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difficult relationship, boundary violation. i have been seeing her for a little over four months in a casual sexual relationship. recently she was ignoring me for about a week, not replying to my texts or calls, and i decided to cut her off, told her i was moving on. she protested and said she is not ignoring me just been messing with her abusive ex bf again, and she is going to therapy to try to break the trauma bond. we spent the next two nights together. i tried calling her the third night (last Saturday night so eight days ago) and she did not answer or give me any acknowledgement. i waited a few days and then set a boundary saying the reason i was going to cut her off is due to poor communication, and all i need is at least a text acknowledgement in a reasonable amount of time, but she cannot just blatantly ignore me, otherwise i wont be part of her life, i asked her if this is something she could do. she agreed she would improve her communication. she texted me last night worried because i called off of work which i never do, i told her i was resting my elbow to prevent injury. this morning i texted her asking if she could come over soon and i need to see her and talk with her. she read the text ten min after i sent it but has not replied yet. she could be with her ex or busy at work, idk, but if she chooses to ignore me again, this is a boundary violation. advice: how to deal with boundary violations when those boundaries have been communicated to the other person and they have agreed to uphold them? should i cut her off after today if i get no reply? should i let her know this is a violation and give her one more chance and then cut her off? why does she want me in her life but cant step up and communicate properly? seems so weird i try to leave and she gets upset and fucks me for two days straight but cant communicate? i dont get it.
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sure, i could have less reactivity, and i do see value in that, but the idea that my reactions are the only part of the equation that matter are absurd, people in this thread should conduct themselves to a higher standard as well. just because i went through a shitty relationship and made a thread about it does not entitle others to act like shit heads and then make jokes about my reactions saying bullshit like "you deserve it lol glad she left you for some other dick." nobody said anything to these shit head responses
>just because i went through a shitty relationship and made a thread
You left out crucial information. That's why everyone blamed you.

>jokes about my reactions
It's 4chan. Thicken your skin, it's all jokes and if it's not, who cares, it's just some incel hating on you.
>she told me she was trying to work through her trauma bond and wanted me to stick around
Stick around for what? "No I don't want to date you right now, but maybe someday once my mental problems are gone. Also, I'm going to keep seeing the supposed source of my mental probems." If you took that deal, that's on you.
>acting like i am supposed to be psychic or sociopathic
No, you're supposed to be responsible for your own feelings and, just like you said, enforce your boundaries. The healthy boundary to have would have been to reject the deal, and maybe leave the door open for when she's ready to be exclusive and official, instead of settling for dick appointments when you knew that's not what you want. You saying "okay, we can keep things (((casual))) even though I'm attached now" is just as much a lie, mostly to yourself. Really man, you need to know that so you don't do this again.
You deserve to be treated like shit because you act like a fucking loser lol.
All throughout this thread you're a clingy insecure nerd and try to mask it with faux bravado. Oh "its just casual, SHEs the one who really wants the relationship I'm just constantly demanding she respond to me via text". Youre like the fat loser boomer who copes with his inability to do anything useful anymore by threatening his daughters BF with a gun on first meeting him for no reason.

If you werent ass mad and taking your """ casual""" relationship way too seriously youd just move on and not beg amd plead for advice from autistic people online.
i wont engage anymore with your toxicity

i took her at her word and gave her a chance. im not a mind reader. maybe i could have responded better but i was doing the best i could

I realized that I may have an inherent lack of female friends these days and I wanted to know what kinds of topics, forums or places where I can find a gender ratio not as.. dominantly male as mosts I keep frequenting, femanon help much appreciated.

