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What day is it anyway edition

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ooo this is good
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Best I got so far

Will the new season be any good?
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Yeah she was the geek of the group back when. She was also kinda sports too, so maybe that made her too OP so they moved it around
lock hands with alex as you coom during yours and her first time. and have a good spoon sleep.
this series has never had consistency. Alex was allergic to cats in the early seasons, then in 6 and beyond its not an issue. Sam is portrayed as a hopelessly unathletic klutz in one single episode then never again. They once re-used a villain as a generic celebrity in season 6. There clearly was never a show bible.
Worst example is their mothers designs
Ive got a lot of problems with this but I will say that having Mandy get her memory back is the most interesting thing this franchise has ever done, which isn't saying much but still
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Yes, good morning in our timezone. New episode begins LIVE in 6 and a half hours for Totally Spies.


Our countdown and the Gulli simulcast is all set. But later this afternoon in my said timezone, I have to catch up on our end due to lack of preps.

Currently, we now join Channel News Asia on our simulcast until 10:30am since Totally Spies for this season are in Singapore.

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Yesterday Spidey managed to turn the tables on Venom, Scorpion double crossed Justin Hammer, and we learn the secret origins of Jonah Jameson
Today; Gloria finds herself in a hairy situation and it's a good day for those of you who prefer scans over digital

>previous threads
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Thirteen? I thought she was sixteen?
Peter really needs to stop ignoring his spider sense.
And here I thought he was Daredevil in a fat suit!
All Peter needs to do is say he likes fat girls and Kristi will trade one problem for another. But it'll take her a while to get to the other extreme.
>earlier this issue
>jonah tried to kill me!
>jonah, why are you trying to kill me?!

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She looks like she does anal and then oral
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>Be Hickman
>Write and X-Men re-launch event with inherently sinister undertones and where all the X-Men act like pompous assholes. Even working with some of their worst villains to achieve their goals.
>Plant the very obvious seeds that Krakoa isn't right and that this will all blow up in their faces because of one man's ego for a better tomorrow.
>Everyone including Marvel completely miss the messages and views Krakoa as an obliviously happy mutant death cult.
Hickman did nothing wrong and I'll stand by it.
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This shit was getting boring even when Hickman was writing. Great premise, no follow through.
Xavier powers worked on Reed easily which prove he had zero defences or any plan to counter telepathy.

Yeah it was out of character and bulllshit for Xavier to easily be able to mindfuck Richards but the fact is Richards didn't had anything prepared and Xavier could do the same to him to avoid the F4 ruining it.
>but what about Doom
He wouldn't tell the UN nations anything and even if he did they would ignore him, no one woudl believe in him, he got no allies to support his word,
It's THE city in all of the Abrahamic religions. It's where Solomon built his temple (the Wailing Wall is all thats left of it), it's where Jesus was crucified and resurrected, and it's where Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) ascended up to Heaven. All three big religions have some claim to it of some kind, hence why it's a powder keg on the best of days
He originally wanted to use this look for Xavier in the illuminati during his Avengers run but Xavier got bodied by Cyke at the end of AvX. Hickman just likes weird helmets.
It's not the most important city in Islam, that's Mecca, Jerusalem is usually considered the third most important place for muslims, but it's not a place where they must obsess over like Mecca(city of God) and Medina(the city of Muhammad)

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Hop in gang, we're having Scooby Doo thread. I feel like this is a /co/ icon we all know, yet seldom actually talk about beyond Velma/Daphne fapping. So lets explore this a little further. Starting topics
>What makes for a good Scooby Doo episode/mystery?
>What are some of your favorite celebrity crossovers? Do you like/dislike them?
>Favorite monsters old and new?
>How sparingly should "real monsters and supernatural" plots be?
>Best gang member?
Thread Theme
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>What makes for a good Scooby Doo episode/mystery?
An interesting monster and/or location, something like the Space Kook at the abandoned military base. An actual pressing dilemma, like the old man aging in What the Hex is Going on. And actually balancing humor into it, like "A Terrifying Round with a Menacing Clown" which basically has Velma and Shaggy switch places.
>What are some of your favorite celebrity crossovers? Do you like/dislike them?
I'm not exactly an old man, so when I watched the old crossovers, I didn't recognize most, which hurt their appeal since I had no clue what the gang was supposed to bounce off of.
>Favorite monsters old and new?
Space Kook, Cat Monsters of Zombie Island, Mystery Machine (from What's New).
>How sparingly should "real monsters and supernatural" plots be?
Enough that the gang has reason to believe the monster could be real, but not so much it's super consecutive. The movies work, but having a series based around real monsters didn't.
>Best gang member?
Shaggy, I always loved his character for just about every reason.
The What's New cast, with the caveat that if Casey Kasem is out of the equation, I vastly prefer Scott Innes and Billy West over Matthew Lillard. He just always sounds high-pitched and like he's running out of breath. I also have no strong feelings on who voices Scooby, as they all sound great. Velma, on the other hand, slowly got worse and worse voices until Mindy Cohn. The one in the early Scrappy seasons is embarrassing.
She's easily kidnapped and will burn your penis off.

