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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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/ck/ related webm thread
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you first
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On it
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someone should go to jail for that
coleslaw is troll food, right? no way you eat this, right? shit is puke inducing
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fucking hate this stupid hoax, post the "fried ice" one next
What would an Indian fella putting omelets on toast look like? And imagine him surrounded by countless eggs!
That would be a funny webm haha
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Best I can offer are some certified/fit/ classics.
How will China conquer the world when they're in the middle of a famine kek.
I want to kill whoever made this
I lost it at the fucking pizza sauce
I wonder what happened to Senator/VP Biden, anyway. Haven't seen him in about 8 years.
>boiled chicken breast with zero sear
Why do people do this?
do they torture the pebbles before cooking?
omfg, get fucking rekt kid
>mom get the camera!
That girl is not impressed
Too good to be real.
she's taken way bigger cumshots
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Taste bud status: Absolutely fried
Impossible! How would he get out?
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Dios mio
If you have that gif/webm of the Chinese people in Vancouver stampeding a supermarket for cheap corn, post it please. I've been looking for the video for a while and can't find it.
Quite honestly I would
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just white people things
I love that whacky nip
Black people are so cool...I wish I was black
there's is only one thing worse than white women cooking, it's white women high on THC cooking.
is it seasoned?
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go cry somewhere else incel
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No Jack?
filthyfrank was so right
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would eat or would make?
eat is ok, make is insane
that spice blend is used for every kind of meat there is in chinkland i think
nah, white women can't cook and I'm gonna make sure to say it every time I have the opportunity. Seethe and dilate.
helluva lotta chilis innit?
That guy wanted the alligator to eat is wife. He made sure to film it so it looked like an accident but he is happy and spending the insuranced money on a new boat
>source: trust me bro
You could technically braise pork In coca cola
Almost like the meat tastes bad and needs to be covered up
People used to come up with cool and inventive cooking methods until this faggots realized all you needed was basic editing skills because nobody is going to taste the disgusting shit you made so it didn't matter if you knew nothing about cooking as long as you could nail that after picture of your raw insipid shit
Like half the time they bake something there is no way it's not raw inside that's why they don't give you cross sections or there is so much cheese you wouldn't be able to tell anyways
Yes. Eggs have flavor.
if it's anything like American gator then it's fine.
Is he helping him get back to shore?
you will die a virgin
Yum. Overcooked, mushy pasta. I'm so glad that even though meth took my teeth, I can still eat this abomination unto to Lord. Thank you.
Told you that shit is just a bread bowl.
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Go defend roasties somewhere else simp
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Is this a keto thing? I'm not convinced that would taste good
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I should call her
the heat of the hand cooks the egg
>Cheese falls on skillet
>Jumpcut no cheese on skillet and cheese on top of watermelon melted
You need glasses
>the cheese is still there
No, there are keto recipes for pizza crusts. This is just someone doing something silly.
that's sick as hell
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My grandmother had a great pork in cola recipe, nothing special, just add a can of cola to a regular stew instead of the final cups of water to cover the meat, she served it over mashed potatoes and added butter fried mushrooms on top.
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this is a disgrace to my people
She's got that thousand burger stare.
By default. The Chinese population in your country increases by at least one full percent per annum.
Honestly I was about to say I'd eat that but him being barefoot took it too far.
On the inside, everybody is black. Unless you're cut open, then you'll really see red.
The God of Cookery.
"these intestines taste like shit"
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you can buy lobster in the grocery store with EBT now.
Sorrowful rice is my favorite part.
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This is a KingCobraJFS recipe, isn't it?
see >>20501143
I fucking love that they got Nancy Sit and her giant mole to play themselves for this movie. : )
>tfw I don't have faerie bones
: (
Mexican bros, what's up with your people ardently believing that Coca Cola is some miracle cure?
From what a mexican friend told me the water over there is so dirty that people will rather use coca cola for drinking and sometimes cooking because it won't get you sick. So it has some kind of cult status of purity.
