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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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Nords and Sturgians.
I just like big men with big shields.
What were the good large mods again?
1. Floris
2. There is no #2
By chance does anyone have a download for la Guerre de Cent Ans - Steel Edition?
Don't be so cruel

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>I put the archers behind the spearmen, wait for the melee then charge their backs with cav
This is how the average strategy gamer thinks of strategy. A smoothbrained subhuman can come up with the above. *Executing* it is the hard part of battle.
The real challenge in battle stems from chaos, and dealing with that chaos is what separates good commanders from the bad.
The TW games and other strategy games you can micro each of your units from a bird's eye view and tell them exactly where to go, and they'll 100% follow your orders instantly.
It's like God has the command of one side of the battle. Of course you'd win every time.
Real battles are full of misinformations, misjudgement about enemy size/position and even own position and size. Units also do not respond to orders instantaneously or follow them correctly most fo the time. Even a good strategist like Napoleon, during Waterloo, had 1/3 of his army off-map chasing after some phantom enemy, had his elite cavalry charge into square without his consent, only for that phantom enemy to appear on his flank securing his defeat. This would never happen to the player in an average strategy game.
Real battles are chaotic and it takes actual high IQ and most importantly, LUCK to win.
Are there any games that do this?
pic rel is a board game that does this quite well
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You realism fags should never ever make a video game
There is a reason why you don't throw a dice whenever you move a piece in chess to see if you roll right for it to move or not, because it would be dogshit mechanic.
>poorly trained troops
>variable morale
these things are being represented in video games already
>Commanders pursuing ego driven incentives
that's politics not strategy
I can’t recall the wiki title but there was an incident of friendly fire in the 100 year in a French army and they immediately started charging their own crossbows out of vengeance.
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>Are there any games that do this?
Slytherine games are probably the closest we'll get but they still have their limitations. If they had a good campaign mode with limited information combined with the need to send out scouts and screen your troops it'd be kino.

Also, Mount and Blade unironically gives me a more immersive feeling of being a commander than any TW game, if only because your field of view is so limited. CK3 with the obfusckate mod plus crusader blade (if they ever fucking update it) could lead to some good grand strategy with limited info morphing into battles where your ability to command and control is limited by your ability to ride around and personally observe things unfolding.
I recommend Mount and Blade, Ultimate General: AR and Scourge of War: Waterloo KS mod. Mount and Blade gives you the in field commander experience. Ultimate General: AR has limited FOW and outdated information. Scourge of War has independent commanders down to the brigade level, where you send couriers for orders at the highest difficulty setting. Of course, you can set your camera to be "in the saddle". The battles in Scourge of War are sorta just give the give the orders and hope for the best.
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The Combat Mission series takes both unit quality and morale into account. The games also factor in communications delays from HQ. I like the earlier versions, with CMBO being my personal favorite, better than the later ones. But be warned, they are ugly as sin and have a steep learning curve.

Post your City, Anon.
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>what's the best way to increase immigration?
Make people happy. It can be temporary, so a bribe or giving everyone a bunch of furniture you take away shortly afterwards can help. Slaves too as having slaves gives other races than the slave race happiness AND you can give them low happiness jobs.
Ive got limited population and pushing to max when I dont need it takes away from my industry
you need to do some trial and error then. Try to watch it for a few days, if it ever reaches 100%, if its too late at night and they don't perform all the tending needed, add a couple of people and watch for a few more days, the workload floats a lot on pastures for some reason, one day it is at 60%, next day it is at 90% with the same amount of workers and no change made by the player.

I don't know exactly why this happens, I assume that in some days workers reach more lower fulfillment on some things, so they spend more time seeking services and tending to their needs, or doing other shit before going to work, therefore takes longer for them to make all the tending points, idk, more observation is needed. Don't know how the game calculates workload too, I am under the impression that is based on the previous day and that is based on how longer takes for them to do all the tending. There is also the fact that workers can be enlisted in the army, but I never paid attention to see if plebians employed in other places can refrain from going to their jobs to train, I think that training itself count as a job, so probably no.

Pastures and farms are different from workshops, because they have a fixed amount of work that needs to be done everyday (tending), while in workshops the work is basically infinite as long as you have raw materials, in mines too I suppose (so maybe the workload stay doesn't float as much as in pastures, not matter how much workers are fucking around, because in these places the demand for labor never ends).

