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Even if they weren't siblings, I would ship them.
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It's canon even if for 1 issue
Should've been endgame though
Kristen Schaal has seen the lewds and she's a fan.
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A pox on all who consider representation more important than chemistry.
That's probably bullshit but I believe it.
Kristen Schaal strikes me as a freak, and despite her crazy face I absolutely would.
>me when i'm standing in the bus and a cute girl pushes against me because the bus was late for 30 minutes and is now completely full yet people still try to get on with every stop despite the driver yelling at people to stop getting on the bus but people rarely listen so it takes like five minutes for the bus to take off making me late to my job but it doesn't matter because my boss only arrives at like 10 or 11 am so he never knew about my absence
I want sauce on those lewds, Schaal!
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I liked it, okay?
It was also one sided.
poly ffm
No. Pure yuri
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This is canon tho
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This would actually solve a lot of problems in the show. And it's funny they haven't given how much they pushing lgbt shit.
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Amity actually is in the show but aged down.
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If we're talking about lesbian pairings that should've been...
The symbiote just got out of a real bad relationship like seconds before and came on a bit too strong is all, they just need to get to know each other.
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I mean yeah if they were gonna go that sorta route better Zoey than Lacienega.
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Angel just casually sexually harassing Vaggie. Anytime she tells Charlie "oh he's only playing around"
Didn't it go right back to Mac after Carol blasted it off her? Wouldn't that also imply that she could never really bond with it as her powers would fry the alien anytime it tried to bond?
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Charlie is busy with her own boyfriend.
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My Oblongs AU

Each Debbie has a kink. One Debbie is into goth girls and hooked up with Susie.
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Not necessarily my OTP, but a couple in which I find the idea of hawt.
they were originally meant to be together
Hope she doesn't leave him too..
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Which is funny since she already did leave even Soren in the woods in season 4.
That girl is a menace and I'm sure that even Nyx could be a better girlfriend than her.
Claudia unfortunately doesn't seem better since she also left her tranny boyfriend in the new season
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Damn it, I was gonna post those.
But I've got an ace in the hole:
Homosexual Foe2fuckbuddies!
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We can do worse.
Now we just gonna have to wait to have Rayla mum release so we can have porn of her and Callum
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I can't wait for rayla to get cucked
Fuck I love this guy. Imagine all the lesbians shioper would have reacted if she got back with him and he's ordering her to make sandwiches.
Marceline makes him sandwiches while Bubblegum does his laundry and washes the dishes.
I'd watch that.
Wish we got to see the girl fight thing, also really jinx x raven works on of levels. Hate sex/fight sex or fully dom demon raven, or more wholesome bratty jinx x unamused raven. I wish their was more art and fics of these two.
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Was Breach autistic or just lonely?
He both cucked and made steven gay, he is really good.
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A pox on the post season 4 writers for derailing the main character as a means to help get the undeserved pairing, especially Adam Muto.

Kicking a dead horse, I know, but while I like Bubbeline as a concept and I like its fanart, I hate how it was canonically executed
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Dude, same. I loved the pair so much in the show
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It's practically canon, if the Bobs Burgers crew was still dedicated to the original mission of making Louise edgy and fun.
On that note.
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It really does bother me when two people have genuine spark between them, but they're not the shows otp so they break up.

Another note that extremely bothers is having a black character and then introducing a female black character and they eventually end up together because black.
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Canon? Only in my heart, and every other iteration except the popular one
Yep they basically have what beast boy and raven have but yuri and both being some what goth/alt girls. I can see them gushing over the same bands or movies but jinx being more bratty and childish of the two purposefully annoying raven. Just imagine they start dating but Jinx is still a villain god imagine the tension.
It's that type of fics I always searched for. It's a shame the good ones were nuked and what was left was... poorly written, shall we say
Keith was in such a weird limbo for the last few seasons of the show. I thought they were gonna have him end up with the blue chick who kept taking an interest in him, but they never locked that down.

They also cucked him out of becoming Emperor too tho, which would have been based and deserved.
Love this ship a lot especially back when Logan still was around they barely use him. Heard originally the crew shipped it heavy but everything has changed in these recent years. An yeah as anon said really they have neutered louise.

Also the reason Logan worked on louise was because she was a massive brat and shit talker in fact if you pay attention in most encounters Logan is less in the wrong than louise. First encounter he lets them pass even though louise talks shit, Second he confronts her she refuses to shut up so he takes her ears. Same with the fruit ep it was a accident but instead of deescalating louise talks shit. The reason I like logan was he was the action to louise's talk. Louise is a big talker so someone like Logan that would just hit her or use his physical dominance works so well

Like these images as well bottom/bratty louise looks super based. I remember when Knullman drew that louise sketch too I requested it great stuff he had a ton of them.

Also love these
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Everything in what survived the final draft does suggest Axca as a love interest. I know >pic is not reliable but her character has almost zero storyline despite being introduced in s2. I think its still retarded to give him a sexy ninja lady OC and pawn Allura off to the beta male
I'm glad that at least Klancefags lost
Damn the good ones are gone? How many have been lost and really why I love AO3, .net was good but so easy to lose stuff.

