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what's the worst cuisine and why is it filipino
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konichiwa dude
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That shit is not Filip food
keep going. i'm really enjoying your ever-deepening commitment to being publicly stupid. good stuff.
really butthurt pinoy itt
sorry about your gross food
what am I even looking at? Is it poop

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membership should come with a complimentary second freezer
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Why the fuck should every other customer have to deal with and pay for your storage concerns? Next you'll want others to wipe your ass at the "govenments" meaning every other citizens expense. Like biden/kamazaeka shit?
You come across as a cult, like space aliens. If you're stupid enough for that then you deserve what you get, but not your retard kids.
Most of that stuff can be obtained as cheap or more cheaply elsewhere.
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>my costco replaced the rotisserie chicken containers with bags
Joever, Bidenflation wins and Costco loses
Costco for me is less about overall price and more about getting a nicer product for the same money, and also just about the convenience of getting it all in one place.

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Made some smash burgers today. Finally cured my addiction to McDonald's l. Way cheaper and probably healthier too.

Recipe: small handful of beef. About 10% of that of jimmy deans Sage sausage, rol into a ball to mix them lay flat. Add garlic, onion flakes, and kombucha which is basically Japanese msg, roll back into a ball and drop on dry cast iron skillet for a min. Skillet should be dry, I evaporated some pickle juice and wipeed it up. Ball sits for 1 min, smash w spatula, wait til meat on top is not pink, flip let sit one min, desu
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ew wtf
1. smash burgers are loose patties you press, dont make them into a ball, and that also means dont fucking mix anything in it
2. way too lean beef, and you need fat in the pan. make a few strips of bacon first then cook the patties.

learn fundamentals and them start playing with your gay kumbucha
You did just about everything wrong. Smashburgers are already shit, as they're necessarily overcooked, but you made a fucking hocky puck that doesn't even include any of the things people like about smashburgers.
juicy my dude
Use a tortilla press to smash really thin then put on your skillet. Make it a lot wider than you want because it will shrink.

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really good burger
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wtf is wrong with that lettuce
It's overcooked.
why is the bun at least 3/4inch bigger than the burger?
seems pretty bad to me
looks >>20505208
dank. I like the bun and fries
looks simple but perfectly edible

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What's /ck/'s liquor of choice?
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What Pisco have you tried that is good?
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I've heard that when it comes to blends JW is the "artificial mass produced stuff" while Tullamore DEW is... better, I guess? More *natural* was the sentiment, I believe.
Does any of that make sense?
Kind of hard to admit, but my daily driver is bacardi superior white
cheap, gets me drunk, and tastes decent
My favorite is Johnnie Walker Black Label though
Johnny Walker Green is my favorite Scotch. Even though it's a blend it is so good. Very nice light smokey taste with a shitload of peat flavor
>Does any of that make sense?
Not really since JW is blended scotch and tullamore dew is blended Irish whisky.

And the upper tullamore dew range is single malts anyway, not blends, whereas JW is, and always has been a blender, not a distiller, they don't MAKE any of their scotch, they just blend scotch.

"The new McFlurry is made with vanilla soft serve blended with “delicious syrup” and chopped pieces of candy, according to a McDonald’s press release."
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Yes anon, we know that Mom said no more McDonald's because they don't make a 20pc happy meal, so all you get are tendies that she heats up in the microwave, but like, dude, ease up.
>come to /ck/ for the first time in like 6 years
>top thread is a literal mcdonalds advertisement
same as ever huh
they're realizing all these flavors that people were too lazy to put together at home. Oh it's just the same teletubby sludge with a different candy inside? Perfect, we'll get them barricading the whole plaza
That's a bait and switch. A loss leader is actually available.

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Is there anything that this can taste good on?
How does anyone enjoy this stuff?
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real goat cheese is goated
Goat cheese is really good in a frittata
Maybe buy real goat cheese instead of whatever that is. Real goat cheese cannot be shredded like that so idk what that is.
You can if you cheddar it
Cheddaring is a process not specific to a type of milk
Never used shredded goat cheese. I've only used the stuff thats sort of between mozzarella, and cream cheese. It's good with roasted tomatoes, and herbs as a topping/dip for bread.

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Hi pizza posters, today I'm gonna review Red Baron's take on a pepperoni stuff crust pizza.

