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For women: What qualities instantly makes a guy attractive to you, stand out to you, and are what are some green flags you like to see in guys?
>Observing a guy being helpful to those around them
>Treating wait staff or bus drivers etc right
>Showing curiosity or a willingness to learn
>Being respectful of our differences.
I.e. I'm a vegetarian and I don't expect a partner to be vegetarian, so I would like it if an omnivore partner wouldn't make a big deal about it.
>Similar sense of humor
>Having other platonic women in his life like friends, cousins, mother, coworkers etc
So essentially sociail proofing to let me know he's not dangerous or insane
Jesus anon.
You don't ask women what they want, they just lie.
Go read what they actually get off to.

Picrel has a big forehead, a moustache and a weak jaw.
My favourite green flag is that his life doesn't revolve around me.
So often guys will immediately forget they had a life before me. They stop hanging out with friends because they would rather hang out with me. Stop enjoying their hobbies because they'd rather spend time with me. I understand being happy to have a girl, but it's exhausting when a guy becomes attached at my hip.
I also like when they show initiative in a relationship because it makes me hopeful they won't need me telling them to do stuff around the house and just take initiative to do stuff that needs doing at the time.
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I check all of those boxes,
gf is sometimes insecured that other women would fall for me and I'd leave her.

why are women like this?
You mean you possess qualities that actual women like and now the woman in your life is afraid other women might like you too? That sounds completely logical to me desu.
>Being really intelligent, knowledgeable, a fast thinker
I don't like overly serious guys who feel superior to others because they did well in school, tho.
>Treating everyone with kindness and respect
>Witty and just genuinely funny
In particular, I like a guy who can make fun of me right. Always funny, never hurtful.
>Loves to read
Excluding my weird tastes:
>goofy, not too serious
>eccentric and strange, interesting
>not insecure about his masculinity (I like to spoil and gender roles are cringe)
>remembers details about me (I remember so much and I want to be somewhat matched)
>open and willing to discuss emotions and mental health
>clean, smells nice
>doesn't make assumptions about me (cringe)
>values my input and opinions, listens
>admits to his own faults and flaws
>gentle with animals
I do all of this apart from beating my dogs when I have a bad day at work. Can I be your bf?
literally all they care about is if you are white. if you are not white you must deliver them the penis and then they will go date their white "boyfriend"
women are perverts they dont want relationships they want to get fucked. when they are done getting fucked they settle with a white that's why they date whites. sometimes they fuck whites but only the whites who act black. you could be a pedophile or a criminal or a geek or slob or whatever as long as you are white you can end up in a relationship. if you're not white the best you will do is fucking. even black girls do this so if you're black no luck
right god forbid anyone actually show respect and commitment. this is why men should always cheat asap, get the leg up, first attack. also remember to beat women
You dont ask dogs how to train dogs
I don't think it's respect if you refuse to do anything without your woman. Sounds more like desperation to me.
In short being a decent human being. This is the most reasonable piece of advice this site has on the matter of attracting women.
Thats a reasonable advice to become a good friend. Being decent to women kills desire, and desire is the only way into her loving you

Being decent leads from 10/10 wild sex, puppy eyes, love notes and her commitment to unenthusiastic sex, disrespect, shit tests, attitude and zero desire in 3 6 12 24 months

Women always feel that they want a wealthy guy, and then they rush to abusive homeless ex when he is in town. Women feel that they want a nice guy, yet the best sex they remember is being treated like trash

Never ever ask women opinions on dating, all their advices are 180 degrees opposie
I've been with my husband for almost 10 years, he's been nothing but decent and loving towards me. What you said could not be farther from the truth.
Remember, the reason why all of them claim decency is not what women want is because they have only offered fake transactional decency to women and were seen right through.
Women, ladies and gentlemen

>I never ever dated other women, I have no idea how to attract them or build a relationship with them, last time I dated was a decade ago, but from my solipsistic worldview and my personal unique experience, I will give advices that are applicable only to me personally and to my husband personally

I am not even mad, its always like this. Last time I had this discussion in real life, a woman who tried to help her guy friend getting better texting game with an ex, end up saying word to word

>I hate that you are right

And she never agreed on her being wrong
>on attracting women
Absolutely not. Being a moral and decent person and being attractive to women are in general not related, they are separate aspects of a person. Sexual attraction is primitive not moral. The worst implication of this line of thinking is you are not a decent human being if women don't find you attractive.
I'm not taking advice from trannies and white supremacists which 90% of 4chan users are.
>noo, the advice I give based on my personal experience is correct, the one you give is wrong!!!

I know plenty of women, they're mostly dating and married to very decent dudes. Men who are good bfs/husbands, good fathers, good friends, good people.

The only girl I know who routinely dates shitty, disrespectful men is a friend of mine with BPD, but she also cheats on them with the next one.

Pretty much what it boils down to.
And 9/20 relationships ending is fake data, and luke 7/10 marriages ending (initiated by women being bored due to decency fucking up sexual polarity) is fake data too

How is your sex life going on? Are you in love? Not in a habit, not liking the guy, but are you in deep puppy love when you do crazy thing for him? How is your girlfriends sex life with decent guys?
9/10 and like

I dont proofread what I am typing, my apologies
yes. she would get her ass kicked on the streets of compton
Please don't fall into the black and white thinking where any decency from a person is discarded as fake or performative once a person expresses cynicism. Some people start decent and become jaded over time depending on the feedback they receive. The real truth is there are many dimensions to how people see you and treat you than being a nice person who means well.
It's not "fake data" but doesn't really speak to what the reason of the failures are.

>How is your sex life going on?
Honestly great. We fuck often, well and enthusiastically.

> Are you in love?
Incredibly so. I get butterflies when he smiles at me, we're always touching each other, always go out of our way for the other.

>you do crazy thing for him
There's not much "crazy stuff" to be done. I'd do anything for him, tho, and have always stepped up when there was a need.