I wouldn't mind it either that type of fic but seen a good fic about jinx joining titans and trying to dom raven and gets broken in herself
Missed the bus for the shipping wars on that show, was it actually bad on /co/?
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>since she also left her tranny boyfriend in the new season
Noo, she's supposed to sacrifice tranny for muh dark magic buffs and make sure they won't appear again in the show anymore.
Weren't they supposed to be together until one of the new writers changed it?
There was also one strange point in time the showrunners thought of killing or writing out Hunk to have Acxa be a lion pilot, but Dreamworks didn't like too many girls on the team.
VLD shipping and canon flamewars were nuclear everywhere, especially when Adam entered the picture only to be killed. You had some people abandoning hope of Sheith and some Klancers hoping that meant their OTP would be canon, while some Sheiths huffed copium along with them up to the end.
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>VLD shipping and canon flamewars were nuclear everywhere
Yeah, I remember this shitfest. Writers should have just ignored fans and stick to the original plan instead of trying to please them without making any ship canon.
>canon, if the Bobs Burgers crew was still dedicated to the original

>Heard originally the crew shipped it heavy but everything has changed in these recent years

In the words of Gene: "Someday you two will meet in your 30s and get married." The crew wrote that, if that wasn't enough proof its canon. It lasted one episode in one season though.
On /co/ it was mostly Sheithfags, who were annoying as shit, especially early on. By the end of the show, so many people here were just whining about everything, it made the threads intolerable in general.

In the greater fandom, Klancefags and muh representationfags were by far the worst. Every shitty story from the fandom you hear is because of them. Everyone else just wanted to ship or have fun in peace.

Anyway, I liked Shendak.
Some Sheiths still huff copium that one day it will be revealed by former staff that they were meant to "win". Klancefags jumped to Catradora, and pretend to have PTSD any time Voltron is brought up.
>Kristen Schaal strikes me as a freak, and because of her crazy face I absolutely would.
My brothers. We will outlast all opposition, for our hate is righteous and eternal.
They didn't though. Both their toys were single and alive at the end. Not 24 hours later and they had keith/lance making out on Alluras grave
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The only supporters being me and my cock
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Unfortunately their original plan was not much and they came up with the later seasons plots on the fly. But they almost certainly were making last minute changes.
Nah, they lost because they didn't want to just ship it regardless of canon. They desperately, desperately wanted it to be canon above all. They also lost because Klancefags and representationfags are one and the same, and Adam and Allura dying made them seethe. To them, fags and brown people should never die.
To be fair, Allura dying was fucking stupid
I can concur it was dumb, and I don't even really like Allura. But to people like this, it isn't a legitimate reasoning, like her death making the ending more bitter than sweet. It's simply because they're angry a "black" woman died.
Reminder that a She-Ra staff member said Lauren Montgomery deserved to have her wrists broken because Klance wasn't canon and because Shiros ex died. These woketards always go for the women. Klanceniggers are cancer.
They go for women because women will cave to threats and social pressure.
As seen with Rebecca sugar and the Pearl/Greg "issue"
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Good thing Lauren never caved, she just ignored it. She was also vocal about Pidge being a girl, despite retards and Pidges retarded VA clinging onto the nonbinary/trans fan garbage.

Anyway, in keeping with the thread.
Shit didn't mean to spoiler that
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I was JUST talking the other day about how one of the Comics I MOST wanna make is an older Jack Spicer and Wuya. They just have this "old married couple" chemistry that's perfect.
Plus I love that even when Wuya is a fucking SMOKESHOW Jack doesn't really treat her differently and still bickers with her.
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Were they supposed to become a couple? I like them together but I never imagined there was any intention of them hooking up and it was always intended to be she finally gets past her jealousy/blame towards Greg and they can mourn Rose together
What's the appeal?
Rebecca based their relationship of of hers and her husband's. But staff and fans attacked her for it because they didn't want a character they saw as a lesbian revealed as a bisexual in a straight relationship. She originally fought back but then cucked out like a total pussy.
Sugar isn't a lesbian? Shocking desu
What kind of phony name is SUGAR? Clearly a jew and it fantasizes about converting its brother to a tranny
She's bi.
Anon, she married Ian JQ
Disgusting, I don't want to see that sex tape
I would have really disliked them as a couple, it would have been weird for the two exes of a deadwoman to get together. Also Greg is too ugly to be with Pearl, which is the thing I dislike most about the ship.
You're extrapolating with quite some liberties
I think they're cute.
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That's ok, I do.
I can whole heartedly assure you as someone who was in the thick of it back then, that klaneniggers did not care about Allura dying except as a footnote. Half the time when they complained about the ending they'd forget to mention her entirely
I was there too. They cared only as much as they could complain about the white showrunners killing a "black" woman. But yes, they were more assblasted over Shiros one note ex dying and Klance losing. A lot openly bragged about leaving VLD (they didn't) for She-Ra too.
Go back to the original topic
Self insertion and unloved only child behavior
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Finncels remain the lowest form of life
Goth gf
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>Show spends time fleshing Courtney out from shallow and out of touch to becoming more of a human being
>Show her being a VASTLY superior friend compared to Dodie
>Decide to destroy her family, strip them of their wealth, and cut her out of the show almost entirely with her last lines being sobbing to Ginger
I'm not even talking from the ship front at the moment, it's just insane how they seem to flip on a dime and display a significant degree of animosity towards Courtney. She can't even get the easy cameo in the epilogue

