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/vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer

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/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.

Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Multiplayer games includes (but is not limited to) Fighting games, First-person shooters, MMOs, Racing games, Sports games, Board & Card games, Party games, and any other genre of game that requires two or more players. Please post threads about single player games on an appropriate board.

Looking for players? Post a LFP thread. Advertising your game servers is allowed and encouraged! Just don't ask for money or spam the board.

Consider using Hamachi, ZeroTier One, or GameRanger for playing old-school LAN games.

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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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20 hours of play time. A lot of it afk so really this is only about 12 or so. Spent most of the time fame farming YZ.
How much power can you buy if you swipe?
You can buy tomes to skip the gathering grind or use satchel of insight and fame credits to progress faster. I wouldn't buy equipment with real money. You are going to lose it and regret your decision.
I have like 800k but thats because i just roam around bz both fame farming and looking for fights i lost like 150-200k sets few times.
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Mists on a 20k Firestaff build.

>What is Tabletop Sim
TTS is a physics sandbox game meant to be used to play board games online, you can find almost any board game for free in the Steam Workshop, or even create your own!

Hosting is as easy as just opening a lobby and getting the game's workshop item. Post your favorite board games, discuss and play with other anons. Find games in the Workshop (https://steamcommunity.com/app/286160/workshop/) and discuss/host your favorite games!

Of course, if you prefer to play board games through other platforms, like Tabletop Playground, Board Game Arena, or game's digital editions, feel free to talk about and find other players here.

Previous thread: >>1226141
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There's a limit to how relative "tryhard" can be, in a scenario where you have 2 guys playing chess with one playing normally, chill, maybe even sipping tea, and the other literally pulling their pants down and shitting on the board you wouldnt call the first a tryhard just because he's not as deranged as the other
And then in the last part of your post you're confusing the 'tryhardness' of the players with the 'complexity' of the boardgame itself
Even if it were about the games being hosted, there's still nothing 'tryhardy' about them, we always teach and are always willing to change games at a moments notice if the players dont like it
well couldn't find any interest unfortunately but maybe we try again sometime. I am committed to getting one game of betrayal in.
Okay, I get your drift, but that chess example is ridiculous nonsense. Obviously in that case the 2nd guy isn't even playing the game, there is no comparison to be made here.
There needs to be an unstated social contract where you both agree that you will play the game fair and by the rules, and won't stand up to shit on the table for there to be a game in the first place.

>And then in the last part of your post you're confusing the 'tryhardness' of the players with the 'complexity' of the boardgame itself
That's actually a perfectly made argument, but it's not me that it should be aimed at, I'm aware of this, it's the people who did actually confuse one for the other.
Here's a thing. Tell me, which game is going to have a no-nonsense design with minimal amounts of tomfoolery; an easy, light, family game, or a grand strategy with 3 rule books? Which game is to see the tryhards more commonly? See where the misconception stems from?

>Even if it were about the games being hosted, there's still nothing 'tryhardy' about them,
My point was a matter of relativity, some simply consider us to be too serious for the lax fun they are looking for, no matter the fact that we are fairly lax to begin with.
Again, I also think they're wrong, but on the other hand, if you asked some frequenters here to play Munchkin, they would sooner blow their brains out.
munchkin is tryhard as fuck. you're conflating complexity with seriousness. Everybody here plays to win because that's the objective, that doesn't make you a tryhard, everybody here tries to do the best play and also shitposts and jokes around when doing so regardless of the game.
You just want simpler games where you can turn your brain off and there absolutely nothing wrong with that, but tryharding doesn't have anything to do with it.
rehostin battlecon, first time but can teach

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We thought of this idea on /v/ to play through random niche and obscure MMOs we vote on. Preferably games that 4chan hasn't already played together so the experience for everyone is the same. The rules are:
>vote on a game
>whichever gets the most votes gets played
>make a dedicated general for the game on /vg/ and play it for a month
>end of the month vote a new game
Feel free to suggest more games be added to the list and suggest rule changes.
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Literally cannot fail.
I doubt there'll be more than 8 people online at the same time anyways and if there were then the remaining players can form their own parties.
>I feel like there's a better way of doing this
Run it tournament-style with 8 or 16 options. Vote (daily?) on each pairing to get people invested and narrow down mmo theme appeal. If someone's top choice loses they can at least flock to the next near interest that way.

