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Why does Hilda have so much porn?
Serious question
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I want to make her an airbelly.
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Pokemon Black/White will soon be 15 years old.
Poor (lucky?) girl never got to be in the anime
bump her up
I can hear it...

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Girl just can't catch a break, huh
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There are chase sequences, but if you fail them BB always manages to get out of there through coincidence or funny bait and switch moments. She has plot armor, pretty much.
I don't mind the game being a walking sim or whatever but I did feel a little dissonance here since during these very brief stints of what could arguably be called "gameplay" (the chase sequences) I was torn between my gamer desire to successfully run away and my desire to get caught so I could see all the content
Don't worry people have done videos with all the missable content
dunno if you're still here, but went looking for aotk stuff on twitter and bumped into your art, small world. seems like the best way to find stuff is to just search "anthology of the killer", sort by new, and pray
holy shit I've been trying to remember the name of these games, thanks for bringing it back into my brain anons

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Which ways white man?
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He'd let you because he's such a lala prancing fagboy homosexual.
Retro is (supposedly) too busy unfuck Metroid Prime 4
Weird coincidence cause I'm one too.
East always good.
West always bad.
Do I fit in yet?
Not yet, you need to like them younger than 14, and call 20+ yo women “hags” and “christmas cake” like an anime and many many other pathetic weeb cliches.

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>Resident Evil 1 with over the shoulder camera
>Satasha Zotova as Jill again
>Remake of the Remake

Hmmm, does Capcom hate Code Veronica?

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will tales ever be good again?
>will tales ever again?
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no unfortunately the last good one was xillia 2

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Who wins?
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as soon as I read the plot summary for this I tapped out
sounded retarded and femdom is gross
we're hmofa chads here buddy
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Vipers owe me free bladestorm activations.
give me a good one, I read the one with a giant viper where nothing interesting happened
and yeah I forgot the name but I know which one you're talking about
a whole lot of drama and talking like damn, I dropped it a while ago
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They're training you to side with transhumanistic humankind.
Less than 4000 days remain.
The legal Owner of the colony we call Earth is coming back.
Foolish "elites" and elites will start a war against fake and gay aliens to prepare you for war against the Creator.
The have the red heifers.
They have the altar.
The Son of Perdition, the Little Horn, the Antichrist is here.

S!Z might release on October 1st.
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They have 3 Trunks. Classic Trunks, Long Haired Trunks with Armor and no sword, and DBS Trunks.
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I've never watched dragon ball before but played some of the games and want to get this one

How out of the loop will I be with supershit?
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Different super attacks and combos. Also they don't want to dilute Z-kino with super fan fiction.
make it 4 with toddler trunks
perhaps even 5 trunks if they include the last movie and give us teenager trunks

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Complete newfag here concerning fallout.
So basically, you cannot like both games and are either a "3fag" or "vegasfag".
Vegas is supposedly more memorable with more silly/memeable moments, while 3 is the more serious game that also has the beter "post-nuke world" feel. But Vegas has beter/more polished gameplay mostly because it's newer.

Am I getting all that right?
With that said should I play both or not? Only saw the first 30min of 3 at a friends'and it looked very interesting.
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>New vegas is funnily enough MUCH much wackier than 3 if you actually scrutinize it
You mean cherry pick. The general tone of NV is more serious. In 3 one of the first people you'll have a conversation with is Moira brown who sets the tone for that game, which is sarcastic, quirky and not serious
>You mean cherry pick.
Nah that's you
The vendors respawn every 3 ingame days. Unless you're playing with a hunger/thirst/sleep needs mod there is no reason not to wait 3 ingame days and refresh their inventories, but enemies also respawn every 3 days as well.
3 is better just because green is a nicer color to look at than orange. NV makes me want to puke, 3 looks pleasant and inviting.