Ship wise I also absolutely agree, with the equally if not even more puzzling trajectory of Darren and Ginger being shown to be incompatible and yet implied to be endgame OFFSCREEN
I think it would have been more kino and emblematic of ATBG's realness to have Courtney get turned down but manage to move past the heartbreak, but I would also take the clam slam over what we got
Aesthetically, they look good together. Black hair and white hair has a Yin Yang type of thing to it.
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As a "bonus" the canon straight romance for Kenji absolutely tanked the show's dynamic
It's funny finding out the creator never intended her to be in love with ginger or a lesbisn
Nah, based on some interviews I read back in the day, you can tell they had no idea how to write the show despite being pretty good directors.
They had a hate boner for Shiro after they had to keep him in the show because he became unexpectedly popular, disliked fights with the actual robot and always left Keith in weird limbos regarding potential love interests and characterization. Their handling of the final season was garbage and every single fan put their shipping differences aside to shit on the finale. It's a good thing Dos Santos was out the writers room when making Across the Spider-Verse
>disliked fights with the actual robot
I can't remember the exact number, but there were only around ten or so Robeasts in the entire show, weren't there?
Most of that sounds understandable enough except for the "disliked fights with the actual robot"
Nothing sands my taint like writers taking on a property and thinking they're too good for its central premise
I’ll never forget that one person who got some backstage tour of the animation studio, took pics of spoiler storyboards and such, then tried blackmailing the show runners to make Klance canon or she’ll leak the images.
Voltron had a special breed of nut jobs.
Fucking what? Tell me more lmao
This shit again. That was two different people. One got the tour, took the pics, then took them down at the request of Mir. Unfortunately, the pics had already spread from their Tumblr to Twitter like wildfire.

The "blackmailer" was a literal 14 year old on Twitter with no followers, who simply made the retarded comment. They got dogpiled by the fandom, and nuked their account.

This whole thing got picked up by a literal faggot shipper "journalist", and he posted the story as you said it on some shitty clickbait site like den of geek.
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>girl that Jaune has the best chemistry and cute interactions with is a green lantern in a non-canon crossover movie
It’s not fair.
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What is wrong with you
I just think they're cute.
>fujo acting like they have any right to call out self inserters.
so..green ruby?
It didn't help that that one Dreamworks intern Aria liked to fan flames and make up claims like how "Joaquim wanted Sheith" to appease Sheithers, but then claim JDS and Lauren intentionally killed the gays and ignored Dreamworks' sensitivity readers.
She was feeding GeekDad all sorts of bullshit, to where his hit piece on VLD got believed but the one on She-Ra instantly got its staff pushing back on its lies.
I remember some VLD fans were all "noooo don't out Aria, she said she doesn't want attention" too, but she'd love to post and wave her summer intern clout on her Tumblr like it meant anything big.
I know Rae Geiger and some others vagued and retweeted some anti-VLD staff shit too, and were very much Klance-favoring. Which makes the backlash against them by antis for Entrapdak and other things all the juicier.
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God, I almost forgot about the stupid clout-chasing intern. And GeekDad, that was the shitty clickbait site that posted about the Voltron "blackmail' I mentioned up above. >>143700024
I remember that too. I remember one of them openly seething because a scene where Adora saved Catra looked just like Keith saving Shiro, and people online pointed it out. The art style for She-Ra always looked like someone trying to emulate VLD anyway, but using their broken feet instead of their hands.

Anyway, here's an image to keep it thread related.
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Rex got a ton of girls
>Two crazies who were his enemies for most of the show
>A literal bug girl who wanted his dick from before his current memory wipe
>When he couldn't score the hot doctor, bagged her no longer mutated sis
>A few schoolgirls he met through his best pal
>And I think that one recruit girl was into him
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"""dad bod""" will never be an acceptable body shape :)
I will beat you with 30 shoes for your insolence
>Saying shit like "acceptable" when posting cheatshit
Lol, lmao
NTRtards are even gayer than I am
I'm an artist myself man. Dunno how never got around to drawing them. Do you have sfw requests ideas??
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I just find it funny
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Red Action a shit
hot goth girl x 5/10 loser boy is such a good dynamic desu
5/10 is being generous
He didn’t “get” any of those. The only one he was ever involved with was Circe, the rest you are misconstruing them just being nice to him.
Kys self inserting faggot. Comedic relief fuckers are pathetic. This whole thread is basically “pick the worst male characters and pretend they’ll get the girl”
>he says, shitting his adult-diaper because the cartoon male they like isn’t someone he self-inserts as
Zero self awareness on you, eh?
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Jack is objectively the best male in the show though
Holy based
you’re ugly
Tell us your otp :)
I like the ugly-cute types so my taste is a bit skewed, ehe
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I self insert as Wuya retard
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What a lovely fucking couple
Aw, did your shitty ship get blown the fuck out?
>Finncels remain the lowest form of life