> How is your girlfriends sex life with decent guys?
Bretty good. Some better, some worse, but all multiple times a week.
Ironically, the couple I know with the most active sex life is my friend who is a doctor and her husband who works part time to take care of the kids. Super decent dude, great father, great husband.
Not insecure/short tempered, doesn't need to prove that he's a MAN all the time, is charming without being overbearing in a group setting/bar, can take a joke, not a drunk, not into video games.
That is actually good to hear, its rare for anything longer than 3 years for most of people

Is it working specifically because these men are decent (behavior that conforms to accepted standards of morality or respectability)? Would you still be in love if he is acting moral, yet he is weak, he let you disrespect him in public (no, *I Won't ever do that to him* is not an answer) which will be moral, he cant lead you and he is lousy in bed and he is not making any money? But he is still decent person
It's a mix of factors for sure, no single thing makes a good relationship by itself.

We wouldn't have a healthy relationship if I was abusive and he was spineless. We wouldn't have fun in bed if he wasn't any good in bed, and I'd surely fuck him way less if it wasn't any good for me.
Him being a good man and good husband is incredibly important to me.
So the answer is no, you would not date him just for being decent. Yet, put of all these traits (sex appeal, character, charisma, competency, manliness, leadership) you give advice to guys to just be decent

Do you see how dangerous that is? Just be yourself is as bad
>you would not date him just for being decent
There's no single trait that would make me date a man by itself.

>you give advice to guys to just be decent
That's not the advice I gave, and not even the advice the original poster gave.

>Do you see how dangerous that is?
No, there's nothing dangerous about highlighting a specific trait or behaviors that makes men more desirable, even if you don't mention every single one that would be attractive to you.
guys who have a good heart, yet are still 'edgy', and also give me "i can save him" feels.
Good people don’t become jaded when rejected. They simply understand and move on with their lives.

Nice guys were never nice. We see the social cues they use and it’s unnerving and creepy no matter how they look, how much money they make, or their ‘good deeds’ that are supposed to win them pussy. If there is no attraction when you meet someone or hangout with them a bit, you can’t force it to happen through platitudes and friendships. I’ve had a man who made good money commission me, he wasn’t unattractive, and he’s the only man who tried to send me really nice gifts that were pretty expensive. I vibed with him when it came to comics, art, and politics, but no matter how ‘nice’ he was to me, I knew he was trying to buy my love like I was a whore or prostitute. I tried dating him for a month and it was the most lackluster, uncomfortable experience because he was so adamant about sending me shit. I didn’t WANT gifts. He radiated desperation, didn’t respect my boundaries when I set them, and then continued to pester me and try telling me he loved after we broke up to the point I started to hate him, which fucking sucked because I thought he was a ‘nice’ guy but he genuinely only wanted me because he idealized me and didn’t really know me or respect my boundaries. He was obsessed, like most of these men are, with trying to get a relationship instead of living life and being happy.

The most attractive thing to me is a man who is happy. A man who is level-headed, kind, and polite, while still being funny and communicating well and shares in my hobbies and interests and pays attention to me the way I pay attention to him.

Superficially, (doesn’t matter much to me desu), I love men who are clean and have spooky dressing styles (stuff with skulls, ghosts, aliens), mainly because that signals to me that we probably have the same interests and vibes.
great question
quiet and introverted
kind and sensitive
high morals
voluntary celibate
interesting taste be it music or anything
has his own opinions on different subjects
now physically-wise:
looks tired
good hygiene
average to skinny build
obviously taller than I am
that's it. kinda like me but male
green flags would be
not insufferable
good/stable mental health
no drug use
0 body count
traditional values
don't know what else to list but there are a lot of red flags that exist imo
>Good people don’t become jaded when rejected.
Under repeated rejection and lack of positive feedback yes they will. I'm not even going to read the rest of your post because that is such an unbelievably dumb and idealistic thing to say. Good people are humans the same as everybody else. Negative feedback affects everybody, nobody is a saint.
Expresses what he's about in a way that risks alienating potential sex partners but proves genuineness and being 'about' stuff other than trying to 'get women' or jerk off or whatever

He is form AND content; works with materials and brains and is kind and sociable

Can justify himself and self-reflect, and isn't a fucking sook
do you understand why it's contradictory for a man to be both ambitious and a virgin?
I don't give the grace of seeing shades of gray to people who refuse to see them themselves. Might as well bang my head against a wall.
>implying there are any girls on this godforsaken board or even website

I always assume that every post pretending to be a girl is a dude LARPing unless they post a vocaroo proving that they are in fact a girl.
Not them but no because i am both
No, good people don’t. Good people don’t get rejected constantly because they’re not constantly pursuing a relationship. They’re busy enjoying their lives and seeking personal happiness instead of desperately clawing for relationships thinking that’s going to make them happy. That is the essence of a nice guy and people who get rejected up to 600 times thinking it’s genuinely a numbers game and that’s all they need to be happy.

I have been rejected by men plenty of times. It’s no skin off my back, you know why? Because they didn’t waste my time or theirs. I’ve had dudes say no because I’m fat, because I’m weird, shit like that. But, I’m happy about it. I rationally know that not everyone is going to like me and I’m able to rationalize and logically look at why that is. I don’t constantly seek out partners when I’m single. If I feel I am interested in a dude I’m hanging out with, I have an open conversation about if they’d like to try hanging out alone and going on dates. But, that’s the thing, right? I get to know people, so even when they tell me why they say no (like my weight, my behavior, etc), I know they’re not going to be cruel because I KNOW them. When I get feedback, I take it with me and simply improve myself if I find it necessary and move on. For instance, I lost weight and became more active, but I didn’t give up on my personality because I’m happy with who I am as a person. I am strong, I want people to be happier and healthier. I’m in a loving, five year relationship now.

