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ITT: Random browser games you and maybe 15 other people know about
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Not one person mentioned well of souls? Jesus christ man I really don't belong here anymore
shame about all the grind to unlock new cards
Torn City, but its actually incredibly active with over 40k daily players and 8k online at all times, super PvP focused.
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You actually don't need to unlock anything. Let's say I have all the cards and you don't, we share card pools. You might get some of the cards I've unlocked in your shop, and vice versa. The only downside is that you can't "uncheck" cards you haven't unlocked.

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esl pro league playoffs happening, followed by the betboom lan (first spirit matches since the major), and then iem dallas on the 27th
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>twistzz, cadian, naf saving kekindar's career
nexius negative IQ retard
>liquid plays
>hltv sidebar is 10+ threads saying "cut yekindar"
solid .77 rating from the guy who wants to cut the igl
heres a joke: liquid

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>Wait, I can play this in English?
Yes, there are numerous guides and resources on how to get the game translated via DQX Clarity.
>How much is translated?
The entire main story up to the end of version 6.5 is hand translated, while all of the quest and regular NPC dialogue use machine translations because the dialogue for them is stored on the game servers instead of in the game data itself.
>Do i need a VPN to play?
The United States are unblocked but if you live in any other country that isn't the USA or Japan then a VPN is required.
>How long is the free trial?
You can play for free up to a point in Version 2.3, the end of the first expansion, then you have to purchase the All in One pack and a subscription after your first month with the full game.
A payment and subscription guide is on DQXAbbey.
>DQXAbbey Website with many resources and links to guides
>Set Up Guide
>Translation Tools

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for better or worse it's very solo friendly
there's a rental system that let's you hire other people's characters while they're offline, it's capped at +10 levels from your highest leveled job, but the cap is removed for friends or guild members
so if you join a guild you can just hire a party of max level characters to carry you through the whole story
Anlucia gets me feeling a type of way
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>MMO? Yes I better ask if I can play entirely alone.
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Best girl in the entire series tbdesu

How do you rip episodes or clips from peacock? I see so many segments that I want to share as I watch nitro, and most of them aren't anywhere online. OR is there a site where I could download full episodes to clip?? Please and thank you

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Title basically says it all, this server has been online for almost 4 years. It's up 24/7 and doesn't have any players. Why player here? Good question honestly not many players have the answer, BUT if you want a vanilla server with no gameplay rules with an owner that promises that the server will last forever (unless Microsoft shuts the servers for mc down) then this is the server for you.

>Due to the "no rules" aspect spawn is nearly completely destroyed minus a surviving wheat farm that someone built.

>The server's world file is 50.88GB and is 30 million blocks radius (default for servers)

Think of it like your own vanilla server that you can do whatever you want on, and that won't be deleted if you forgot to back up

I don't expect this to get much attention but here's the ip if anyone wants it

>Version 1.20.1

(Don't donate to the server, the hardware isn't great)


This thread is for online board, card, and social deduction, drawing and etc. games that fill up with lobbies/custom rooms.

Poker Chase: https://game.poker-chase.com/play/index.html
100% Orange Juice: https://fruitbatfactory.com/100orange/
Etohana: https://etohana-koikoi.com/
Mafia: https://mafia.baseddpt.com/
Secret Hitler: https://secrethitler.io/
Skribbl: https://skribbl.io/
Monopoly: https://richup.io/
Catan: https://colonist.io/
BGO: https://www.boardgame-online.com/
Worms: >>1003047

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the only way to save /doko/ is to join mumble and shill it live on the draft
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>didnt get drafted to the /doko/ team
Not even fairbros
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Next year dokobros...
>drafted for the doko team
I won.
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now that the draft is over, can someone make a new thread, it doesn't matter if it's on /vg/ or here, I'm getting anxious already...

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Penumbralcraft is a modded full PvP server for those who loved the raw competitiveness of Rust but crave the creative freedom of Minecraft.

The modpack can be found on curseforge (same name as server).
it started off as a kitchensink pack but has slowly turned into a gregtech styled approach to magic+tech

Some themes you'll see:
>Eldritch Exploration: Twisted landscapes, explore outer space, and break into nightmare dimensions.
>Engineering: a tech tree spaning stone age to type III civilization but based off materials and recipes so its possible jump-skip tech gaps .
>Magic: balanced against tech, heavily dependent on rituals and sacrifices.
Cryptids: Exotic mobs and animals ranging from Lovecraft/stephen king to your run-of the-mill furry convention (kos) you can train or recruit.

- no duping
- no xray
- no spam

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the theme is minecraft faggot
go fuck yourself
servers kickin, world limit just got expanded to 12k blocks.

we're getting a new mod for player claims so it can be pvp-friendly. being made specifically for the server.
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low pop looking to grow. here are the regulars

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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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i am
we haven't done ha in weeks, and we're gonna wrap up proph today
just wait
Interesting have a few questions though.

Why drain delusions (skill 8)? I'm pretty sure Fevered Dreams will reapply dazed everytime a new condi is applied (not re-applied) so removing it seems like a waste? And fragility is some very nice AoE damage.