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>Why haven’t you played my game yet, Anon?
I don't want to devote my life to one game I will never be good at.
my dick is too small for this shit
>only ever plays tft
>have to install spyware for it
what were they thinking? anyone have another good auto chess?
is this a new cuck meme?
Heard ruined king was kinda shit

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this is bullshit
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I'd have gotten more frustrated with it if I were still on a timelimit.
But without the timelimit and the unlimited tries, it's really not that hard.
be honest would you
Not everything needs to be sexualized
>put dick in
>get splinters

I'll pass.
Yes it does

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I'm really disappointed to say that this game isn't as astounding as I remember it being upon release. Is it because I was 15 back then and its narrative tricks were new to me? Because I've heard the soundtrack a thousand times? Because the only difficult fights are in the bad route I don't want to do again?
I'm not sure but I feel sad.

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My beautiful wife Aerith
From ff7 redditbirth the ubishit flop
Post pouting Aerith.
Ærith accepts us for who we are.

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Scotty, beam the must-play Star Trek games directly to my thread.
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I'm amazed it even got 5 seasons with how putrid of a show it is
even by schlock standards it's fucking terrible
While that may be true, it has no place here. Start a crypto b5 thread somewhere. Maybe /tg/.
god god, when? like 20 years ago?
They physically couldn’t cancel it since it was supposed to be a “tent pole” of the streaming service. Right now the new show is doing well enough to replace it which explains the unceremonious nature of the canceling. I do wonder about prodigy though, I heard it was alright for a kids adventure show
I still don't even understand why they thought making that character the MC was a good idea
not even talking about the actress, just that character. I've only watched the first season and she is so offputting when combined with the stupid storyline that was happening in that season

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>game forces tutorial on you
>it has unskippable dialog and cutscenes and takes 2 hours to finish
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The 2 hour limit refund is BS it should be at least 4 hours.
the Pikmin series. I love them but Jesus is there a lot of stopping the game to tell you shit.
>setessential "doc mitchell" 0
I dropped kingdom hearts 3 by the 3rd or 4th planet because it drove me mad with this bullshit.
How can cat dance??

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No wonder they are a shit company now
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But the Witcher 3 did it and is one of the best selling games of all time, so now everybody must do it.
When your main IP is failing this badly, to the point where you have to cancel all your AA projects, fire your NA and EU, IT, marketing, publishing teams, force massive restructuring, change your entire strategy to multiplatform, all of this with 2 major releases in the span of one year, then...
This company is legitimately a walking corpse right now
They werent that bad in Witcher 3. Sometimes going to the ? marks on the map gave you a really good quest. Like a haunted tower to explore or some shit. FF7Remake doesn't have anything special. All the map markers are just pressing triangle on some data sources or killing a pack of monsters with a specific objective and time.
The problem with Witcher 3 was the writing for the side content was way higher quality than the main story lel.
Persona 5 Royal has it beat reception wise on the critic's side, reception wise on the audience's side, and sales wise.
Final Fantasy is a has-been franchise and Persona has completely taken over as king of the JRPG. It's long past time to accept your new Atlus overlords instead of arguing over which AAA bastardization of a classic franchise is better.

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This is the only thing that gamers want, and it's absolutely disgusting.
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The best part?
It's canon.
Wake me up when they add a pump into the game.
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I wish I had more images with Isabelle's hair being down. It's pretty rare though.
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Wind Waker is probably one of the only games I've ever genuinely wanted to play solely for aesthetic and music.

But unfortunately I literally cannot enjoy bad games. I can only play games that do something well. Or do something unique very interestingly, that can make up for "shallowness".

Unfortunately dungeons and puzzles are pretty important to me, and I KNOW this game is padded the fuck out, and I've heard it likened to open world games, which is like TRIPLE bad. So I'll probably never touch it...

But look at this mfers face, something about him is just so relatable and he never even speaks, look at this goofy mfer, bro doesn't even like the sword hahahahaha (or is he squinting because it's shining? either way is funny as fuck)

Just wanted to post this cuz I felt like it and it's nice and funny

also /v/ for videogames
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it means alternative beginnings and end.
linear is a line
non linear is choosing between lines/ or making your own line
REALLY? what Ive heard is it frequently placed as one of the best dungeons in the entire 3D series. It's often used as the poster child for good dungeon design for 3D Zelda.