She should have stopped after the chicken breasts were done and just have them whole with a side of rice and vegetables
>women can invent things too
the European mind can't comprehend American cuisine
it's how they cook almost every szechuan dish, they drown everything in red peppers, green and red peppercorn, soy sauce and rice wine so every single dish tastes the same.
chicano food is so terrible it's unreal
I love eating it in between taking bites of chicken at KFC. It's like using ginger as a palette cleanser when eating sushi.
That’s bullshit.
We have places that sell purified water everywhere. They refill 5gal jugs for like $1.
That’s what we normally use.
Don’t listen to fat fucks trying to justify their sugar addiction.
I like when it speeds up because it looks like they're spazzing out
They were from tiny shithole villages and coke was cheaper than water.
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Do Americans Really?
Lol it says "gloucester bakery" on that sign in the back, so it's in Engerland.
He also failed to note all the swarmers were Chinese.
Mostly older folks, too. Must be behavior they brought over.
What happened to Based Biden (pre 2016) and who is the current imposter
My blood pressure shot up just looking at this madness
Thank you. I've been checking back every few hours and leaving reminders.
Not necessarily. There's a Gloucester not too far from me and I don't live in Engerland.
See >>20500967
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this is the whole reason beer exists btw
don't do that
imagine how good that would be if the chef would ignore the french and finish cooking the omelette
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>most chinese city in Chinada
>"do americans really?"
dont post anything that gay ever again
Cry about it nerd
what a waste of spices only for so little meat
based EBT abuser.
god how old is this picture?
I hate shit like this
Why do ameretards cook like unsupervised 13yo trying to recreate something they saw in epic meal time from memory
Just like with Epic Meal Time, it's outlandish stuff for social media content. This isn't an everyday thing people are doing in the privacy of their homes as something normal.
>quite content being single
>is permanently drunk
I will save her.
If that were a sale on bananas that place would be fucking packed with chinese, immigrant or otherwise.
> Stone eating plebs
I hate reptilian rituals so much it is unreal
This is so fucking stupid. I hate it.
You are not very smart.
No, really, it helped a lot. I was able to track down the original video on YouTube. Turns out it was somewhere in Ontario rather than Hongcouver, I just jumped to that conclusion because of all the Chinese.
Nigga, I live in the US and when SaveALot was having an enormous 1 day sale on pork riblets a few years ago (50¢/lb for a 20lb box on Friday IE $10, otherwise, 75¢/lb IE $15 the rest of the weekend and $1/lb the rest of the week), it was me and a bunch of Chinese bitties duking it out for porky supremacy. I throw down for a good sale, too.
But I AM part Asian (not Chinese, tho) so that might be why.
Post proof chang
All the slow motion like it's something special
>She spent 10 years learning to undercook the Tamago
The chinese population will decrease until extinction because they decided the one child policy was a good idea LOL
>Nigga, I live in the US
Me too. I used to work at a cheap motel where groups of chinese tourists stayed (because they were swindled for being cheap). Whenever they went in for continental breakfast they'd raid oranges and bananas. When I brought out more bananas those motherfuckers practically tackled me. They wouldn't even eat them most of the time. Just hoard them like another famine was on the horizon.
Me making breakfast before work.
Oh, lol. I see what you mean
My dad is half Asian and he and my grandma do that shit. I'm not gonna lie, I'll take an extra banana or orange on my way out of the breakfast room but my dad and Gran really fit the description, hoarding that stuff as much as they can. And as I said, we're not even Chinese!
I can understand my grandmother doing that, though. She's lived through actual famines and was actually enslaved in her youth. Like literally, actually, honest to goodness slavery. But my dad is a fatty. His body could probably cannibalise his blubber long after any perceived famine is over, so unless libs are right about that generational trauma stuff, he has no reason to hoard food like he's some foster kid in a group home.
Is this why they are all morbidly obese goblins?