Is that all you can say to anyone criticizing how AT was mishandled and Bubbleline (Need I remind you that I like the idea of) was unearned since not only is Marcy too good for Peebs (And her character had to be practically stripped in order to make it work canonically), but also that Peebs won't get rid of her first love for autocracy?
Wait, have crew members gotten into ship wars with fans before? Or even with other crew members? Trying to sabotage the show to shove in their ships level of petty?
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In SPOP's case, Entrapdak anti-shippers got really salty at Geiger and other staff members for Entrapdak being canon as "hero x villain is abusive".
In the case of crew members enforcing ships, there was apparently a friendly rivalry between those who were pushing for Scorpia and Perfuma vs. Entrapta and Perfuma. And then there was Geiger and Quinn pushing their Kyle and Rogelio ship to be canon-approved by the writers.

For more outright warring, there's the whole issue with Zuke quitting SU and being a Lapidot fan vagueing about an abusive boss vs. how the show presented Peridot as aroace and a gem that would never want to fuse.
Isn't that canon, though?
I didn't watch the end of AT but from the posts on here I thought finn got the dogfucker ending?
No, it's not official
It's...up to interpretation?
They're both seen coming out of Finn's trailer. She's appearing normal. He's only wearing a towel
Make of it what you will

All things considered, very unlikely. This is post-season 4 AT wherein Adam Muto hates Finn. The closest he has as of now is him and Huntress Wizard, but they don't do much with her. :(
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>I self insert as Wuya retard
So you just proved him right?
Did you think this was some sort of rebuttal?
Sorry but I'm going to have to side with the anti self insert schizo on this one the moment that someone admits he's right and vindicates his being here.
All self insert niggers, male, female, trans, whatever, get off the thread.
NTA but yes you're not supposed to self insert in ships.
I don't Self insert. I just like Jack Spicer. He rules.
Wuya laying down sexily on Jack's workbench while he's trying to work.
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>Another note that extremely bothers is having a black character and then introducing a female black character and they eventually end up together because black.

Was that seriously what happened with Valerie?
>NTA but yes you're not supposed to self insert in ships.
Mate you're not supposed to ship at all, you're supposed to enjoy media on its own merits, not your idea of how the characters fuck off screen.
Don't act like there's standards here, that's roughly equivalent to
>You're not supposed to huff gasoline out of a plastic bag! You're supposed to use a paper bag. You philistine.
I mean, some shipping is fine as long as you're able to accept the canonical pairings. Of course, that seems to rarely be the case with a lot of shippers who either obsess over their OTP until their dying days, or just moan about "why did he/she not get with her/him?!" and write essays on what should have happened
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Zatanna makes for a fun ship with anyone
a weird one
that's no aavaros
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Rex should have smashed and bred her relentlessly. It's the noble and correct thing to do
>Another note that extremely bothers is having a black character and then introducing a female black character and they eventually end up together because black.
NTA, but are you talking about Tucker?
And Valerie?
No way that happened.
How does he cheat on them if he has sex with both of them?
Except there is a reason to ship but not self insert, one is simply noticing two characters would go well with one another thanks to their interactions, the other is a deeply unhealthy habit that ropes you into it.
You’re too ugly to be with Pearl!
Greg isn’t ugly, he’s older. Stop being ageist. Pearl would pick him over you.
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I feel like this never happened
Plance should have won and I will die on this hill.
controversial yet brave
>white showrunners killing a "black" woman
that's a legitimate concern tho
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It was Ruby and Sapphire who were based on Sugar and her husband.
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Mein bruder.

