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I think the Man vs Bear thing broke me. I honestly don't want to dislike women as a whole but I just don't know anymore. I miss when I loved women. When I understood less about them. I'm not sure anymore, I think after years of it, I just want to be happy and modern women don't seem to be part of that equation.

How do I stop this feeling? How do I regain faith in women?
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in nature what happens to the disabled, weak and meek. They become lunch. Its a natural culling of the herd, they do not procreate.
Then why even answer this post? I wasn't talking to you.
>Wtf if your point? Most people voting are dudes just trolling.
Why do people feel the need to make up stories to dismiss the extremely clear messages that women send men as a whole?
Look at the bright side female grizzlys prefer men over male grizzlys.
Ok sorry

I get no bitches. I'm sort of an outcast. No social skills whatsoever. Fat. No friends for some good 10 years. Can't talk to girls, except for the ugly ones. But I don't use incel terminology and I don't think "it's all women's fault". I know the problem is in myself.
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Well, yes, that's the strict meaning of the word. But people nowadays see incel more as people who are frustrated that they are virgins and blame and hate women because of this. I find it really weird to acess WizChan, incels.is and incel.wiki because I can't relate at all to these people. I'm frustrated because I can't talk to people like a normal guy. And well, sometimes I wished I had a girl. It's all.
Can a chud attract a woman?
Or it’s just so over
>but I don't use incel terminology

Shut the fuck up.

Women are whores. I hate women but I am not an incel, as I am not involuntarily celibate. if I was involuntarily celibate I would kill myself with muh 12 gauge. I am voluntarily celibate for life; drugs and porn > whores

an incel is someone who is involuntarily celibate. a mysogynist is someone who hates women. I bet you call Neo-Nazis "Nazis". Learn your vocabulary. If you diddn't serve for the Nazi Germany in war you aren't a Nazi.

also if you're above the age of 26 and still involuntarily celibate then you are a lost cause.

Your Body, Your Choice.
you don't love your girlfriend then if you aren't happy with her. I'm gonna die and ascend to the next level before you, fag
The fuck is wrong with you

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Dating is ruined, I've cancelled dates with 20+ girls after they told me they were vaxxed. And even if they're unvaxxed they probably fucked a vaxxed guy. It's fucking over I literally need god to send me a wife miraculously. I can't keep masturbating because that's a sin. The jews fucking won. I'm going to be so pissed at you happening fags if 5 years go by and nothing has happened.
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You should definitely keep avoiding vaxxed people. It's good you keep asking everyone about their vaccination status, so everyone is on the same page where you're coming from. Maybe you want to add more things you probe to avoid more people. How about their opinion of the jews?
Which show is this? Jurrasic Park?
>But these are only "minor" increases
So is the increase in birth defects from 1st cousin incest. Just how often are you fucking your cousins anon?
Antivax virgins gonna antivax virgin.

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I'm tired. Tired of the 9 to 5, tired of school/uni that only prepares you for said 9 to 5, tired of people being mean to each other, tired of many things.

Things could be so much better.

Wealth redistribution. It's one of the things I'd love to see.

How do I unite people? How do I start? What qualities do I need to have to be a leader? How can I inspire you? I've been a leader in many settings before, but I want to do something really big this time. I am ready to dedicate my life to the 'cause'. I don't care about money. I'm just not sure what this 'cause' is, just yet. Help me conceptualize it, if you will.

What do you think our world needs? I need your input.

All this mind sound a little naive, generic, and even retarded, I understand. But lets try to make this a positive thread. I'll be happy if I get a few replies.

Take care anons
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mhm, yes, im a CIA agent. i am here to collect information, and spy on those who 'want to make a change'. very rational. lol.
I'll take a look mate, but i still dont get it hah. how would that be of any benefit to me. sorry for dissapointing you, lol. take care.
Accelerationism, look up Nick Land
interesting, much appreciated.
They give sooo much media coverage to mass killers it is so retarded. I wish the government and news stations would stop doing that.

all it takes is 1 guy in a court room to say "thats what you get for letting Oxycodone remain prescription-only instead of over the counter which is why my friend overdosed on fentanyl presses" and then the world would be a different place.

Don't do it though, that is highly illegal and God probably won't like that

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At what point should I accept that I'm not good enough for a gf? I'm 31 now but I still can't make peace with the fact that I'll never experience a romantic relationship.
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Instead of pitying yourself and wallowing in your own misery do what you can to change things
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>I still can't make peace with the fact that I'll never experience a romantic relationship.

You made a weird typo there. You obviously meant to write "with the decidion that I'll never...."

It IS your decision.
I have no idea how to fix being introverted, shy and quiet.
>It IS your decision.
What do you mean? I never had a woman interested in me romantically.
>I never had a woman interested in me romantically.
how do you know that?
kys and keep respawning until God gives you good genetics.