You aren’t giving anyone assistance by patting people on the ass and saying “it’s okay, you deserve to wallow in yourself pity bby. UwU People are so mean, you definitely have no hand in why you’re lonely and miserable!" It’s a cope and a cop-out to justify personal misery and giving up.
>be decent to attract women
>I was decent but it didn’t work
>wtf so you just did it to get women, no one owes you anything!
>so what should I do
>be decent to attract women
Anon isn't a woman. There are no real women here. You know how I know she isn't a woman? Because women don't find those things attractive. They might find them admirable but being a decent human being isn't arousing to a woman. Being a dark, misguided, emotionally unavailable psychopath is what turns women on.
Pretty much. I love how incels are lectured that they need to "treat women like human beings" if they want a chance of finding a gf, when women date some of the most chauvinistic men out there
>So the answer is no, you would not date him just for being decent.
Man chiming in here. She didn't say she would now did she? Most people wouldn't date someone for having "just" one good quality. I wouldn't. You wouldn't either if you weren't desperate.
>Yet, put of all these traits (sex appeal, character, charisma, competency, manliness, leadership)
Do you really even need to be told that you should have all of these?
>you give advice to guys to just be decent
That was the question you asked her.
>Do you see how dangerous that is? Just be yourself is as bad
Just be yourself is unironically great advice. It just means don't be fake and be your best self. So for example, if you're not that guy with "sex appeal, confidence, charisma, leadership, etc" that you can work to become him and it's still your genuine self if you succeed, because it really is you. Not being yourself would be not having any of those traits but still pretending that you do.
> Just be yourself is unironically great advice. It just means don't be fake and be your best self. So for example, if you're not that guy with "sex appeal, confidence, charisma, leadership, etc" that you can work to become him and it's still your genuine self if you succeed, because it really is you. Not being yourself would be not having any of those traits but still pretending that you do.
You are contradicting yourself here. Be yourself can’t be your advice if you’re saying they also have to work on themselves to change.
>They might find them admirable but being a decent human being isn't arousing to a woman. Being a dark, misguided, emotionally unavailable psychopath is what turns women on.
I love how every "here's what women REALLY want bro" post is some incel sour grapes from a guy who obviously has no women and no understanding of them.
If "misguided" was a key desirable trait, incels would be cleaning up in the dating world. Obviously, that isn't the case.
Yes but women deny this, so she may actually be a woman
How you fucking retard? "Be yourself" does not mean "never change", and I even laid out exactly why that's the case.
No, because you need the whole package. Elliot Rodger was narcissistic but lacked impulsivity and extroversion. Not to mention his race and height held him back. There are innumerable examples of women dating psychopaths who abuse them, cheat on them, rape them, murder their children etc., not to mention numerous studies on the subject. It will never end. Women would rather take a calculated risk with a psycho who makes her vag tingle than play it safe with a niceguy.
>asking fish how to catch fish
>implying there are girls on internet
>Having other platonic women in his life

It's over.
If you are saying they have to change to get results, you are saying be yourself cannot work in its present situation, because their current self isn’t enough as they have to change it.
I have a bf who doesn't beat dogs, sorry. He just drinks when he has a bad day (discouraging this)
Also fits my bizarre tastes which is the main thing.
The top ones
>The ability to protect me
You mean self-confidence, humor, intelligence, and unconcern for social pressure?
>Being decent to women kills desire,
Stopped reading.
You need to
A) stop talking retardation, and
B) Get the fuck back to plebbit
Yeah, and? That doesn't mean the person you change into is not still "yourself", it's just your new and improved self. It doesn't mean that doesn't have to be genuine.
>their current self isn’t enough as they have to change it
Yeah, no fucking shit. Is this really the hill you want to die on?
You guys only think this contradicts "be yourself" because you're retards with zero deep understanding of what "self" really is.
Again the first few lines of what you said are dumb and idealistic, sprinkled with some internet boogeymen. I am not reading your posts because you are a straight up clueless dumbass.
>I know everything about women even though none of them will touch my PP. ALL women think X
Also incels
>Any woman that disagree with my calims of what all women want is bad and dumb and wrong because women don't know what women want, only KHHV incels know what women want
funny AF
No, you just don’t like having your broad coping mechanisms questioned as you yourself are likely jaded and insecure and do not want to face the fact you were probably a ‘nice guy’ yourself.
>But if I improve I won't be myself
What kind of idiocy is this?
Elliot Rodger could’ve had women, just not the women he thought he deserved. Which is why incels are moronic. Incels are hyperfixated on looks. Both their own and women.
>nobody is a saint.
Retard detected.
The right answer is tall white attractive dominant males with alot of facial bones most of the time, or tall white boy/emos with alot of facial bones. There are no other answers change my mind.
eboys* the emo type is more desired by younger under ca. 25 year old and the masculine version for over 25 year olds.
This is crazy because this dude is a genuine grifter who doesn’t believe in psychology (that’s what his whole first book was about) but makes a living off of it because of insecure people needing to validate their anger instead of addressing their personal problems and working through it. The world isn’t just Chad, Stacy, and Incel/Femcel. Normal people are just as annoyed and frustrated at the insecure women who date men who are bad for them as much as you are. They’re normally the friends, family, teachers, police who have to deal with these individuals. Chads and Stacy’s are narcissists and so are you if you’re chasing after people you assume you deserve, when in reality no one is entitled to anything.
Most of those women are 7-10’s. Normal women, find normal men, and they tend to have relationships, your world is not a hyper set of four tropes. You literally don’t treat women like people because you feel more entitled to them because you don’t beat them and that’s retarded and reeks of desperation and a disconnect from reality.
No, Elliot was too passive, too introverted, and too insecure. Being below average height and hapa didn't help. No woman, especially college girls, would want to date him. He was destined to be alone.
>Most of those women are 7-10’s. Normal women, find normal men, and they tend to have relationships, your world is not a hyper set of four tropes. You literally don’t treat women like people because you feel more entitled to them because you don’t beat them and that’s retarded and reeks of desperation and a disconnect from reality
You're wrong. It's mainly the average-looking women who hook up with the psychos, simply because there's more of them by definition. The point is that respecting women is not the answer to attracting women, because we can see that's demonstrably untrue. But incels aren't going to attract women either way, because their looks and their personality type are too disadvantageous.
No, he literally targeted a bunch of hot chicks and constantly talked about how he was high-value. He was not, not because of his looks he was actually quite a handsome dude. He was low value because he was narcissistic and entitled, no matter the wealth he had, no matter how well dressed. His looks are actually what fed his delusions that he ‘deserved’ a high caliber woman. His standards were high and he saw women as objects whose affections he was entitled to. And, like the spoiled narcissistic brat he was, threw a murderous hissy fit because he didn’t get his way because he was a mentally ill faggot unwilling to consider that maybe it was him and his attitude that left him incapable of finding companionship. I guarantee you, if he just dropped his standards and looked for someone who was compatible with him on a social level he would’ve been a productive, healthy, and happy young man. Instead, his delusions were fueled until he broke. That will happen if you don’t get help and don’t pull yourself out of that mindset,
You are retarded.
I wasn’t posting based on him, it links to a study and that’s the abstract.
The abstract wasn’t saying there are only chads and Stacey’s, it was using the term related to stereotypes.
>you feel entitled
If you keep telling someone they have to be nice to get a girl, and they are nice and don’t get a girl, you can’t turn around and scream at them that they’re being entitled. You set that standard.
But more importantly, it’s at best a massive oversimplification.
If you don’t believe any guy who says he’s a decent person and it doesn’t work, why don’t you actually talk to the “normal” women? 90% of them will admit they were used by assholes or had boyfriends who mistreated them. If you just need tone a “decent person” how do they keep ending up in these situations?
>altering your persona just to appease women

