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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20465398
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Nobody is going to hydroponically grow perennial plants and if they did you wouldn't want to consume them due to all the shit they would have to put in the water to keep the root ball from eventually rotting.
Ordered some of this because the reviews made me laugh (it's like half saying it's great and half saying it's the worst tea ever created)
Have to say I side with those saying it's great, I'm pleasantly surprised. I was expecting dirt and maybe fish but it's actually a really solid ripe flavor imo, not dirty or fishy at all, just mellow ripe sweetness. Not really complex, but super pleasant and smooth. Probably a good choice for introducing someone to pu-erh or as a daily drinker.
In the past, most people who used gaiwans were rich enough to not have to actually be the one using them.
>Do we have hydroponically grown puer in the market?
Why though? it doesn't seem like there would be any advantage.
>try sample
>cake is budget friendly
>sold out
fuck fuck fuck fuck

How dis maek u feel, wyte boi?
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Monetizing the internet was a mistake on par with putting lead in gasoline or inventing plastic
I feel like this is somebody's fetish.
You're not wrong, I wonder sometimes how many of these videos are deliberate outrage bait for views or just food mess porn, which is definitely a thing
>how many of these videos are deliberate outrage bait for views or just food mess porn
All of them.

Is it better when the meat is shaved?
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What a childish "rule"
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>i have portrayed you as the virgin, and me as the chad. case closed
anon i care about your cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
olives on pizza is for transwomen

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Do you ever cook together with your significant other?
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that's just poop leaking from a loose sphincter
I don't cook with or for anyone but me and I don't trust food made by someone else
i want to be a slave in a kitchen making pasta and raviolis and baguettes all day for a master that appreciates all my effort
facilitates cramming
no it's my colostomy bag

Are you able to find fresh bay leaves where you are? Do they really make a difference? Also where are you finding them, if you don't live in a warm climate? Whole Foods only had dried.
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Fresh bay is quicker but you also gotta pull it earlier
No you add it later. Terrible advice btw.
That's the same thing
ever drink bay leaves from a shoe
I don't think it's a big deal, dried bay leaves are so strong that most people use only a few for a whole meal. Can't say I've tried fresh ones though.

It's official now, the debate has been settled
>the rental agreement specifically zoned the space for a sandwich bar style restaurant and gives subway as an example
>restaurant sells Mexican food Chipotle style
>the /authorities/ say they can't do that because the agreement specifically says the word sandwich
>court puts to rest the age old debate and now tacos and burritos are legally considered "Mexican style sandwiches"

Torta bros on suicide watch
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>officially a sandwich
no, it's legally a sandwich.
I would pay money to ask this judge what he thinks the use of "sandwich" as a verb means, under oath
Why would it even be an issue? What autistic landlord will only agree to a specific kind of fast food restaurant?
And I thought america couldn’t get more retarded.
By the same definition a hot dog is a sandwich. A radical position to take but somewhat understandable.

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Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it

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I’m going. Bringing cheese balls and zappos chips
In other words you cant prove shit
Not coming out to your cum tasting festival pal
eggsalad eaten, couple of jugs of milk, and some bean burritos from taco bell, finishing off with a little bit of kombucha, I can't even describe how much bloat I have gained. You are all in for one unique olfactory experience.
The proof is in the original screencap

I fucking hate when there's a female in the line in front of me because you just know she's gonna order food for herself, her husband, her affair, her kids, the affair's kids, and her whole extended family.
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Cry more, incel.
>see this in the drive thru
you just know he's gonna order for himself, the whole job crew, his two or three dogs, his seven or eight kids, his third wife, his second family and the whole office.
surprised the troon mods havent removed this one
Only women. It's a "treat" for everybody to not have to put up with her bitchslop cooking and a night off for her whenever she doesn't feel like caring for her family which is at minimum 2 or 3 nights a week. It doesn't matter what it costs because it's a treat

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Not my problem
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trepid bro? are we still ok?
he ded
But not capped
for real?

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/ck/ related webm thread
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Cow has an infection, yeah it's really gross.
>$16 for that
why so much fucking oil?
What do they do if someone swallows one of the rocks?

Sup guys, I know there’s some Japanese curry lovers out there, what’s your favorite curry mix you guys get? Do you guys know a brand that isn’t dump loaded with sodium?

Pic related, not my favorite, Asian market was closed for the day
I picked some of that stuff up a few weeks ago. I got the medium hot mix. It was alright but I don't think I'll make it again. I don't like the way curry stinks.
The average Japanese person eats 10 grams of salt a day, everything from Japan is loaded with sodium. If your body is so weak it can't handle a bit of salt you don't deserve to live anyways.
Japanese people can handle more salt because they evolved from sea demons who lived in salt water
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pic related
pic related's brand is so mild even at the spiciest selection. Would not recommend.

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I'm having the new Doritos Fiery Mango chips tonight and they are definitely my new favorite.
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You're a fucking faggot.
I hope that fucking faggot dies on camera so I can watch it on loop
nah dumbcunt shouldve at least put the TV on the table
Awesome thread. I love MoistCritical. He's my favorite YouTuber and I watch A LOT of YouTubers.
Literal, actual hell

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Bros... they are laughing at us and making record profits.
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German is a language for people with an IQ in the triple digits, so it's not surprising that this is your takeaway.
the big macs in my country sucks ever since they changed the bun from the old ones to these newer glossier ones a little while after the pandemic
the suffering of the victim flavors the tornado
way to out yourself as never having been to a proper pub or burger joint before
are you the same anon as the Sysco retard?

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Very true.
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Calling scones biscuits is about as wrong as it gets
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i mean this is common everywhere
"at a bbq" means "standing around drinking in someone's backyard with a bbq lit and some meat thrown on there".
here in Australia we'll also tie a goonbag of wine to a clothesline, spin it and drink from it cuz its just what you do at bbqs sometimes.
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>he's never seen "how many sugars do you put in your pepsi?.webm"
Just how sheltered are you? Holy fuck.

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You dont need to bring that up.
Was she fat?
>approaching $4 CAD a bag
No thanks. I'll buy regular fries for $2.77.
how 2 make? the premade ones they sell taste harrible

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