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So Ricca is getting DLC.

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Akiha my beloved...
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For me it's Kohaku, the real TM gamer!
she hates you and wants to kill your family
I can fix her (unironically).

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>Create brand new protagonist for the series
>Gets overshadowed by other two existing protagonists in her own game and gets all but forgotten in the sequel
What was even the point?

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ITT: Only the best final boss music
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Honestly it needs way better instrumentation to work well. The composition is fine though.

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Which ways white man?
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>That pic
I liked TLOU2 and I liked Lie of P so I guess it's tied. But between the two I'd pick LoP any day. When's the DLC dropping?
One can only hope.
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Like this place is going to accept that, lol.
>go to /soc/ to fuck with hot mentally ill femboys and sissies
>they only want other trannies and femboys OR niggers
This place is full of normal people that liked Bridget before the controversy. Trannies claiming him doesn't change that they're tourists to the board and to GG.

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There was this one tmnt game but I forgot
Medabots AX
Naruto ninja council
DragonBall gt transformation
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Good taste.
Only game I'd consider a hidden gem on GBA, as most use the term for 'shit game I had before any objective sense of good/bad vidya developed.'
Advanced Guardian Heroes was a fun beat em up with the most hillarious Villian. Dude in black spandex pulling off a crotch beam while shouting "AMANYUDA" or something.
>Metalgun Slinger
Never heard of this one. Fully voiced opening, nice. Is it based on an anime? Looks like Megaman

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people like to clown on the state of /v/ but i feel like most sane people just lurk or reside here because man there's a lot of mentally ill furries and troons in gaming communities
it's so tiresome them pretending to be nice while being the worst

>call game mechanic gay in a gaming discord server
>the furry avatar instantly does a personal attack while pinging the mods
>banned for being insensitive

>every multiplayer game also now by default recording your voicechat and being overly sensitive to what you can or can not say *cough* blizzard
is this just a overcorrection from people yelling nigger in the mic? i noticed a lot of players don't even talk ingame anymore, how do you guys deal with this?
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>All you did was call a game mechanic gay, that's fine.
Well according to them I shouldn't use that word because it was a bad word and insensitive
>bunch of faggots

>Got any favorite singleplayer stuff?
like i said i mainly play multiplayer but witcher/dark souls/pkmn gen3 here and there, any recommendations u had in mind?
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Sex with anthro women. Onaholes.

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you're part of the problem
kill yourself normalfag
Oh, I really liked Dark Souls, good game. Try out Demon's Souls if you haven't, it emulates well and can be patched for 60 FPS within RPCS3 itself.
I had have some recs but I have no idea what'll be up your alley. Doom, Dragon Quest III, Shin Megami Tensei, System Shock, Blood, and Ys Book 1+2 are games I would recommend off hand.

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Convince me not to buy this game. It looks dope, it's about ninjas, it's bound to be the most refined in the franchise history being the latest one.
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it looks trash like 99% of ubislop games, but id say watch some dumb nigga stream it first
Stop being a faggot and play GoT instead. Way better for way less money and you'll be playing a game that japanese actually revere. If you're really so into "ninjas and shit".
I will pirate it and play it because it looks fun and it's good to learn the ways of the jew so we can better fight against it.
Game of Thrones?

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>This is not just a game that's better than it was a few years ago; it's a game going through a golden age. Don't listen to the naysayers calling it dead or merely filled with bots, or the cynics calling it irrelevant and past its prime. It's as vital and vibrant as it's ever been. And this is coming from a cynical naysayer.


WoW won. WoW is king.
WoW is BACK baby
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Have actually played WoW yourself recently or are you just shilling your shitty article on /v/?
Wow is for trannies
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A golden age means this is the best WoW has ever been, so the rest of that sentence is redundant.
Yes. MoP remix is popping off and TWW is looking really promising. WoW is back, MetzGOD saved WoW.

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https://jiggie.fun/OdDL9Z 330 mild nsfw Darkstalkers
400 sfw
sfw misato bikini
Rory bad
Emoji man good

thanks for the fun


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What kind of collabs do you want in Musashi Wired?
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Kinda yes and no, there are some dailies for PVP every now and then.
What about Co-op?
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Gundam. Most of the designs wouldn't really work, but I'd love the Age-1 Titus.
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never going to happen
Well no shit, but OP didn't specifically ask for realistic collabs.