If your inspiration magic is only <9 you are essentially spending 10-15 energy to regain 12, you are also putting that many points into inspiration magic for ONLY that. Even at 0-1 inspiration magic energy tap yields better returns.

As recommendation I would run an illusion mes hero with this as well. Have them go ineptitude for blind spread, and grab arcane conundrum to make the enemy casters weep. Could maybe even stick on Frustration to combo well with the dazed and other mes heros.

Honestly necrosis is a pretty heavy energy investment for a ranger, sure it's only 5 energy but ranger only has 25-35 and you need to spam it. Better off just sticking on Point Blank Shot if your bow damage isn't 0.

no EST we play proph in 2 hours

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nevermind someone already did but forgot to link it here

>Honestly necrosis is a pretty heavy energy investment for a ranger, sure it's only 5 energy but ranger only has 25-35 and you need to spam it. Better off just sticking on Point Blank Shot if your bow damage isn't 0.
so far R/E fire storm and pet spam has been doing it for me but I'm not very far and wondering when I should transition to a real build. not even anything meta, just something a little more than half of one build and half of another
i'm at the grind 2500 rep part of the campaign :)

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Highspell is a small but growing community.

It's gameplay is similar to and inspired by the Original Runescape Classic.

Highspell Official Website:

Highspell Discord:

Highspell Fandom Wiki:
If I wasn't too autistic to play rpg's i would, but i would probably old-school runescape not this lol
looks like hot dog shit anon good work
bumping this because it looks epic
how many people play this? 3 niggas?
now this is pod racing

> onionmc.net
> no usernames
> everyone is anonymous
> fully anarchy creative, on superflat

join up i already have 2 of you fags on here chatting
Uhh, no.
Been on. It's cool.
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its like an old public chatroom. full of weirdos
it's a cool server some of the convos aint bad
OP has been on and is taking feature requests

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I'm a developer of a turn based strategy game and we just released a multiplayer build of it.
We're looking for playtesters and i'd really apriciate if some of you tried the game and gave some feedback!

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Lethal Company Thread
Other thread is past bump limit, I feel like it's worth making a new one with some useful information in the OP for newcomers
Having more than 4 people can be really fun sometimes, though can obviously put strain on the host network.
Here's a good mod preset to start with, doesn't add anything broken, lets more than 4 players join, and grants some quality of life improvements: 018cc8c1-a893-164a-a24d-a43006e55105
To use it you'll need thunderstore here: https://www.overwolf.com/oneapp/Thunderstore-Thunderstore_Mod_Manager
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MoreCompany wipes somehow (few times, 50 hours played)
Kills self/team with jetpack (twice)
Brings no items (inverse teleporter chads rise up)
Boombox (Boombox controller mod tho so I play stuff from youtube)
Putting on the mask (for shits and giggles)
I've only played with irl friends though and we aren't tryharding too much. 2k quota is still easy. That being said one of my bros has managed to piss me off quite many times by buying useless cosmetics before the fucking teleporter...
this but the opposite
Helmet camera and masked enemy overhaul.
Any new standout mods?
>20 seconds in
>multiple clips of screeching soibois and socialist snark

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>be me
>be kayle main in league
>be pretty good mechanically (my friends say I am)
>be shit at macro
>watch all the videos about macro
>still don't understand
>still win most of my lanes from outplaying them
>win after lvl 6
>get fucked by a fed ap carry
>remember league anons kayles base mr is 28
>build wits end and zhoyas
>still died even after having a total of 5 secs of untouchableitly
>next game
>fist counter matchup and win

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it’s literally macro, retard
you’re playing Kayle, which means even if you’re ahead you’re not exerting much pressure - you need your team to survive the early so you can win the late. If you can’t help your team (good macro) then it’s a coin toss whether you will win or lose
play a champion that can more easily exert pressure or stop playing top lane. jungle taught me good macro
Thats because you are talking about a company consiting of nothing but retards. Why do you figure more than 90% of all riot games employees are bronze and iron and why do you think every patch creates more bugs than it fixes. Nowhere in the enitre world of gaming is there a single company with such an incompetent staff as riot games. As the average IQ is 100 my guess would be its 85 or less for riot games as a whole. And I hardly doubt any of their "software engineers" would be able to work at mcdonalds for a single week, simply because we are talking about mentally challanged apes, end of story. And Phreak ofcourse is the biggest joke of them all. He is what you get when you put arrogance togehter with 50 IQ and the will to only destroy good things. Dota 2 was fine. League of legends is a rip off, destoryed by people who can barely hold a fork. Dont bother trying to improve, next seasons its gonna be all different anyway. Btw if you are gold you are at an unfathamable level from their perspective. I am not kidding, you leave every single one of those retards miles behind you
Play a hard solo pusher like nasus instead.
>Hardstuck gold
>pretty good mechanically

pick one please

Still the best game ever free to download on team simple dot cum

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Say something about this silly cowboy game (source mod)
gud game
deserved better

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