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Summer thread
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If Summer got her own episode, what would it be about?
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For me, it's Summer getting a futa cock and impregnating all her schoomates
Why did Jessica get the only pant shot and how has there not been more? Also is summer right about peeing her pants in the elevator? Teen titans go didn't too but summer did right away

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If they met, do you think they would’ve been good friends?
>stoic 50 something year old who never smiles
>joyful clown whos in his late 20s
no i highly fucking doubt it man, hed thank him for help then tell him to never wear the costume again

What would it be like if Jenny was the protagonist instead of Johnny?
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looks promising what game is the music from?

I say Shane is a character who got GB in his show yet has very little presence. as for character? Shane plays the guitar, that witch from guilty gear plays as well I don't know
If Dexter is still on the air, has anyone considered Mechanica? She is a girl genius piloting a robot and she is from a fighting game.
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In doubt ask Chat GPT, so I found this character from Blazeblue who is a scientist catgirl with red-ish hair that fights with her gadgets and a giant wrench. If that doesn't scream Dexter nothing will
Anon, I can't figure out where this is from. Do you have a clip or episode name?

Not a bad idea!

I think I've drawn enough catgirls for a while
pilot dawg

I feel like Ragatha constantly trying to baby Pomni is gonna come to a head in the future. She doesn't seem to like being treated like a kid
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Nope. She comes up to the door doing a practice run of what she’s gonna say, nervous, gives her an up-and-attem greeting, forgives her for what she did, and reacts to her having trauma face. If the intention was passive aggression then it was not conveyed very well, especially because the rest of the episode was her worrying about Pomni and trying to cheer her up.
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The most sane character in this series is jax, unironically. Everyone else already gave evidences their sanity is slowly deteriorating. Jax just accepted his fate and he's simply trying to get the most of it, he's just trying to have fun.
Nah he’s a douchebag. Nihilism is a form of insanity.
Jax is the most sane, but Kinger is the least likely to abstract, unironically.

Transformers Animated Discussion
Autobutts and Deceptibuns welcome.
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>Hell, ask the people who work on the movies and they will tell you they are all one continuity.
Except... they didn't? They said the opposite. The director for Bumblebee outright said it was a reboot, and the movie itself presents itself as a reboot. What the fuck are you talking about? RotB is similarly completely incompatible with the Bay movies.
Most of the confusion about Bumblebee not being a reboot comes from producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who admitted to L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y not understanding the concept of a reboot. Everyone with a brain ignores him. Use your brain, anon.
Rise of the Beasts was mentioned in an interview to have an Optimus Prime to become the 2007 guy. It didn't have the same director as Bumblebee Movie.
I know what interview you're talking about. Please read it again.
No. This is what happened: the directors of the movies (Travis Scott and Steve Caple Jr) say it's a reboot while the producer of the movies (Lorenzo di Bonaventura) insists it's Bayformers, and the exec automatically wins since he's the guy with the money. So, from an artistic perspective, they're written to be separate continuities. But it's technically and officially the same continuity for brand synergy reasons. It's the same shit with the bullshit "Aligned" universe. Just ignore execs being dumb, it's not hard.

Left or right?
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>Shes Dominican
Same thing
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Young Eda > Young Lilith
Middle aged Lilith > Middle aged Eda
>Older Eda > Older Lilith (mostly because of Lilith's terrible short hairstyle)
How tight do you think young eda is?
There is no such thing as a day Eda didn't cause the problem. That face is clearly hiding some mischief. Even if Lilith does something bad, you just know Edalin put her up to it.
What are you all talking about?
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Edalith be like

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Which one?
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YOU'RE dead!

Piranha Plant Girl all day, every day, 3 times on Sunday.
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can't help it if i'm hard
Can someone tell me what this was?

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How come he never got any of his comics/games adapted into movies?
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>TenNapel was personal friends with Andrew Breitbart prior to the latter's death.
There's your answer.
I mean, he had multiple cartoon shows based on his ideas. Does he even want to make movies?
Didn’t he later come out against Comicsgate?
They announced a Tommysaurus Rex movie ten years ago.
I think so? However, I think it was only AFTER everyone was against it by that point.