There is no backside to this box, so I'll say here that this is a more caloric pizza than most, with over 1800 calories. While almost every pizza asks to be put directly on the rack, this one asks to be cooked in a baking tray. Even though I have a baking tray I just used my pizza tray anyway lol
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I think Walmart does a store brand stuffed crust if you want to try (ALDI too if you’ve got one nearby). I like stuffed crust but it’s hard justifying the extra calories.

I wonder if you could eat this fully rolled up (cut pinwheel style or the decadent giant pizza roll). Thanks for the review!
i'm silly, i literally have a walmart stuff crust in my fridge right now lol, completely forgot
you're gaining so much weight on the pizza diet better watch out.
Ty pizza chan <3
I'm losing weight actually. Most pizzas are low enough in calories that I'll lose weight if it's the only thing I eat all day

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Your sodas, sir.
Haven’t had a good Johnson juice since my dad used to make them for me
Is that like quinky sauce?
Never heard of it, you just made that up

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>have headache
>eat ice cream
>headache gone
thanks ice cream!
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>invite girl over for ice cream
>kill her
>eat her
>no longer lonely
thank's ice cream.
>have headache
>sip beer
>headache gone
Thanks alcoholism!
ok but what if you cut to the chase and just drink some ice cream
what then?
what then anon?
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Why the random selfie?

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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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Around Stockholm, public grills basically became unusable for shitting because of the sheer volume of migrant feces. However, you can still find a few operable shitting grills in the north--if you don't mind a cold arse, of course!
>(Just whatever you do, NEVER use the public "bathrooms" at the park, which belong solely to the HIVAIDS+ community and their prideful diseases.)
I should report you to the FBI so you can be sent to a secret prison and be tortured. Because you think it is wrong for human beings to give other human beings incurable diseases that came from simians. Bigots like you make me ashamed to call myself a gift giver.
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I made one of these. Btw the red under the egg was because I reheated some red mexican rice first
kek who still cares about covid
He’s right ya know

Reading some seriously conflicting resources on botulism in flavoured oils
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>what you put into the oil isn't perishable then the product isn't perishable
why is it?
I'm new here. Are females allowed on this board? They weren't back in /fit/ and /g/.
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There are no females without tits and timestamp.
If you want to see my hairy moobs, you have to pay.
>The bacteria live in what are effectively "bubbles" within the oil
ultrasonic cleaner it is then
that makes a lot of sense actually.

Sometimes I really miss my college town and its shitty pizza.

College grads sound off. What's some old food in your college town that you miss?
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My college had a little diner no one ever went to a few blocks away tucked in a weird courtyard, I went there all the time for coffee or breakfast (when I could afford it)
It's there that I met a beautiful drug addict who ended up ruining a relationship bound for marriage, aborting my child, and derailing my life for a few years
They had these really good sausages from a premium company in the Midwest somewhere, though, shit was so cash
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Go Hawks! Miss Easyplace, best cheap Chinese slop around
Three places in particular. One with typical bar food, that was actually really good for what it was and the price. It also had a 10/10 liquor selection and draft list all the time. This one burrito place right next to another great bar, I haven't had one in years and I miss it all the time. And lastly the dive bar my wife worked at when we were in college. They were open after when bars closed serving food and had a $5 pizza deal on Wednesdays.
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nothing beats a disgusting dc jumbo slice after getting wasted in admo
Joes is Gods bar

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Recipes always say to add the onion to the pan first, but this just gives you soggy, overcooked onions.
I add onion at the end and cook it for no more than 30 seconds so it doesn't lose its firm texture. This is especially necessary for stir-fry.
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That just depends entirely on what you're making. Here's a protip for chili btw - You can add onions in the beginning and then again in the end for texture
i like my onions raw and wriggling
>oil preserved thing
Oil-cured != Oil preserved, I don't think. I could be wrong, but I don't think that's the case since oil cured olives aren't actually packed in oil.
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Retard, you finely dice an onion to add at the beginning so it imparts as much flavour as it can, and you chop up some chunky onion to add at the end to get chunky, crunchy pieces of onion.
It's called getting the best of both worlds.

Surely you can afford an extra onion.
Christ, if you wanna buy onion powder you can probably afford multiple extra onions for the same price. Onions are cheap as fuck.
Add them at the end.
If you want to add an olive flavour to cook into the meal, add some of the olive brine where the recipe would call for olives.
Then add your olives at the end so they're superior.

Olive brine is fucking fantastic as an ingredient and people just throw that shit away.

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Not my problem
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that extended stay...
trepid bro? are we still ok?
he ded
But not capped
for real?

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