And yes this sounds creepy as fuck but rest assured, I've had several relationships throughout my life, my household is comprised of entirely women so it's not like I'm some weirdo who was never taught to be nice.. I just kind of feel like I'm out of "practice", and I dont wanna feel like, the next time I have some long conversation with a woman, I'm dealing with some unknown creature and that all steps I walk through are just trip mines, you know? deep bond with friend and being able to unwind without worrying about dumb shit.
crystal cafe

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...and it sucked. What went wrong?
The girl was nice. She was making small talk before and after, though I was nervous. We started with a blowjob (through a condom) and I blew my load instantly just from the sheer realization that, holy shit, a girl has my cock in her mouth. Then we talked a bit while she carassed me and I her, before she jerked me to get me hard again and we fugged, but I couldnt feel anything through the condom really. So we fucked for a while, missionary, doggy, her on top, before she started blowing me again. I couldnt cum, so she took the condom off and tried to jerk me, but still nothing. So I said fuck it, we said our goodbyes and I left.
what went wrong?
does sex with condom just feel bad?
does sex with no connection just feel bad? In that case, why do normies hook up so much? Is it the thrill of getting the woman to agree to do it instead of paying for it make it so much better?
does my depression play into it? make i couldnt enjoy it because of that?
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I have been fucking escorts/hookers/streetwalkers for 5 years now.
Yeah, what others have said, sex without a connection, a genuine connection, can be empty, hollow, and unfulfilling.
I don't know why normies fuck and hookup, i doubt each and every hookup is fulfilling though, but it is probably better than paying for it because it is mutually desired, meanwhile paying for sex is "okay, now that you've given me payment, just put it in, it is a service"
normies hooking up is "i really like this person, this person likes me, we want to see each other naked, tear each other's clothes off, and fuck like rabbits"
two different things
Prostitutes get paid for sex, they work in that, they are used to random men, strange men, random penises. It is penis number 1000 of the week, meanwhile even if a woman has fucked plenty of men, there is something different about someone actually wanting to fuck you and fucking you, instead of simply running game and referring to you as a "client"
It completely removes your individuality, the humanity, the fun, it is just "client"
a barrier has been put up, you're not a person, but "client"
Kind of a boner killer when you can physically ejaculate yet it was the sexual equivalent of empty calories. you still want more.
also sometimes,paid sex can be so fucking lame.
It is like you're the one getting fucked with how little you get, how stingy they are, how they act like they're doing you a fucking favor even though you paid for it, because at the end of the day, they don't respect you, they wouldn't fuck you, they wouldn't ever want to do anything with or to you, and you're nothing more but a sucker, a loser, pathetic, weak, so undesirable that you pay for it.
they don't respect their clients, and they look at you as beneath them because you're paying for it.
t. just my two cents
Idk man, even though i have paid for sex, and can only speak from the customer's perspective, i know that this probably isn't the life that these women actually want to live or want to be apart of.
You probably don't want this life, and i know you're probably larping.
Easy and fast money usually comes at a price, and if that is a price that you're willing to pay, then by all means, sell yourself out literally.
All because your boyfriend is bad in bed.
Believe me, you probably won't get off to an overweight weirdo like me putting his potentially unwashed cock in you.
Unshowered cocks, hobo cocks, weird cocks, think of all the different clients you might deal with. Not all of them will be bad, but it isn't like you love these people, know them, or have a connection with them, so at some point it is just your body physically reacting, but your mind being dead and blank.
I'm a weirdo, i make others uncomfortable, now imagine dealing with a client like me more than once, enough times for it to be a somewhat common occurrence.
This isn't pretty woman, this isn't glamorous and something to be glorified.
This can be a pretty dead end and empty existence.
I barebacked a hooker I picked up on the street. white woman, charged me 140, i might have an std.
I mean, a cheap pocket pussy feels a lot better than my hand, so I'd imagine the real thing would be a LOT better..
It would seem like that, and while not every sexual encounter with a hooker can be bad, sometimes i felt it in my fingertips, it was that good, it isn't always that good.
8 times out of 10 it was mediocre to meh
nothing special
it can get empty and old, fast

OP get a cheap pocket pussy for $15 on amazon and report back on if sex with hooker felt better or worse please. Like the one by baneru. I am considering hooker but i dont know if its really worth it. I usually start my sessions with my hand but then finish with the toy.