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So true
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No. Probably the only surprising thing, he never wrote women IIRC.
He might have been jealous. "These isekai authors are all trash, unlike me. How the fuck are they making so much money? I'm going to write my own isekai and show them how it's done, and it'll be a million times better and make way more money."
I can use Ren'py just fine(tested a Pywright build), it's a matter of... Well, I suppose I could just commission the sprites. Music too. Don't know of any successful VN made through such a mercenary approach, however
That would actually fit to him calling my artworks shit all the time and not talking to me for days if I should casually post a sketch in the chat to ask and outsider some shit like what color theme he thinks would be cooler. I am not a guy that gets easily envious so it never stroke me as the reason until like a year later. I also falsely assumed that jellyness was more of a bratty girl behavior.
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Good to hear. You can always doodle everything yourself in a pinch and use chiptune anthems of countries that no longer exist as the OST.

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this is really boring
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>very reminiscent of the OG trilogy
That's the problem, half of it is stuff that has already been done.
The show would have been better if it was centered on Kanan's POV instead of Ezra. Following an the journey "orphan" padawan would have been much more interesting than a worse Luke.
It's boring because it fucking sucks, retard. Because it's DisneyXD slop for toddlers, not even for 12-year-olds like rest of mainline SW, but toddlers. Because it's super dumb, even by Star Wars standards. It's fucking awful.
The action in Rebels also sucks, despite the fact that it focuses so much on it. It makes the poor direction and miserly budget much more obvious.
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By that logic ANH is slop. Not everything that is accessible for children is bad, and having the nerve to imply that it's made for 2-5 year-olds is embarrassing. Even if you don't like the show, either bring some valid objective criticisms or just... say you don't like the tone or characters.
ANH is for all ages
Rebels is for children

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favorite M.O.M?
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You can't seriously want something form him do you?
Can you draw Pearl again? This time with fishnets only, and standing up with her hands behind her head, showing her pits
Mind your own businesses, PAL
Busty Leah Stein Torres in a wedding dress marrying a suited anon
Elinor's Mom in a bunnygirl outfit, minus the ears, for obvious reasons

Jap mom with a ghost sword and a tight bod.
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It really is. Love the red in Tatsu's eyes
Important Tatsu traits:
Smol. She's short and slim, not an amazon titty monster.
Mom. Both of her dead kids and to Halo
Casual attitude to killing. She respects Batman's decisions but doesn't adhere to them when he's not there
Secret identity. She has a day job, she's not Katana all the time.
Why was his writing so bad? Is he a bad writer in general or was he poisoned by ideology and because of that wrote something bad?
It's kind of ambiguous to whether or not she has a day job in modern comics; a more correct point would be that she has a personal life, as little as it is, to go along with her secret identity.

Non-comic writers tend to struggle with the pacing and format of comic writing. As for the content, he simply didn't have the knowledge or ability to step outside of his own opinions to write most of the characters with verisimilitude. BL worked because the beliefs espoused feel like something someone with Jefferson's background would have, Thunder worked because he used generational divide between parent and child to riff on largely the same points, everyone else didn't because he didn't bother to really change the underlying reasoning for characters who should have different opinions. This was magnified by the book being deep dives into character psyches.
I choose to believe that they're speaking Japanese and Jaime can't understand what they're saying.

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...Captain Marvel's origin story!
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out the door swinging with a bang-on adventure. but with all this narration, i may as well be reading a book.
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Can someone explain to me what Kamen America is
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>mid attempt at cheesecake
Tits, ass and attractive women make leftists seethe beyond control, just like the American flag does
The Takeshobo Bunko editions of Shotaro Ishinomori's Gilgamesh
Makes libs seethe. Leftists are fine with cheesecake because their position is a fiscal one, not an idpol one.
>Y-y-you're all SEETHING libcucks!!!!
>Y-y-you're all REDDIT!!!!
>I don't know what you're all talking about, this mediocre slop is fun and alright and everyone should buy it!
>You just hate boobs!
>I'm not a shill but [insert any of the above statements here]
>random election tourist schizoposting
Did I forget any of the usual shill stuff?

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Post cursed /co/ images.
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>Cuddles without slippers
That's the real cursed part.
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Think this counts. 4kids changed this for some reaos but can't tell of gi3l behind Stella has bikini or undies. Also whata with the stain? Is that water on her thing or did she wet her pants or is she just wet? Odd choice
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Besides being fannservice I think this counts. How many odd things do you see in this?
>without it being gay
So it's not gay.
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Kind of creepy

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