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Can the industry be saved?
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let's fucking hope not
drain the swamp
trim the fat
stop the gravy train
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>Overwatch 2 was my passion
How vacant is your life that OW2 was your reason to get up in the morning

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>Boot up Assassin's Creed: Shadows
>CO alarm starts beeping
There's this weird stereotype that black people never replace the batteries in their smoke detectors. I'm not sure if it's true.

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Do you like Resident Evil Zero?
I enjoy hating it, if that counts? I like Becca and Billy but the game itself is really fucking lame.

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Who wins?
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built for human men
adhg are truly artistic in taking good core ideas and executing them in the worst way humanly possible.
I fucking love this game. And would happily shill it.Perfect blend of gears and xcom.

If it wasn't on ganepass I definitely would have bought it full price.
this, after all can you REALLY say your gf loves you if she cant swallow you whole?

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Akiha my beloved...
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For me it's Kohaku, the real TM gamer!
she hates you and wants to kill your family
I can fix her (unironically).

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My wife Penny
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If that was a thing you could do by siding with joja there would so many more people actually doing their content
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Lol this nigga buys games.
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lol this guy......no, I won't laugh of other people misfortune.
Is that game as grindy as people claim it to be?

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what games are you waiting for to go 1.0
blade and sorcery
i want them to actually have a story beyond "here's 6 npcs that all surround you and make it unfun to play"
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Decline's Drop but I must admit its partially because of the cute girls
Game looks fun from the tidbits at least
Forza Motorsport
hades 2
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Tactical Breach Wizards
Between that and Radio the Universe, I'm worried they'll turn out worse than what they could have been years ago

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because picrel is such a shit, what citybuilder is best to play in current year?

Do i really just go back to Cities Skylines One?
Is it still not fixed?
It's even worse, they made a DLC, people bought it, then they deleted the DLC, leading to a bunch of people with missing assets within their own game. I dont know how a company shits the bed THIS HARD
city building games are too high iq for /v/ anon

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If the Doom Slayer isn't black I'm not buying.
Doom Slayer is a black trans woman with disabilities. It's been confirmed in the newest lore.
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Not excited after that final Eternal DLC.
I hated Eternal, 2016 was better in every way.
last 2 games were rubbish, unless they are actually going back to basics i'm not interested

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Yo! Anon-kun!
Whatcha doin' here!?
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One of my worst memories is the time in 9th grade when the class tomboy made a bet that she could at least beat one guy in arm wrestling, ie me, because I had twig arms because I was a lazy piece of shit that never excecized whereas she had 2 hours of practice a day for years

I was looking forward to crushing her arrogance, until I did, then she kind of stormed out and I felt like shit over something I didn't need to prove
That was based except you didnt go after her and rape her immediately after
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this anon speaks the truth
this but tenderly making love and then marrying her instead

It has been more than 10 years (a decade) since Yandere Simulator is in development.

When will we have the final version of this game?

And what is happening with its development?

Why aren't computer games unique anymore?
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Some are.
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You have to realize that especially nowadays, every important software is being sold as a service. So what you get is companies charging a lot of expensive fees for those already build tools. Just take a look at Autodesk maya. A singular license to use the software goes for 1k a month. Now think about how many artists are employed in a AAA studio. And think about how many other software they use, and when you realize that each and every single one of them you have to actually pay as a service to use it? It starts to add up pretty quickly.
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Games take a million dollars and years to make now, so they can no longer afford to be unique.
they can. the problem is execs want to (((maximize profits))) which means quality and soul have to go.

What are some videogames about the end of the world?
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Even if Earth isn't flat, it is non-rotating and not moving through "space". The sun rotates around the earth, it is the center of everything.
Aw shit niggas, you know what this means
It's been happening for years
I wish it fell on my head
Not yet. Trust the plan.

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Post the YTPs these quotes are coming from
if we can a nab a nigga, we can force sonic to SUCK PINESS
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How did Spawn die from Joker?
I am sure other video game companies envy Capcom's zombie fans, who will buy any remake. Even a remake of a remake.
Sir... I've seen Nintendo next console in action. The portability, the games library, the exclusives... It is truly the summum of Gaming. The pinnacle of entertainment borned from Gamers' desire. You do not have what it takes to compete in portable consoles anymore.
If I'm against the next Sony portable console today, it's because I don't want to lose a friend... again... Not after the PS Vita incident.

So I'll leave...
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Ah ah ah let's not blow... this out of proportion!

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was wagglan really that bad of a console gimmick?
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>that much jpg artifacting
Someone please let this meme just die, she's just suffering at this point
the wii took off because it was fun and interesting and a new experience while appealing to the casual market as well as being highly affordable, nothing else has come close to the wii in that regard, VR struggles because it's unapproachable and expensive for the most part still
I liked the wii a lot, the waggling was smoke and mirrors in some cases but where implemented properly it was good
I ain't tryi' play wih no deeldoe
anon threw the wiimoteloli so hard she broke the pixels
so we fucking wiimotes now?

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Hello /v/. I'm not very familiar with games so I want to apologize if this is a dumb question. I want to get into some light gaming, I spend most of my days at the library and around the campus, I'm obv. a student so I've been looking into portable consoles for now. I'm kinda torn between getting a nintendo switch oled and the steam deck, though honestly I have no idea what to pick. I'm open to any other suggestion. What would you recommend?
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Haha sorry I'm not getting a job I will remain a NEET
Did you just imply Ronnie is a chud?
I disagree that you should get a Switch. I say get the Deck, you're gonna have to buy games for either system, and the Switch is on its way out.
To add to this I would argue that you not being a PC gamer is actually another reason to get the Deck, since it gives you a convenient and affordable way to access PC only games. Most indies/third party games on Switch are available on PC as well, so unless you have a particular interest in Nintendo games, I think you'd get a lot more value for your money with the Deck. You can emulate older systems, mod your games, etc. And if you find that you like PC gaming you'll already have a steam library built up when you decide to build your own.

The only downside I can think of is you might have a hard time learning how to use Linux since you're coming from mac. Though if you've ever used the terminal before then it's not a big deal.

aw sweet now I'm in the kingdoms of hearts nyeheheh
Would it just be one huge cutaway gag?

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Is there a special video game girl you would fight for?
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A dance with her under the light of the setting sun.
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is pic related her in the bedroom?
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want me to do that (she's preached about not using dirty means for an end before) so I'd try not to if I had the choice.
nice drawing!
Not really, no.
She doesn't really taunt. She does cheer though!

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Don't make me say it again...
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Be proud it's two of the 8 pieces of rule 34 of her.
Killer7 was the first Grasshopper Manufacture game for a Nintendo home console. No More Heroes was the second.
if Killer 7 was so good, how come nobody talks about the other six games?
I remember when I was playing through Killer7 and my friends were faggots and asked "If Killer7 is so good, how come there's no Killer8?"
Little did they know...

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