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You havw to live on two SINGLE food items (not products or meals) for 1 year. What do you choose?

For me its potatoes and eggs
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Wise choices.
>both affordable
>one is a food you can pretty much subsist on indefinitely by itself
>the other is a complete protein
>the other is a complete protein
Both are complete proteins
animals and plants
steakened eggs
>based on nutrition? chicken and broccoli
Lol. Get a load of this idiot. Should've said raw (non-pasteurized) milk or pasture raised eggs, and grass fed / grass finished beef. That would be my choice, anyway.

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>that psychopath that twist, ties, AND tucks
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Is this the alignment chart thread?
>Twist, tuck and use a bag clip to creaate multiple seals
Pre-sliced bread is just a consoomer meme, the crust keeps the bread edible.
>the greatest invention since bread that gets stale and moldy faster enabling us to sell you more bread
If you an oven you can just make bread without all the shelf stable shit that enables them to ship and store it in an armpit.
Everytime I go to my moms house she has fucking bread in the freezee and she says it last longer and I want to throw her out the window
>wanting to kill your mom over bread
seek help
She's also really annoying, didn't mention that

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I haven't had power for 4 days and I'm starting to crack. I still have gas but no water. Shit sucks. What foods do you eat during times like this
shoplifted smoked cheese, or something at church
Go get some fucking water from the store if you still have gas. You can cook whatever.
maybe don't live in a third world shithole next time.
Go pay your electric bill and stop shit posting on your phone with 10% battery left.
I don't steal
It's all gone, nothing left but those over-priced waters
I'm in Texas
In Texas effected by that fucking storm. The electricity pole behind my house fell down

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Buccatini is DOGSHIT
Just don't undercook them. They're great because when you stir them through granular foods they fill up.
Angel hair I guess. Bite:sauce ratio too low.
Sounds like you were just born a fag

what's the worst cuisine and why is it filipino
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That shit is not Filip food
keep going. i'm really enjoying your ever-deepening commitment to being publicly stupid. good stuff.
really butthurt pinoy itt
sorry about your gross food
what am I even looking at? Is it poop
Filipinos are pie and pastry gods. Koreans emulate the west very well in terms of baked goods, Japs have their own soft spongey, wet, bland pastry situation, but the Filipinos have made it their own.

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I have my stomach lining all fucked up, so I cant drink or eat anything fun for a while, tomorrow will me my least meal so what do you guys suggest? What would be yours?
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I feel you but if it’s already messed up aren’t you putting off recovery by engaging in one last binge?
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Anything "lazy's man" recipe from cooking with Jack
little ceasers and water
Indian street food

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Mm. Mm yeah can't wait. Mhmm. Mhm.
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Chicken sandwiches are the future of fast food.
>>20498458 >>20498464 >>20498466
>>20498469 >>20498472 >>20498478
he got 3 for free:
3 clogged arteries, for which he redeemed a free heart attack
may he lie to rest in his favorite mcchicken sauce
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Oh yeah baby...
OP come back, please eat another one for us.

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Post a better dinner than this
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The only info I can find is they use "the best mustard seeds available". That sounds like corpo-speak for sourcing the cheapest mustard seeds they can find. They also claim to be the best mustard from Dusseldorf, which they say is the mustard capital of Germany. Is Lowensenf really that good?
It's pretty good
>70% forecast of vomit tonight type meal
If you're a bitch
pickled eggs instead of beets
you can fuck off with the beetroot, psycho.

How dis maek u feel, wyte boi?
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I feel like this is somebody's fetish.
You're not wrong, I wonder sometimes how many of these videos are deliberate outrage bait for views or just food mess porn, which is definitely a thing
>how many of these videos are deliberate outrage bait for views or just food mess porn
All of them.
I'm more annoyed that it's all canned food and there is meat left in the bowl.
It's disturbing she uses most of the cheese and doesn't even dilute it with milk.

>chocolate chip cookies
>molasses cookies
What are some other good cookies to make?
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Anything with macadamias (the best nut) in it
Danish butter cookies
But dark chocolate doesn't go well with blueberries, I don't think. White chocolate does

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>first 90+ degree day of the summer
>mom decides to make Texas chili for dinner
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Why would you eat a filet?
Because grass fed whole tenderloins were on sale for 9.99/lb and they actually had good marbling for a tenderloin so I bought two
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Spicy food is one of the best best things to eat on a hot day. It promotes sweating and cools you off.

I'm sorry that your mom's son is retarded.
You're fat
Super Mario Bros Doki Doki Panic is superior to all of those. Super Mario Bros 3 isn't even as good as Alex Kidd in Miracle World.

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Found this black stuff inside a female lobster. It also seemed like it had fewer eggs than usual.

I've been eating lobster all my life and I've never seen this before. What the fuck is it?
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Why did you post a thumbnail if it's your own photo?
lobster cancer

I've seen lobster poop and it wasn't this color or anything close to that size.
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Well I’ve got good news and bad news.

>Good news
It’s not shit or crude oil; it’s Lobster Roe (eggs) which is quite rare if it was wild caught because technically you’re supposed to throw them back….I don’t know how but fish and game can tell just by looking at them and you as a fisherman should know too (that’s why you invoke your 4th amendment and keep them in a cooler)

>Bad News
The reason it looks like that is because it’s not cooked at all, or at least not enough heat made it to the eggs. Some people literally JUST eat that shit raw and don’t even touch the lobster. But naturally should want to be eating a fully cooked lobster, unless you’re cool with parasites.

But since you’ve been eating lobster all your life then you should already know all of this.

That explains why there was almost none of the roe I'm used to (pic related).

I've eaten lobster for a long time but it was usually cooked by my family, at restaurants or bought frozen. This was maybe the third time I've cooked it myself and I might've messed up and undercooked that part.

Have to say though I've asked people who've eaten lobster for decades too and even the guy at the fish shop and they had no clue what this was either.

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Very true.
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It's okay at family get-togethers and cook-outs because it's fatties being codependent. If there's one brooding skinny person in attendance they're the subject of ridicule (eat moar, you're skin n' bones, etc).
Yes they have. Three fried eggs on three pieces of toast and nothing else will get you judged a glutton by most people.
Two is the maximum, to be clear. I belatedly realized >>20505557 is totally unaware of egg conventions, so needs this explained.
For me, it's a freaknik
>eating a burger at a BBQ

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Hint, hint...it's both. These taste like shit, and the smell like my golden retriever when she menstruates.
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And yes, I enjoy a green onion. They were getting weird, so taco time.
Why is Zendaya so ugly in this movie, frens? Why is she even in this movie to begin with?
Don't know and don't care. Dunc is not Dune so I shant watch any of it. The Frank Herbert books, the Lynch movie, and the Westwood games are the only Dune media I acknowledge.
Nice to know there is old fags like me that enjoy steamrolling Atriedies faggots with an army of Devastators.
I could go to bed, I think. I just took 3+ grams like an hour ago, so idk.

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How do you feel about these?
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I used to, until I realized they're literally all fronts for ching chong human trafficking. That, and they're usually filthy inside.
>If it was bad, there would be videos/photos of the shit leaked from disgruntled employees looking to get back at their employer
This happens all the time if you check the news desu.
I got food poisoning trying to stuff my face full of undercooked shrimp.
I'm not a big eater so buffet doesn't appeal to me. If I get roped in to going to one however and they have salt and pepper squid I'll be happy.
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