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>redefines the concept of remake, mocks those who consoom 1:1 remakes and mocks the irony of it, and add its own spice to the original story that enrichs the original story like the 5 stages of grief and jenova shapeshifting
Its a masterpiece.
I guess that some people arent fond of and they feel directly targeted. Its as they say, if you want to make omelette, you have to break some eggs.
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Of course its different, because its a sequel. Anyone thinking this is a remake is actually retarded. Theres zero chance the ending of part three is even remotely the same, and those coping that it does so they get Advent Children again are probably going to sedoku over it.
It'd be cool but on some level I feel like it's superfluous with the introduction of fast travel.
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>they gave us a whole new story
I know you got that perception because of Remake but once you play Rebirth you'll see that nothing changed. It could be argued that the execution and pacing are worse, like how they handled Dyne's death was awful, but the overall story and outcomes didn't change. It's the same story. The multi-universe doesn't matter and neither does Zack. They added some characters and content from the compilation but are just harmless cameos, it does not affect or deviate from the original story at all.
Oh, I agree. I was just trying to explain that to >>676856736, that this is remake in literally only the technical sense. On another note, I used to think it was a sequel too, but Rebirth just shook every prediction I had for the trilogy. Now I just want this ride to end.

I've played Rebirth. Currently finishing Johnny hotel stuff, actually. But I do realize that the outcomes, I see where you're coming from. Zack's back and fights with Cloud but doesn't impact the plot beyond that. Cloud saves Aerith, but Sephiroth scratches the record and kills her anyway. Cloud gets a last moment with her but she still is effectively (for now). It's all indicative of the weird fence-sitting they're doing here. I feel liek part 3 is going to properly deviat
>I feel liek part 3 is going to properly deviat
Probably will. The entire story is set up for it. But Kitase has mentioned how they know fans want to see the familiar locations and iconic moments so they'll play relatively "safe" until the end.

>best girl
>best king
>best romance
>best route
>best design
>best voice
>best sword
>best (true) ending
>best person in general

How does she do it?
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Arc is perfection in my eyes. Some anons might dunk on me being a "vanilla ice-cream" fan, but I just love her so much.
vanilla ice cream is good
remember: vanilla is a flavor, vanilla isn't the absence of flavor
>vanilla is a flavor, vanilla isn't the absence of flavor
Well said, brother.
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For me it is Luvia, the best fate girl.
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could someone explain to me why my steamdeck is saying my GPU is at 99% usage even though it only shows 4.5 gigs of ram being used??? I'm also getting some performance issues that I didn't have before, how do I fix this
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that came out a year ago. the latest is 24.0.7 (may 8th 2024)
how do I update it
downloading the steam preview update should update mesa for you. otherwise you have to compile it yourself or get someone else to do it for you.
My Steam Deck, which is up-to-date, is also on Mesa version 23.1.3, so that is the correct version.
You probably shouldn't go and install some other version not provided by the package manager, but even if you do, the next Steam Deck update will undo it anyway (unless you jump through hoops to prevent that, in which case you will probably end up breaking the system, thus justifying Valve's decision to make SteamOS work the way it does).
If subscribing to the Beta or Preview update channel gets a newer Mesa version as >>676858658 suggests, then never mind >>676858678. Otherwise you'll probably just want to leave it alone and explore other avenues of troubleshooting (unless it's been confirmed by other people that the stable channel's Mesa version is what's causing the problem). Compiling or otherwise manually installing a different version of Mesa doesn't sound like something you should attempt if you don't know what you're doing.

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I hate when videogames have a single character that outshines the rest of the cast. It makes the others feel so dull!
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Never existed brother. That was just the mc having a bad dream after drinking to much aunt milk.
I did the same but I reloaded the save because I wanted to get her pregnant
You made this thread 6 hours ago.

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Why don't devs just make good games?
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They already have a ton of games.
But if the question is "they will get a new game", then it's unlikely.
Because games need investors to be made. And investors are all high on their own farts and they think they're better than everyone else. You will make X changes or I'm taking my money away!

This is why games are shit nowadays
Mortadelo y Filemón best anime
also best hbo show
Because it makes the uppity proles EXPECT good games. Everything needs to be absolute unredeemable dogshit forever, and all memory of anything actually good scrubbed from the face of the earth so line can keep going up!

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>it's real
Mr Obama,
It is an honor
to call you
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Previous Thread >>676526082

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs
>>>/ic/drawing sticky: >>>/ic/1579290

>NSFW Deliveries

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Requesting torpedo biddies.
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Requesting Melinoë from Hades 2 doing the Jojo approaching meme with her taking the place of Dio and Chronos with Jojo. Spoilered due to the game being recently released, so fair warning.
i wanna fug this dragon
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Requesting Ayre and AllMind in these bunnysuits giving a double titjob.