Maybe the people who are very far away don't have access to certain services from being out of radius? Or maybe its just in this particular day that this happened by chance? (>>1749008

A lot of this is just newbie theory crafting, but its my best bet.
If youre going to have some kind of central huge food stall or restaurant, you better have enough workers and food since people that walked too far to have no service when they get there might get unhappy.
Its a nice constant, non happiness affecting population increase.I found it easier to have them at 100-150 where I usually get stuck trying to get labs and the food to support my city.

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Post your favorite units from any strategy game.
For me it's the Scylla from AoM
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deez gits ar da best boyz in all der waaagh der kustom shootas is mega good at blastin all da ufer gitz an i luv it
dakka dakka dakka dakka
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> be playing coh2 back in 2020
> spam 6 squads of those fuckers in 2v2
> enemy T 70 runs into me, gets instadeleted by fausts
> ffw to 2022
> osttruppen nerfed to the ground, have to place down a Tier-building to use them
There was a patch that increased health of all units by what felt like 300%, in order to make battles last a bit longer and not end in 3 seconds.
During that magical time before said patch, this was viable, as sorcerers did (and still do, I think) only stamina damage in melee, you could nuke them with the crystal sword and your swordsmen in critical condition could finish the sorcerers - and rather quickly, too.
Back then the crystal sword would one-shot most dragon clan units too, and a few critical members of the wolf clan like ballistas and the guys that threw fire torches. Against lesser players you could deny Heroes almost with impunity, two kamikaze glass swords would instakill every hero except for the Stoneman, whose name I don't remember.
I abused this like you wouldn't believe, this was the 4gate of Battle Realms back then.
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I like to save units.

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the clown final
my boy clem finally made it
Why do you niggers obsess over this roastie?Seems like a typical normalfag woman to me.
Acne makes their dicks hard.

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This game is going to be fucking sweet. I am hyped. Going to clown on vicky 3 so hard.
>Going to clown on vicky 3 so hard.
That's a very low bar.
Vic3 Engoodening is coming soon, EU5 is going to get mogged by the real imperialist macroeconomics simulator.
I've been playing the EU series since 2 and I am one of three people who liked Imperator. I did like EU4 but it was ran into the ground by bloated DLC many years ago. Everything released so far has me cautiously hopeful that Johan is on a redemption arc and has learned the correct lessons for what is wrong with nu-Paradox and that this game is going to kick ass.
>I am one of three people who liked Imperator
You may be lucky because people are saying EU5 is taking more inspiration from Imperator than from any other game.

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Get in here and talk about hoi4 modding.
>OWB 5.0 update dropped
>TFR 2nd stream on March 29th
>Kaiserreich Ireland rework incoming
Also share your modding tips here as well.
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>Throw 'em in the mod folder and activate them in the launcher.
the launcher doenst work to me, it fails and ask me to find the crusader kings 3 launcher when I've never played that game
No clue what's going on there. Maybe reinstall everything?
If I start the browser in the HoI4 folder it launches without issue and adding a playset/mods works without issue. Just starting the game trough the launcher can get fucked.
>Mexico and Canada alive
>USA slowly getting back on it's feet
This is simply the old order returning, but one can hope that they learn from their past mistakes.
Sunk cost is real and I hate it. Too much done to pack it up and move on. Too little is complete enough to release. I hate self promotion and I hate shitting up the thread. Unfortunately we are still alive, still working, and still trying to get something done even if the smart thing to do would be to give up.
at least sometime post in game progress or something.
it's good to show unit model, map or item effect every once in a while.

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I am looking for minimalist strategy games. So, tight focus and streamlined without bloat mechanically or even graphically, though cool graphics are also fine, especially if they cleave to minimalist aesthetics while still being engaging. I will list some I have played

>Cursed Kingdom- Itch.io gamejam game about managing a plague. Very short but fun.
>Death Crown- Tower defense RTS where you order your guys down lanes and use towers to fight off the other guy's lanes. Really nice aesthetics.
>Desolation Tycoon- post-apocalyptic trading/caravan sim where you build up riches and armed forces to make a profit until you retire or die. Surprising amount of worldbuilding for such a simple game, but meta-progression takes forever
>High Strategy: Urukon- Minimalist GSG that filters me every time I try to play it and I can't tell if it is skill issue or the game is bad, would like to see what other people think of it. It has a sequel that I have not played so I can't say if it's good.
>Immortal Defense- Another tower defense strategy game with a schizo kino plot.
Tooth and Tail
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doesn't get more minimalist than this
I've actually played this one and enjoyed it but thanks

Will check this out

This also looks fun.