Studies find that more narcissistic men are actually seen as more attractive.
Elliott failed primarily because he had autism, social anxiety, and signs of schizophrenia. He never actually approached any women and even if he did his anxiety and inability to see social cues would make him fail.
To say it’s because he had too “high standards” is completely baseless, unless you can present examples of him saying he did get female attention but rejected them because they weren’t good enough, which you can’t.
It’s genuinely just their personalities, dude. Wanna know the difference between Chad and Basedjack? Even if Chad beats Stacy, she isn’t constantly having to pull him out of self-pity. Chad might make Stacy miserable sometimes, but at least Stacy can feel alive with adventures and sex. Basedjack makes no efforts, wallows in self-pity, and is so afraid of the world he won’t go outside. All an incel has to do is stop being obsessed with being an incel, connect with reality, and stop clinging to the hyper-exaggeration that being terminally online can produce. Choose actual happiness and love of yourself first, you aren’t ready for love if you can’t grasp these concepts. You make yourself miserable all of the time and no one wants to deal with that. No matter how fat, poor, or ugly a man can be, they can get women if they have good personalities and are willing to date other people like themselves. Incels REALLY don’t want to do that and think they’re entitled to hot babes or normal women when they refuse to put in the effort to even be normal. Find a femcel, there are plenty.
That's a cope. Elliot wouldn't have said no if a semi-attractive girl showed an interest in him. He just obsessed about dating a blonde prom queen because he was trying to justify his loneliness. Being upset because you can't date the hottest girl available is somewhat easier than being upset because no girl wants you. The guy never stood a chance with his personality defects and his physical disadvantages. People tried to help him. He was a lost cause. We live in a deterministic universe and unfortunately there are forces beyond our control which fuck us over. I know this first-hand.
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SUB-CLINICAL narcissism is more attractive.
the Dark Triad traits are all *sub-clinical*.
That means 'not insane', i.e., 'not an actual psychopath or narcissist'.
Here is how the traits of the "Dark Triad" or the other trait-based evaluations go.
There is a score, say 1 to 100. 50 is, you guessed it, average. Any score below 16 is "clinical', i.e., a nut one way. Anything above an 85 is "clinical", ie. a nut the other way.
A narcissism of 50 is the Average Joe. A score of 10 means a guy that very literally thinks he is worthless scum that doesn't deserve to live or be happy. A 90 is a guy that think he is the best EVAH! A true God, regardless of the C- average and no job.
A score of 35 is a guy with severe self-doubts and lack of self-confidence, but not even close to insane. A score of 65 is a self-confident, assured, and so on but not even close to insane
When psychologists say
>"Women like a man that scores high in Narcissism"
it means
>'women like a guy with a score of 65 more than a guy with a score of 35'
>"herp derp wimmin lurve crazy fucks"
like incels think
I love how you guys always try to oversimplify this shit.
>All an incel has to do...
There is "all they have to do". It's a fucking arduous process to fight against yourself and try to be something that you're geared not to be. Some men are socialized through a combination of nature and nurture. I'm a reclusive loner with massive social anxiety. And there's a good reason for that. A reason that was never able to be fixed and therefore it's just been allowed to fester. I can't "simply" love myself, be outgoing, and connect with others, because I'm a self-hating, insecure pos. It won't ever be fixed and there's nothing I can ever do to fix it. If there was, I would've done it along time ago. Don't denigrate people's experiences with easy answers.
I didn’t say be nice, I said be happy you colossal faggot, be happy with yourself and live your life without being desperate for pussy. You don’t get a girl just because you’re nice, there’s a whole fucking culture based around women having this same exact mindset ‘they’re not like the other girls, they’re cooler and totally better than the Stacy’s Chad chooses!!!!!!” There are women who think they’re entitled to men, especially men with six figure salaries and you know what? They’re fucking batshit insane too. No one. Is Entitled. To A Person. Thinking you can be entitled to a person because of your behavior strips them of their humanity.
Have you considered it’s not just women who feel like they’ve been with assholes? How old are you? Do you not have male friends who express how a woman was crazy? How she was a bitch? How they cheated on them? It’s because people try to date people and then find out it was not a good choice and that’s NORMAL that’s LIFE. You dense little worm get out of your stupid echo chambers and LIVE LIFE OUTSIDE OF THIS DICHOTOMTY. It is LITERALLY causing young men, affected by the intense lack of socialization brought on by the internet to KILL THEMSELVES before they even learn the option, the correct behavior, is self/improvement and learning to love yourself and your hobbies and just being happy.

>Huuuu I wasn’t posting based on him!!!! I was only pasting a cropped screenshot with no link huuuu it’s a gotcha!

