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What does /v/ think about my new truck
500 HP on this baby
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looks breddy gud
7/10 Needs more chrome
How am I supposed to know if 500hp is good if I don't know the damage scaling
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Cute pavement princess.
>get a job to transport transformers from Istanbul to Calais
>it's some dumb metal box

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JRPGs are good, actually.
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Who would win, Rean, Link, or Adol?
Anyone that just want to play Daybreak already? I'm way past every trails swamp but the Daybreak leeches are nipping at my heels. I just want closure man, same with Ys.
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>I just want closure man, same with Ys.
I just want Ys to stop being Kingdom Hearts.
It is a shame the Nihon Falcom Bundle on Steam has all the dlc inflating the price because I wouldn't mind buying all of those games with a discount even if it would take me years to finish them all.
Rean. Easily.

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Is this piece of site down for anyone else?
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Crossed elbows in the thumbnail almost looks like a massive bust...
that's the one I was using but uncrop seems paywalled as fuck now. The site keeps trying to shove subscriptions down my throat for weird shit and I just want to do sub 2K pics

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Arrowhead launched the game nonetheless although they didn't have mandatory account linking ready, and it was the CEO decision to disable it to trick the players it is optional while not warning them. SONY DID NOTHING WRONG.
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Now you know how the fingolian feels about those rancid snowniggers
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don't mind me just posting facts
what happens in <3<3<3<3<3
>Slow decline
>Each weekend lower than the last
>My Internet activism is doing it for realises this time freindos!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you think the lack of a weekend bump near April 7th meant the game was being affected by your activism then too?
Kek, the self delusions and depictions and grandure.
PC gaymers will endure the sloppa and you WILL get a snoy account to play kel.
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Why is Vanillaware like this? They are on the verge of bankruptcy, they need the money.
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>VW prefers to stay on woke snoy console
>they get demands to censor their games by snoy which is perpetually offended by anything that appeals to heterosexual men (see: Stellar Blade)
>studio dies because sexy sprites are all the studio has going for it (the gameplay is a weak link as it's designed for preteen japanese kids after all)
should've just ported to PC bros. they probably just scared some modder would make a high difficulty mode mod or something and it would make base game look weak.
Kill all steamdrones
Ah yes, the heavily-regulated platform of "PC"
>lewd mods being removed on sites
just put it on a different site retard, theres daily threads about childfucking in stardew valley with mod hosts.

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>destroys the SNES
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>Those few games looked as good as early PS1 titles.
Bullshit. Do list some then.
>You get some asshole thread that swears Brawl Brothers is better than SoR & Final Fight.
cope SCIVfag
arrest bloodlinesfag
>Phantasy Star was better than Chrono and FF3(6)
Y'know, SNES is teeming with RPGs, but a lot of them are utter shit. Even the Final Fantasy games have some issues. I genuinely think PSII and IV are on par with Chrono Trigger, and the rest are lower tier.

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What's the point of review bombing if you're still playing the game? you do realize Sony will just look at the numbers and ignore you right? the CEO does seem to care but it's Sony's call at the end of the day and internet noise is worthless when actions aren't speaking, just look at every single gaming controversy in the last year
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I mean, if you're still playing the game review bombing is basically the only way you can show that you're not happy.
People don't actually care about RISING UP or whatever when it comes to entertainment media. They just want to buy some stupid garbage and use it to distract themselves from their shitty lives.
Best way to fuck the shareholders.
Why do you think they're obsessed with DEI shit and paying off "journalists" for good reviews?
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idk man, this weekend didn't look so hot compared to the next one
Even with the crying, pissing, shitting, shooting ropes, the game still has well over 100k players at any given time and is outperforming shit like Overwatch. There is plenty of milk to be squeezed from these goyim.

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>*buys the Fallout IP*
>*ruins the Fallout IP*
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Never played FO1 or 2
>Fallout comes out as a more serious post apocalyptic game, in contrast to the very quirky Wasteland games
>Instantly becomes quirky in the sequel
That's fine, just don't ever open your mouth about the lore of the first two games.
>saves the fallout IP
>turns it into worldwide famous shows and games
>while gays, women and shitskins try to destroy it (and mostly do)

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Any good dancing games?
Tbqhf I am a white guy who can't dance but wants to learn how
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>nooooo you can't participate in any organized or coordinated group activity because...... you just can't, ok !?
how and why are blacks so good at

getting white women
doing prison
doing crime
always causing a scene
doing rape
bet non of them go to dance class, why are black people so good at dancing?
You learn by imitating the masters

Another month wasted playing vidya…
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see you tomorrow.
I dunno. I'm a month from getting my master's, just started a new job making good money, and games are what's keeping me sane.

Your time is never wasted if you spend it doing things you enjoy.
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We have limited time on this Earth, if you spend it doing things you enjoy it isn't wasted. But do not forget to neglect your relationships with the people around you or your health.
It’s actually the opposite. Anything that makes you “happy” is inherently worthless and will make you a hollow shell of a person. Suffering is what makes a person have any value.

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>Expect kino from Fire Emblem after TH
>Play Engage
>Every character looks like a drag queen and acts like an 8 year old

Wtf were they thinking?
It's so weird nobody talks about this game, I've never seen an IP commit suicide this hard
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>actually self loathing tranny ignoring reality
Sad! Many such cases.
>they even have tranny ingame
Rosado is from Engage.
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>people paid 60$ for this
FodlanCHADS invented it!
>fixed growth making the game not Fire Emblem is actually LE GOOD
TelliusSCHOLARS invented it!
Better than Engage's drag queen aesthetic.

