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Been recently playing 3D Zelda and REALLY liked a particular dungeon and when I shared that here, I got recommended Banjo Kazooie because unfortunately that 3D Zelda game had some other problems that killed it for me, but I really liked the dungeon.

So when I saw this video in my feed I was curious...and have to ask.

Is it worth it? Hear me out a bit.

I'm sort of looking for a puzzlesolving game that interlinks multiple different types of abilities/items/tools that decently interact with the environment (this part not absolutely necessary) for progression.

I know Tooie is the one that most closely applies to this based on the video but...I REALLY do not enjoy tedium or bloat (checklist, chores, fetch quests etc.) Is the first game good enough on that part? Does it do anything unique or interesting of its own? Or is it really just an M64 clone for people that couldn't get enough of that game.

I'm just curious because the current 3D Zelda I'm playing is a snoozefest, and I want to branch out to something better or more interesting.

https://youtu.be/36wclKt4vdk?si=WQV1WOzMGXHDL74P video of reference if anybody cares.
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>and less on exploring.
nta but I understand why you'd think that
It's shit whoever was trying to sell you on it was trolling you
>It sounds like you are doing this type of shopping I see some gamers do and I was guilty of it myself.

>So you just have to become adjusted to the weak parts. And the bigger a game is the more weak parts it has because thats just how building anything big works.

yeah I've been trying to get used to that but idky I lack the patience for it. maybe it's because when I was a child I never got games I wanted and had to replay utterly shit games over and over again that having higher standards feels "freeing" (even tho it's technically limiting) but...yeah I'm not sure a better way to do this than give a reference for what I'm looking for and hope for the thing I hear that's closest, or maybe not, but still sounds interesting nonetheless
>I haven't played Soul Reaver but I know it's just going to be Zelda with more emphasis on combat and less on exploring.
Another anon already alluded to it but I'd say Soul Reaver arguably has more actual puzzles than Ocarina. Definitely too much combat too but maybe that's because I dislike it
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Banjo-Kazooie has almost no puzzles whatsoever, people just call them that cuz they can't think of a better word. The majority of shit you do in Banjo is either light platforming, a minigame, or for most Jiggies it's really just the game generally asking you to do a task. Camel needs to be rescued, get a Jiggy. Race to the fly pad under a time limit, get a Jiggy. Climb to the top of the mountain; hatch this egg; find the 3 christmas presents; dive down this well without drowning, get Jiggy. The core appeal of Banjo games is exploration, and being presented with a lot of variety in the tasks you get to do.

Banjo-Tooie is a little more puzzle-y and it's CERTAINLY more complex, but even then it's mostly just you doing tasks until you find a Jiggy. You aren't asked to really use your brain in these games (which is why they're popular....)

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Post obscure PS2 games
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don't ask me why i have this saved
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2024... I am... forgotten...
I'm playing this right now and it fucking rules
Get a load of this guy. You must think you're real funny, anon.

Aerith, forget about this goofy ass loser - Cloud Strife
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And Aerith died a kissless virgin
Shut up ugly i hate you. You dont know anything zack is faithful
Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid
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I miss Barry
The hire he has this week isn't doing much for me

I fucking love Japanese games.
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Hot harem
please post WAH WAH WAH WAH webm
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You best know 日本語 if you talkin all that ish

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>just play safe bro
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I hate modern offlane, bring back suicide lane.
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>diving towers by right-clicking
sasuga league of faggots, the tower will glass you if you right click a hero under a tower
unless you actually believe a lvl 10 barathrum shouldn't be able to dive a tier 1 tower
>has ult
>instead o bumrushing twitch he sits at the tower
this is silver at best

you were saying?
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I hate league but I like jerking off to yordles

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Sentence mixing is better than ai voice
Snooping as usual I see?

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Is there a special video game girl you would fight for?
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Waifu dreams
Night Lithren
The classic peace taunt. She actually doesn't do it anymore in Reverie. Must have grown out of it.
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She technically never needs to eat...
Sleep well, friend.
Sleep tight

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funny moments in gaems
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there's already a thread

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Welcome to Atelier Meruru. How may we be of service today?
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>could have had Astrid or Esty
>instead he spends 21 years with a bitch that will never put out
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I wouldn't have minded seeing SterkEsty.
Astrid gave him Hoes PTSD so he's only ok with retarded womanchildren
Do you still have the music for the trailer of the original PS3 release?
her mother gave it to her it would be rude to stop wearing it just because it doesn't really fit anymore also she's too poor to buy more clothes

>plays on every 2008's gaming videos
This album was underwhelming. slam is okay albiet
>game developers who only make one good game which is a copy of a much better game

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Cool! A game set in Japan!
>white people
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>t. R
>they hired nigger shills for this
I see why anglos can't stand frogs now.
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Triggered >>676875853 enough to go running to photoshop.
The hell is this shit >:(