Didn't know people in Canada struggle with food.
im going to do this minus the deepfried pizza part
So Frito pies but with extra steps and beaner shit added in?

Mexicans really think they're something.
Why do Europoors hate freedom?
>Oh no 13 year olds cooking, someone call the police they don't have a license for that burger!
ok explain to me how this is abuse of EBT? It a fixed amount of credit for food, coffee is food. The only one getting fucked here is the idiot using it to buy coffee instead of flour or something more filling and healthy. For all I care, EBT users can spend it all on candy and blow, that won't change anything in my life.
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stop at 0:25 and i'd destroy that shit within a nanosecond.
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I should move to Canada?
he's busy losing the next election
did blacks in america just stop speaking english altogether?
I'm white and I do that, I only just learned to start preheating the pan
Usually they add too much sauce or cook things way too long to make it look like it tastes better in these videos. Adding 5 pounds of seasoning to meat or pan frying vegetables until they’re charred overpowers everything else in the dish, but it makes for a better presentation than a gray piece of beef or vegetables that look exactly like the “before” shot.

Don’t get me wrong, there dishes that work great with individual components that have a lot of unique rich flavors, but these videos are usually making the equivalent of a stew with a hodgepodge of random ingredients so they all end up just blended together anyway, defeating the purpose of having distinct flavors. They might as well just put everything into a food processor and serve the slurry over a piece of bread, but that wouldn’t go viral on TikTok so what’s the point.
This thread is most disturbing
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my wife
What African country is this
not a fan of McDicks but hot fries are hot fries
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got em
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why is being disgusting etiquette? i that etiquette exists to prevent that.
>oh i'm just enjoying my free trial
how is the milk just coming out like that I thought you had to jack the utter off or something
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Why wouldn't they just cut up the sausages into smaller pieces so everyone could have some? That's probably the least important question about what's going on
>just pirating some soup bro
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Reminds me of the Stone Soup Story I read as a kid.
For pranking a kid with persimmon? I can only immagine what you where thinking about SICKO
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My childhood soup reading was... different...
I'm numb to this food on counter and eat with fingers niggery but holy fucking shit warm soda?
the fuck is this?
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your taxes pay for ebt and anyone spending it on frivolous shit likely has plenty of income it's just unreported and criminal. Drug dealers, thieves, burglars, able-bodied welfare queens, and under the table workers.

i.e. ebt users are mostly criminals that are supported by taxes. You know, the 30-50% of your paycheck that magically disappears

>t. grew up in an environment where everyone had ebt and also made the equivalent of anywhere from 20 to 500 dollars an hour, untaxed and unreported
Thread hidden
Cow has an infection, yeah it's really gross.
>$16 for that
why so much fucking oil?
What do they do if someone swallows one of the rocks?
i think it was lime juice
That may be one of those videos where they make fun of indian street food.
It's funny, but she doesn't look old enough to fully recover from having her trust in her guardian figures betrayed.
the heat of the blade cooks the egg
based watamelon poster
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I made the original webm of this years ago before vp9 was a thing and the limit was 3mb. Remade it for current year.
Doubt it. They look too hungry and casual for this to be a parody. It's already well established that africans are just as bad as indian with their slop.
This is a " '''''comedy''''' sketch" from one of the many CCP or Western liberal funded edgy YouTube channels who like to make fun of India and Indians. The telltale signs are creating strawmen about Indians and India and making fun of Indians and India, portraying India in a negative light by focusing on a very ancient and "oppressive" custom or tradition.
No one IRL washes their hands in their plates and drinks it or uses their hands to eat noodles. No one dips their fingers in their drinks.
We eat with our hands after washing with soap but that's about it, there is no fetish level retardation that this video portrays. The foods we eat with our hands is for purely functional reasons, a lot of our food is very difficult or impractical to eat with a knife and fork.