For me it's Too Young peebles/Finn, when the ongoing AI apocalypse gets there I'll prompt a full season of sweet ADVENTURE TIME WITH FINN AND JAKE AND BUBBLEGUM (and you can't stop me) where they end up with an adult PB recovered from backup who they convince to allow young PB (hereafter Duchess Bubble) to hang around as an heir to prevent Lemongrab from getting any ideas, and run around having cute heterosexual fun while Bubbline happens quietly in the background.
This thread is going places.
Not good places, but places.
It was also the only good thing about those movies, to the point that the rubyfags said that Ruby deserved those scenes and not jaune.
>Being brat corrected makes my pussy wet
Women are disgusting. Like actually disgusting.
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Alastor x emily
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Tommy and robot girl
It's a femoid ship, yes, but don't point it out, the thread is barely on the ropes as is.
AI girlfriend before it was cool.
Princess and Brick
she gets upgrades?
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Only ship that can save the franchise
They should have ended up together. Cue Anna tears.
They'd be a menace power couple.
Stfu dumb bitch. You ilk treat every ship as illegitimate by yelling out “SELF INSERT!” like a schizophrenic patient in a n asylum. Not every shipper self insert. Some just like the dynamic or think the characters are cute together.
This read really gay anon lol
he's not a nervous Otaku with low self-esteem
Seriously, this happens almost every time a ship someone doesn't like or so, and then they start complaining and accussing anyone who disagrees with them of being a self-inserter. It's just actual braindead, low-iq shit with them. And then they go on making a stink about it while everyone else tells them to shut up already. It's been like this for years and it hasn't gotten better at all.
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The comic strip shipped the hell out of them, I know that much.
Thank you. Adventure time shipping discourse is a minefield of braindead zombies repeating the same thing whenever someone says they think Finn should have been with Bubblegum or Marceline. The yurifags over there claim anyone who doesn't like Bubbline is a self inserter. It's pure projection, btw, they're the ones who self-insert as a lesbian.
She wouldn’t do this even if he paid her.
No, it's really not. Characters die, regardless of color. Go back to wherever it is you came from.
I love Pance and I love Punk and I even like kidge
Why not just ask for a redraw of the Joker/Harley comic scene.
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Timmy and Vicky
Your mother is a femoid who should have aborted you, bitch
Who are these?
No one cares about Ruby.
>turning the ten year olds into a lean handsome twink and the girl into a sexy skinny as a stick goth
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Still DAMN mad we hadn't them together by part 2.
I know Zahra was sold as his official one, but absolutely EVERYONE was expecting pic related.
>>143708865 characters from >>143695103 Bobs Burgers lol they're children on the show depicted older though
I considered saying that, but I wanted to leave the posing up the the artist's interpretation.
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If Wally wasnt that dumb...
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I never found out any art or fic of Aaravos X Rayla.
I don't think anyone ship them but there are a lot's of shipping of Aaravos X Callum.
If you want more cursed ship there are also like 2 guys who ship's Rayla and Ezran
Jessica/Jaune memes were the only good thing to come out of that crossover
I think Greg/Pearl sucks because their personal journeys heavily revolve around getting over Rose being gone
Putting them together always felt like a weird unpleasant consolation prize where Rose’s two most obsessed people use each other as a surrogate so that they don’t actually have to get over the pink bitch at all
I think it works purely because they have a cute chemistry, but their history does make it seem like a bad coping mechanism. Though it doesn't help that Pearl's actual love interest is 100% that
Comoared to that travesty, Greg and Pearl are a match made in heaven. What made anyone think that Pearl going for the most butch woman who resembles Rose was a good idea? That's a way worse sign of projection and bad coping compared to what was said before.
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Gideon and Mabel
Seething foids.
Better a nigger than a foid like John Lennon said woman is the nigger of the world. Epic fail.
good ending
My fave design, of jessica and in rwby.
This definitely my all time fav
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Chucky kind of chaded up also seeing it makes me ship it, since chucky was the baby that she messed with the most and he stood up to her the most. He usually knew angelica was full of it but he was too passive to call her on it until she pissed him off or messed with his friends.
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Best ship, brat and chad that corrects her
The fact they didn't bother to add him to the second part despite how well received his dynamic with Jessica was is baffling.
They probably premade this also let's be honest RT hates het ships. They also are notorious for not doing the best and most cost effective thing.
gay ships will always be supported no matter how cringe and wrong they are
But Grearl is the best disaster pairing.
This was my Roy x Riza ship that was fine not being a couple or not. I need battle buddies that have a secret way of speaking or having secrets away from the rest.

In a dumb star trek way, they are kinda the Spock/Kirk thing.
Roy and Riza were legally married. Nobody felt like bringing it up.
How about Wuya and Jack posing with that Heylin mask she wore as a ghost?
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It also unfortunately would fall very neatly into the fat dad/hot mom dynamic that plagues western cartoons

Anyways I liked pearl/roses haters can fume
>Hot mom
Men truly have no standards or sense of rating women.
Pidge is the secret sauce that makes it all great.
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Being a shipper myself, i know the horny is all thats cared about but did none of the other fans care that that ship was a red flag?
It would be hilarious to watch people have a melt down about Marceline staying in a toxic relationship
I don't get it? These characters had the least interaction of the main group, you have to invent a ton extra for it to be even a little logical
NTA the one episode the two shared above all else Amity had the best interactions, they never interacted once after that but it's about quality, not quantity, otherwise Finn x Bubblegum would be "The Best Ship" for example.
Add PB in the mix too. Marceline makes the sandwiches and dishes, Bubblegum does the laundry and cleans the house.
As >>143711511 already said, it was a gay ship ao fans are more likely to give kt a pass and see all the red flags as flags.
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Darcy and Belos-possessed Hunter
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This and pic related still piss me off that they werent endgame
Different anon, but don't remind me. Especially with the way they took it out back and killed it in the immediate episode after they became a couple.
never seen this show
Isn't this just two old men (er I think the Core has some women there too to be fair? But I recall a male voice so mostly men?)
Has very very uncomfortable undertones of two old gay men fucking each other in dresses pretending to be young and pretty.
>Has very very uncomfortable undertones of two old gay men fucking each other in dresses pretending to be young and pretty.

