality.
Nobody's really arguing. Virgin women are based, period.

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My dad was right. Video games are for losers. Thanks dad
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Are you retarded, OP? The A.I. clearly doesn't state online activism is the peak topic of choice for losers because that would offend most trannies, NIGGERS, kikes and femoids.
Winner of multiple local Smash bros tournaments, 2nd place at 2 regional tournaments (winning doubles at one of them)
Grand champion in Rocket League
Top 200 in Mario Maker 2 "maker points of all time"
Ranked 4th in Warcraft 3 custom maps known as "mazes" by some random guy who made a website ranking us.
>Grand champion in Rocket League
Bullshit. You can't even flip reset, kid
Flip resetting is for freestylers and plat players who think they're good, kid
Oh that fucking does it. 1v1 me right fucking now, bud

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>text a girl from college
yep, it's over.
I can't say I cared about it that much but this type of things just get me thinking anxiously, I can't even put my thoughts into words I'm just confused trying to rationalize the situation, not because I find it unreal that this happened but because I wonder why, what's the other person like, what are the societal rules that lead to something like this happening. She could have replied and I would have noticed she wasn't interested and stopped talking to her, but she couldn't even be bothered to do that.
I feel like a fucking buffoon, I'm just another of the dozens of males trying to fight for the female's attention. Makes me feel pretty confused thinking about this, just accepting that females inherently have more value because of biology and they get to pick the most attractive males, which doesn't include me I guess.
I just want to stop thinking about all this, I want to be at peace fellas, I want to stop being so uneasy for not being able to figure reality out, I want to find a spot in life where I no longer worry about all this. I don't know if I should embrace depression again and be an absolute piece of shit or if I should try to improove
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for context she accepted my follow request on instagram (inb4 normie) and followed me back, so I thought I had at least some chances
I think people accept anyone they happen to somewhat know on instagram for the sake of growing followers. I get no pussy so I can't really tell you what would constitute as chances being given. I can however tell you that if you flash her with your cock on a 2nd fake account you might feel better.
Only thing you can do is wait until the pain stops or find a new bitch to focus on. Those are your only options.
or flash her with your cock on a fake account.
Waste of time. It doesn't get you closer to getting laid and the moment of satisfaction will be so fleeting that it won't really help things.

Hows r9k doing today?
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It's going pretty good. Enjoying Caturday and relentlessly shitposting. I hope everything is alright with you. I've been having some coffee. Hope it gets cooler because I prefer cooler weather.
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i am trying to regather my spirit
I can't accept being a homo. I feel at the lowest point of my life
hello vamp
i don't know, i just woke up
slept 11 hours today but i wasn't even all that tired, the dream world had a much too strong grip on me today
way too many of them and i don't remember them anymore...
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I'm so full just ate 2 plates of pancakes and a carton of milk.

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Dogs... horses... Dolphins... Bears... Just not (You)
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Don't do that to your brothers. You'll regret it.
ugh i hate being this guy

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i have terminal brain-rot
Miracles exist, but if you don't believe it, they will not exist for you.
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"nobody told me i found out for myself,
you've got to believe in stupid miracles"
>p-please, lose all your hope. believe me, m-miracles doesn't exist. I'm a wrongdoer, but trust me. p-please?
same. is it ought implies can or can implies ought? and why is this a button
ignore that button

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So u think /v/ would be as mad if character was white instead of black ?
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>If bad thing were good thing there'd be less anger
Truly you have a staggering intellect
The Caribbean pirates were white you fucking retard
They are upset because japan is supposed to be their weeb heaven away from muh evil bbc demons. In reality it has nothing to do with them and most japs dont give a shit. So no they probably wouldn't care, they would've fapped to it actually
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jesus was white washed but i never see anybody complain about that
>mlk being white is the same as black samurai being...black
This is an astronomically retarded take, holy shit. How do you people function?

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You guys must be the biggest set of losers ever,
I am 20 years old, never tried dating before in my life.
But decided to finally give it ago, so I downloaded the standard assortments of apps, and not only do I get plenty of matches with women, but they message me first as well. I would not describe myself as ugly, but I wouldn't say I'm super attractive either.

Literally all you need to do is put yourself out there without being an absolute dreg on society.
if you describe yourself as "I <3 vidya games and anime" you are gonna be a fucking loser, cus you are one.
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>obvious bait thread
>dozens of seething replies
I'm not autistic, retard. I'm literally just ugly lol
You're just boring. Exact same short haircut as every other guy, same drab clothes as every other guy. You're not offering and ins.

idk I get approached by girls, or usually they just stare or hover around. my virginity is for stacy only at this point.

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Is crystalcafe unironically just trannies because if so that is fucking weird lol
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>Is crystalcafe unironically just trannies
No, there are also your future wives. They're just being tsundere after getting crush on (You) guys.
Take your chances and fix your special crystal anonette now!
I knew a weeb that posted on /a/ but was also a man hating bitch back in HS. I wonder if she goes to crystal cafe, though I'm certain she was just a lesbo.
It used to be real women, but from what I understand it has become exactly what you think, it's just mostly trannies.
I want NTR of this please. One fat black cock in her would make this day better.
Yeah, it all happened in 2022. /r9k/ faggots (i.e., homos and trannies) took a seething at femcels and invaded that place by posting CP, gore, rape, etc.; the biowoman cunts are, as always, too sensitive and got out of that place permanently. All of them are on radical feminist Twitter and Tumblr now.
>wife material
It isn't if the manchild is literally unable to even do groceries for himself and his girlfriend, nor at least make himself tendies like /r9k/ NEETs do. The manchild is literally worse than the average robot given his complete lack of personality and willpower to do anything.
The quirk chungus is also annoying as she is borderline normalfag with her stupid "doggo" and "pupper" memes. As well her quasi-non-normalfag interests are probably the annoying ones, like her stupid princess games, watching Bratz while being 26, and the shit common with crystal cafe, which is shoujo anime that is literal brainrot based on otome games.

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Last night I had a dream that I lost my virginity to a femboy
What does this mean?
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Idk I just felt pleasurable and I feel disgusted by it
To add I don't know what to do.
i fucking love you bro holy shit
ramble on my guy
Love you too.
Also love you

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>tfw no mentally retarded alien gf who meows like a cat
Why even live bros?
>Nyu? Nyu??
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Lucy dies in the manga
I know
Originally gugugivkvkrjr

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Stop being insufferable.
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I can't, that's my only personality trait.
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If i knew how to not be an insufferable spastic asshole i wouldn't be on here.
based thanks for being here
my unadressed mental issues won't allow it
people are totally insane and evil and it's so deep and they fuck even realizing it up

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