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Hello /v/. I'm not very familiar with games so I want to apologize if this is a dumb question. I want to get into some light gaming, I spend most of my days at the library and around the campus, I'm obv. a student so I've been looking into portable consoles for now. I'm kinda torn between getting a nintendo switch oled and the steam deck, though honestly I have no idea what to pick. I'm open to any other suggestion. What would you recommend?
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Did you just imply Ronnie is a chud?
I disagree that you should get a Switch. I say get the Deck, you're gonna have to buy games for either system, and the Switch is on its way out.
To add to this I would argue that you not being a PC gamer is actually another reason to get the Deck, since it gives you a convenient and affordable way to access PC only games. Most indies/third party games on Switch are available on PC as well, so unless you have a particular interest in Nintendo games, I think you'd get a lot more value for your money with the Deck. You can emulate older systems, mod your games, etc. And if you find that you like PC gaming you'll already have a steam library built up when you decide to build your own.

The only downside I can think of is you might have a hard time learning how to use Linux since you're coming from mac. Though if you've ever used the terminal before then it's not a big deal.

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Why are all these Nintendo franchises dead?
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Yes, but it would need a team I can trust and that doesn't exist right now.
0. The Original story with Star Fox's dad setting everything up
1. The early years where Star Fox learns to fly and makes a big enough reputation to get hired for the main game
2. The Lylat Wars story line, it been long enough I would take a remake so it fits with the other games, or just re-release an older one so I can buy a copy.
3. Something new? Test pilot for new hyper drive gone wrong has to fight to collect parts to get home? Teaching flight school where you train AI powered NPCs of the next generation to win a flight competition? Civil war given how badly the last war went and have to help end the fight as hired gun again? Star Wolf vengeance fight story?
>star fox
star fox's main reason for existence was showing off cool new specs; nintendo hasn't hardware worth showing off since the GC hence Zero ended up as a husk of a game

didn't the vocalist get throat cancer or something

Sora LTD busy on the smash farms

camelot is a small as fuck studio also on the mario sports farms

>punch out
NLG busy doing bigger things

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uh metroid's had retro since 2001
Why? Great tiger could definitely be target for the cancel mob
Custom robo is the only thing on this list worth reviving besides maybe Mario Baseball but I think Nintendo doesn't have full control of the IP and the dev studio is squatting on the rights or something and Nintendo doesn't want to deal with them. I think that's the only explanation on why they haven't made a sequel.

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will tales ever be good again?
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Grace did it first, not Zesty
>posts worst tales
yeah its been better than shit of the abyss
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>Vesperia is somehow still the biggest Tales game

How did that even happen...
that game was so bad I actually blocked it out of my memory
damn you might have the worst taste out of any anon on this mongolian basket weaving form, impressive

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is it bad bad? or dragons dogma 1 bad?
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>or dragons dogma 1 bad?
They're both good and you don't deserve to play them, fuck off and go plague some other series like Sony movieshit sloppy seconds
worse than DD1 unironically
Imagine DD1 but with none of the things that made it good, and also unoptimized in the RE engine.
I'm replaying DD1 right now and you guys are full of shit. DD2 has some missteps but so many improvements you guys never mention.
such as DD2s worse writing, worse music, worse animations, worse skills, worse storage, worse enemy variety, and somehow worse pawns? Yeah just a few missteps. Oh but you can stand on enemies now! Dont worry the DLC will fix all that other stuff I'm sure.

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was wagglan really that bad of a console gimmick?
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the wii took off because it was fun and interesting and a new experience while appealing to the casual market as well as being highly affordable, nothing else has come close to the wii in that regard, VR struggles because it's unapproachable and expensive for the most part still
I liked the wii a lot, the waggling was smoke and mirrors in some cases but where implemented properly it was good
I ain't tryi' play wih no deeldoe
anon threw the wiimoteloli so hard she broke the pixels
so we fucking wiimotes now?
VR hasn't taken off because it has no good games that aren't just tech demos plus all the hardware sucks

aw sweet now I'm in the kingdoms of hearts nyeheheh
Would it just be one huge cutaway gag?
>Perer:Sora? Hawtless? The fuck is going awn 'ere??
>Chris:Daaaaad, I'm a nobody!
>Stewie: that's never changed
>Peter: hey Lois believe in the heart ofnthe cards!
>Lois: that's another show Peter

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Oh wow it's another flush build run. What a garbage game lmao.
Ok, now beat Ante 12.

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Games where I can endlessly play without being bored?
Why did male boomers even have kids if they show zero interest in them?
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Who tf texts their deadbeat dad at 3 am?
boomers were beloved by their own parents yet boomers themselves didn't give a fuck about their own why didn't he fucking love me bros
Reminds me to text that old guy I bumped into when traveling. I'll do that tomorrow


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