This is, somehow, not even the weirdest sex scene I've ever heard of online.
In fact it's not even in my top 50.
I meant aavaros and viren
I could see aavaros and callum working. aavaros would be a sadistic powerbottom.
The bottom part of them kissing is the funniest thing I've seen all day.
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Kelly was just replacement Jackie. It sucks they broke up offscreen, though. Fucking railroads.
I used to have two twin sisters who were younger than me and always had their friends over, as someone who had IRL interactions like Louise and Logan its not as fun as you think.
It's not even just that they broke up offscreen, they even made fun of it in the next episode. They don't get to do that shit when they're the ones who made it in the first place.
You mean underage girls teasing you?
It's not fun?
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Nta it sounds like fun and looks fun but I assume the real thing fucking sucks massively and is annoying as all hell and if you're related then it just produces disgust.
The brat thing is worse than ntr according to anons

Others join "brat correction" bandwagon which is where Louise ended up either way since she pulls so much shit
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In another world, a more peaceful one, maybe.
Fuck it then
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K.O. and Fink
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Female Miles, we call her, Miley.

But once in a while, the canon pairing can suck ass compared to the fan pairing.

EX. Danny X Sam vs Danny X Valerie from Danny Phantom.
>this is how sub 80 IQ shitskins cope
>I'll prompt a full season of sweet ADVENTURE TIME WITH FINN AND JAKE AND BUBBLEGUM

Go for it, it's your AU. As I've said in other threads and tweets, I encourage people to make their own Adventure Time AU.
I don't exactly think the sex known for no grey brain matter or ability to envision three dimensions is any better than a race of people with an average of 80 iq points.
>accept the canonical pairings
just because it's cannon doesn't mean it's good. i can accept a cannon ship exists and still subjectively think it sucks ass. case and point, danny and sam.
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Heyyyy you used the same ship example as me (>>143715243)
>once in a while
it's not even that rare, bad cannon pairings have been a thing in cartoons/co for decades.
Woo kek didn't see that, great minds think alike!
Maybe, but that does tend to come down to subjectivity, there's only been so many truly terrible pairings where everyone hates it and even some of the creators later say "yea, we didn't plan that well"
Same can be said of many fan pairings, where they just throw characters together because they once had a conversation
Sure, but crack shipping is neither here nor there. shipping discourse has declined in the last decade with too many people using the "respect cannon" rhetoric as if authors are infallible gods. but to be fair, that's a problem with the wider media discussions in general.
Same can be said about most pairings period, because in real life most people ask random people out first and don't have some will they won't they shit.
I know this isn't what you meant, but in relation to the self insert issue, I hope you realize that, that behavior can still apply to canon stuff right?
If anything, this is why some fans get downright psychotic about ensuring their fan ships become canon. Because if the creators like your ship, then everyone has to like and respect it. And it’s led to some creators apologizing to their fans online for not making their OTPs canon.
I mean, people do need to just accept that they aren't in charge of the stuff they watch/read. Just because they're fans doesn't mean everything has to go their way. And while it does suck when a pairing or in general a plot goes tits up, people should at least try to remain civilized about it. Being disappointed is one thing, but then you have some shippers who chimp out over the dumbest shit, sometimes even lashing out at others and just looking like deranged fanatics who care more about fictional characters possibly fucking than anything else.
I give ATBG grief for having Darren and Ginger get together again after a timeskip but I lost my shit when they had these two break up offscreen between EPISODES
One extreme doesn't invalidate another. >>143716308 is right on both points. if authors didn't tease multiple options and wrote objectively well developed OTPs from the jump, a lot of these problems wouldn't happen.
If people want to self-insert, can't really stop that, though one would hope those sorts keep their shit together and don't lose sight between reality and fiction. Then again, we're talking about shippers, a large percentage of which do seem to have a frail grasp on things and let their silly obsession push them into looney tunes territory of unhinged.
You have to watch out for some self-inserters that don't take "romantic rival" self-inserters of their fave very kindly.
Yeah, canon-thumpers and deranged shippers can sometimes go hand in hand so well like that.
Far as I'm concerned, if they're at the point of "photoshop IRL pics of themselves into screencaps from the show" or vice versa (shop the character into real pics), those types need to be avoided and ignored because they're probably the sort to stab you with an ice pick if you talk shit about their character
I ship enraged bitter they/them canon thumper x psychotic crack ship self inserter.
i dont think most people have a problem with the lack of control over a story. And again why are implying the behaviors mentioned are exclusive to fan shippers? There are plenty of cannon shippers who take fan ships or negative takes on their ships as an insult to their entire identity. Authors themselves chimp out when their OTPs aren't popular. Shipping has that effect on people anon, asking for civil discourse for just one side of the coin is a false dichotomy.
Shotafags are braindead
I'm not implying anything, just that it does tend to be fan ships that make the most noise. Even then, I've literally said how shippers in general tend to be the worst part of fandoms since they get way too invested in cartoon/comic characters bumping uglies compared to the fans who get upset at more important things like story decay or artstyle decline.
>clearly aged up pic of both Lincoln and Lucy
Retarded nigger.
Pink Lemonade
This could work.
I quite liked their interactions in the Titan blood cave episode
Funny enough I ship her with TKO more wish the two had more encounters. But honestly fink would get wrecked by TKO
Its basically a Peanuts ship.
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Jack Spicer and Wuya seem like they were created in a lab to appeal to my specific bisexual ass so of course I'm in your corner on this anon. Ignore the low-T hater.
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what shows are these

X-Men Evolution
I ship loli bubblegum with Finn very hard myself but I just can't buy into your "criticisms" being anything other then thinly veiled self insert hurt feelings and raging homophobia disguised as narrative critique

Your inceldom is why I violently despise AT threads because you guys can't help but spread your cancer around, wether it's bemoaning Finn as a helpless victim or glorifying season 1 and shitting on anything else, you guys just effectively made an insanely interesting show IMPOSSIBLE to fucking talk about
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Can't remember what the ending really says about relationships for anyone but I just wanna post them

Same anon on >>143695089, But why do YOU hate Bubbleline?