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How do I accept the fact that I’m not good enough to get a gf
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i agree with your statement, it's true that being pessimistic and overdosing on blackpills leads to nowhere
however, disregarding the fact that you, for some reason, have to improove to achieve something other people don't (and, in some situations, are worse in 1 or more aspects), the real problem begins when you have done the improovement, even going far and beyond the necessary, yet your situation remains exactly the same
that's when the real horror begins
>how do i cope
By doing funner things. jerking off. or Playing Rust off Xanax or something; you can play high stress PvP games without being on edge

You can wait for a slut to settle later if you're stupid or you can just accept that God's Plan wasn't for you to fuck women. That is assuming you're able to find happiness. If, at your core, you wanted a gf then you will never find happiness. if that is the case then just respawn blud but if you aren't a pussy you'll realize lots of drugs and porn is better.

If you die in a car crash you can just start doing MDMA or Vodka or Tobacco weed or Flubromazolam or Heroin again in your next life when you respawn. in moderation those can be very safe. If you die in a car crash you can't find that same individual again.

it is possible to manipulate your oxytocin receptors without drugs anyways. If you aren't happy sober, drugs won't magically make you happy unless you learn to appreciate them.

Not sure why you'd want to actually love someone anyways. Not like you can put your wife in a ball that fits in your pocket for while you are at work so that nothing awful happens to her while you aren't there to protect her. Obviously God's Plan was not to fall in love if he gave free will to murderers too because if you're in love with someone and they die then you commit suicide. if you don't then you didn't love them.
You’re not brave enough yo talk to enough women to get a gf. Go out expecting to get rejections, and be pleased about it.
Is there any way to stop being attracted to women? I know I’ll never get a gf so I’d rather just stop having sexual desires/romantic interest in them altogether.

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>be me
>volcel the last two years
>life went so fucked I ended up in rehab
>now feel well and want to be better
>forgave my past and everyone who ever hurt me
>understood nobody is perfect and they don't know how to live either
>"I want to improve myself, I want to do my best and die in peace"
>realize I want a girlfriend to do simple things with
>acepted I am a classic romantic one and don't want to ignore that fact anymore
>actually once had a girl in my life who showed me that love is real
>need that feel again, know it would be a great boost
>feel so calm, life's so good
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I thought so but I realized we were both broken and hurt and hurting each other. If that’s love I could do without it
Non-virgin women are incapable of love and I'm too old to find a virgin
Sorry. I meant "other things that get you going" like the 500 hours you have on Apex that gets you so hyped up, you know?
Nope haven't felt it outside of familial love. Had a gf for many years and sure at first felt something.
>Turned out to just be butterflies from anxiety of being in unfamiliar situation or lust

But after that it just became another chore on the list. Hang out with gf for x amount of times this week. I would love to feel it and find someone but likelihood is low. Not to mention my expectations now are way out of proportion.
I do, but never found it. I've resigned already, I'm pushing 40 and the only way I'm getting any affection is by utility. I still believe I might find it, I just stopped looking and I'm focusing on getting better at extraordinary things. I wish you good luck and may you find what you need.

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>24 years old
>did all the self improvement crap for the last 7 years
>got fit
>got a career
>got money, savings and investments
>got a sports car
>literally wish i was dead
>not a virgin but never had a girlfriend
There were moments in the last 7 years i was homeless, spent christmas and birthdays alone, no friends, no money and no one to go to but i still had hope in these moments for a better future for myself. that better future came and honestly that little amount of hope just left my body. I just don't have positive view towards anything and the worst part is im so young i have so much further to go. It sounds good but it'll just be a slow grind down to death in my view. Obviously being 5'7 is brutal in the dating market but ive gone on dates, been with women and had success with really good looking girls but idk i guess its just how transactional everything is its hard for me to really even want a relationship aside from the fact its just never happened.
>OK now that my body count is higher than your age and you have X Y and Z im ready for you
like its not a real connection and there isn't anything special about it. its just im a meal ticket for her and if she can find a better one she'll go for it. That's not real love or anything and i just dont even want to go on living this pointless life. A lot of the time im just thankful one day ill be dead so this will all be over and yes i know it can be so much worse it doesn't really change my view but just reinforces it. What keeps you anons going? posting a pic of myself because i kinda just don't care and for some reason you guys insulting me for my looks makes me feel better
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I agree with this.
Bruh, you became "the man".
You lifted yourself out of the trenches and became a true success story.
When women see "the man" they want to rely on him emotionally, physically, and monetarily. They like being taken care of. It's a natural thing.
All this BS about "that's not real love" is bullshit and needy behavior. No woman is going to love you unconditionally like your mother. Remove that thought from your DNA.
It doesn't make your relationships shallow, weak, or remove any beauty from life. You just need to realize that you are the man and weaker people will rely on you as their rock in life. So go be the rock you are meant to be.
What you need to find is a woman that respects you, and is appreciative of what you are providing her. If at any point a woman decides that she is going to disrespect you or not appreciate what you give to her then pull back. There's more fish in the sea and she can find whatever she's looking for elsewhere.
Just continue being "the man" and continue killing it in life. The ones who stick by you through thick and thin are the ones you're gonna keep.
this is what roids do to a man
Have you asked yourself what are you living for?
The rat race has always been just to distract the sheep of the world, of course you feel nothing *le making it*.
Here is some food for thought
>Are you doing things you are passionate about?
>Are you someone you, or younger you would be proud of?
>If you were a chick, would you date yourself? if not, why?
>Is there something you wish you could do?

