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Post your favorite units from any strategy game.
For me it's the Scylla from AoM
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HOMM3 Behemoth is cool too
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He tanks
He charges
He slices and dices
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AoM has a lot of great rts units
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technically not a unit, but whatever
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What's that? Your perfect army of 10 sorcerers is coming to get me?
Let me get some drunk peasants with glass swords, see how your magics fail you.
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I'm a simple man
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strong bow supremacy
Honestly all the Baneblades from Ultimate Apocalypse are good, but this one just legendary
W2/W3 gryphon riders.
I just think the idea for them is neat.
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I love these running, gunning and stunning fellas in Company of Heroes.
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>siege tanks go brrr
A volley of ST blasting everything is so satisfying. I also like that they can be easily countered so it's not like a cheat code. And I'm not even a gook clicker.
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Arguably the worst super unit in the game, but I still love it
Aesthetically they are the Wehrboo’s wet dream unit. But practically I could never use them, they come in too late and don’t do anything basic MP40 Volks can’t do.
>can burrow across the map
>can melee
>can one shot cities
>cool af
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Love the way these look. Ships built around big guns are amazing.
Homeworld really does have some absolute KINO unit design.
Deserts of Kharak is my personal favorite even though the game isn't very replayable. I wish there were more content for it.
basic infantry squads my beloved
there's always something about them that just draws me to them
especially the ones that get considerably stronger with upgrades/veterancy
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huskarls are a close second for me
>doesn't fly
>the only offensive skill is single target
>heal over time instead of instant
>doesn't transport troops
>lowest single target dps
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I just think they're neat.
even though they're ass
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I love these niggas like you wouldn't believe.
was that actually viable? just give swordsmen glass swords and run at the enemy?
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deez gits ar da best boyz in all der waaagh der kustom shootas is mega good at blastin all da ufer gitz an i luv it
dakka dakka dakka dakka
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> be playing coh2 back in 2020
> spam 6 squads of those fuckers in 2v2
> enemy T 70 runs into me, gets instadeleted by fausts
> ffw to 2022
> osttruppen nerfed to the ground, have to place down a Tier-building to use them
There was a patch that increased health of all units by what felt like 300%, in order to make battles last a bit longer and not end in 3 seconds.
During that magical time before said patch, this was viable, as sorcerers did (and still do, I think) only stamina damage in melee, you could nuke them with the crystal sword and your swordsmen in critical condition could finish the sorcerers - and rather quickly, too.
Back then the crystal sword would one-shot most dragon clan units too, and a few critical members of the wolf clan like ballistas and the guys that threw fire torches. Against lesser players you could deny Heroes almost with impunity, two kamikaze glass swords would instakill every hero except for the Stoneman, whose name I don't remember.
I abused this like you wouldn't believe, this was the 4gate of Battle Realms back then.
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I like to save units.
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Nothing like having two bats of these and boromir running along side them straight into the fog of war.
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Anakites (Giant Horned jews) from Dominions and the best sacreds in the entire game
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My nigga, I love horse archers. But my fav unit in most games are cataphracts. Parthian, Persian, Greek, Roman, love 'em all
quad cannon
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>aggressive seething
I will fucking murder you
I like two of these guys in a humvee and stick an additional 3 rocket launchers in them. Makes the hummer near unstoppable, until you meet a tank.
Do hero units count?
If so, Grom Hellscream from Warcraft 2. His voice lines are killer.
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The humble hydra, alway thought they were cool.
They have far more health per unit, have grenades regardless of your doctrine, are elites so they're harder to hit by default, and their default weapon is superior to the MP 40 by a shit ton since it does more damage and has 75% accuracy rate even while moving vs the former's 20%. They're also the only unit in the game where the squad members can survive sniper shots.
I am a PE scrub, I can’t handle all of this evidence and your well presented argument. I concede.
I’ll just stay in my lane and use my one (singular) infantry squad.
>RoL re-release NEVER EVER
i do not have patience for this
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>>1747577 (checked)

2 words: rotary howitzer
>Warzone 2100
I wish we had a new game like this but the custom units really are for different type of cross country and the terrains would be built to encourage reworking your armies, keeping the top level troops etc.
for me, it's the humble Meteorite Guard
>human sized but better than human stats
>slave but with the morale of a well trained soldier
>almost Ulm tier armor
>innate magic weapons
>on a faction that can easily cast every point buff known to man
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Maceman from Stronghold 1 and Stronghold Crusader. Also Slaves because Fire.
Shoutout with the Macemen from Lords of the Realm. Fast unit, good weapon, able to keep up till you get knights.
That was just what I was thinking about. I haven't played Lords of the Realm since I was like 6 but I specifically remember always going purple and always building lots of macemen.
Hell yeah, all the units in Stronghold were based.
I like the Legends Ice Giant, myself.
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Uhh, best sacred? Not even the best thug
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It's the coolest Unit ever featured in a RTS game, I don't care what schizos say about it being good or bad.

The fuck up thing is that the devs gave it those huge claws but it's a ranged unit. What a waste.
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>tfw constantly making them go from siege mode to regular mode over and over again
Still one of my favorite animations in all of video.
I used to make custom starship trooper maps with siege tank, bunker, and missile turret triangles vs a million billion respawning zerglings.
Based and Vincipilled.
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I didn't expect the ork titan to be literally Diablo but that was pretty cool
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Partisans from Empire Earth I.
Bad damage, average speed, average range
But it is the only unit that can move through forests and fight in them.
You upgrade their range to maximum and you can have a real fun guerillia campaign with them against the AI.
And the AI will actually build sharpshooters to counter you meaning you need to adapt how to handle them or need to march out of the forest, to reveal hidden sharpshooters that will always outrange you. And the AI is smart enough to try to immideatly kill your partisans in the open field with normal infantry or cavalry.
On a very foresty map, it is perfectly viable to just have most of your army consist of partisans
I only wish they were available during later ages, I want to fight cyborgs and giant robots with partisans hiding in a forest.
You forgot one cruvial detail:
>can target aircraft
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It's from a new game, but I really like Pukis from Godsworm. First of all it just looks cool, but it's also pretty strong and has neat ability where after combat it loots corpses and eats looted gold to grow bigger and stronger. It can also vomit out eaten gold so you can take it as resource.
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I can't really play without those little niggas anymore.
They just carry so hard

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