And yeah condoms barely feel like anything I thought one of the draws of the hooker is she lets you do anything to her, and gets whatever STDs she has taken care of.
Do you need a condom even for just a blowjob?

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It's interesting to me how all of these women claim they love traveling, they love adventure, they wanna see the world, blah blah blah. I've seen girls who dream about van life or being nomadic. But when it comes to getting to know a truck driver who will literally give you that kind of lifestyle for free? Somebody who does all the work and driving, supporting a person on one income, seeing places you'd never normally see? Nah, I'm not good enough for that. It'd apparently be easier to find somebody who isn't already doing these things with their life and start it together. I just don't get it but honestly, a relationship hasn't been a high priority to me anymore... still, I have to notice how god damn stupid these women are for pretending that's what interests them.
I was introduced to my stepmom today. I know that she was my dad's mistress and I know that she knew he was married when they were cheating on mom. But I also know that my parents marriage was going to end in divorce somehow for years before he even met this woman. But I can't help but hate her. She hugged me and it made my blood boil. At that moment, I wanted to punch her in the face and her bloated cow tits and just pummel her as she screams and begs for me to stop and bite down on her ear, her cheek, and her nipple and rip them all off and then grab a knife from the kitchen and stab her over and over again...

She could tell I was uncomfortable so she stopped. I saw her cringe at me like she could sense the way I was feeling. And she looked sad, too.
Why am I drawn to you everytime, it is like destiny wants us to be together, and you don't want to.
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I can't get a job and at this point I'm hopeless. Every job requires experience or reference that I don't have. I've never had a job before. I've got no references, no prospects, and no opportunities. I wasted the last 5 years doing computer science which I used to enjoy, but school has made me bitter about it.
My parents are starting to nag me about jobs, and sending me jobs. I apply to every one, but never hear anything back. I don't know what the issue is.
Watching my friends move forward in their lives and be successful while I sit in my room and rot is getting painful.
I feel like a failure

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I am working a regular 9 to 5 that pays OK with my college degree. I don't have much money. I am hearing that making a Youtube channel will make me a lot of money and i won't have to work a regular job. Any thoughts?
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The paul brothers and their friends are another example. They signed with a production company, who rented the houses, cars, etc they showed off to make themselves look successful. They started with a million dollars in seed capital and a full team of promoters, marketers, etc.

MatPat started with seed capital and used to work as a digital marketer for a youtube promoter.

LTT started because Linus worked for a massive tech company as a manager, so it had the seed capital to get popular. He then took out a $500K loan to buy the channel and go out on his own.

The story is the same for essentially every big youtuber you've ever heard of. Fame doesn't happen by magic or luck. It's created with money, time, and manipulation of the market.
What about someone like the Family channels or Timothydelghetto? They always talk about how they are making money like its nothing in their sleep. And how you need to get on Youtube right now and screw your regular job.
>They always talk about how they are making money like its nothing in their sleep
>you need to get on Youtube right now and screw your regular job
Absolutely terrible advice. Youtube is completely over saturated right now with idiots thinking they all have the next big channel
Doesnt Timothy make a lot of money?

What's so bad about being labeled as the quiet shy guy?
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I would like to these meet girls
it means you're harmless.
you think a girl is gonna rely on a gerbil to defend her in a self defense type of situation?
will she take orders from said gerbil?
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do you have the looks to get chased?
They ain't gonna chase some random nerd looking ass just because he's a "quiet guy" and thats their type. You still need to be handsome to qualify. Sub 7.5/10's need not apply.
Because the quiet, shy guy is socially awkward. Socially awkward people tend to have something wrong with them. So people worry about the quiet ones.
lmao @ gerbil