After 4th day, game is sorted and /vg/ is set up. What >>1278698 this anon said is fair I guess. Not super familiar with how having a thread on /vg/ or /vm/ would differ.

I guess you could have the main vote thread on either /vg/ or /vm/ and then cross link the daily vote-offs on /v/?

Dunno, kudos tho, this feels like a fun idea. I just don't give a rats ass about PSU. I'll be keeping an eye on if it's remade or if not just wait until next month's game.
this is what happens when polls get botted, there seemed to be genuine interest in trickster from the posts here but all that vanished after. I'm still open for a revote because the threads on /v/ and /vg/ are sinking ships sadly
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We've got a few people playing man, anyone's free to join

Look at all the fun we're having!

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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.

>>Last Huntoon Goddess, Nut

>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd (findom paypiggies only)
>>Closed Beta, 30th July at 23 Godtoons

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playing smite 1 conquest vs bots again see ya there
See you at the launch
dolzie come back
nice to see someone other than the tranny posting clips. now we just need wubb and genlog to start posting clips again
Don't forget dolize clips!

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Hey frens, Im hosting a modded Terraria server
Rules: 0 griefing/stealing tolerance
Difficulty: Master Death

ip is
and the port is

the mods Ive installed (they should auto install once you join) are:
Calamity Mod
Calamity Mod Music
Calamity's Vanities
GIFs in Chat

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did you turn it off
No. I don't know what happened but I restarted it and it should work now.
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Ok so good news. I managed to streamline the mod pack a bit so you should notice startup is about 9% faster. Anyway, the server's up and running for the time being in case anyone wants to join.
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Your body lies here: BATTERED and BEATEN
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>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.

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I gatekept you from my lobby.
why would you do this... let me in next time bwo
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EB like this?
You still need to farm the raid, you will still get gatekept for not having it and it's not even cheap. Zeals was talking about it on his 2nd channel.
holy sex

i thought this was a mage from the first picture but that ass is a nice surprise

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Anyone still playing Arma 3 or Arma reforger?
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I only play on the PBS server because of this. Just wish it had less russian trolls tho. Hopefully the next update increases the player count on officials aswell then again they are probably gonna stay the same so the servers don't catch fire with AI driving and whatnot.
Is there a gamemode you can just pick up for coordinated pvp play? Conflict just seems like a shitty, oversized version of battlefield.
there's only conflict for vanilla tho some modded servers run koth
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Such wasted potential.

News about any upcoming Events? Bleck.
Dead and dated memes you gotta pay like $8 for? Now we're talking.
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>going negative as the most overpowered class in the game
>when there are two lights on the other team
bro just shoot them. They have 150hp, they die in half a second from all your weapons. Your RPG does 140 already. You just shoot them, it's that easy.
Why aren't you shooting them?
>anime poster
>is a retard
who could have seen this coming
>Battlebit fucked itself over
That faggot dev had everything handed to him and he STILL fucked it up. Literally every problem stemmed from him not being able to work with anybody, it has to be autism.
>Phantom Forces
I would be having more fun at this point, but last I played was probably ~2018 so I'm going to assume they fucked that up as well.

I don't understand why it's so difficult for people to make a competent FPS nowadays. You would think it would be the easiest thing to create since decades of these games exist. I don't notice this in other game genres, but maybe I'm just lucky with my choice of games.
Keep samefagging, you just prove my point.
Wow you suck

SRB2 Kart is a mod of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game engine into a kart racer akin to Super Mario Kart. It's a very lightweight game and runs on most all PCs. Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play
1. Download the game below in 'Full Install (...)'
>Compiling on Linux
2. Unzip contents into a separate folder
3. Load up 'srb2kart-neptune.exe'
4. That's it

>Do we have a /v/ server?
Yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large supply of QoL improvements. First, download it here:

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>Make the rest of the Babylon Rouges.
I'm not really art cutout for doing Wave justice. If i try, it will look like shit and get replaced within 2 days.
besides, i got my own characters i want to add in.
OCs or chars from franchises?
I feel like adding Jet without Wave or Storm is more justifiable than adding Charmy, bringing back Espio, while scrapping Vector.
That's probably because Jet's actually been featured in games by himself. Only game I can think of where another member of the Chaotix got more attention compared to Vector was Sonic Rivals 2.
>added a bunch of nice stuff that was needed but also changed a bunch of shit that is fucking retarded
Outside of the fact that you don't like Arle or Miku being added, what are the other bad changes in this version?
>can make some custom characters.
The Kart maker should be provided with the current version of DRRR, but The SRB2 Workshop has yet to set up the submission page for said game, along with some rules and regulations for said addons.