I've already explained why I hate Bubbleline on my end.

Regarding the homophobia, I can't support that shit since I'm queer and I don't like how other people keep blaming Becky Sucrose for everything bad that happened in the show when none of the bad, pretentious, or incoherent writing in the later seasons was her fault, they just want to find an excuse to antagonize a queer Jewish woman.
Worse, Asian.
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It should've been these two, not that chick who I barely even remember.
What is this from?
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Tres Leches is good stuff.
>And it’s led to some creators apologizing to their fans online for not making their OTPs canon.
Examples? That sounds fucking retarded
>Show her being a VASTLY superior friend compared to Dodie
To be absolutely fair
A potted plant could be a better friend than Dodie
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Best ship gamer girl and her schizo alien bf
but Ten was a 10
>Doesn't like Jack

How can anyone be this unbased?
she was a hussy
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Only non-canon cause we never got the full show, I'm sure
And the only time it could've happened in the comics, Carnelian got pregnant with his dad and then died
No just no
That's hot.
Unfortunately for you two Terry x Inque clears
Same anon who posted Pink Lemonade

Why the fuck are you associating me with the creeps shipping Ash X Marceline and this cringe?
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RT is cheap, as always. I'd be glad with a post-credit unvoiced scene.

>Why the fuck are you associating me with the creeps shipping Ash X Marceline

One of us! One of us! One of us!
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Lol no
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They're cute.
> I'm queer
/co/mblr is real
Always has been
They'd be a force to be reconded with for sure. They'd also destroy vaggie and charlie in a fight realistically. So the strongest current power couple kek.
> Charlies becomes the new Eve
Third times the charm I guess.
Btw, how much would Lucifer seeth and mald if that actually happened? It's like an even more emotionally devastating version of what Alastor tried to do.
>It's just Katara in a green lantern cosplay
I didn't think that RWBY could become more asinine and derivative, but somehow it managed by getting assimilated into DC.
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Cue Lucifer tears.
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> https://sssscomic.com/comic.php?page=1
Personally, I think it's marvelous.
Give it a try.
>I didn't think that RWBY could become more asinine and derivative
Read the comics and you'll be surprised about how much more asinine it can be.

Jaune x Jessica is probably the last good thing RT will ever do.

They gave Sable to Nightcrawler, because Peter doesn't deserve anything good.
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cant have race mi-err I mean colorism hehe.
>danger hair
>cree summers
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I don’t care if canon wanted Sheldon to get with Jenny, Brad will always be a better guy for her.
>canon wanted Sheldon to get with Jenny
DID it?
Still curious what this is about
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To be fair, the second movie takes place after vol 9 so asking Jaune if he wants to travel to another world again would probably trigger his ptsd.
The AT threads here are the only place I've seen people actually say earlier seasons were better and they handled the representation/diversity/inclusivity poorly, and sabotaged characters because of it. Everywhere else is just a mindless drone of LGBTQMF+ braindead echo chambers filled with SU fans.
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5 seconds earlier
melody is a better fit
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I'd forgotten about this cursed ship
Yeah, the creator told Sheldon was supposed to be Jenny's endgame.

It REALLY doesn't make sense, when Brad was there since the begining...
To be fair the company is dead so you aren't wrong lol.
Is it wrong I did ship them sad they never got together. They were basically perfect Jude was a chill but hard working stoner guy and she was a bratty but good hearted rich bimbo. They'd literally make the only good rich kid in history kek.
Don't give a shit about this ship, I just wish this guy and all other hentai artists in history would do more vanilla images instead of inserting their own fetishes everywhere.
>SU fans

Weren't they more like SU Crits? Like the ones who got mad that Becky Sucrose wasn't "left enough" for them or got pissed that Steven didn't want to kill and also was friendly to his more conservative uncle?

Because that would line up more with the SJW mindset of some of the writers for the later seasons of AT that deified Peebs and dunked on Finn.
Your loss
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Why do I like this pairing so much even though this is the only scene they ever interacted?

Sucks to a fan of a crack pairing.
I'm still mad this didn't happen
Since when is Cree Summer a negative?
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I will never forgive them.
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You just gave me flashbacks
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How dark can a female character be before she's disqualified from white boy dick?
Easy. Outfit swap.
In Valerie's case it's less "Black girls can't win" and more "I have a goth girl fetish and I will make her win"
Subtextually there's something there, Ty Lee is a girl who can't allow herself to feel sad and Zuko is a boy who can't allow himself to feel happy. That's a cute dynamic even if cliche.
No range, my mind always goes to rugrats.
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Opposites may not attract but they sure are interesting
>Zen bf and angry gf
I can dig it
But she’s not really goth, she’s a lacto-vegetarian wearing black.
Neither is Tootie, Butch has more of a "vague alt girl" fetish.
Honestly, same.