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Step 1: Secure the keys!
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Completing this game on Veteran for the steam achievements was kind of a nightmare NGL
>Memeing a shitty remake of an already mediocre AAA game

Is /v/ actually a board for children or something?

>Tenpenny takes over an abandoned tower and turns it into a luxurious settlement in the wasteland
>pack of scumbag ghouls demand to be let in
>Tenpenny refuses on account of Ghouls tending to go feral
>if you talk to the ghoul leader, he says that he just wants to take over the tower for himself
>says Tenpenny just found it (not mention that he put in the work to make it nice and make it livable)
>even says that the law of the wasteland is you keep whatever you can hold onto, and he plans to just take the tower by force
>if you do let the ghouls inside on the open minded idea of everyone living together, the ghouls just end up slaughtering all the other residents proving there hostility completely right
>if you kill the ghouls, you lose karma
what a bullshit mission.
>Help the ghouls
>get the ghoul mask
>feral ghouls are passive when you wear the mask
Worth. At level 20 I'd rather walk thru another metro tunnel than blast thru 10-20 ghouls.

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Play Ghosts of Tsushima.
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Dumb niggas like you are why we keep getting broken games

The game looks great and runs great
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Guys I just got to Act 2 and now some dude told me I need to go to Iki island, this is DLC right? Should I do it now or wait after finishing the main island? It seems weird they allow access this early on so I guess its what the devs intended players to go during act 2?
I am, game is actually amazing apart from the fact that the quickdraw thing is bugged and sometimes just doesn't work, which is apparently an old bug from the original launch they never bothered to fix (and the only bandaid is turning EVERY hold prompt into a toggle, which is pure cancer in combat)
Not sure exactly how big the game is though. I've unlocked most things and haven't even finished Act 1 or gone north yet.
I did but I refunded it. It's a good looking game and that's it, the sword gameplay is dogshit (sekiro and nioh are better), the stealth gameplay is horrible (assassins creed and dishonored are better) and the story has more downs than ups
How is Legends? Worth making an account?

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get your mom to sign it
Lesftism is good.
People on this board don't care for videogames. They just care about twitter and e-celeb drama. Nobody cares about vidya anymore >>676856904

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>*knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* *knock*
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*drops limeware platter*
the charges, officer?
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Why did he do it?

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Where on this scale does your ideal female armor fall to?
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Everyone ought to be 3
A. Imagine how sweaty and smelly her armpits would be after she takes it off after a long march or fierce battle.
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this but also hag
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Lt. Morales is a generic medic from Starcraft given a name and (some) personality in Heroes of the Storm. And yes, it's a shield.

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>giving a shit about AAA games
Seethe and cope. American gaming is winning! >>676857281
man I lost that image of the wojak sticking his tongue out, does someone else have it?
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When will spergy weebcel NERDS realize they are on the losing side of history?

When The Revolution begins, every schizo-autistic VIRGIN neetcel CHUD will be dragged out of their basements, thrown onto the pavement, given a lethal dose of JUSTICE by the hands of The People, and have what's left of them tossed into the trash can history, where they will be forgotten, Just like the Nazis,

The clock is ticking for every virgin anime dweebcel chud who can't get laid, and never been to the GYM.

A literal STORM is coming you chudlets!
so beautiful i shed a tear

>I feel like 6 million deutschmarks!
Heavy is dinosaur
6 milllion? that seems a little too high

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which game has a place in your heart?
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Darksiders II
Dying Light
Team Fortress 2
Dead Space 2

but most recently ACVI
if only because it was the last game i played and greatly enjoyed, improving my mood and spending good time with one of our cats... sadly she passed away about 5 days ago.. and i greatly miss her and regret not spending more time with her
i prefer civ4 to this day
my brother introduced me to the series with it, i grew up with civ v so it's my favourite.
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Gamecube was shared between me and my older brother, but pic was the first game that was "mine".
I've beaten the game at least 20 or so times and it's the only game that I can confidently say that I know by heart. The location of every piece of money in this game has been burned into my brain.
smackdown vs raw 06, me and my friends making all our retarded characters. I still have those characters on my memory card and I still play vidya with those friends.

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>here's your reward bro

This was fucking fantastic.
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1 is Kino
2 is bad but the final case is Kino
3 sucks
4 sucks
5 is ok
6 is retarded but has great armpits
4 has great characters and the second best soundtrack in the series.
Look, I have a FUCKING OPINION that I need to be allowed to voice, even if it pisses you off.
Absolutely, I finished it just a few days ago and thought it was as good as the first trilogy.

Best theme too
That's true however. Jury could use a more creative approach

This is your 3DO, Apple Pippin and Atari Jaguar. Say hello to them.
>Jagaa keeps saying "Do the math!"
does this one at least try or am i looking at another SvS situation

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>just play safe bro
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mid lane's getting fucked while they're wasting time on this probably
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How did it take THIS long for him to be chat banned?
I will redeem
why would you not pop your ult as soon as you hear jhin r

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