I didn’t day they like men with NPD. I don’t know if those guys do better or not.
But a guy higher in dark triad traits like narcissism, even if sub clinical, is not just a “self assured confident guy”, they still show toxic behavior at that point.
Maybe I missed it, but I haven’t seen an example of anyone saying they’re entitled to women in this thread. This is just the go to response to any guy saying he can’t get a woman.
> It’s because people try to date people and then find out it was not a good choice and that’s NORMAL
Right, so people like the ones in this thread need to stop baselessly saying to get a partner you just need to be a “decent” person, it isn’t true.
>get it together
I don’t even know who that guy is. Yes I was posting based on the study not whoever that guy is.
Thank you for proving my point that his issue wasn’t his looks, it was the myriad of social incapabilities he should’ve been in INTENSIVE therapy for but there was someone feeding him lies that he was immaculate and it was the world that was wrong, likely his parents. He was fed designer clothes, was rich, and I’ll tell you he certainly wasn’t thinking kindly and wanting women who were average because he found himself to be IMMACULATE and found it unfathomable that women wouldn’t want him. But, he didn’t realize it was his literal shit tier personality that kept women at bay, he hyper fixated on sex and relationships and lived life in a delusion of extremism without ever leaving those very ideals behind. It’s not like he was a fucking profound autist who could grasp basic functions of socializing he literally refused due to PDA behavior that was never corrected or addressed by his retarded rich parents, and he fostered extreme narcissism that made him feel entitled to women. Have you EVER watched his videos? Have you ONLY sucked in information from 4Chan screenshots? Do the videos just make you squirm?


Have a documentary with the video in it you little shit ass. It gives you all of the proof you need. He wasn’t rolling up to nerdy DND parties and shacking up with autistic chicks that could’ve actually understood his autism, he ACTIVELY went after rich, white women who were in sororities or went to huge spring break parties and he acted entitled, narcissistic, and retarded. NO ONE, man OR WOMAN, is entitled to sex, relationships, or breeding. So basing your entire life and happiness around the ideals of sex and relationships is LITERALLY what keeps incels virgins.
The Tale of Two People Facing Difficulty is always the same.
Here's an example. Ture stories, both.
I knew two guys in HS, bot fairly well. But OK guys, nice enough, funny, had friends. Call them Alex and Bob.
Alex joined the army right after graduation. Bob went to university.
Alex saw combat and was in a fire where he got burned badly on his left neck and cheek - he was in hospital for a while and had to have grafts give him heavy facial scars.
Bob was in a motorcycle accident and tore up his left knee and needed 6 weeks of therapy to get strong again.
Alex went back and was in an explosion that fucked up his knee. he needed multiple surgeries and months of therapy to walk again and got out.
Bob refused to do the exercises and used a cane all the time in his 20's.
Alex got back with a limp and heavy facial scars and was promptly hit by a drunk driver. The accident tore his abdominal muscles and he had to have a hernia mesh put in and months of therapy. At that point his daily routine required 30 minutes of work on leg therapy exercises, 1 hour of work on abdominal muscle therapy exercises, and 30 minutes of skin care for his grafts.
Bob had dropped out of school because it was so hard to get to classes with his cane.
Alex got a job in IT and his own place, started going out.
Bob stayed with his parents and was more and more isolated.
Alex started dating.
Bob was certain no woman could ever love a cripple.
A decade after HS ended Alex had his own home, a nice career, a lovely wife, and two kids. He was in good shape.
Bob was still living in his parent's house, worked online sometimes, was alone, and was an alcoholic.
tl;dr: everyone faces challenges, the difference is how you deal.
>duuuuur even when it is carefully explained it isn't at the level of toxic behavior I continue to think it is toxic huuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr
>Hurdurr I was nice to women cause someone said be nice cause it’ll get me women now I'm mad because I didn’t get the woman and it’s gonna be my whole personality and life now.
That’s literal entitlement. Being nice. Feeling like you did everything right, and being angry because it didn’t do some little magic instant spell to get you exactly what you wanted is entitlement. People tend not to puff out their chest and proudly say they’re entitled to something, it’s a subconscious behavior that needs to be corrected and it’s why I’m tired of being nice to incels. I’m tired of telling you fags how to get a girl, you need to get a life and mental help before you even get a job let alone get a girl.
>Baseless Decency
Relationships are COMPLICATED, since you struggle to even grasp that much it tells me you have so little world experience or even social experience that getting a fucking relationship is so far out of your scope right now it isn’t even funny. People. Are. Complex. You don’t know if someone is going to be crazy even a month into dating them sometimes. Like a dude could date a psychotic chick who is really good at hiding her red flags until she’s sneaking her period blood into his food and he catches her. People want truly good and decent people, you may not get that full information that a person isn’t decent until you’re WELL into committing. But, if you aren’t decent and you SUCK at pretending because you’re a desperate for pussy motherfucker with no ability to socialize, which is a skill btw, I’m autistic as FUCK (diagnosed) and I actively worked to change. I’m pretty sure you’re just a young little shit that needs your little neck wrung into getting your shit together.
BITCH link the article then not some cringe cropped bullshit from Twitter from a literal grifter who preys on your dumb ass or dumbasses like you and we’ll have an actual conversation about it in full.
Maybe Bob was right and Alex simply got the breaks? Did you ever think about that?
There are women who literally want to fuck and irradiated zombie ghoul who looks like literal bacon all over the western world right now SIMPLY because he is portrayed as competent, confident, willing to survive no matter what, and acted like a good dad pre-Nuke in that retarded new fallout show. UGLY DUDES GET BITCHES ALL THE TIME. Because they foster personality traits that make them attractive not only to women, but society as a whole. Cripples get women ALL the time as long as they have a good fucking attitude and don’t hole up in a room. Practice SOCIALIZING and going OUTSIDE and being happy with LIFE FIRST.
I'm not interested in comparing myself to others. That doesn't help. In fact it makes things worse. All that matters is the outcome. I'm too much of an unsocial, insecure loser to ever attract a woman into my life. And I can't fix those things. I'm not like most guys where all their problems are in their head. I'm like this for reasons beyond my control.
You're forgetting to include MASSIVE details my guy, people can't function without encouragement and/or some form of positivity in their lives, it was never about how you approach life, it was about how the world approaches you.
Get. Help. You are able to articulate and communicate. You are not beyond help. You are literally expressing Emotional Addiction. You are ADDICTED to this lifestyle and will use anything to justify your misery because you LOVE it.
This is the literal exact opposite of reality. The only thing you have control over is your reaction to external stimulations. YOU are the only one in control of you. NOTHING in this world is in control of your brain but your brain. YOU have to seize that control and alter the way you think because the WORLD doesn’t even know who the fuck you are it literally just exists and you exist in it with other fags going through and coping with the SAME shit. YOU have to take responsibility for yourself.
I am actually a woman. Normally anons believing my gender wouldn't matter much to me, but I actually want my advice in regards to what actual women find attractive to be taken seriously. I want all anons here to make it and get actual woman gfs!
>YOU are the only one in control of you
There is more to you than your consciousness, but i doubt you realized because it never stood in your way.
Every time I have tried to "help myself" it has resulted in more pain and more reminders that I'm a worthless reject. You are clearly unable to empathize with this position. No biggie. Most people aren't.
What insane shit are you on?
>What insane shit are you on?
So you did not even entertain the thought? How do you think your brain works? You think you actually control everything in your entire body?
If you can talk and make excuses you can change the way you think. I am a literal autistic cunt with C-PTSD and a myriad of health problems from unfortunate shit that happened. I USED to be like you. I KNOW you can get better.
Very easy
Woman before 30s