Wouldn’t mind it as an alternate ship for Kataang.
This interaction sums up ATLA shipping in a nutshell. when your fan/crack ships have the most fics to a lobsided extent, you just know where there's smoke there is fire.
>black hair, black clothes
>combat boots
>the weird bangs
>this dress
Everyone could at least give it, Sam being endgame wasn't a loss for Danny.

Also, I fail to see what's so good with Valerie. Yeah, it would be a nice change, but, I'm not bothered with what the things went.

Jess isn't that dark, it's more like a tan.
yeah this honestly one of my tp's as well
its okay
dont watch it if youre a mecha fan
loligum is nice, but pre psycho PB, its why Flame Princess was THE ship
I have no idea what this means.
A lot of the crack/fanships are more interesting on paper. Aang in general benefits from being paired up with any of the Fire trio
This would have been giga-kino if Jack wasn't a fucking annoying, incompetent, autistic and insufferable loser.
>hyper-competent evil genius inventor who loves technology and wants to rule the world because he hates how inefficiently its run, similar personality to characters like Admiral Thrawn
>frees a thousand year old evil magic witch who wants to rule the world because she's ebil
>they're both a genuine threat separately but are borderline unstoppable when working together
>Jack doesn't try to betray her because he's more lawful than evil and isn't a liability so Wuya grows to genuinely appreciate him and uses her magic to give him whatever he wishes for his inventions
>they rule the world together with his cold pragmaticism tempering her more senselessly evil whims
I love the idea of this stop of ship.
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Yeah I think it also comes down to you're playing with someone elses toys, fan fic is a lot easier because you're just kind of diverging with a fun idea especially if it's built after the conclusion of the story.
but it is canon thou.
I like this one because its genuinely the only time a guy going "I can fix her" and actually mean it, like if anyone could have the patience and understanding to help Azula it would be Aang.
Does anyone have that one ship art of them together where they look like actual humans? Angel is using a shirt on it, it's one of the few pieces of fanart of him where he actually looked attractive to me.
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Never insult best boy Jack ever again. He’s perfect the way he is
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After some thinking, I wouldn't exactly be against this pairing if Jack were an adult.

He wouldn't be as controlling as Chase Young has been.

Alternatively fine with him and Kimiko
it's fine when lesbians do it though
She wants to plant a pine tree in the Pacific northwest.
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I really wish the show had actually explored them possibly getting together. They clearly clicked on a lot of things while they were texting, and Odd even remarks in a mystified tone how he sees Sissi differently. Then nothing. Most we got was just him being nicer to her during that film festival where they nearly had to jump off the school because the rest of the school got turned into a flash mob by XANA. Certainly would have been more interesting than Sissi getting with Ulrich, who really just did not want to have a thing to do with her, or that Samantha girl who twice nearly got Odd in trouble with her bullshit.
Never thought about it, lol
nvm found it.
The excuse they gave is that Jaune was busy helping Nora and Ren to control the mess in other sectors.

The "Beyond vol. 9" thing stated he's still trying to sort himself, because his experiences as Rusted Knight were mostly terrible.

Quite honestly, they lost the perfect chance to have Jessica helping him back.
To be fair, this was expanded enough in comics and games to be almost canon.
If Nami wasn't moneysexual and Usopp wasn't basically setted to Kaya, it would easily be OTP.
Nah she canonically prefers Ford just like Wendy prefere Robbie
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I never watched gravity falls, I thought this was the the canon pair
There are goth vegans, anon.
Half-joking about how they meet, but could imagine Sally being all “I miss my dad” and Shadow being all “I miss Maria”.
good pairing
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Happy ending
Thank you.
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>lesbian seethes because her former partner is bi
many cases
Aztec and incan is such a wild mix. Wooouuuld they actually get along I wonder. Did those civilizations know of each others existence back then?
Boo x sully???? I want a deeper explanation on this man lol.
This is like the only legit ship art I've seen of these two and it wasn't a request, it came from tumblr of all places. I don't ship it but I do think the ss gang sleeps severely on these two.
I really thought that was where his character was heading at first. Like he's a scrappy witty lid that grows to be a cocky tony stark-like archetype as the series went on. Eatly on he wasn't afriad to shoot the shit with Wuya if it came down to it wich was nice to me and got me to ship it to begin with.
Ill aways treasure jack anon but he really dose gets worse as the series progressed on. Don't get me started on the series revival.
I know about the comic but there was a game? And it fueled Dipcifica shippers?
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Jack x Wuya have a fun dynamic
Jack is a young man who can create advanced machines Wuya is an ancient witch with great knowledge of magic
Both are very theatrical
Also I love bickering villain lovers
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She already handled his grapes
>"I can help her fix herself!"

I just realized that Moxxie X Loona is a kind of spiritual successor to this ship.

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