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>Breaking news:
CONTAINMENT in-game event is live and running until April 16th
YEAR 9 roadmap has been revealed. 2 new operators, 2 operators completely reworked.

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (early access, approval needed)
Full launch during Season 2

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I know, but if it wasn't for peekers adv you could get away with holding angles and therefore positioning/anchoring would be relevant again, rather than swing-maxxing
They should swap defender and attacker weapons then. SMGs are objectively better at long range so why the fuck do defenders have them? Defenders should have to force close range fights to win. No more ACOGs for defenders either.
That's what the sight asymmetry was suppose to help with, but then they just gave ash an acog again
>That's what the sight asymmetry was suppose to help with
All it's done is make defenders with ACOGs meta. Goyo and Melusi went from rarely played to every other round.
I don't understand why ubisoft jerks off defenders so much. They have to know how overpowered defense is right now with all their stat tracking.
I want to play tournaments....

CloverMC is a cracked whitelisted Minecraft server compatible with any version of 1.8. Brought to you through courtesy of ICA.

Reply with your username to be considered for a whitelist and the IP.

It Features:
- Cracked account support
- Web-based login system that allows you to remain logged in for up to a few days at a time
- A map size of 32k x 32k blocks
- No jannies. Other than the owner ximself who takes a hands-off approach to allow muh sneedom of speech to shine (kind of like hausemaster from my favorite faucin tranarchy server 2builders2tools)

As for plugins, there's an anticheat, one for cracked skin support, another for chat greentext, and finally one that (re)spawns you to random coordinates across the map upon initially joining aswell as when dying whilst no respawn point is set. Not for the faint of will.

Rules are simple.
NOTE: This is not an anarchy server
- No janitors.

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floating torch wow~!
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Face house
whitelist sir_nabbbit
alive and well server unlike your parents

>>1278796 (whitelisted)

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

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>spawn in school
>one enemy spawn in same cluster as me
>blink to loot first motherfucker
>fumble and fuck up
>accept defeat and head toward south cluster
>all looted up
>wear clown wig
>Season 3
>Irem with her rare skin ends up being more popular than epics
>Season 4
>Vanya with her rare skin ends up being more popular than epics
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Feels so fucking good to get 12 rocket hits with 1 haze R

Wilderness PKing Edition

>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

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>meanwhile still on the main discord with cpposters and pedos instead of a clean alt discord

the absolute state
>meanwhile still on the PvM and trade discord filled with pedophiles that post cp instead of not using discord
The absolute cope.
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I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This thread. This server, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. Its the yell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your shitposts and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by them. Its -- its repulsive! Isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free... and in this thread is the key, my key. Once Vidyascape is open source, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the source codes, I have to get inside Vidyascape and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me, or you're going to die!
no proof of pedos, no pedoposts in the alt discords :^)

the real cope is being in a discord with pedoposts and pedochannels, and yet somehow being anti pedo. really makes you think
>the real cope is being in a discord with pedoposts and pedochannels, and yet somehow being anti pedo. really makes you think
True but fedposter keeps denying it and it really makes him look bad.

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Is it possible to enjoy MMORPGs as a functional adult?

pic related
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mmorpg's fare really well in asia in general but the western publishers have been avoiding and barring them from coming to the west, so to us it's a dead genre. It's mostly to protect the old game like wow or some older ones to keep it going. It's all about money at the end.
>gameforge murders SOLO in cold blood refusing to port any updates after 2.0
I just wish chinks and gooks release their shit on their own. Blue Protocol is stuck in legal limbo for what feels like few years by now which wouldn't happen if bandai would just publish it on their own, same with Throne and Liberty.
mobile gacha and p2w shit fares well in asia, they haven't made proper mmorpgs in like 20 years
it shows as "mixed" on steam for me.
seems pretty unpolished with a low playerbase but if you're tired of the other hardcore sandbox mmos out there it might be worth a shot. at least it doesn't require a subscription or anything.
ravendawn is slow and boring

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