Woman after 30s

All this advice's from "woman" here
Then you should know that it isn't that easy. Life is full of negative feedback loops for people like me who try to help themselves. Every time I've tried to step outside my comfort zone, I've been reminded that I'm a weirdo and an outcast. There comes a point where you just don't have the fight for it anymore.
No, you are literally addicted to the dopamine response you’ve developed because your brain is a fucky little mess and needs sunshine and activity and healthy forms of dopamine to break the silly little dependence you have on misery. You are focusing so much on being an ‘outcast’ because that IS what you know and you find it comfortable and don’t want to challenge that because you have a heightened fear response you have to force yourself to ignore. Even if you have to get creative to where you have no choice but to learn to adapt.
Actually you're not but that's not the point, but what i mean to say is you will require a push by others one way or another to get of this mess. Most people never get that, heck they usually get kicked even more for entertaining the thought.
sorry i forgot you're a virgin waiting for her prince.
>it’s because he was narcissistic and had high standards
>see, read his manifesto, where he never talked to a woman without having a panic attack
You are retarded.
Dude, if everything you do reinforces that you're a freak who doesn't belong with society, what do you expect? I've been talking to women before and all of a sudden they've pointed out that I have weird body. Completely out of the blue without any context. You can only take so much punishment unless you're a masochist.
So like, I’m yelling at you right!l? I have insulted you half way to Sunday, but I am ACTIVELY trying to help you change your mind and kick your ass into gear. Do you know why people are insulting or say shit about your weird behaviors? Because they are trying to correct your behaviors. If they’re being real faggots harassing you physically they’re mentally ill. People saying “Anon that’s weird!” when you rock my little pony or furry shit and laugh a little awkward is people trying to express it’s inappropriate for you to wear that shit in certain places. I am willing to bet 80% of the rejection you’ve faced has been hyper strong in your mind due to the neurodivergency. I should know, I used to hiss at people and get mad when they didn’t know I was just playing around a lot and wasn’t fucking feral. I saw it as a personal attack against my very being because of my own fuck ass brain. I had to fight tooth and nail to learn the rules of socialization, I’ve read SO many books and forced myself to do so many things I hated just to get out of the pit you’re in so PLEASE listen to me so I can give you the information you need to get out.
you are gaslighting him at this point
>Not watching his very last video explaining his entire purpose for murder.
Faggot. It still proves my point he needed intense therapy his rich retarded family refused to put him into. Never got diagnosed with ANYTHING despite being very clearly retarded. Wanna know why? Cause that would stain his narcissistic family’s image.
Stop crabbing because he’s actually communicating his issues. HE still has a chance and you would rather him stay miserable. You don’t want him to get better because the entire incel culture fosters the exact dopamine response from Emotional Addiction that fosters this stupid shit. You literally feed every last negative emotion to one another to justify bed rotting as NEETs and being content with never making it out. You can. I KNOW you all can but I’m not going to sugar coat it for you, you’re a shitty person if you don’t want people to get better.
I don’t need to watch retarded videos from psych major dimwits pushing their ideology. I read most of his manifesto and actual reports on what happened.
I made the right choice apparently since you literally don’t know what happened. His parents had him see multiple therapists and he was even questioned by the police and given a very strong schizophrenia medicine (he refused to take).
I never denied he had a mental illness and that stopped him from getting a gf. I’m saying he didn’t get one because he couldn’t read social cues and couldn’t approach a women at all due to his panic.