How to convince my catholic gf who lets me touch her breasts to have sex with me?
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ask her to masturbate you first
You can’t just sin with confidence thet you’re going to confession. Thst is presumption. You actually have to regret your sins and strive to avoid committing more.
tranny coomer
>>You can’t just sin with confidence
Yes you can. Confession is the biggest loophole in Catholicism and no amount of modern pontificating will change that.
I'm about to masturbate and then pray a rosary to get out of any consequences.
I don’t think you know enough about Catholicism then. Confessions that are not contrite are null in the eyes of God, and the absolution of sin is incomplete. So no, there is no loophole

I have a YouTube channel that is not getting any views at all. And before you ask. Yes, my videos are good and I am consistent in my uploads. But despite all the effort, I am not getting any views in my videos, some of them don't even get 1 view that is not mine. I've channels that are similar to mine that somehow made it to the top and were blessed by the algorithm. But the thing is that it seems like it happens at random. So if I know the ins and outs of the algorithm maybe I could use that to my advantage to make my videos more visible to the algorithm. And before you ask, I don't give a fuck about the ethics of exploiting the YT algorithm for views. You would be surprised how many big channels use this strategy to inflate their views. So, what are some way for me to exploit the YT algorithm to grow my channel?
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What is your channel called, Anon? Lemme see it.
This is unfortunately the way. Everyone does it. Pay for views or viewbots, likes, etc. until you develop a real user base then grow organically from there. It feels dirty and scummy as fuck but you're competing against every other upstart channel that is doing the same thing. Practically no one grows from 0 anymore.
My channel has 70 subscribers after a little more than 10 years. I started from 0 and did it organically. You too can be a failure at youtube.
I'll look at your channel if you look at mine.

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What degree should I go for if I don't have any desired career and just want a decent paying job?
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What job do you have?
Btw why so sure about tech failure?
I work in land. Tech startups literally can't exist anymore due to how high rates are.
Farming? Like crops & plants?
Yeah, if you took the shot.
business and if you like math then mechanical engineering or cs

I'm so jealous of girls with flat chests. Like entirely flat. Pic related.

I really don't like having boobs. Wearing bras is uncomfortable, but not wearing them is more uncomfortable. It's like having rolls of flab on your chest.

They also make me look fat when I wear baggy clothes, and I'd look like a slut if I wore form-fitting clothes.

Note that I have average sized boobs - like a 34C or something.

I want to get a reduction down to entirely flat. I've wanted rid of them since I was like 13 (currently 21).

I'm asexual and not interested in relationships or sex, so I don't care that no guys would want me anymore. (Yes I've tried having a relationship before - although I never went as far as to have sex, and I never plan to.)

The only hangup that I have is that it's a huge red flag about my mental state - if I heard someone had done it, I'd think they're mentally ill.

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It's 2024, bodymoding is completely normal, it's not-bodymoding that is unusual and a red flag.
You make a good point.
I think it's usually socially acceptable because people bodymod in a way that either
1. makes them more attractive, or
2. has a community behind it.

I think there are neither of these for what I want.
That said, you're right, and I do kind of think it makes more sense to mod your body how you want it than suffering for no reason.
>i’m jealous!
>wat do?
You should get the fuck over it.
Well isn't someone a bit too attached to their mother's tits.
Guess that's what happens when you live in her basement for too long.

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How to stop resenting people just because they’re enjoying something I’m not?
something like that becomes irrelevant when tragedy strikes and you loose your freedom. like your dad getting a crippling stroke for example and receiving zero help from anyone.
Good to know
By having things in your own life. You don't really resent those other people. You're just mad at yourself and taking it out on others.

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/bkoclee1
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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I have a question about sliding into the DM'S on insta or other apps. The question is how to actually do it? I've read that replying to stories is great, and I've tried it before. The girl replied but after a couple of texts the conversation died and she stopped replying.