Good morning sir
This is too fucken real. I work in a fruit and veg shop in Australia. Every single time we have corn on special they flock to the store like a fucken zombie horde and make a complete fucken mess.

Theyre the most disrespectful, disgusting race of bug men
Yeah, it so special the whole world can use tools except you
indians lack the dexterity and intelligence to manipulate complex tools such as the spoon, fork, knife, and toilet.
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I fucking lost it at the basil "garnish" bahahaha.
Even more disgusting than the average indian, impressive.
I'm sorry to break it to you, but that is simply, blatantly false.
t. Guy whose missus is a Western born Indian who absolutely can't stand Indians and was disgusted every thirty seconds when she visited India for a summer as a teenager
I'll take the word of the mother of my children over some literal who on a website started to discuss cartoons
Most people on welfare are the elderly and permanently disabled. Stop making things up to suit your silly narrative.
>permanently disabled
hey we don't call them that anymore.
I'm not making anything up. Try living in Detroit for a year.
Yes we do.
>my confirmation bias makes me right, shut up with your facts and truth
The food itself is fine, I just don't like the thought of brown hands making my food, ever
Gotta love how they serve them in the plastic packaging so you get all those pthalates
>"Yo, how come everyone on my block be gettin' kidney failure and sheeit?"
Chip sandwiches are hardly a delicacy anyway but this one looks especially shit
Clips like these honestly make me feel bad for these people. Especially the dad, can you imagine looking at those cross-eyed retards and knowing it's your legacy?
>a lot of our food is very difficult or impractical to eat with a knife and fork.
You cannot use a fork and spoon?
Like literally just slide the food into the spoon by using the fork?
the worst thing there was that alpha nigga stopped beta nigga from taking the sausage when beta grabbed it
This is satire right? Not even trying to be racist but that literally looks like a bunch of monkeys eating, it's surreal seeing them behave like that while wearing normal people clothing
This. Unfortunately, that girl is going to be a massive slut and probably do lots of drugs when she gets older (13).
fruits are poisonous to the 'etolard
Perfect example of how poor people cause their own problems and deserve no help
>woman in shambles, penniless, dirty, and unhoused: wasteful, discards nutrients for no reason
>well dressed, refined passerby family: practical and frugal, enjoyers of free liquids
based big toe soup enjoyer
The stories were nothing special but the drawings spooked the fuck out of me as a kid.

I've posted in another thread about this
I had to endure living in close proximity to a black girl who made food like this
thankfully not too long
horrific shit that she'd boil on the stove for hours
I still retch thinking about it
She ate like that vid too, although they're playing it up for the camera a bit

Had I not seen it in real life I too would think it's just some vids exaggerated for tiktok and then misused by /pol/
I can assure you though that this variety of africans really do be like dat
Shit it out? Aslong you don't choke the size seems nonlethal and probably not even that painful
browning is carcinogenic, I guess good health is too spicy for you
>browning is carcinogenic
citation needed
Dude literally every kind of burning on your food or in other words the black stuff that is burned carbon is carcinogenic.
Has never stopped a single barbeque though.
browned and burned are two different things
Pretty much everything gives you cancer now. Why not just enjoy the finite amount of time that we have on this planet? I would rather enjoy good food, wine, etc. and live two years shorter than you instead of eating rabbit food and living an insufferable vegan life.
the fuck you say white boy?
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>Nigga be like "whypeepo don't season food"
>But whenever a Nigger is on hot ones they shit their pants and bitch out before da bomb
Why are they like this?
Can't stand that cringe style rapid-fire text in the middle of the screen. Illiterates should be banned from electronic devices.
I always wondered how these masters learnt their craft. At home, apparently. I used to envision a lofty Shaolin temple above the clouds. Like Grasshopper or the Bat Man.