Look at picrel. This is what gamers toolkit cooked up, so that he could call the dungeon "complex"

Regardless, I've beaten 3 dungeons by now. Even if the last one turned out to be exceptional, that's still only be 2/4 dungeons for me. And when I consider Majora's Mask as a whole and the abundance of time wasting side quests, borderline fetch quests, dungeon lead ups (absolutely horrible, I will never forget zora eggs omfg)
and all that. The game becomes a 1.5/4

I should honestly be harsher on it, because it's really understated how many side quests except for a few are just tediously talking to people and giving them items in the most roundabout way ever, or absolutely boring ones where you just complete it without even thinking but...yeah that's how I feel. Still on the journey to find the truly solid all around 3D Zelda. Or atleast the one that does something unique SO well that I can excuse it's flaws because it's so rare to find a game like it.
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fuck, forgot to post picrel

anyway I plan to make a thread surrounding this pic and breaking down why it's so stupid
No. Because a non linear story can simply be a linear story told out of order, this is incredibly classic when it comes to any stories with time shenanigans, where things that happen at the end of a timeLINE can be shown at the beginning or in the middle and you get the point. Your definition is too strict and narrow.
that story is linear, it will always play out the same way. all stories are like that even when they adopt in media res

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When did you drop this franchise?
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I only play the ones with a White MALE MC.
Both Eivor and Havi are pretty goddamn white. And curiously you missed the likes of Connor or Adewale even though their products came out alongside the ones on top...
In the middle of Rogue. ACIII was not as iconic as OG and Ezio trilogy, but still quite fun and the naval battles were cool as a novelty. Made it to the end of ACIV, but it felt like a chore because of so much naval stuff and so little actual AC gameplay, also no Desmond. Dropped Rogue in the middle twice and I suppose it doesn't get better further into the franchise, maybe except for Unity.
Same lmao

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There's a game based on Bleach named "Peroxide" on Roblox with 100K players. I thought this was so funny I had to tell you.
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it hasn't had 100k players for several years
It's an okay game but much like everything on roblox is a slave to the engine without extreme work done to it, to basically convert it into another game.
Nowadays it gets 5-6k, when it gets updates it usually goes up to 15k for a couple days.
the big game right now for bleach is "Type soul" which gets 40-50k a day, and is almost entirely PVP. It's much more refined than peroxide but has less to do outside of just kill other players. also less p2w though.
ah. well i just google imaged it i didnt really visit roblox. guess it was a few years old
Roblox has lots of anime based games (or just other IPs besides anime) that get really popular for a short period, then die off. It's just how it goes. If you remember BYOND, before it's nigger laden community shit on the anime scene and killed the engine, it too would get several thousand players a day across a bunch of games.
roblox has the added detriment of being designed to incentivize microtransactions and steal money from children, and with no way to recover spent money on games that get shut down entirely (or just take money promising a launch and then never do, or sell you a product that doesn't exist with the promise of it "coming eventually") it's pretty predatory.
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For example, one of the most popular games (read: THE most popular) on the platform is a one piece game where you can spend upwards of $15 to permanently unlock a single devil fruit power, or $40 to unlock the ability to detect devil fruits as they spawn.
The gameplay? Click to oneshot enemies. You level up, get stats, kill enemies with flashy effects, move to a new island, eventually get to a point where you PVP.
600k players. And it hasn't updated in 6 months now. lmao.
>By: Gamer Robot Inc
crazy how all the popular roblox games are made by corporations now. wasnt like that 5 years ago.

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Fo me it's the mesa.
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Depends, can I marry the egyptian cats?
That drow will be my wife
For me, mountains. I love me some mountains and rocky hills.
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Some guy hooked up a projector to the wall, so we all go hang out watch cool shit while the eggheads whine about shit nobody cares about
>an esoteric anthro fantasy game
uhh based? But that map is just the map of Mars with water.

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