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>the holy trinity of stylish action vidya, 15 years later
feeling old yet?
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The entire series is pretty easy, not sure where this difficulty meme comes from
>that alchemist dodge right before you start the second sob chain
damn i'd be pissed
Not really an action game but ultrakill qualifies as a stylish game since the main appeal is doing some sick shit
>inb4 trannykill
Isn't stylish action also hack n slash?
>any kingdom hearts

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I am honestly glad that Banana Guard is there over /co/mblr dykeshit like Marceline or PBG that became corrupted in later season

though I would've like the likes of Gunther, Ice King, Lemon Grabs and BMO all in all I ain't even mad

Regular Show was always better anyways so where are my niggas Mordecai and Rigby?
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NTA, but I thought for sure the 3rd AT rep was going to be Marceline, since she's Tony's favorite.
>Adventure Time will be Multiversus's Fire Emblem
Iconic and actually unexpected. Long as they nail the moveset, he's the most exciting one here. Add on him bringing in a whole new genre and coming out of legal hell that lasted years.
Looks well-crafted and could be quite fun, but the main issue is that he was TOO obvious. The Joker gets in a lot of media, so it's not like seeing him here is especially exciting.
>Banana Guard
It's at least getting attention, but it's still bizarre timing for an addition like this. Shouldn't have come as the third Adventure Time pick, and certainly not over other Cartoon Network options. A joke pick like this should have come post-launch. On his own, he's not awful. Just a lame joke pick with what appears to be an uninteresting moveset.

If we're counting Powerpuff Girls, they might be too moveset dependent to decide whether they go over or below Joker.
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Banners are weird. Get 50 kills, now that enemy's damage and defense are trivialized.
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terraria fell off
You think the dryad gets nutrients from animal shit. Like a tree?
>at 50 kills it's an useless enemy
your post is retarded. terraria's enemies are not threatening on their own. it's when they gang up on the player that they become dangerous.
/tv/ meme. Don't know if it came from family guy or they took it from there or it always existed. Only vidya it applies to is Disco Elysium.
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nah, she's the only pure girl. everyone else is used goods.

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what is the worst adaptation of a video game into other media?
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Zead was such a great character in the game. Did he even show up in the netflix abomination? They probably butchered him either way.
Really curse of darkness had no right having such good characters.

Its absolutely this. Either House of the Dead, Bloodrayne, or Alone in the Dark.

Castlevania was great.
>Trevor doing Simon's iconic pose
cursed from the start
fucking retarded zoomie. I pity you "people" who let youtubers make your decisions for you.
I wasn't saying it was bad

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Why did this fuck some many things up on top of the already fucked shit?
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I genuinely don't understand the appeal
People make bullshit claims and threats over thumbnails and assumptions all the time, this is common practice in Youtube-related drama.
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>Why is this a point and click adventure game again?
>We never got a beat'em up in strife mode style
>Instead we got this shit
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>first three games plus MG2 on the MSX2 are military science fiction stories with elements of magical realism that is heavily based on real life political events and problems
>MGS4 onwards are military science fiction games where everything hinges on a silly grand conspiracy involving cartoon characters
The series lost its identity after MGS3.
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>Spend huge amount of the budget on putting random 80s songs in MGSV
>Don't finish the game
>Lot of interesting content is cut and only small remnants remain in the game files
>Get fired from Konami
yeah guys i honestly think we'd be better off if Kojima had spent his time making movies instead of injecting his nonsense into videogames. It's one of the older franchises that started this "Basedny" movie cutscene bullshit. And not to mention quick time events
>No one gave a shit about the series before MGS1
MG was a million seller on the NES. The MSX titles were obviously too niche. MGS1 was still somewhat ground while still retaining fantastic elements, MGS2 is when the series jumped the shark
Reminder he redid most of the writing because he watched Mad Max Fury Road when the game was in the middle of development and became enamoured with the concept of the barely talkative protagonist.
>tfw you realize all these years that the colonel was already patriot AI in mgs1

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>bigger launch than Last of Us
>bigger launch than Horizon: Zero Dawn
>bigger launch than Uncharted
Seems like the PC release of this game was a success. Thoughts?
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7/10 game elevated to an 8.5 because of theme and art direction.
why are your eyes shit?
you can tell the game is good because it's getting the Discord contrarians to come in and say one liners like "It's shit" over and over
Any game worth its salt has these retards
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Mogged by the true japan game

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My beautiful wife Aerith
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Please save this thread
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>kuraudo suki, but suki can be many things I don't know which suki tho
>aerith ur weird
This is what Clerithfags been fighting for
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>Aerith thread
I will never let go
It's a confession. You're just being dense.

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Sareth … I appreciate your affection, I really really do … but we have to keep going and stop Arantir … I mean it! you have been kissing me for 2 hours straight! We ha-
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isn't she a used goods hoe and unloyal, according to the writer?
doesnt matter. she kept you alive thats all there is to know
>phone sequel revealed sareth attained the best ending
>the writer
Nah it was some guy who worked on the game but not her writer.
If that was revealed more than a year after the writer last released a canon product featuring the character, it's not canon and his opinion later in life means nothing.