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where the fuck is everyone?
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Cinco de Mayo.
Everybody is out lfg irl.
It's a phantom war being fought by people that cannot move past 2021. The GDC graph and LB/Steam numbers showing that XIV didn't retain the Wowfugees and they barely grew at all during EW has these threads a lot more agitated and upset lately.
emptying their pissbottles they'll be back in a couple days OP
What absolute and utterly retarded subhuman fucking retard cares about the fucking viewer numbers of a youtube trailer?

I like wow better, but I simply cannot handle what a child abused fucking idiot you are.
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maladath is a dead server
grobbulus is packed

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Very tragic, very sad, very news.
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leave it to community managers to pour in more gasoline.
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Bungie's fall from grace is probably the biggest disappointment for me as far as video games go. I'm in my late 20s now but Halo 2 was unironically baby's first FPS for me in the sense that it was the first M game my parents allowed me to have and probably the first FPS I played online through Xbox Live. I remember autistically writing an essay to convince them that the M rating was undeserved and it was really more of a T rated game as far as the content went. I spent a lot of time on their forums during the Halo 3 - Reach era, usually speculating on what Halo 4 could entail, and even used to imagine working there as a dev. When they split from Microsoft, I really thought they were off to bigger and better things. But Destiny only proved to be a complete letdown, straying away from the emphasis on storytelling and a coherent narrative, in favor of looter shooter elements and repeatable co-op content that felt like an MMO. Destiny 2 just ended up being more of the same. When I saw the Marathon announcement trailer (not knowing what it was for) I was genuinely excited when the title dropped, hoping that this time would finally be where Bungie returned to its roots by delivering a solid single player FPS experience. Boy was I fucking wrong. I can't think of any other dev whose degradation has disappointed me so much.
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jesus christ, it's horrifying
grummz is unironically a narcicistic grifter who has become addicted to the attention he has gotten from pretending to care about all of this stuff. Just look at the language of his petition for stellar blade and it becomes extremely aparant. As a backer for his current "game", em8er, i can honestly say i was a retard for ever giving this faggot money because its never ever coming out. He is by all definitions a grifter and the grift will always keep on grifting while they can.

Tableturf Battle is dumb, Racing should be the next big Minigame.

Inklings have rocked the racetrack before.
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Nobody likes her
I need the Catalog Points.
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>Salmon fags getting uppity again
Both modes are great, stop being a faggot
imagine being a zoomer, no wonder your taste is shit
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Seems to me you're just having a bad streak. Things should start going right again soon enough.

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why are multiplayer games so toxic? (i was jungle)
DotA type games are designed to make the players angry and miserable and hate each other, it's just a bad game genre that causes people to be way more toxic than their normal default
only retards play team based multiplayer games so they can blame their team for being retarded
why are you playing league of retards in 2024

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When did it stop becoming fun for you? Where did it all go "wrong"?
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cata levelling was a lot of fun, it was when i hit max level that for the first time i felt like the soul was gone from the game and it never came back
Probably cata.
I liked doing all the quests in vanilla - lich king and when cata came I did the same but it wasn't the same.
I guess it was too streamlined.
Problem is now that MS is in charge nothing will change. If anything it will continue to get worse with Blizz's new diversity CEO.
Blizz died with Blizz North and the release of Vanilla.
Vanilla was awesome, everyone was psyched and guild communities were great. Didn't play BC but came back for wotlk which was pretty fun. Tried twice after that but what I really enjoyed was a tight knit guild with mysteries to solve. The game has moved away from those concepts.

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is snoy retarded?
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It still hurts. I want another (good) C&C game.
The problem here is that 90% of gamers are subhuman bootlickers cucks, so it doesn't matter if a company treats them like shit
You forgot PopCap
Current events say otherwise.
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see: helldivers 2 steam score

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>just solo an abnormality with a time limit to get your party back
>star of the city battles in general
Why did the game get such a huge difficulty spike? Everything was pretty manageable up to this point.
skill issue

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>Obsidian designs a new armor
>Instantly becomes iconic
>Bethesda is STILL clinging to the old BoS armor for iconography
The mogging...
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Don't fix what ain't broke desu
Because you only post on /v/ and haven't had to put up with nearly 20 years of /co/ and /tv/ shitlfinging
When I think of something like power armor, I expect a more foundational change than just bigger numbers
For customization, every individual part should have at least as much going on as the gun builds- I think the imagery of the armor being hung up on the frame in a garage makes a promise of a more mechanic-focused experience than the gameplay can deliver on
i joined the NCR just for this armor

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What are your favorites?
167 replies and 55 images omitted. Click here to view.
1. Monkey's island
2. Monkey's island 3
3. King's quest VI heir today
4. Day of the tentacle
5. The Shivah
6. Blackwell Convergence
7. 6 days a skeptic
8. Gabriel knight sins of the father
9. Sam and Max hit the road
10. Beneath a steel sky

have there been any other adventure games made after 2013 worth playing?
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is kino
What's that adventure game called where you play a goth girl that is learning to be a magician and you find room and board for a crazy scientist that is trying to talk to ghosts and uses you to get college students into his sleep machine, resulting in strange crime scene like events?
Gray Matter
ahh thanks, that's the one.

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