It’s not because he was narcissistic and had high standards. The guys women get pumped and dumped by on the regular are like that.
Telling someone how and where to get better =/= telling him that people bully and insult him because they care and he should just believe them. You’re literally going to push this guy to suicide if he listened to your retarded advice.
>The guy with one injury that crawled into the bottle and quit had it WORSE than the guy with multiple injuries, facial scars, and permanent disability!
No, Bob is a quitter so he quit.
You don’t get it. HE WANTED TO BE THEM. He EMULATED THEM. It was the culture he was raised around, that compounding with the refusal of his family to allow him to be diagnosed or committed due to their image. Any claim they had that they cared for their child is absolutely insolvent when you see how he was provided full access to all forms and modes of independency like a god damn BMW even when he had literal tard fits. They spoiled him rotten then refused to take accountability when he needed to be medicated and properly diagnosed because he DIDNT WANT TO. The video has many of his actual video diaries in it. I DON’T CARE about the person talking you should be able to see he was cognizant enough to know right from wrong and it was a fixable issue but he was never CHALLENGED by the very people who were supposed to raise him. He was absolutely self obsessed and said it FULL FACE in multiple videos and hated women because they didn’t fuck him, they didn’t fuck him because of how he acted, WHICH COULDVE BEEN SOLVED. He refused to actively change, his mind was filled with this idea he deserved companionship and sex when he never did. THE SADDEST THING ABOUT ELLIOT ROGER IS IT WAS AVOIDABLE. He was handsome, he was wealthy, the only fucking ISSUE he had was his literal obsession with hating women and being miserable he didn’t have sex and that directly interfered with his already burgeoning mental issues. I know what happened, his parents FAILED him. The place he went to had the capacity to LITERALLY confine him for intense therapy and monitored medication. The family thought they could do no wrong, he got these cultural ideas from his parents and from the people he went to school with and when shit didn’t match up because he had socialization issues he went full fucking 4Chan and got so fucking twisted that he lost his god damn mind. Elliot Rodgers is tragic because he had the FULL capacity to have a beautiful life.
>people can't function without encouragement and/or some form of positivity in their lives
Total bullshit. People from fucked up homes in the ghetto make a better life EVERY DAY.
>it was never about how you approach life, it was about how the world approaches you.
Every loser believes this, every winner knows better.
>Do you know why people are insulting or say shit about your weird behaviors?
They don't, they don't care who i am at all.
>when you rock my little pony or furry shit
I'm not into weird shit.
>I am willing to bet 80% of the rejection you’ve faced
They don't because nobody cares who i am to begin with.
>People from fucked up homes in the ghetto make a better life EVERY DAY.
Yeah because they have something positive in their lives, wheter it be a friend or something to laugh at.
>every winner knows better
They don't know a damn thing, i mean it, try me
They don’t care, I do. People actively telling you you’re doing wrong does NOT equate to hatred. I had to tard wrangle a nearly profound retard in a college class and tell him to stop fucking fighting the teacher because the teacher LITERALLY wants to help him learn, the other autist LITERALLY thought the teacher just hated him, when he was doing his job. You know what I did when he got up in front of the class and started arguing with the teacher? I got up and I told him exactly what he was doing wrong and WHY, that’s not being cruel, that’s doing the right fucking thing because being coddled does not save people from misery, it keeps them there. It’s better to not care when people are truly cruel and understand why people are uncomfortable due to your outcast or unsociable habits. That’s one of the FIRST lines of distinction that helps people learn social behaviors. The same autist from that class? Had to tell him straight up “I am also autistic, I have sensory issues and a lot of regular people do not like when strangers stand in their very close space (he could not comprehend personal space). He was not going to learn because of people’s body language and had to be told to his face that he was doing something wrong and he perceived that as being bullying when it WAS NOT. I went out of my way to actively help him on projects or coming up with ideas. I wasn’t his friend because we didn’t know each other and I was a decade older than him. Learning to distinguish who is being cruel and who is simply uncomfortable because you don’t understand you’re not supposed to do something is distinctly different. You can use the quiet people uncomfortable with you or correcting your behavior as assets and then discard the importance of cruelfags.
So you what? Just refuse to make something positive for yourself?
Happiness does not fall out of a tree, anon. You have to FOSTER it with mental reasoning. When people say touch grass, I want you to take it literally. There is so much joy in going outside and finding a soft patch of grass and digging your fingers in and feeling your lungs expand with the sweet gasps of air. You surround yourself with misery because you’re addicted, you have to ACTIVELY look for joy the same way you ACTIVELY hang into shit to be miserable about. You have to switch the thought patterns. Engage in stimuli outside of the home or computer. Feel the earth and find wonder in the world you inhabit because it. is. BEAUTIFUL.

What fucking weird behavior do you have then, explain. I wanna know, please enlighten me.
I don't refuse, but i don't succeed either
>When people say touch grass, I want you to take it literally.
I live in the countryside, i do it every day, there is 0 happiness in it.
You choose not to be happy. You are literally an Emotional Addict and you will never be happy until you admit that to yourself and actively try being happy. It is something you can do. You need behavioral therapy, what state do you live in? I can look at resources for you.
Explain your weird behavior other than chronic sad sack syndrome.
Well i wouldn't say that you're completely right but all this did help with making it clearer to me what my issues are.
>what state do you live in?
Don't bother with that i live in the EU.
......I probably just need a hug
dude just take a shower lmao
What EU place I genuinely want to help you and I will help you look for resources, should be free at least right? You are not beyond saving. Like… re-read all of this shit. Look at how hard you fought to simply keep the way you think now about yourself. Detach from your self, pretend you’re someone else for a split second and read through it. My anger is because I’m tired. I’m tired of seeing people who could have joy, love, and happy lives being filled with the same shit about how they have no chance because of xyz factors. It’s HARD, I know it’s hard. It FEELS impossible, but it’s not impossible. If it was, you wouldn’t have downies shacking up with each other, or even normal-ish dudes and chicks getting with them. If it was, impossible there wouldn’t be chicks writing fanfiction about dry humping Stephen Hawking. Whatever you’re facing, it isn’t impossible, it’s just hard.
I would give you a really big hug if I could. Genuinely. You’re just a person. You aren’t replaceable. Your life can have as much value and meaning as you want it to have. You have so much potential, you fought me and kept me engaged this long, you aren’t dead.
It's alright i can take care of it myself.
Don't. Pity is not what i'm after.
It’s not pity, I like giving hugs and understand all humans need physical touch. I would give you a big Southern Bear hug and let you know a human cares and believes in you. Just go ahead and do it, whatever it is you need to do.
>What kind of idiocy is this?
It's called "incel cope". Many, many such cases.
They think almost aggressively doubling down on all of their worst traits at all given times is something admirable, and that they'll lose their sense of "self" if they try to be better.
>For women
Trannies aren't women anon.
I fully expect rejection or whatever by men so I just learn to size up who would be probably or possibly into me with my brain.. the most unattractive thing is a half arsed effort. like, really gross and disrespectful to give me half
>SUB-CLINICAL narcissism is more attractive.
>the Dark Triad traits are all *sub-clinical*.
This. It's the difference between a guy with a bit of an edge and a guy who is literally insane and delusional.
This is one of those things that shouldn't even really NEED to be explained, but incels are retards, as always.