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Piece of toast
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The tummy that killed billions.
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VN status?
's big butt

pick one girl and one boy and the rest will try to kill you
Dot and Bart
Dot and Buster
Plus they should date as they fight the rest off with toon logic

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Serious discussion of all /co/ bugs.
Specifically, Dave Polsky's underrated hidden gem and masterpiece The Buzz on Maggie.
A series that canonically got canceled because, according to Disney executives:
>"Maggie is too sexy for a kids' show.

Despite that, it is returning to Disney + in full HD glory:
(Source: None. I made it up.)

All episodes:

Some fun highlights:

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share the love
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>Maggie gets a OnlyFlys account
Alright, now I'll watch it
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is this ai art?
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pretty good
we need a maggie LoRa
for modern flydays

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So is their ship that popular because audience is desperate for normal straight shipping between fragile female and masculine strong male? Or is it becuase it's humanXAI?
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I can't believe we are soon going to reach the point where most people on 4chan will have no idea what the brony fandom was about.

Life is way too short, one decade is far less than you think, live and enjoy this shit now, because 2012 was just a few days ago, you will be a grandpa very soon.
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>Me reading this while barely being in my twenties, having been plagued by existential thoughts for months
If they're going to break Gangle's mask every episode it needs to happen later in the episode. Pomni was so one-note in the pilot, so it was refreshing see her being happy and comfort someone else. I want to see the bright, annoying weeb side of Gangle damn it
>barely in my twenties
Your life just started kid, we are mindless animals without free will on your childhood, consider yourself blessed that you already know that, get a good job, save as much money as you can so you can retire in a fancy way and enjoy life.
Jesus is about to perform the rapture, so go into the Bible first. Deeply.

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>Make a comic about how no one is special
>But actually I’m special because I’m not my birth gender and you better do nothing but praise me for being bold and brave
>Also if you get mad at me you’re a bigot and an idiot

Really Stirs the old brain chemicals. Maybe its just a girl thing I don’t understand
Best retort to shit like this is "I don't give a shit what you think, fuck you." Watch them suddenly have to make a case for why you should care what they think.

Selfishness, man. It's just selfishness.
>Maybe it's just a girl thing
Unironically yes.
>How to get a false rape charge 101
Are you talking about the commissioner or the person who drew it?

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Any of the animated Star Wars shows worth watching?
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Mostly because Ashoka should be wanking me
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>dont want to give money to disney
>every fucking pirate side gives me a 404 on gendy wars

at least vol 1 is up in full in youtube
I am a kinder person than this site deserves, but Genndy Grievous must be seen by all. For you, a gift.

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ur a cool dude anon, thanks
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No prob, I am merely a humble solider spreading the good word of our Lord and Savior, General Grievous. Go forth and enjoy.

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Get your Kufi hats boys and girls, it's time to learn about the creation of the white race.
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>Try asking a far Right racist why black kids raised by white parents perform as well as an average white kid sometime
first, do you have a source?
and second (if true), the black kids would be removed from the black culture of being raised by a single mother which is extremely damaging to kids of all races
^^ this source also disproves your claim btw
THAT'S what this panel is based on?????
what kind of shitty priest was that?
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There is nothing that men hate more than women. It's the primordial tribe, the original sin of duality.

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>girl that Jaune has the best chemistry and cute interactions with is a green lantern in a non-canon crossover movie
It’s not fair.
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What is wrong with you
I just think they're cute.
>fujo acting like they have any right to call out self inserters.

If here I go
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Might I suggest watching it through dubious methods with hindi subs next time, anon?
That's how I watched Across the Spiderverse
I just like going to the movie theater. It's just hard when you go to kids movies as a single guy that's sitting in the back. Parents are giving you the looks like you're going to grab a kid run out the door. But at this point I don't really care asking some manager doesn't say anything
Tickets are like $11 where I'm at.
Nice therad I ejoy the movie sir YIFI 10/10

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