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It just shows that they had no fucking clue what Star Wars was about. They leaned way too far into the WW2 heavy bomber idea and it was completely impractical in the setting where bombers had already been perfected into a general class of starfighter.
There was a good ship that already existed for what they were going for, it's the B-Wing. Should have given that some love instead.
The prequels weren't good, but the media around it (games, shows, toys) were all fantastic. I think that's the main difference. You had a ton of various Star Wars games to play back then, and nearly all of them were good. These days? The movies suck, and the games suck, and most of the shows suck. I assume the Lego sets are probably pretty fun for a kid to play with, if not a bit pricey these days.
I'm aware the original version of this song is already insanely catchy, but I'll be damned if I couldn't listen to this parody version on repeat. Definitely my favourite track from the game.
Prequels managed to expand the universe, introduced a ton of iconic characters (some of which are clones of the same guy but still completely unique), made people want more Star Wars and kept the franchise alive for years. Tony of good spin-off material like games could be made based on those movies. The only sequel video game is somehow a fucking Lego game that features all movies in general. There is nothing to work with.
time to time I assume everything older is just sitting in the glow of nostalgia, but then you see shit like this and the amount of effort put into it and you can't help but realize it was never nostalgia or adolescence.

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Roll No!
>program your robot children to fall in love with each-other
what did light mean by this

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thoughts on armor, should you give it less or more attention?
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Strokebro I...
Oh is this the hating niggers and jews thread? Great, I've been looking for one for ages. Yeah, I hate niggers and jews too.
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oh hey relevant thread
>the kind that fucks them 24/7
like this?

30 hours into persona 3 reload and i'm not enjoying it anymore...
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this game's kind of expensive
Jesus, i beat it in 35 hours.
Zoomer moment.
im trying to finish it just out of duty
i actually shouldnt have bought it, its not worth it. Its just anotjher replay of persona 3 and ive played it multiple times alreadu
I hated the dungeons, they were just such a slog even being able to speed up the emulation. The social stuff was pretty fun though even if the transitions and walking around was tedious

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Why didn't gaming phones take off? I still play my Xperia.
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Rog phones?
Touch screen is for fags
No one wants to carry around a controller
2011 was kino mobile tech era
This image saddens me.
Because people wanted ultra thin ultra large phones, gaming phones were bulky. I like my xperia play but it's not a great device.

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>play some early access game
>encounter a memory leak
>car bursts into flames
>there should only be economy vehicles
Cringe opinion
You just said you'd prefer to have 70iq retards driving which is not kind of win you think it is. Even if autopilot wraps 2% of them around a telephone pole it's still better than letting them drive.
>efficient Chinese EV
Sure, at spontaneously catching fire just like their electric scooters, bikes, and other dumb shit.
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this is how it starts, small at first
then they will add more and more restrictions on steam, try to force it out of the market
what they cant control, they will attack
ive seen this many times throughout the decades, this is how (((they))) operate

Post those Quality 3 or lower items you absolutely love
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I have yet to unlock that lol
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i love sharp straw :)
It's unlocked from a challenge that isn't too hard but also isn't a freebie. Onan's Streak is actually kind of fun as a challenge since it mainly just tests your accuracy.

Kidney Stone itself is a weird to see being a quality 2 item. It should easily qualify for quality 3. A x6 tear multiplier is no joke, especially if you've unlocked Rock Bottom. Kidney Stone + Rock Bottom is game winning.
I would but it depends
If you get X-Ray early its one of the best items in the game by virtue of giving you free secret rooms for the entire run, capable of containing items on their own from the secret room item pool which tend to be pretty solid, like skeleton key, blank card, death certificate, pyro, tons more

Any item that facilitates obtaining more items in a run is invaluable, thats why items like Diplopia, Restock and Chaos are so incredibly strong
The thing is is that secret rooms are nowhere near as good as they used to be. Even if you get 8 secret rooms in a run, you still don't have a 50% chance of finding a secret item room. There are so many dogshit layouts that they end up not being that good. Occasionally they pay out in dividends, though.

Even though, I wouldn't put X-ray Glasses over
1. Brimstone
2. Mom's Knife
3. Epic Fetus
4. Tech X
5. Sacred Heart
6. Mega Mush
7. Mega Blast
8. Damocles
9. Magic Mush
10 Revelation
11. Godhead

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play Fate
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>Endless walls of text just to get through the story
>events with even more endlesss walls of text just to progress
>event ends after farming for weeks for pitance rewards
>they shit another even with even more walls of texts and the rewards are even shittier
>dogshit premium currency that tskes a whole year to amass fot even dogshitter rates to aquire waifu
> Waifu then gets sidelined forever while the nero kama and literal who servant wankfest lasts all year round
>Raikou revealed to be used goods after all these years.

avoid this game like sin
>Raikou revealed to be used goods after all these years.
Ah, so that's why you're so pissed.
You're an actual waifufag.

How the fuck were you simping for a RAITA drawing and not excepting to be shit on by the end?
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Nah he's right, the game sucks despite his favorite.
That's true, but that doesn't mean he isn't the lowest category of waifufags.

You anon. Post your favorite childhood game.
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I love her
How come your mom lets you have two Aquas??!
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Kirby 64.
please more

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