Apparently a few years ago the published tried to replace the art with tamer stuff in a new edition, and the fans were rightly outraged, so they finally brought back Gammell's classic creepy work. Which I was glad to hear, but ya gotta agree it's amazing how they made it into a kid's book to begin with. One drawing, in particular, was pure nightmare fuel. (See if you can guess, hint: it was full-page...)
lmao what country is this from? i need to watch this with sound
a cut of beef a lot like that one fell and hit my penis while i was cooking and now it hurts when I pee. Any advice?
Considering that that's Juna Rorimpandey, I'm gonna guess Indonesia unless he was guest judging in Malaysia or something
None of that is cokkeeedwe
Only way to catch zoomers attention. There has to be something moving all the time because they don't have the attention span to read otherwise.
Zoomers will post a 5-second video and caption it "wait until the end"
ty, this is all i could find unfortunately
It's just fresh meat, you know that steak came from an animal right?
>yOu kNoW mEaT iS aNiMaLs RiTe???!?!
vegans are the stupidest creatures "alive"
vegan? you grew up in a city lol
nobody else would be stupid enough to believe the "omg doods did u know meat food is LIVING ANIMALS??" routine works at all. stop damage controlling, it makes you look worse.
I'm not that lady, but you're not very smart, ma'am.
me bulking with GOMAD
not really sure what's the purpose of putting in a spice blend and then putting in all the ingredients of that spice blend after
if freshly butchered meat gets u this surprised and mad idk what else to say lol, you have a mental illness or something
>mental illness
pure projection
Rajesh please..
>eat in a shitty tourists trap
>Oh no food no good
>that stupid cunt deserved to eat like shit
that ought to be revolting
>permanently disabled
Yeah, like Ray from trailer park boys.
>Look this place up
>These milkshakes average around 1,700 calories each
God damn. I get it's not something you'd buy every day, but that's crazy
The EBT system is designed to support the underemployed. Welfare for unemployable people is more expensive and not available to people with a potential income.
Funny part, is she's the living saint of Tiruvannamalai
She's given food and drink throughout the day by shopkeepers hoping for a blessing, and she just wanders around doing homeless people shit
Fucking and?
>yeah, like [fictional character] from [comedy series]
You're just like [fictional character] from [drama series]. Didn't forget that she [outcome of her story] by the end. You're on the same path.
And the subject is EBT, not all welfare. So your post was irrelevant. Why do I have to explain every single thing to you?
humiliation ritual
listen wing dong, that's great and all, can you just make some food? is that too much to ask?
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>look /pol/ I posted it again!!!
What do you think the spring onions are there for?
Would. Although I wouldn't be welcome there
What movie is that quote from with the guy from breaking bad ?
You're an actual retard
I see brown feet in the first few seconds of the video I know I'm in for a bad time
>I don't know why Kimberly hates us so much and won't visit. We never did anything to her
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>but i thought humans are the only species that still drinks milk as adults
If I walked in on this I'm screaming at her and throwing that shit in the trash.
Might even kick her out of the house.
i thought these ppl didnt look american and rather british or something so i looked it up and they have 4 stores in bucharest and two in dubai.
Pretty sure those are Island niggas
Think of of it as Pokemon from Kanto vs the ones from Alola
Same creatures different variants.
Notice that he cuts his tiny burgers in half as oppose to a giant fucking burger served as is.
People who shuck the corn in store and just leave the left overs all over the place are animals.
Just cook the egg until it is entirely cooked
Simple as
Years ago we had a new Publix open up where I use to live.
It was very nice.
They had a soup and salad bar.
They even had a little attendant.
I made a wager with someone it wouldn't last a year.
I lost.
It was removed 3 months after opening.
I'm sure some boomer or N--nice African American was the reason why it was removed.
At the time people were talking too positive about Publix so the riff raff and refuse of society took notice too.
>be a black American
>eldest sister and my mother are obsessed with Nigerians and other African's movies
>they constantly decry US blacks while going on about how Africans do this and that in Africa
>see shit like this
>curse my birth
I could have been born a bird or something but here I am
They like saltiness not spiciness
That's what they mean by seasoning and "spices".