Every advice on text game is that you shouldn't actually have a conversation on text, and that the purpose of text game is to get the girl out on a date, that's great except that when I'm dming a girl I don't really know that well, just setting up a date out of nowhere seems counterproductive since she doesn't really knows me that well. At the same time, asking her questions and trying to keep a conversation going seems needy, so I'm not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
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You want to come across as witty. Exciting and someone they want to meet in person. It's an art form and won't always work. Some girls don't care for the guys in their dms and use the dms just for attention. I shoot my shot and move on
Do not overthink sliding into dm's. Actually best way is to reply to their stories and continue conversation from there. If they do not reply it is okay and move on to the next girl.
You make me sick, just jerk off if you feel horny. Show some self restraint you sad, pathetic man
>How do I only have sex with my wife?
>We barely have sex anymore though. I’ve been getting her going a little more lately and it helps but it’s short lived every time we go through this.
You need to refocus on your wife and get her to understand that sex might not be the highest priority, but it is a priority.
You can revitalize the sex. Don't wait for her to be "in the mood". That's fine when you're young and have less demands on your time. Plan a night, pick a moment, and simply start the action slowly and *get* in the mood.
Read up on maintenance sex, discussing it, and initiating it.

When you're out, it's just a matter of self control and not selling the cow for McBurger.

>You make me sick, just jerk off if you feel horny. Show some self restraint you sad, pathetic man
Extremely helpful. congratulations. Ask me how I know that you have never been a man in a long term relationship.
Jerking off is not sex. At a certain point, action must be taken.

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How do I upgrade from fatties to skinny chicks?
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Good question, it seems now just not being a fat ass makes a girl an automatic 7/10 now due to the sheer number of obese women
It’s insane how if you’re just an average guy now you have to resort to fat chicks to get any
practice gf's help a guy's confidence soar. that's a huge part of getting with women. having self confidence. that's what theyre evaluating when you first meet. they arent really listening to your words. its body language and eye contact mainly.
You don't. That's your league.
Get her on ozempic

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I had my first sexual contact and kiss from a woman. But what turned me off was that she didn't feel like the right one.
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I remember my first kiss. It was in college and it was so built up and i wondered what it'd feel like but when it finally happened, even with a girl I loved at the time...it felt like nothing. There was no magic no spark or tingly feeling I still don't know what 'chemistry' is and I was kind of bored by it, but I liked doing it. Did you guys feel the same?
Similar yeah. Like it was pretty excited for a bit, then I just stopped caring. I was more excited that I finally got A kiss rather than getting to kiss HER. Like I just checked something off my list and nothing more.
Extremely gay. If she has a pretty face and a nice pair of tits then she's a right one.
unless she's a clingy, mentally ill psycho.
are you autistic? I might be and I wonder if normies feel more

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My marriage is over after 4 years. Not officially, but clearly spiraling, we don't have sex ever, we fight almost daily, and we really don't even enjoy talking anymore. That said, should I start taking steroids and doing penis enlargement and achieve my dream body that she will hate?
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Get marriage counseling. If you fight daily you're obviously a piece of shit and need to reform, she's not your maid.
Steroids are gay, and makes you look like shit. Aim for a body like Cr7. Clean and simple.

>achieve my dream body that she will hate
That's pathetic, Anon. Get a hotter girl and start making more money. Travel more. Improve your life. THAT will drive her crazy.
Yes, which is the only reason I haven't walked out for a while now. She's physically abusive and on top of that constantly nags that I do nothing despite me being the sole person who goes to work, cook dinner 5/6 times a week (with leftovers for lunch), do all the dishes and cleaning other than sometimes delaying vacuuming or mopping till the weekend, and spend almost my entire free time away from work playing with my son.
We are both pieces of shit, but as I just mentioned it's more like I'm her maid in addition to being her bank account. I wouldn't care if I just got peace and even a little sexual release (once a month even).
That's sad, sorry I was a asshole. Please leave this week anon, and be honest with you son that it isn't ok for a woman to hit you. Build up your self esteem don't jump into dick stuff, you'll be a wonderful catch for anyone just don't let people walk all over you. Stand up for yourself lest you land up with a horrible abusive monster

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