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yikes a cartoon raccoon with fat hips!
>this is what constitutes as horror in 2024
I miss actual horror games like Dead Space and Amnesia.
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Why don't they ever make a mascot horror game that isn't just the same formula over and over again
so the game ends before you even meet the depressed eel? bro wtf
sex? onahole?
I see it as the 3 games anon mentioned will in a few years be seen as no different to any other cheesy horror movie franchise, while new indies will still get made because people always want to make their own games. In fact there might actually be a revival down the line, from kids growing up with nostalgia for these games.
You don't get to see any of the other characters beyond the bird.

What does this card do again?
Nothing, it’s banned.
what a dumb card
simon, is that you?
no, this is mike

S!Z might release on October 1st.
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>jobber thumb
The beginning of DBZ to DBS Broly is pretty much confirmed, though nothing concrete about OG Dragon Ball, GT, or the DBZ movies yet.
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It never fails.

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This shit is gonna flop harder than artifact.
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Its in that Siege realm of probably not having a massive crossover cause I don't think bomb plant modes are generally great for designing a wide range of characters. You see alot of repeat items of "X characters ability, but tweaked or straight up better".
HL2 physics were universally praised in 2004, but I do think HL1 had a bigger impact on the industry with its interconnected levels making up a cohesive story instead of just random levels packed into episodes. That stuff was an actual paradigm shift at the time.
More like Dreadlocks LMAO
I think oro from sf3 It's a great design.
welp I played one match and feel miserable afterwards. I still hate this genre and I hope they at least scrap the mobashit from it

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IGN is woke. Every single journalist that is currently trying to rewrite history also gave this game a low score. These people give politically biased reviews and they affect the metacritic score. You might be saying who cares but normies do metacritic is the first place they look. Journalists(activists) are shaping gaming.
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Make your raid less obvious trannies.
Rent free

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/v/ always bitches about video games costing $70 or more. this is a poorfag mentality. video games are a luxury, and you should just get yourself some more money. how much money do you have in your bank account right now? if Nintendo shadow dropped a limited time release, would you be able to get an order in before it sold out?
it's mostly because modern games are shit
people will buy things at a value they see fit
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>paying more than $0 for video games

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When did you drop this franchise?
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I mean making a hisotrical ARPG isn't a bad idea but the stat bloat is unacceptable.
I mean rightfully so. Older games at least had that identity of having some focus on stealth and combat different from other western action RPGs. With Origins those games became just another generic as fuck open world arpgs.
Never, tried playing 2. But couldn't find the fun in 'hold A to parkour' thing.
assassins creed 2
Curious what you didn't like about 2 that was better in 1.

What happen
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This is my favorite Zelda because she's really cute
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Based and smashpilled. I hope they take cues from this, and when they finally get tired of BotW sequels, the next Zelda is ultra genki.
When are we getting a LttP Zelda dating sim?
Seems like older, more professional and more westernized devs dislike genki in much the same way as eg tsundere, viewed as fanservicey. Damn shame because cute energetic girls are ultrabased.
Definitely the best Young Zelda, though I tend to rank the older Zeldas separately.
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you no longer have any excuse for not beating her now
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in otherwords he's just your every day stupid nigger and his fanbase is the same
>This is why despite not being harder game Sekiro has 15 percent avg completion according to cheevos while Souls games have between 25 to 30 percent.
It's actually because Sekiro is an incredibly mediocre game with a wholly uninteresting setting and a fixed character that normalfags don't care about.
You don't need to learn boss movesets either when things like firecrackers or umbrellas exist.
>Watch top watched streams on Twitch
>it's always a bunch of Spic streams, French, Germans some super normalfag people and tons of no-names I have never heard about
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Fromsoft attempted to make Maliketh phase 1 a positioning-specific punish boss. If you know how his AI works he's completely trivial, so much so that fighting him the "intended" way feels like cheesing because it's completely safe (you can just do webm related off of half his moves). However, they forgot to add anything that naturally teaches you how to do this which is the big source of frustration for most people playing normally.
They really need to improve on making bosses that teach you their advanced mechanics in a fun way. This is probably why the vast majority of bosses they design are braindead simple
>aren't patient for trial and error
>gladly bruteforce
Huh? Bruteforcing shit is by design trial and error, as you're forcing yourself to try the exact combination of your plan. Its the difference between stubbornness and flexibility, and hasn't much to do with patience, which is required for both stratagems.
If you think the casual gamer beat ER by spending 400 deaths on one boss, you're dead wrong. It's a stupid way to go about it, but it does take willpower and incredible stubbornness, and majority of casual gamers don't give enough of a shit to have either.
Reason for high clear rates for souls games is that it has variable difficulty. Pick certain items, go certain places first, and boom, game is significantly easier. ER made that much easier with open world. Very few are concerned about "playing it blind for the first time" most casual players got into it from a friend, and likely try shit out they hear from them.

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being auth right. But besides that I think legionfags and enclave fags would actually hate each other
>legion is backwards mutie tribals that throw away american values
>enclave is glowniggers that allow women to serve in combat
Plasma, Gauss. For aristocrats that actually hit their shots.
I have an old version of Fallout 4. How do I update to the newest version from 2023, and not to the new "next gen" update that breaks all the mods?
people with the spark of The Divine which only Aryan humans possess

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