It's kind of sad many of them grow up on nothing but junk food or overly seasoned or sweeten foods they don't know what it's like to have natural foods or subtle flavor profiles.
Which is saying a lot considering Italian and French foods are decadent in their own ways.
Everytime you goycattle talk about "freedom" it's always in the same sense a 13yo would think of.
>so much salt
>steak isn't even cooked let alone browned
i hate america
>>t. grew up in an environment where everyone had ebt and also made the equivalent of anywhere from 20 to 500 dollars an hour, untaxed and unreported
So you're just like that scum is what you're saying. You should be culled along with your kind.
>whose missus is a Western born Indian who absolutely can't stand Indians
Nta but that coping pajeet will always be superior to your pathetic self-hating lapdog of a wife.
so black people are so used to the taste of prepackaged spice+salt mixtures that they can't go without them?
American black people. Not real black people.
just how many people are they serving?
Sounds more like that anon's environment was full of people committing welfare fraud. Not uncommon in the past in ghetto and trashy neighborhoods. An interesting situation that occurred during the pandemic was normies found themselves with ebt, whether they needed it or not, and got used to buying and consuming frivolous shit. Not only recipients, but the retail industry got used to the gibs too. Grocery stores especially, tracking "snap releases" and scheduling more people, allowing overtime, etc.
Nah they're just as bad. If it's not enough salt to give you a heart attack they think it's not seasoned enough.
What are those meat slabs?
it probably tastes like gutter oil
go be generalizing somewhere else, retard
why not buying the water from coca cola then? I'm pretty sure it sells wherever there's coke being sold. They're just trying to justify their addiction
no reason to hoard food when there's plenty available, and from a setting in which there's more people grabbing the foods. you're all selfish and retarded
Why do you insist on being wrong and spreading bullshit? The vast vast vast majority of people receiving SNAP benefits are elderly or disabled. Secondly, EBT doesn't mean what you seem to think it means. You're clearly using it to mean exclusively SNAP/foodstamps but it does, in fact, refer to all welfare provided by the state and federal governments. Any transfer of any cash from gubmint to citizens is part of the Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system so trying to clarify "hurrdurr the subject is EBT, not all welfare" is so laughably off the mark that it's not even wrong. Simply being incorrect would be an improvement, so your post was irrelevant. Why do I have to explain every single thing to you?
>no reason to hoard food when there's plenty available
NTA but famine and harsh ppression evidently leave scars. Hoarding and pilferingn food and toilet paper are common behaviors among elderly mainland Chinese. Public restrooms in the PRC have facial recognition cameras to prevent old people from stealing the toilet paper. No salad bars over there either otherwise old people literally pile the vegetables as high as possible. Now, imagine these old fucks going on vacation.
...people do this?
Nah we all get born to shit families with shit cultures, just distance yourself from them as much as possible, be successful, and laugh when they start asking for money
Not a movie, the show 'Billions'
This isn't even because of the French, the Japanese like eating raw food even more than the French do.
>the country added 410,000 people
Yeah, try "imported".
Could have stopped before frying it and it would have been perfectly fine
They do. And it's not a race thing it's just a people being shitty thing.
I've some stores put a bin next to the corn to prevent them from just tossing them back into the pile.
Fucking. God. Damn. Fucking. Fucking. Moron. Fuck.
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1.59 MB WEBM
>"Mein Furer, one managed to slide under the door!"
Refute him then.
>webm thread
>305 posts
>55 images
tf's wrong with you lot?
Fukken saved, now I want pygmy goatfren.
pretty based to be quite desu, senpai
>Imagine being this young and/or uninformed as to the world.
prions will destroy your body unless you return them to a compatible organism
you need sex with a cow to live
My aunt's dog fucked his spine doing that shit and ended up quadriplegic
What’s the point of this video?
>look at me own this cashier I made up
Imagine making things up to suit your narrative.
why are pajeets so fucking disgusting

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