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Like or dislike, discuss:
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OG flavor

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So we're just going to be seeing the same annoying X-Men discourse on /co/ for the foreseeable future right?
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Cable also never acknowledged Tyler as his son.
git gud kiddo
Women love a distaste with a heart of gold. It’s like one of the peak types.
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Read the comics, the Poly symbolisms between them isn’t new
What's up with X-men having grandpas getting into love triangles with early 20s couples?

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>I hope this is the new Liz Allen.
It's not. It's Nico from Runaways.
Who is the girl

Making ALL of the cast apart from Peter into diversity characters is just indulgent. Are white people just not allowed to have white friends?

I'm so done with this shit.
Are they basing this on the Reginald Hudlin, Harvard educated nigga and programming head of BET, penned miniseries? It's weird that Aaron McGruder not only called out Hudlin's hubris but also him writing Black Panther (which he called Speak Chucking Coon or something like that.) all I know is the streets still have live for Boondocks and no love for Hudlin.
Have you ever been to a New York City high school? Do you want historical accuracy or not?

Post your favourite /co/ images.
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True. I'm surprised we saw Fuga 2, as the games in the series don't typically get sequels.
Sucks that there's no archive of the original final installment thread.
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Could not find a compilation of them but from those three only the dancing one didnt give me cancer, thank you for the sauce anyways
The Dragon Ball and Naruto games they make on behalf of Bandai Namco funds their dream games.
FUGA 3 is confirmed, by the way.

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What was the best Cartoon Network show?
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Not only that but this fucker ranks fosters above ppg and dexter.
>The first creator of a show to die on Cartoon Network was the creator of Squirrel Boy of all people.

Never forget

Fuck Trapt. They suck. Here. This is a better tribute to WCW.


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Yesterday Spidey managed to turn the tables on Venom, Scorpion double crossed Justin Hammer, and we learn the secret origins of Jonah Jameson
Today; Gloria finds herself in a hairy situation and it's a good day for those of you who prefer scans over digital

>previous threads
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Dammit, someone call X-Factor.
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>Strongest Spider-Man?
>Yeah that's my name, don't wear it out!
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>It's like giving Wonder Woman a magic wand or having Doctor Doom do Kung Fu flips
You speak as if that wouldn't be insanely based
Black anime fans
He already has them, he just doesn’t use them for some reason
Does Pete have web wings?
They like Peter though. He's liked by the ones who play 2K and nothing else.

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Let's post Mandy
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Every great villain needs a right-hand henchman to their side
Good artwork.
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Only if used for good, not evil.
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>>Looks nothing like her parents
She resembles her mom, at least.
>eye and hair color
>head shape

>you have to wait until some sort of eye popping gag reveals their true eye color
Mandy's eyes are blue.
You're speaking about authoritarianism vs libertarianism, not "left" vs "right". Though seriously, as a future monarch herself, she's obviously not an anti-monarchist. PolSci fail on Bleedman's part unless the intention was that she's just playing a role to gain power.

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It’s been a decade, have you hugged her yet?
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Fucking idiot retard hick
seriously? what about your faaamily
Don't have sex with cats, you'll die of toxoplasmosis.
I remember being so horny for her years ago and fapping to an anthro picture of her stripping. Still like her VA a lot
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>Man, you shouldn’t be out here
>With Doc Ock on the loose, this could be the most DANGEROUS night of my life
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Because the ride needed a symbiote and Cletus was too scary and Eddie was in fully lethal protector mode to Scream was the next famous one
Didn't stop them from using Cletus as the basis of a Halloween Horror Nights maze when they held it at IOA. Granted, that ended up being too extreme for Marvel with the "Carnage killed the superheroes" props.
Ruining my sexuality.
Being fair thats a horror attraction, Cletus works perfectly for that but Cletus Cassidy in like day time operations would scare the shit out of kids.

there's something uneasy about this show
the odd colors and the world these kids exist in already makes it look otherwordly, the spiritual references, the way they live and interact within this seemingly limited space under this dome sky, the way there always seems to be a barrier between them, every event, whether it be a gathering or a birthday party, almost never feels spontanious, like they cannot traverse the land freely but must request entry into every bubble of this world, it all feels strange and offputting

even the name has an uncanny feeling
i believe thee kids all live in some kinda pocket dimension, an eternal life on this one street, it doesn't end, just repeats, if you reach the end it rolls back over onto itself as some kinda spatial anomaly like a game of Pacman
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Harvey is a really boring show. Its so boring that /co/ wasnt even watching it for Ref Material. It really doesnt help how this show came out the exact same time as Craig of the Creek and both those shows follow the same exact plot
>I remember the moment they introduced Richie Rich to this show /co/ lost all interest there werent even threads for S4
/co/ stopped talking about Harvey Girls Forever after Season 1 ending. The name change from "Harvey Street Kids" and the S2 in general was the breaking point ("I wanna crush your hand" was fine, to be honest). Richie Rich introduction in S3 made HGF a different show, like the space season in Regular Show. I said this as someone who watched it all entirely

Dot's entire personality is insufferable. I love how she considers it a massive problem to not just herself but the world in general if anyone even dares to have an opinion that isn't exactly like hers or doesn't compliment in some way. That was the entire arc behind S3 and S4

Fru Fru wants to fuck Richie because she wants to be even richer then she already is but Richie doesn't like Fru Fru considering her to be a clingy gold digger. Richie's personality in this show is also very 1;1 to someone like Fred from that terrible Velma show.
I forgot how mediocre this series was.

