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Why do people accept lazy animation? Every single contemporary cartoon looks like cheap stilted choppy flash Newgrounds slop with flat colors and sub-minimal detailing and shading and everyone acts like that's normal. Not to mention how revoltingly ugly character designs have become. Everything looks like ass and the best anyone can come up with to justify the absolute state of modern animation is "it's an artstyle bro". No, laziness and ugliness aren't an artstyle. Why does nobody care? Why do people keep consooming? How did we go from Don Bluth to whatever the fuck passes for animation these days? Motherfuckers today don't even take full advantage of the medium, it feels like it's all just wide shots of talking heads in empty rooms. Why do people eat this shit up? Have the secrets of the craft somehow been lost to time? And I get zoomers not having a problem with any of this. They don't know any better. But the rest of you? What's your excuse? What the fuck is happening and why does nobody give a shit?
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Literally the best cartoon ever made just finished this week, it's no one's fault but yours you only watch shit.
Make your own fucking cartoon, cunt.
>Animation costs money and executives don't want to spend money
the transition to digital ink and paint was supposed to save money over cels
the transition to flash was supposed to save money over digital ink and paint
and the transition to cgi was supposed to save even more money

animation is supposedly the cheapest it's ever been, and yet quality has gone down. so where the fuck is all the money?
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Studios see a better use of the money put towards tweaking the CGI used in live action than for cartoons. (They are right too).
There's no point in fanciful Sci-Fantasy cartoons if you can just do it with actual actors and CGI.
What is even left that CGI/Live action can't be used for?
>so where the fuck is all the money?
Executives pockets or money laundering, the latter more often than the former

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Actors you think would’ve been perfect to play a certain /co/ related character at one point in time.
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I feel like this could've realistically happened if they did an X-Men film in the early 90's
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Cory Everson would have made a good Power Girl. They could always pad a bra to enlarge tits. The muscles are authentic.
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>shows up in another character's movie
>"perhaps you can help solve a mystery"
You might as well just add Chris O'Donnell as Angel and make it a School Ties reunion

Catwoman should be a redhead.
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she probably is. Selina likely dyes her hair black
Cat Noir if he trap.
So...Cat Noir?
Chat Noir should be a redhead
Why is a Japanese woman redheaded? Is she an Ainu?

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If given the chance, would you be friends with Lisa Simpson?
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lisa’s fisa and sisa (formerly bart’s)
It's like everyone says and agrees, The Simpsons use to be great.
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>Casually mogs Lisa in every way

Anaisisters we won...

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Characters and comics and cartoons wearing sexy outfits they're not usually associated with wearing.
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I hate this shit being about autistic luthor
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wheel squad
I kind of hate that Ahsoka sort of overshadowed Aayla Secura.
pure sex

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Why wasn’t Pocahontas this cute in the Disney version?
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>including footfags ones
those are what you call posers. no true footfag would miss that detail
yeah I would never miss an opportunity to draw the soles lighter
>t. footfag artist
Lost Ongezellig character.
As someone who grew up near james city county, us locals had a good laugh at how much the movie got wrong, including the geography. Spoilers: that area is mostly swamp and marsh with forest the closer you get to Williamsburg. And while are some small vallys and small hills in the wooded areas, it's mostly flat. Ain't no waterfalls.
Also, fuck off that pilgrims shit Massachusetts. We were here first.
>real Ratcliffe was an actually pretty okay guy, and John Smith was the piece of subhuman garbage
Yes and no. Smith was a bit of braggart and and a dictator, but he saved the colony with his tough rules. Ratcliffe, btw, was tricked by the powhatan into a trade meeting were they captured him and then skinned him alive.
not all soles are lighter

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Any of the animated Star Wars shows worth watching?
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Man makes good shows he just can't stick an ending to save his life.
I consider the tv movie finale of Dexter a fluke
>And that's only because Genndy has never made anything good except for Dexter's Lab
Genndywars is the best thing he's ever made
Too bad that's 90% of the show. Filoni has been trying really hard for years to make Ahsoka the single most important and influential character in the franchise. He keeps retconning things to make her the sole reason for any major events happening.
Of all the wrong posts on /co/, this is the most wrong.
Genndywars is the only one worth your time.

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Hear me out guys...
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Sucks she died
She has a massive case of being anime-12. Two massive cases.
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"you're just scared of a BEAUTIFUL QUEEN lol"
how do you respond without sounding mad?
Sir, that's a piece of plastic.

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On this Mother's Day, let us celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Nia
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No down payment!
lol, this is great
What's she from?
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This show is literally the phrase "When you polish a turd, it's still a turd" the good animation and voice acting doesn't take away the fact this show is a complete disaster that should have stayed on Wattpad.
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Seriously, the fucking content ranges from nightmarish to worth of being it's own show. This fucking comic is over 60 pages long already and still going.
Not really, it's trying to capitalize on the "meme" look since I remember seeing a pin of the Blitzo lion face.
So what's the difference between them?
She reminds me of Vaggie

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Captain Marvel #8
The Avengers #14
Avengers United #31
Infinity Paws #6
Avengers United #32
Infinity Paws #7
Ms. Marvel Mutant Menace 3

Last week's thread: >>143529203
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Self inserts are just one of those things that's here to stay.
no one is watching them.
Nobody likes that cunt.
I hate that all these failed actors and actress have infiltrated the cartoon industry and insist that their cartoon characters look just like them.
Let women into animation, they said
You don't want to be boys club, do you? they said
womans are alway into animation. draw is a girly hobbie, is mostly for girl and fags.

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Does anyone get upset when a love interest only appears once and then the show forgets they exist?

The Simpsons dropped the ball with Gina Vendetti. Especially at the end of the episode where Marge said they'd have dinner with her in prison often (That went nowhere)
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Girl of the week is the absolute shittiest storytelling trope because it basically exists to give someone a nice story/chemistry with a character who will never be seen again. It's especially bad when the character isn't seen again for any good reason.

Pic related is maybe one of the worst examples of it because her and Bobby are straight up still dating at the end of the episode and the "celebrity VA" excuse doesn't hold water because they other celebrity characters continued to be voiced by regular cast members/normal VAs (Roger going from Chris Rock to Phil LaMarr for instance). They did the same thing with Bill and Laoma and Laoma wasn't even voiced by a celebrity but someone who had already done other voices on the show.
Kelsey Grammer and Joe Mantegna

I guess their relationship withthe producers is really, really good and they enjoy doing the roles enough that they're willing to do them for less money.
He's a resplendent Republican god who came back from the brink with Frasier, and then proceeded to make absolute garbage for the last four years of the show. At this point anything Sideshow Bob is the most interesting thing he ever does in a year.
simpsons did this shit like nine million fucking time
That's her, it's Ultimate Kate Bishop.

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post characters/series that never got their time to shine
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who cares at this point
I have schadenfreude to aquire
Scaling wise base cabba is fucking up the entirety of DBZ
Like Bleach losing every matchup?
Idk what that has to do with what we are talking about. The people coping have been massive assholes to anyone pointing out the obvious, so I want to see the meltdowns when they get hit by reality

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No, she just doesn't know what happens if she goes that far away
Ten bucks says he gets them back to cubetown in another 4 months and they meet some other new scientist who is also a quirky girl with some new mental illness
I’m expecting Moray to tell the Director that Northhampton and Claire and Marten’s friends seems so fun, that they move the entirety of Cubetown to Massachusetts. Hopefully this development gets Clinton more sex partners.
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But I want to go back to Cubetown!
Well I wanna get Clinton’s dick into a pussy and apparently we can’t have both.

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