Just to throw another one in the pile there's also Territorial.io, which is an .io grand strategy game. It fun for a few hours and there's probably some silly metas to figure out if they haven't been found already.

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why not just play microsoft excel simulator?
>there should be a new economic policy that favors artisans and farmers
Free trade at least makes importing industrial goods an affordable alternative to producing them domestically.
>ahistorical and ideological retard
>Ludd was actually a trade unionist
>most of the British Army was engaged in hunting and fighting Luddites.
All I can find in historical reference to Luddites is fantasy akin to the historical fiction of unreliable historians who give vikings silly names.
Believing Ludd was a real man is barmy. He was an anonymous pseudonym.
And how could he be a trade unionist? He hated factory workers and increasing the workforce. Why, if that made someone a trade unionist, Paradox would have made Engineers in Victoria 3 preference being commie, not a 50/50 split between capitalist and fascist bourgeoisie.
Realistically free trade should actually prevent industrialization due to existing industrial countries benefiting from economies of scale and more refined processes leading to their goods being much cheaper. To industrialize you should need a period of economic protectionism, as was historically the case in most countries that industrialized and needed a way to prevent themselves from getting undercut by the existing industrial giants.

But neoliberals are religious fanatics and would never admit that protectionism has benefits.
Post budget screen.

What strategy games encourage the extensive use of unconventional/irregular warfare?
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What do you mean?
OG Dune, XCoom (depending on the game and what unit types you like running), pretty much any stealth-em-up Commandos clone, etc.
I mean there's little detail in what you do. Move your guys to attack the other guys. There are games that are somewhat autistic about it but usually you lack supply systems or cover/stealth or the ability to set traps or the ability to go into buildings/on roofs/in trees, and so on. Even if they are more realistic in some aspects, they lack in others. Xcom type things are the closest, but there's probably some fps or survival game that would be better than strategy games.
OG XCOM is interesting, because technically both XCOM and the Ayys operate like guerrilla fighters.
What foreign interference was there in Vietnam except your own, valued burgerbro?

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I will now buy your game
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You do realize that meme was invented by a furfag tranny pedo dogfucker (female), did you OP?
I wasn't aware
I will now use your meme
That's why memes coming from imageboards are always superior.
>Memes coming from imageboards
What's it like living in 2012 when imageboard content wasn't just derived from Reddit and Twitter?

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What's your go to set up?
I've recently become a fan of garlic/spikeweed/gloom shroom.
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one of many mods for pvz2 android
Drag and drop download, look up how to install on YouTube there's a full guide by the devs.
chomper and hypno-shroom, also i like to plant on the back lines when i asap so the first line sometimes is 4 sunflowers and a peashooter, not having simetry takes me back to simple times
there's nothing like hypnotizing a jock
PvZ 2 looked so fun and then it was a mobile game that strung out the levels by the hundreds.

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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AI has endless army. You can get a cheap (15silver/m) merc group in the beginning and chase down bandit camps to slow the AI getting enough influence to claim land, but he will have an endless army.

I completely board wipe him, he had 0 retinue left and next month he came back with a 3 unit merc crew and 32 retinue.

I hate that laborers try to man the market and produce less goods. Mother fucker just let some people like the ware house families be merchants and the laborers focus on making goods.
Only one person in the family makes goods. The woman can man the stall while her 300 husbands meander about and her son makes shoes.
>Do i just suck at this game?
If you can't even beat him to bandit camps then you do yeah.

>you dont get to vote on the next feature
Wow. Just wow.


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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
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i don't care about alice or v2 anymore now that eu5 is gonna be great
>since one of the main devs decided to fuck off and make their own PA fork to add new features
what's the name of it?
the fact a lot of people keep saying that the game still doesn't feel much like vanilla is why i'm still not interested. and at this point i have my doubts that it ever will feel like vanilla because that feels like something that should have been ironed out over the past 6 months or so, no?

guess i'll have to wait to see what openvic do since they at least pretend to care about "recreating" v2.
Nobody is ever going to make a real V2 clone because it's obvious now that nobody with the skill to do it is going to have the humility to do it, vs making an almost clone with a bunch of personal "improvements".
it's 20 mb just try it
>at this point i have my doubts that it ever will feel like vanilla
indeed they don't have any interest on it, apparently the lead dev didn't even want to have stockpiles and debt implemented

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