No one ever said it would be easy. Mind you, you should have started working on your issues and social anxiety long ago.
External locus of control? Check.
Learned helplessness? Check.
NGMI? Big check.
"How the world approaches you" lol, lmao even. Please fuck all the way off.
>Mind you, you should have started working on your issues and social anxiety long ago
I did, but unfortunately life did nothing but reinforce my negative beliefs.
Maybe I should have specified then, working on your issues EFFECTIVELY.
Not possible.
t. coping incel8SSSSJ
>not into video games
And suddenly /r9k/ is a comedy board.
Thanks, anon
Seeing my ex rage at pixels was the biggest turnoff and the primary reason why I dumped him. Most people actively gaming are stunted manchildren and the whole culture surrounding it(twitch, streaming, cosplay, eSports, Steam, woke vs anti woke, vtubers, Discord, etc etc) is total trash.
insanely fucking based femanon. Lets cause unending seethe on /v/ together.
For women -

Would you see it as a red flag if a man was a lawyer who worked for an organisation that defends paedophiles?
I'm a well-adjusted manchild, I swear
Piss off with your Reddit horseshit and false positivity. Why be content with mediocrity? No.
It's impossible to be fully happy without love, sex, or acceptance. If you see every other person around you in a relationship and you are constantly denied one, no matter what you do, it is going to hurt. I will continue to live my life and go to work and do what I have to do each day so I can support myself, but I can't truly be "happy" if my life is incomplete like this
is a 100% win, atleast on me.
>before you even get a job let alone get a girl.

I have a job. Nice projection. You're all the fucking same.
Wrong on all accounts. All white women secretly lust for bbc anon
>tfw check a big percentage of the listed things on this thread but still utterly lonely
I can't go on like this
Because its bullshit. People don't know what they want (not just women, men as well).
What does defends mean here? If it means helping them in court to get treated fairly with regards to the laws then no. If it means arguing that pasdophilia isn't that bad it would be a huuuuuge red flag.

You need to actually meet women too. Not just have the desired traits and then wait until a girl falls into your lap.
that's the plan once I leave the country. job hunting is a colossal pain in the ass as you know
18 year olds maybe
>18 year olds maybe
>t.he thinks he is so much conscious than a kid
and over 6 foot with a good face and a robust social life
Knows how to do useful stuff with his hands
Good taste in tech
doesnt exist anymore
>women bad
>I am very smart
You want a limp wristed nerd who builds keyboards
‘False positivity’ cunt I’m calling you all fucking limp wristed faggots with antisocial personalities this isn’t positivity this is me telling you to get your retarded little acts together.
You are romanticizing your misery because your pp isn’t wet. Get it together.
ALRIGHT, now go get clothes and a haircut that make you feel good, go invest in hobbies and additional education, and go to THERAPY. >>31276112
I agree with you. Half-assed effort is the quickest way to lose a chick. Just know you can get men, as long as you’re happy and healthy. It’ll be fine, sis.
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>any advice from women is hypocritical or surface level hobbies and interests not actual QUALITIES
>nothing about morality, security, family, or spiritual connection
>just bullshit like BE LIKED BY OTHERS or DRESSES LIKE ____
>basically boils down to fitting a precedent already set in her brainwashed worldview that molds you into a positive feedback loop of pleasure and non judgement
You fat bitches are just as bad as the men you squeal like pigs at.
Who said women are bad, retard?
kinda true i guess, the gamers who were there from the 90s and 00s are good but when it normiefied in late 00s it became a shithole culture. i still remember when gaming was universally reviled
doesn't hate cats, extroverted or ambiverted, willingness to try new things, enjoys going outside, not afraid to communicate and show vulnerability when asked
that's just generally. but for romantic relationships specifically, when they show affection without needing to be asked. i don't like to be suffocated with compliments every single hour, but it's nice when they say "you're pretty" out of nowhere here and there
>t. seething incel
Knows how to party and let himself go. When going out not just a furniture on the dance floor.
Observe who gets the most girls and what qualities he have
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All the foids itt forgot to mention the part where he is a 6ft+ tall black guy with a sculpted jawline.
I'm 6'0, not black though
Depends on what I'm trending with in my mind
Women always say this shit but I’ve yet to meet anyone who really thinks this
I like green eyes
Good question, but here's a related counter, what are some simple things at first glance that are red flags?

OP, based, but add this too! Both are important to better understand what to- and not to do to be more attractive (just don't be fake, be real above all of this bro).
Dude any person will at some point show toxic behaviour simply because our human needs and wants tend to be at odds with other.
I wish I cared about men enough to properly answer this.
Ability to make decisions and take some risk is like a green flag of masculinity though. This is just something that is immediately very visible on first dates. I mean lack of thereof if he is constantly asking "but what do you want" or talks constantly about life as if he has no control over it whatsoever; the opposite is when he takes his own initiative and have had varied experiences in live as a result of his choices. I have a bit of non traditional tastes in men because of trauma, but still notice this aspect as attractive. It just works.
wtf its me!
>not into video games

Aaaand there goes 85% of your potential dating pool. Why are women like this?
>you are not a decent human being if women don't find you attractive
That's true though.
I just can't stop noticing a guy's tall stature compared to other men. I mean, what girl can refuse this fact? The tall and handsome guy just steals all the female attention. It also makes me bitter that I'll always be his bitch and not his wife.
you are pretty
so you care or not? im still confused because you answered the question after saying you won't
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>I just can't stop noticing a guy's tall stature compared to other men. I mean, what girl can refuse this fact? The tall and handsome guy just steals all the female attention. It also makes me bitter that I'll always be his bitch and not his wife.
> the couple I know with the most active sex life is my friend who is a doctor and her husband who works part time to take care of the kids
How do I achieve this life as a male?
You have to make sure your “self” isn’t insufferable, or at least pleasant to be around before “being yourself” actually merits anything. Your self is the best weapon in a video game you don’t have the stats/class to use. What do you do, never bother using the weapon? Increase your stamina/magic points until the weapon is usable I mean c’mon

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