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Okay /ck/ I need some opinions.

Read this description. You want ranch, you don't want no ranch, and you definitely don't want extra ranch.

Do you tick the "Rand Dressing" box or not?
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you have to click the box for a regular amount of ranch. retard
it says it COMES with rantch. I didn't have to tick a box for my chicken and bacon ffs
Everything that is optional might as well say "Extra" if it's already on the product. Else complain and get a free soda or some shit.
this is what I was thinking. I didn't tick the damn box and got a dry sandwich :[
But it's called a chicken bacon ranch melt
__ _________ ______?

Food, obviously....
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What, you mean this is intentional? I always thought it was a typo. I hate it.
Women is the plural form of woman in my language.
I got a frosty last week.
so if I go there wearing a ten gallon hat do I get to be the king of the restaurant?

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About to grill tacos, marinated the steak.
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had some leftover BBQ pulled pork with canned beans cause it's just another night
Is that Jim Howlick?
fuck you stewart
That dog seems to want something.
Stewie post mommy!

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Is ginger good for you
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It's just the girls seem to poor or stupid to have made the decision to get into porn themselves or the ones who turn into junkies and probably can't get out that I feel bad for. If some hot college chick chooses to cam whore then good for her.
thought this about may until I saw the vid of her sucking dick and it changed my mind.
sauce on OP?
everyone loves to orgasm. if you look good you can do it for money.
That's a man

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So what diet actually leads to consistently clean poops? Just having more fiber or more fermented foods seems to make things worse.
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ive tried more fiber, less fiber, more fat, less fat. I think pysllium is goat for no wipers, but you need to play around with the dosage. No fiber was good for a while until it worked too good and the only thing I was wiping was blood. I never used to have to worry about this shit, but as you get older your body begins to hate you.
eating asparagus brussels sprouts and lettuce makes me have extremely clean no residue poos afterwards
Your gut microbiome is probably screwed up. Also, like you said, as you age, it's harder to digest food and people tend to have the dreaded constipation due to lack of enzymes, lack of stomach acid, and just overall slowness of the muscles in the body. Aging just sucks ass.
>Your gut microbiome is probably screwed up
I think this is it. I kind of want to blame artificial sweeteners or protein powders, but man, it could be anything.
>artificial sweeteners
I've had issues with those and avoid them now.

Something that helped me was eating a bit of 100% dark chocolate. It's good for helping take a solid clean poop because it's got fiber and it's a little binding, plus it's technically a fermented source of prebiotics which is good for your gut bacteria to feed on. Have to be careful to not eat too much though otherwise you'll get constipated.

How do I cook the soup? I can't even fit them in a picture
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The bowls aren't rated to withstand that level of heat
why is it plated before being cooked/reheated?
seems like you got your order of operations fucked.
The soup is for the children so bowls must be prepared
Are the bowls okay to microwave? Else you need to put in in a pan first to heat it up like a person with a brain.
Just point your ray gun at them

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what's your favorite savory cake? for me, it's shuba
fuck shuba nigga
mom said that's a salad and that you're not allowed to post anymore
it has layers doe

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what's your favorite way to cook beans?
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>That's why you get that nasty burning feeling in your throat after a few hours.
i think you're just allergic
soaked in baking soda overnight
stewed with lard, salt, cumin, onion, garlic, and some chilis.
simple as
>The Danish national recommendations on soaking and boiling times were tested in this work and showed a complete inactivation of lectins in beans.
No one cares about your faggity bro science go back to /fit/ or /pol/ or whatever hole you larping gaywads crawled out of

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a business next to you-know-what's being absolute shit is pretty consistent
the prices, the old pink wallpaper, the tiled deli/meats, the wood paneling, the steak tartare, dairy, the old penny operated ride by the courtesy counter, soulful
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Wish we had those out here. I'll have to console myself with a silly image macro. :(
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For me, it's the hot housewives trying to make a few extra dollars on the side.
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Which Piggly Wiggly sect are you loyal to? The powerful Alabama Piggly Wiggly sect or the dynamic Wisconsin Piggly Wiggly sect?

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A. buying staple ingredients, deciding what to prepare based on what you have in your kitchen


B. deciding what dishes to make, buying only ingredients needed for those dishes

I'm a B shopper, other than sauces I only buy shit that I'm going to cook within a day or two
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b except for a small handful of things I always have
A mix of both. I know I’m gonna need stuff like potatoes and carrots and pasta. But then I consider the types of pasta dishes I might want to cook. There also might be specific dishes I’m in the mood for or staple dishes I know I’ll cook
I keep the dry staples like pasta and rice on hand, stocking up when they're on sale, and I always keep a couple simple things like ground pork in the freezer to throw something together in a moment's notice, but I mainly do b. each week I'll hop on my grocery store's website and see if any of the meats I like are on sale, and if they are I'll buy some and either use them within a couple days or throw them in the freezer. I plan the entire week out and then freeze meats that I won't be using for more than 3 days, and then I throw them in the fridge 24 hours before I need to make their meal, longer if they're big whole cuts. sometimes my planning is very specific, other times it's mexican pork and I decide specifics the day I'm making it since I have enough ingredients in the pantry that I can take it in a handful of directions without buying specialty things that week.
My wife’s husband does all the shopping around here. I really can’t complain at all about having to deal with such a tedious task these days thanks to that big guy. :)
Neither. We always have staples because they're fucking staples and stock up on them when we're running low and/or they're on sale/offer/special.
We buy things seasonally/when they're in season because that's when they're at their cheapest. Example, Cinco de Mayo just passed so beef, taco shit etc were cheap as fuck.
Cabbage was cheap around St Patrick's (9¢/lb).
Cherries will be in season soon and therefore cheap when they are.
Basically, the seasons dictate our diets so more A than B.

why the FUCK are lobster rolls so expensive?
what are ya, fucking retarded or something?
Gotta pay these F1 drivers somehow
>be American
>Hunt the yummy sea bugs to near extinction
>Becomes a rare commodity with status implications
>Chinese middle class happens
>Vacuum up everything they can get their hands on to prove to each other they're not peasants any more

Price goes up accordingly
Same reason any price settles, supply and demand.

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I like caramelized onions better.
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Ok little baby boy, do you need your nicotine binkie to calm down? Oooh I have an addiction sucky sucky goo goo ga ga
supermarket grape and cherry tomatoes are actually pretty good

the bigger ones are watery tasteless slop thoughever. not worth eating unless you grow your own
well, you're wrong. the meat and sauce are fatty enough. if you cook the onions in fat, it's too much fat.
Hate lettuce and tomato on a burger. Just ruins it. They are fine on chicken and other cold cut sandwiches.

holy shit why didn’t you guys tells me about this sooner? lettuce wrap burger is the objectively best way to eat it. mmm crispy crunchy lettuce :) i would go so far to say most proteins should be eaten in lettuce
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And they deffinetly don't kill EVERYTHING for you're lettucew4mmth
It's a step in the right direction but steak/eggs/bacon is the main fuel source for humans. Humans don't need to eat plants for optimal health.
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Was already a thing a long time ago. Not sure how many chain or burger places do this though.
I like to make those pf chan lettuce wraps with watercrest and ground beef.

Personally IDK about a burgur form, I prefer to have a seperate bit of lettuce to the side of the protein and use it kind of like a spoon. I dont like when the letuce gets too soggy from prolonged contact with something hot and steamy.
dog it’s a burger, it shouldn’t take you more than a couple minutes to eat it

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>philadelphia cream cheese
>made and produced in new york

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Doc said no dairy
stop breathing in your food, nigga
milk and cheese

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