It gets unwatchable on S3 and S4

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If you feel down and that you're never gonna improve or it's too late, remember that Fry didn't meet his closest friends (and later girlfriend) until he was 25.
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I'm 33
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Congratulations anon. Godspeed.
Jesus Christ.
He’s me!
The point of 4chan is posting without clout or consequences(within reason.) Who 21 and younger doesn't want recognition? The kids are on socials and reddit, the old edgelords and the beloved uncles of the world come here.
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Yeah but he's a cartoon character. He gets to be 25 for 20 years. We only get 365 days.

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episode 9 translation done.

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the titles of the episodes usually refer to more than one thing in each case:
1. Raptors - can refer to the main character raptors, or the other raptor-kinds.
2. DOMINANCE - can refer to Jácint dominating his family and herd, but also to Tibor dominating Cintia
3. A HANDFUL OF SH*T - can refer to shit being used as a currency, can refer to it being used to grow plants, and can refer to the flying things shitting everywhere
4. PROLE-SAURS - can refer to the cult considering outsiders prole-saurs, and can refer to the cult itself consisting of prole-saurs.
5. PERMIT - can refer to the herd asking for permission to go to the river, and can refer to Kornél asking for permission to sacrifice predators.
6. DEGENERACY/SPECIESLESS-ING - can refer to their "unconventional" sexual life, and their cross-species relationship
7. PRIVATIZATION - can refer to the "privatization"... don't know what else. maybe the predator elites privatizing Richárd to themselves? or maybe T-rex king privatizing Gordon into himself?
8. SLAUGHTERHOUSE - can refer to the psittaco-slaughterhouse ran by the predator elites, and also the predator elites getting slaughtered.
9. DECLARATION OF WAR - Kornél and gang declaring war on predators, and Pista and gang declaring war on the longnecks.

the most prominent example of this yes is probably episode 14, but that would be spoiler i guess.
*the most prominent example of this YET
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the show itself starts by establishing the time period and day. if there is one vote-out every day, then as of the end of episode 9, the show is on it's 7th day and on a tuesday again. this is actually ruined by Kornél saying in the 5th episode that the second vote-out was on saturday. this is either an error, or i don't know how the timing of vote-outs work at all.
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might also be obvious, but hatchling turned out exactly as it's parents wanted: in the end both said they don't care if it will be a boy or a girl, and Rami said the important thing is for it to resemble them. so they got a hatchling with unknown gender and it's colors resembling both of theirs.
the exception is the feathers, which are related to the belief that dinosaurs evolved into birds, if someone didn't know about that.
an addition to this:
although if Kornél saw a vote-out we viewers didn't, that means it can happen off-screen and the count might not be correct anyways.

Will it ever be good again?
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>Latam right
>so they created the Adult Swim channel which is basically old Cartoon Network
I'm aware of that channel but you have to pay extra for it and that just seems illogical to me when regular cartoon network is dying, why not just air all that alongside the dozens of reruns of the new shows?
Merge Cartoon Network with TNT/TCM like they did in Asian countries in the 90s, cartoons at day and classic movies and maybe a wrestling show from AEW at night.

I am grateful for everything programmed by Mike Lazzo. While I didn't start getting Cartoon Network until my early teens, it changed my mind to what a channel could be and what marketing is. Adult Swim defined a generation but ultimately, every generation must give way to the next and AS must either adapt or die.
You may have described my perfect channel.
>Now: Popeye shorts
>Later: Murder By Contract
>Tonight: AEW Dynamite
When WBD loses AEW, MeTV should really consider picking them up. Anything to get us closer to Danhausen X Svengoolie (even though Nostalgiaferatoo leaves very little want for a Svengoolie sidekick.)
Nope, let it die, we are getting MeTV Toons now.

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how would you fix the industry. i want comics to start to look like this again, striking poses flashy colors and stupid stories, when did it change to everybody soapboxing?
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Because either you don't know how the Direct Market works and why comic publishers make the profits that they do with comic shops and nowhere else (comic shops can't get full or partial refunds for unsold comics from publishers), or you want comic shops to keep on carrying all of the risk so that they can be the de facto front end for getting new monthlies out. And you're willing to ignore or downplay just how broken the Direct Market is and has been for decades just to keep your LCS.

You haven't told me a damn thing.
same. Lord knows I wanted to make art but I never could cut it at the art.
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>I'm wondering where all the action webcomics that the people who grew up reading action manga should be making
Oh wait you mean Kill 6 Billion Demons...
>fire everybody
>bring back Jim Shooter to rebuild everything
>make comics cheap again by using rough paper and simple print colors
>like 99 cents a floppy cheap
>make team contracts for "mini" series style runs [6-12 issues]
>writer and penciller/inker don't change during story archs

I don't know how successful it would be but that's what I want and believe in.

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