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>be bipolar 1
>in and out of psych units for 5 years (6 times total)
>depressed 24/7
>dont take jew pills
>take pills

im so tired of this, why cant i just have a normal brain ffs.
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Ask him to start you on a low dose. Your doctor might claim that it is subtherapeutic but insist on it. Are you currently manic or just depressed how often do you have manic episodes what medication have they tried with you?
Currently depressed i have manic episodes like once a year. Been having once a year for the past 5 -6 years. Ive been on Depekote, Risperedal, Vraylar each in different times and only once at a time. Now im taking risperdal
lithium is pure magic for bipolar type 1.
I would advise against antipsychotics for bipolar maintenance if possible, too many side effects especially long term you might know. Do you get manic if you don't take meds? Really look into Cutler chelation this could potentially help you.
>just try le pagan ritual magic on yourself anon, what's the worst that can happen

How do I get a slutty white gf like this? Are all white women kind of like this?
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What kind of white women do you engage with?
Yes, there is a subhuman segment of the White population who will associate with you. When the separation comes they will go with you, where they belong.
Ugly Americans in the highest rungs of society both left and right do coke and think it’s a fun cheeky thing to do. But it isn’t. There’s no such thing as ethical cocaine. You are supporting a cartel that has the entire nation of Colombia hostage. They should put pictures of victims of the cartel, orphans, and amputees on their little coke baggies so they know exactly what concentrated capitalist evil they’re sniffing. But they don’t. They remain oblivious or callous because they’re the ugliest Americans alive
Have sex and do cocaine incels
Yes saar, white women are sluts

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I'm just curious, when girls get together and get catty or gossip about or bully one another, which of the following insults do they consider the most damaging, fat, ugly or slutty?
Both. Women are bitches
Fat, ugly and slutty women are not a threat to other women so they aren’t seen as a problem. The biggest threat is the thin crazy girl who feels entitled because she is thin but is also crazy from not eating so she treats men like shit but they fall for it over and over and over again.
That's not true at all
Depends on the girl who's being insulted's insecurities. Being called crazy would hurt my feelings more than being called fat or ugly (not true) or slutty (fact not insult)
>The biggest threat is the thin crazy girl who feels entitled because she is thin but is also crazy from not eating so she treats men like shit but they fall for it over and over and over again
Sounds kinda like that one bianca chick who was stringing orbiters along on /r9k/

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For women: What qualities instantly makes a guy attractive to you, stand out to you, and are what are some green flags you like to see in guys?
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Maybe I should have specified then, working on your issues EFFECTIVELY.
Not possible.
t. coping incel8SSSSJ
>not into video games
And suddenly /r9k/ is a comedy board.
Thanks, anon

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So the amazing weekend that I had planned with my bf fell apart because his wife snooped through his phone and she saw our messages. She blew up my phone screaming at me and blubbering, calling me an evil whore and a homewrecker. I put so much effort into preparing for a whole weekend with him, mentally, emotionally, physically and it all went to shit! I was devastated to say the least. I have been contemplating so many things this week. I feel like I'm choosing between staying with my bf, which is painful right now, and breaking it off, which would be monumentally painful. I love this man. He is the best sex I've ever had. Yet, I struggle because I know my worth. I know I deserve more than what he can give me. I was with bf because it worked and because I like my freedom too. I have no guilt for the situation. I just wish last weekend never happened. Yet here we are. How do I stay strong through all of this?
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You a whorible person you deserve all the bad things I'm happy when people like you get caught and pay. next
His wife is gorgeous, actually. I couldn't help but look up her Facebook profile and I was surprised he'd want to have anything to do with me when she's so beautiful. I realized later that he liked me because I was more attentive to his feelings and needs and that made our connection was stronger.

Of course I believe it. Nobody gets up in the morning wanting to be evil.
Post the pics, RP fag. Screenshots and receipts or it didn’t happen.
well thats just not true, plenty of people wake up with evil intent. but your statement was oddly 3rd person so i think that you are being disingenuous
You are an evil whore and a homewrecker though.

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I want to be plug an shit

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>on line
>most annoying spammy one of the groupchat/server/guild/whatever...
what causes this?
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or simply because its to compensate for the lack of interaction/attention we get.
its E.E. from metal gear 2
When you're IRL it is possible to embarrass yourself, when you're online you can turn off your phone. That is why you have less anxiety online than in person.

I guarantee if you blacked off a Gabaergic substance (alcohol, xans, etc.) while in front of your friends/acquaintances you'd speak from your dick, not the act you put on in public to seem normal.
That makes more sense, yeah, I am very insolated. Also thanks for the info.

Failed extrovert with social anxiety?
the only comparable phase I can remember is wheb I was 11-12 years, right before middle school
this makes sense too

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